
New Family In Town!

"Well, bye guys," you waved at Harry & Kassie as you walked to the sidewalk and they waved back. You saw Kyuhyun & Joon arguing in a corner "Sibling fights" you thought. You passed trough there, well you had to pass trough them. You went to the stop sign to wait for all the cars to pass so you could cross the street. You saw Kyuhyun left Joon extremely mad. Suddenly you felt a breathing real close to you. You turned & saw Joon standing next to you. "We'll this is awkward..." You thought. Finally the cars stopped & you could walk across. You looked back to see if Joon was still there, or behind you, but he wasn't. "Well....." You kept walking. When you were 2 blocks from home you noticed a car going really slow, like if it was following you. You tried to see who was inside, but couldn't so you decided to ignore it & kept walking. When you were opening the door of your house you looked to see if the car was still there but it wasn't "Wild imagination," you thought. When you entered you saw something strange, well strange people. "Hi sweety! This is my daughter," your mom introduced you to an asian adult couple. The couple bowed & you bowed back ".... They're our new neighbors, I invited them for dinner tonight" your mom said. You gave a "Wtf" look to your mom, she was being all nice, sweet & . You went upstairs to your room, stood in front of the window that is in front of the upstair windows on the old mansion in front of the street. You looked at it and something caught your eye. There was a shadow, and that shadow was cleaning a knife or something sharp & long very carefully, then the shadow stopped cleaning and just stood there, then start ed opening the curtains, you quickly closed yours and sat on your bed. ! They caught you stalking! "Well that was weird...." You thought Two hours passed. It was already 6:30 pm and your family was getting ready for the special dinner thing "Nadia!" Your mom called from downstairs "I want you to dress decently tonight," she continued. You didn't say anything back so she came upstairs & went to your room "Did you hear what I said?" "Yeah...." "Well, go take a shower I'll pick your clothes," she started going through your closet and let out a big sigh & shook her head. You laughed and went to the bathroom After you took your shower you went to get yourself dressed. You saw your mom's smallest dress laying on your bed, you rolled your eyes & picked a black shirt with a pink tee. When you were done dressing someone knocked on your door, it was your 8th grade brother Luis "What do you want?" You asked "You know the asian family we're having dinner with?" "Yeah So?" "Well people on the neighborhood are saying that they're terrorists! & that they kill people for fun," he whispered. You laughed & closed the door. You looked out the window to the same window on the mansion of earlier, this time the shadow wasn't cleaning a knife,now it seemed to be training like a ninja. Kicks were flying & all those fast hand moves. Then it stopped, again, and stayed still. The shadow opened the curtains & this time you didn't close yours, you wanted to see who that was, but the shadow jumped out the window, landed on its feet & ran to the backyard. Then your mom opened your door "Come down already" your mom said. You looked back at the mansion then closed your curtains & went downstairs. Your stepdad & 3 brothers were already sitting down on the table. Then the doorbell rang "I'll get," you said. It was your neighbors. They bowed & you bowed back. You took them to the table "My sons couldn't come, they're still not adapted to this new place," Mrs. Lee said as she sat down "Aww, that's too bad, well I hope they adapt faster :D" your mother said. "Well let's eat," your stepdad said. Mr. Cho & Mrs. Lee looked at the food with a "Wtf is this" look "Would you like some salad or pasta instead?" Your mom asked "Ramen?" Mrs. Lee asked "Whaat is ... That?" Your stepdad whispered "I'll cook you some c:" you said & went to the kitchen. You looked into your special secret cabinets & took out two chinese ramen cups for microwave & two pairs of chopsticks. When the ramen was done you poured them into cereal bowls & went back to the dining room with them. They looked all professional & . "Thanks dear!" Mrs. Lee said as you put her bowl on the table. Your whole family gave you strange look, they didn't know you had all that in the kitchen. The dinner went as you were expecting. Your parents asking them tons of questions & if they were terrorists, Mr. Cho laughed & said that North Korea people were the dangerous kind. It turns out they moved to Donna because Mr. Cho got a job as a very important member of a popular academy, since he owned one back in his hometown and that their sons were stepbrothers, because Mrs. Lee married Mr. Cho 3 years ago & each of them already had a child. When they left your mom let out a big sigh & said "Man, they're weird," "I know, I'm sure they're terrorists, they just don't want to say it. They have wars over there," your stepdad said. You shook your head & went back to your room "Ignorant people -.-" you thought. When you got to your room you looked out the window & focused on the same window of the mansion again. This time, the shadow was lifting weights, whoever that was, he/she liked to work out. Or at least, that's what it looked like. You were tired so you fell asleep, wondering who was hiding between those curtains. *3 weeks passed, nothing exciting happened. Same routine everyday, the same car following you when you walked home from school. Until one day at school, they introduced a new kid. A bad boy.

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chapter 5 is posted! :D


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KassieSykes #1
Chapter 15: ____ you better update!
KassieSykes #2
Chapter 13: Loving it!!!
You're getting better!
I'm proud of you. You emo jpop kpop rock screamo- loving chicken:)
Ultimate_K-Pop_Fan #4
Chapter 12: Awwwwww!! I love this so much!!
KassieSykes #5
Chapter 9: Nadia! I honestly think this story is just getting better ! Keep going!
Chapter 11: Hell Yeah! *BAM*
Okay sorry~
But it was goooddddd:)
KyuBaby!!! XD
Ultimate_K-Pop_Fan #7
Chapter 11: Yay!!! I'm so happy!! This story is awesome!! This chapter made me so happy, even though it was short!
Chapter 10: I like your story, but make kyu move...manlier and let him take care of the business (?) No man wants a woman to deal with his '____' its just not something men like other than that its good~ oh im just wondering will this story have ?
Ultimate_K-Pop_Fan #9
Chapter 10: Don't delete it!!! You should continue writing!!!
I love this story!
Please don't stop!