Nothing at all

You are my salvation


Carmen’s POV

It has been 15 minutes now that he has been guiding me, and I must admit it was really fun! And much easier than I thought! Suddenly he says:

_ “Okay let’s speed things a bit!”

And without further notice we start spinning, slowly at the beginning, then quickly, very quickly, soon I cannot see what’s going on around us anymore, all I can see is wild figures and....

_ “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, we screamed both as we were landing on the ground”.

_ “Carmen! Are you okay?” He asked, worried

I wanted to answer, but all I could do is burst into laughter. I don’t know why, I don’t know how, but right there, I was happy, that I knew. He looked at me, shocked, for a while, then just laid back next to me and starting laughing too. After an eternity, short of breath, we looked at each other. All I could look at was his eyes, I was drowning, sweet oh sweet abyss... He suddenly got up and said, while helping me get up as well:

_  “Aheum, so, ready for next round?”

As I raised an eyebrow he continued:

_”You didn’t think that’s all the fun one can have with me?”

_ “Show me you what got, Taec”

He took my hand and headed towards the exit. We then returned the shoes and went back to the car.

_”I’m starting to get hungry, that breakfast was ...” He stopped talking when he remembered I was the one who served him breakfast.


Taecyeon’s POV

I always have to ruin it, I could have stopped at “hungry” but no! I had to criticize...

_ “How was that breakfast Taecyeon-ssi, I’m curious to know”, she said with a mean smile

_ “Light, it was light. I’m used to eating a lot in breakfast”

What’s with the sii? 5 minutes ago she was calling me Taec?! This girl just seems to be pushing and pulling all the time! Instead of answering, she just fastened her seatbelt and looked at me.

_ “Late lunch?” I asked

_ “Deh sounds good!”


/*After lunch*/

_ “Say, do you like board games?”

_ “Is this a trap?”

_ “No, come on, I said I’d be nice for today, just answer”

_ “Yeah, depend who I’m playing with”

_ “Mhm, so you’ll love board game with me”

By the end of the day, I drove her back home. When I got off to open the door for her, she was silently looked at me, saying nothing at all, shyly smiling, and I kept looking at her, knowing that this, right there, was the best conversation we ever had.

Carmen’s POV

Two weeks had passed since that outing with Taec. Lunch was great, and we decided to go to a fair afterwards. I have to admit, it was the first time I’ve had such fun in a while. But then there was no sign of him, nothing, nothing at all. And I was getting too busy, with getting promoted and all, to give it time to think. Today I had to overview the first shooting of a CF starring Siwon for a British cosmetics company. That’s right, I pretty much became the bridge between overseas business and Korean entertainment companies. Although I was only responsible for the management of contract signature and putting the right people in contact, I liked to oversee the details myself, plus it never hurts to meet some of my all time favourite idols!

_ “Boss! You’re worse than JD”! Said a voice

_ “Hein”? I replied

_ “Scrubs, the series, you know the main character’s always daydreaming”, said Joe

_ “Oh right, that’s why I love him”

_ “Yeah yeah, so what are the orders chief?”

_ “I’m leaving now for the CF shooting, so while I’m gone, make sure the contract for Taeyang’s  photo shoot is not cancelled, he has a heavy schedule and I don’t think they were very kean on the shooting, but we HAVE TO MAKE IT HAPPEN”!!!

_ “It will all go perfectly, don’t worry” said Joe


On my way, I could not help but think about one reason why he did not contact me. I mean, it wasn’t a date, that I understood, but I thought we had fun... Argh what was I thinking, that he would fall head over knees for me and harass me until I would accept him? Wake up Carmen! Just as I was getting off  of the car, I received a message, maybe...

Hey Carmen! This is Nichkhun, do you have time now?”

I didn’t hear from him either since the awards day. Did something bad happen? Maybe i should reply now

“Hey Oppa, sure! Do you need something?”

As soon as I sent the message, he was calling.

_ “Deh oppa! Is everything okay?”

_ “Carmen-ah! It is so good to hear your voice! I was hoping you would give me a call sometime, but I got tired of waiting”


_ Oh minahe! I was really busy these last days, and...”

_ “Are you still busy these days?  I mean, would you have time to grab a bit with me? I did not want to ask you by text, I understand if you’re busy”

Isn’t he just the cutest when he gets nervous and starts talking about everything and nothing!

_ “Oppa, I’d love to. What do you say about today around 7pm”?

