Don't Trust Him

New Family In Town!

your P.O.V



It seemed like an eternity getting from my house to the hospital. 

I went to go check with a lady 

"I wanna see Cho Kyuhyun,"

The lady typed stuff on her computer and said "Sorry we don't have anybody named like that"

I punched her desk "There has to be someone named like that. Check again! He's an asian teenager!

The lady looked scared. She looked in a notepad "Yes... he's here. In room BB8,"


I entered the room and saw him. He looked so innocent. A Korean angel that fell from the sky. I couldn't help smiling. He was so cute.

He opened his eyes and motioned me to come.

"How you feeling?"


"Who did this to you?"

"I don't know... it was dark... All I remember was a shadow with a beanie," 

"Well, I'm gonna find that person and kick its , I don't care even if it was the president,"

Kyuhyun smiled

"Do my parents know I'm here? And Joon?"

"I told your parents, maybe they got lost or are checking with the doctor. And Joon.... Well I don't know.... Last time I saw him he was at the steps of his house cleaning a....." I got lost in my thoughts. The image of Joon cleaning that knife came to my head.

Kyuhyun was snapping at me. "uhh?" I said

"You ok?"

"Yeah..... I uh... Gotta go, i got some to take care of. Hope you get better bye," I gave him an awkward quick hug and took off.


~ At Joon's house

I knocked. No answer. I knocked harder and Joon opened up. He saw it was me and tried to close the door but i put my foot on the way and pushed it

"What the hell!" he yelled

"Was it you?"


"You know what I mean,"

"No I don't. Get out I'm busy,"

"Were you the one that tried to kill Kyuhyun?"

"What? No! I don't even know what you're talking about?"

"Kyuhyun's at the hospital, someone tried to almost kill him, and somehow you're the only person that came to my mind,"

"Why?" He stepped close to me "Cause you can't stop thinking about me?" he said in a seductly voice.

I pushed him back "No , cause apperantly you hate him,"

"Well I have my reasons but that doesn't mean I'm a murderer,"

"Well I'm gonna find out who was it and if it turns out it was you..... I don't know what I'll do but I'll do something,''

Joon laughed

"Well you done?" he grabbed me from the arm and threw me out of his house.

Gee what an -.-



~Next day at school

"Hey I heard your chinese boyfriend almost got killed yesterday," said Nathan the sloth

"I wish it would've been you,"

"Don't talk to my boyfriend like that," Jessica said as she reached us

"Boyfriend?" I laughed "Well what an awesome couple you guys make! Now I hope you stop harrassing Kassie," I said to Nathan and walked off

The two es are dating. Not surprising.

~1st pd (ELA)

When I came in the first thing I saw was Kellin sitting in Kyuhyun's spot.

Kyuhyun wasn't gonna come until next week but still

"You don't sit there," I said firmly

"Yeah, but chinese guy isn't coming today or tomorrow... or the day after tomorrow,"

"How do you know that?"

"uhhh..... rumors,"

"Well whatever,"

"And did you get to go to the movies with him?"

"No , he's at a ing hospital you retard -.-"

"Oh yeah," he smiled 

Did he know something I didn't?

"And do you have any ideas of who could've done that?

"Nope, well, at fist I thought it was Joon but he proved me wrong... But I'm still searching,"




~At P.E

"Kassie guess what!"

"Omg what? o:"

"Jessica and the sloth are dating! Can you belive that?"

"Well I guess Nathan's gonna stop bothering me now. Harry was starting to get pissed,"

"I thought he already was,"

"Anyway how's your Kyuhyun," she made a stupid girl in love face

I slapped her arm

"He's fine, I'm gonna go see him after school today. Wanna come with me?"

"Nahh... I don't wanna feel like a third wheel,"

"K fine -.-"

"Who do you think did it?"

I sighed "I don't know,"

"You might think I'm crazy but I think that Kellin guy is guilty for it,"

"What? Omg you are crazy!"

"Dude I'm being serious. He looks like those people who would actually do that,"

"You don't even know him,"

"oh and you do?"

"... No but-"

"He seems like a ing drug addict! And he has that e look,"

"He told me he didn't do drugs,"

"And nice Nadia believed him... aww"

" -.-"

"But seriously he even has this weird notebook with names. Some are scratched out and some have a little star next to them.... and I think I saw your name there,"

"oh yeah cause he has a notebook full of the names of all the girls he ed and is gonna , oh yeah, and I'm the next on the list. OK Kassie,"

"I saw a movie like that,"

"Well we're not in a movie,"

"And he's also a man ,"

"Well he's ing cute! if course he's a man !"

"I still think he's a damn e and you should stay away from him,"

I gave Kassie a hug "Ay Kassie you're so Kassie,"

I turned back and saw Joon

I rolled my eyes at him.

Before I knew it he was in front of us

"I think you should listen to your friend and stay away from that guy,"

"Seriously man! When are you gonna stop listening to our converstion?"

"Never," he stepped closer  "I'll never leave you alone cause you make me feel something I've never felt for any girl before,"

"What? A ? It's part of nature," I joked

"Well that too," he grinned

I looked at him with a disgusted face and walked off with Kassie


"Aww Joon's in love with you! He actually has feelings!" Kassie joked

"You're such a sometimes. you know what right?"

"Yes :3"


~After school

I was walking home to get ready to go to the hospital but felt someone was behind me.

I kept turning to see but everytime i turned there was nothing.

It better not be that of joon -.-

Plain afternoon light and I couldn't see !

Suddenly I felt someone grabbing my arm.

holy !

All I knew was that I started kicking who ever it was.

"STOP! It's me Kellin!"

I stopped. Helped him get up and slapped him "Don't do that ever again!"

"Gee you're strong," he said rubbing his red cheek. My whole hand was printed. How awesome was that!

"Well you ing scared me,"

"I was just gonna ask you if you wanted to come and see us play at my garage,"

"Oh no... not today... ihave stuff to do,"



"You gonna see the chinese guy?"

"Maybe.... maybe not.. who knows," 

and with that I walked off as fas as I could


End of P.O.V





NOTE: I know some parts don;t make sense. It's casue I had a really niec chapter written but something went wring with my laptop and it turned off and nothing was saved -.-


well SUSCRIBE if you haven't 

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KassieSykes #1
Chapter 15: ____ you better update!
KassieSykes #2
Chapter 13: Loving it!!!
You're getting better!
I'm proud of you. You emo jpop kpop rock screamo- loving chicken:)
Ultimate_K-Pop_Fan #4
Chapter 12: Awwwwww!! I love this so much!!
KassieSykes #5
Chapter 9: Nadia! I honestly think this story is just getting better ! Keep going!
Chapter 11: Hell Yeah! *BAM*
Okay sorry~
But it was goooddddd:)
KyuBaby!!! XD
Ultimate_K-Pop_Fan #7
Chapter 11: Yay!!! I'm so happy!! This story is awesome!! This chapter made me so happy, even though it was short!
Chapter 10: I like your story, but make kyu move...manlier and let him take care of the business (?) No man wants a woman to deal with his '____' its just not something men like other than that its good~ oh im just wondering will this story have ?
Ultimate_K-Pop_Fan #9
Chapter 10: Don't delete it!!! You should continue writing!!!
I love this story!
Please don't stop!