Entering Hell

New Family In Town!

Familiar, strange & cute faces were all over the place when you entered. "Hey look there's Ares!:D" Harry said happily, you & Kassie looked at each other with an "ughh" face. Ares was Harry's best friend & was one of you guys bestguy friends as well until some happened. Harry knew that but didn't know the reason, but he didn't seem to care. "Yo! Harry!:D" Ares screamed as he walked towards Harry They did their "Awesome" little handshake they always do. "Hey guys" Ares turned to both of you extending his arms for a hug. You & Kassie looked at each other then awkwardly hugged him at the same time. "You guys still mad?" Ares asked with a sigh You & Kassie looked at each other again. "Look," he sighed again "I'm sorry for everything that happened last year. This is a new year! Let's start fresh, ok? And stay out of drugs!" Both of you knew exactly what he meant. Harry was the only confused one there. "Ok ok Ares" you said annoyed trying to make him to shut up. "We're gonna see some friends,"Harry kissed Kassie's cheek "Catch you guys later c:" Ares threw the peace sign & started walking with Harry. "What's up with Ares now?" You asked confused. "I don't know," Kassie scratched her head "Maybe he was being serious & wanted us to be friends again :D" Kassie sat in a bench near. "Oh well....." You said swinging your legs. You started Looking around to see any familiar faces but then you spotted Jessica making her way to you guys. "! Jessica's making her way over here!" You elbowed Kassie. "! Act natural like if you don't see her," Kassie said looking at the floor. You did the same thing but the first thing you saw as you looked down was Jessica's pink shoes "Hey black crayon," she smiled evilly "you missed me?" She played with her hair "Nope," you stood up "I was actually in a good mood until I saw you" you smiled back at her. She looked at you up and down "you got the wrong school freak, they don't allow freaks in here," Jessica giggled. "Yeah man," Kassie came to your defense "we're in the school can't you see Jessica here? Man sorry for the confusion Jess" Kassie smiled & you laughed. Jessica turned mad and left. "Bam Kassie!" You said between laughs. Your laugh stopped when you saw Nathan the sloth. "Ughh look who's here," you nodded to his direction. Kassie smiled & fixed her shirt. You saw the sloth walking in your direction taking off his sunglasses "He looks like a model," Kassie whispered. You rolled your eyes. "Hello ladies," the sloth grinned. "Hey Nathan," Kassie said blushing. "Hey sloth" you said coldly. Kassie giggled "Hello Nadia," he looked at your clothes "as colorful as always," he chuckled "and you," you looked at his clothes as well "looking stupid like always c:," you smiled. Nathan rolled his eyes & focused on Kassie "so Kassie,". The sloth grinned again "how was your summer, you still with that furball? What was his name...Larry? Perry?" He snapped his fingers"Harry! Yeah him. Don't tell me you're still dating him" he took a step forward to Kassie "Yeah I'm still with him," she stepped back "in fact, we went to the beach together & had a great time :D" the sloth took a deep breath & grabbed Kassie's hand "why kassie why! why are you dating that guy instead of me!" He grinned. "Because I love Harry not you, you're like a friend," she tried pulling her hand away "Dude, let go of my hand you're sweating!" Kassie said disgusted. The sloth blushed and turned to leave "Hey sloth!" You yelled & he turned "Dry your hands before holding a girl's hand" you laughed. He threw the middle finger & walked fast. "You're mean," Kassie slapped your arm. "Well I don't like him! He's a man who wants you to leave Harry for him & not to mention he's fuuuuuugly! & I thought Harry was ugly..." You giggled "Man Nadia I can never win with you!" Kassie laughed. You spotted Fabian, your 8th grade crush. "Look there's Fabian" you told Kassie "well go to talk to him girrrrrrrl" Kassie pushed you gently. You were about to reach him when someone called your name. You turned & saw a guys in supras. It was Gabriel, one of your best guyfriends! "Waaa! Gabriel!:D" You forgot about Fabian & started walking up to Gabriel "Dude I missed you! You said as you got there. He gave you a huge hug "I missed you too my weirdo :P" he said as he let go "how was your summer?" He asked cleaning his supras (if you actually knew him you'll know he's obsessed with his shoes, he wears expensive shoes) "ehh... Boring," you said looking at his new supras. "Let's go with Kassie," you walked & he followed. You started to slow down when you saw she was talking to Fabian. "Hey Kassie Gabriel's here" you said as you got there. All of a sudden Fabian disappeared wtf? You ignored that. Gabriel & Kassie hugged & talked for a little whole then the bell rang. You guys hugged Gabriel good bye. Everybody took different directions, except for you & Kassie. You went one direction cause you had to pick up your schedule in the same room.

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chapter 5 is posted! :D


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KassieSykes #1
Chapter 15: ____ you better update!
KassieSykes #2
Chapter 13: Loving it!!!
You're getting better!
I'm proud of you. You emo jpop kpop rock screamo- loving chicken:)
Ultimate_K-Pop_Fan #4
Chapter 12: Awwwwww!! I love this so much!!
KassieSykes #5
Chapter 9: Nadia! I honestly think this story is just getting better ! Keep going!
Chapter 11: Hell Yeah! *BAM*
Okay sorry~
But it was goooddddd:)
KyuBaby!!! XD
Ultimate_K-Pop_Fan #7
Chapter 11: Yay!!! I'm so happy!! This story is awesome!! This chapter made me so happy, even though it was short!
Chapter 10: I like your story, but make kyu move...manlier and let him take care of the business (?) No man wants a woman to deal with his '____' its just not something men like other than that its good~ oh im just wondering will this story have ?
Ultimate_K-Pop_Fan #9
Chapter 10: Don't delete it!!! You should continue writing!!!
I love this story!
Please don't stop!