_” Great! There’s a “bistro” I particularly like, I’ll text you the address”.

_ “Alright! See you then”!!

Just when I was about to start thinking about what was going on, I realised I was going to be late, so instead I ran to the studio and arrived just in time as Siwon was getting the final make up touch for the shooting. This dinner invitation surely means nothing at all...

_ “Oh Carmen ssi! So good to see you again!”

He remembered me! Siwon Choi remembered me!!! After about 2 seconds of shock, I was finally able to speak.

_  “Siwon ssi! So good to see you as well! Thank you for coming today! It must be hard to keep up with your busy schedule”

_ “Don’t worry about that! I got used to it! And you’re pretty busy yourself! I heard what a perfectionist you are! I hope not to deceive you today!”

_ “How can you! I am here just to make sure everything goes smoothly, I will leave everything else to you professionals!”

As professional as I was trying to be, I could feel myself blushing whenever Siwon would send me a look or a smile in between the cuts. I mean, seriously, there is nothing, nothing at all that can be done to resist his charms...

_ “So, Carmen ssi, what did you think?” Siwon asked at the end.

_ “It was simply perfect!” I honestly answered

_ “Haha, that is nice of you! Well it was great to work with you!  I hope we will get the opportunity to do it again soon”

_ “I hope so too, Siwon ssi. I have to run now, have a great day”

_ “and you”, he replied

As I was leaving, I looked at the time. It was already 5:30 pm and I wasn’t even ready, and had no idea where that bistro was....I hurried back home, put on the first things I could find in my closet, and went on to the bistro. I arrived at 7:05, and hurried to get in. Nichkhun said he already made a reservation, so I got seated, but there was no sign of him. I decided to wait a bit. The atmosphere in the bistro was certainly the one I like, classy, yet cosy, and warm. I was thinking about becoming a regular customer if the food is good as well when...

_“ Would you like to order now?”

I looked at the time, only to find out that it was already 7:40, and still not here.

_ “I am waiting for a friend, would you mind coming back in a bit?”

_ “Sure” said the waiter with a mysterious look.

Not that mysterious, actually, it was a “you got stood up” look. And I was starting to think he was right! What else would explain his lateness? I decided to wait for 15 additional minutes and then order, and I will certainly not call, asking why he did not show up, if I have one thing remaining, it is my pride...

8:00pm. The waiter was giving me side looks when I decided to finally call him and order, when suddenly...

_Carmen ssi!

I turned around and it was not Nichkhun standing there.

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Chapter 9: Oh my O.o Why do I feel like those Taec lines would be something he would totally say in real life ??? Great work ! WE WANT MOORE XD
OhHai_Channie #2
I would of made sleep on the floor. Having him in the same bed would have killed me. Too much temptation right there. LOL.

We he said "I've seen better." it pissed me off but later I was able to see what he was trying to do there. Even if it was a bit harsh. You go put him in his place.
Niobee #3
@anakyim thank youuuu! I'm still changin the course of the story at each time! This is not where it was going at first XD

@OhHai_Channie I sooo agree!!! Taec is definitely aksjdkskals!! haahahaha
OhHai_Channie #4
This story is addicting. Lol. I want to know who was the person standing there!
Taecyeon is so aksjdkskals... Lol.
MangoKittyCat #5
I look forward to this story the most now
Niobee #6
@bigbangisawsome6 You're most welcome! I'm doing my best to update on a daily basis, but I'm so sleepy now haha

@anakyim oh great! 'cause once I start writing, I just can't seem to stop XD

@OhHai_Channie, more Carmen POV :b!!! hahaha I always see GD as a player and some sort of cute ert, thought it would be nice to include that!! :D

Enjoy the chapter ^^
OhHai_Channie #7
Omg! This chapter killed. The ending was epic. I need more! Lol. Haha... GD caught checking her out.
I can't imagine what it would be like to meet all those idols.
Oh, Taecyeon you are such a bad boy.

You thought of me? Yay! I feel special. Hahaha... :D
MangoKittyCat #8
The longer the better
bigbangisawesome6 #9
Thnxs for the update ~"!!!"""
Niobee #10
@anakyim thank you for your feedback!! Please keep giving me your opinion!

@bigbangisawsome6 thank you! I hope you like the new update!!

@OhHai_Channie I wrote the whole chapter as carmen's POV while having you in mind :D. Seems like I hit a few right infos while writing the fictional Carmen :b