New Family In Town!


Hey guys! This is my second story hope you all like it :D


Its about a girl who lives in a small town in Texas. Donna, to be exact. Her life is boring & lame and people make fun of her by the she is & her taste in music, until some transfer students move into the old creepy mansion in front of her house & two of them go to school with her. The family seems very nice to you, but terrorists to the other people & since they moved in, good and bad things has happened in Donna. ****All the names are real, what I mean is they're real people, I know those people, except for the artists. I'm throwing some true in it. Like my name, my friend's name & some events that will happen. *****


First day of freshman year!!!! Woo!!! ***i never knew what forewords were so yeah xD***

chapter 5 is posted! :D


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KassieSykes #1
Chapter 15: ____ you better update!
KassieSykes #2
Chapter 13: Loving it!!!
You're getting better!
I'm proud of you. You emo jpop kpop rock screamo- loving chicken:)
Ultimate_K-Pop_Fan #4
Chapter 12: Awwwwww!! I love this so much!!
KassieSykes #5
Chapter 9: Nadia! I honestly think this story is just getting better ! Keep going!
Chapter 11: Hell Yeah! *BAM*
Okay sorry~
But it was goooddddd:)
KyuBaby!!! XD
Ultimate_K-Pop_Fan #7
Chapter 11: Yay!!! I'm so happy!! This story is awesome!! This chapter made me so happy, even though it was short!
Chapter 10: I like your story, but make kyu move...manlier and let him take care of the business (?) No man wants a woman to deal with his '____' its just not something men like other than that its good~ oh im just wondering will this story have ?
Ultimate_K-Pop_Fan #9
Chapter 10: Don't delete it!!! You should continue writing!!!
I love this story!
Please don't stop!