Chapter 2: Day One Part One

Through Crystalline Skies

Taeyeon's POV

We've been waiting for this Hayley Smith person for hours already. Normally, I'd be very patient but I only slept an hour last night and can't wait to get to our temporary dorm where I can nap comfortably. I think I've been spending too much time around Sica lately. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around, only to come face to face with the latest source of my sleep preventing distractions. 

"Tae, are you okay?" She asks with a worried expression overtaking the beauty of her features. I simply nod and force a small smile. 

"Yeah. Why?" She smiles and pulls me over to a seat. 

"You at lying, Tae." I give her an odd look and she points to a small scuff mark on the floor. "You were pacing back and forth so quickly I thought you were going to get dizzy." 

"I didn't do that." I try to argue lamely. She sits down beside me and lays her head on my shoulder, the sweet smell of her shampoo rising into my nostrils and overloading my senses in the most relaxing way possible. She nods and I snuggle closer to her, the familiar feeling of sleep beginning to seep in. 

"Of course, you didn't." She sighs. "Tae, you know I'm here for you when it gets to be too much. Please take better care of yourself." I smile.

"Ne, Pany-ah~" I say as cutely as I can. I can feel her eye-smiling even though I can't see it. What have I gotten myself into? Falling for a friend is one thing, but falling for a fellow member is the greatest taboo there is for us. Not that I haven't seen members from other girl groups locking lips backstage in the darker and more hidden areas, but So Nyuh Shi Dae members agreed the first night we spent together in our first dorm that we would never fall in love with each other even though all of us were straight. Look at that. I'm already saying we aren't straight anymore. Of course I'm just babbling about myself at this point, but who else am I supposed to talk to?

"Tae? TaeTae? Are you okay?"

"Hmm? Yeah. Just peachy keen." I say in a very convincing tone if I do say so myself. She lets out what sounds to be a frustrated huff.

"You said you were going to stop worrying about things by yourself." She sits up abruptly and I fall over, missing her being in such close proximity. 

"I'm not worried about anything." I grumble. "I'm sleepy, Pany. I'm just suffering from a lack of sleep." She helps me sit up and once again sits down beside me. She gently pushes my head onto he shoulder and covers us both with her jacket.

"You should've said something earlier. I'll wake you up when she gets here." I nod and let sleep take over.

Tiffany's POV

I watch the girl sleeping on my shoulder carefully and move the hair out of her face as gently as possible. I hope she never finds out that I broke the promise we made about not falling in love with our own members. Don't get me wrong, I totally adored guys when I was younger, but as time went by, men became less and less attractive to me. I'm not gay. Or I don't think I am, maybe I'm just gay when it comes to her. I don't think that I've ever felt what I feel for Taeyeon with the other members. Damn. I just admitted it to myself. I groan and look away from the adorable girl next to me. I think I'm just sinking myself in deeper. What will Taeyeon say let alone do when she finds out about my feelings for her?! 

"Are you okay, Tiffany-ssi?" I look up and my eyes meet the most gorgeous colored eyes I've ever seen. Taeyeon's are still my favorite though. "Tiffany-ssi?" I snap back to my senses and gently slide Taeyeon off of my shoulder, placing her into a new position that seemed comfortable. I stand up and the teenager in front of me bows. "Annyeonghaseyo, Hayley imnida." I smile and bow in return.

"Nice to meet you, Hayley. I'm Tiffany." She bows again and I can see that she is just as nervous as we are. "Don't be so uptight." I smack her arm lightly. "We're friends now."

"Really?!" I giggle and nod.

"We can't live together without being friends." I say and she smiles. Something about her seems a bit odd. She looks pale and if I'm not mistaken, fragile. Is she sick?

"Taeyeon-ssi must be very tired. I'm sorry to be an inconvenience to you." I look over at the sleeping angel on the seats and smile. 

"Nah, we've been very busy lately. If anything, we should be thanking you for giving us a much needed vacation." I look around and notice that I can't locate any of the other members. I check my phone for any messages and sigh when I read a new message from Jessi.

To: Tiff

From: Jessi

The rest of the members headed to the new dorm to set up a surprise party. 

"Is something wrong?" I look up and see Hayley looking at me with a worried look. I shake my head and look over at TaeTae. 

"Just wondering how to get Tae to our new dorm." She nods and when our eyes meet, I notice something I didn't before. Her eyes are a beautiful blend of blues and golden specks, but something about them doesn't seem right. Her face has paled at least one more shade and there is sweat lining her forehead. "Are you okay, Hayley? You don't look so good." She stares at me, her eyes unfocused. Something's definitely wrong. 

"I guess plane rides aren't meant for me." She says with a glazed over look in her eyes. I can tell that she isn't being honest but it isn't my business to look into...yet. I simply nod and crouch in front of Taeyeon. 

"TaeTae, wake up. Hayley is here." She shifts slightly but remains asleep. After struggling to get her on my back and apologizing to Hayley for not being able assist her with her luggage, we walk to Taeyeon's car. I lay her down in the backseat and sit in the driver's side with Hayley next to me. 

"Tiffany Unnie-" She pauses to think for a while. "I can call you Unnie right?" I look over at her and smile.

"Of course." I respond, my attention remaining on the road. 

"Am I really not causing you any trouble?" I smile.

"The only one causing me trouble right now is knocked out in the backseat." I can hear Taeyeon moving around in the backseat and then a low murmur. 

"Wow, I didn't really think she spoke clearly when she talked in her sleep." Hayley says and chuckles loud enough for me to hear it. 

"Yeah, we think it gets worse when she's under a lot of stress." I stop at a red light and hear Taeyeon sit up. Her arms wrap around the headrest and end up on my face, suffocating me. "Tae, let go." I say loudly. Hayley watches us intently, a smile on her face. 

"Pany-ah, saranghae." She says clearly and I can feel my cheeks heat up. I remove her arms from me and she falls back on the seat with a loud plop. I chuckle nervously and look over at the sleeping woman in the backseat. Why do you say things like that? It makes it more painful for me because you'll never mean those words the way I wish you would. 

"Like I said, it gets worse with stress. She hasn't been sleeping lately because of her busy schedule." Hayley nods and I can tell she isn't convinced.

"I actually want to tell someone I think I can trust." She suddenly says and I turn to look at her momentarily. I notice that she's switched to English, probably so Tae won't understand if she wakes up, but Tae is actually very good at understanding English. It's just speaking that she has a problem with. 

"What is it?" I ask.

"I..." She takes a deep breath. "I'm dying. When I was younger, I was diagnosed with a rare heart disease." She says and I slam on the brakes. Good thing we're alone on this road. I think. I look over at her and I can immediately see it. The tired look in her eyes, her pale complexion, her very thin physique. Everything about her points toward a very difficult life. "Please don't tell the other members. I really want to cherish these moments that I have with all of you and not have everyone worried that I'll pass out or something."

"Then why tell me?" I ask worriedly.

"Because I know you'll help me find the courage to tell them someday." She smiles at me and I smile back. Can I really do that when I don't even have the courage to confess? 

"You seem to think very highly of me." I laugh. "Anyway, how old are you?" 

"17. In American age of course." I nod. We have quite an between us. 

"Now for the most important question of all." I say and start the engine again, only to park a little further from where I stopped before. "Are you ready to meet So Nyuh Shi Dae?" She nods excitedly and we step out of the vehicle. I finally get Taeyeon to wake up long enough to get on my back again while Hayley retrieves her luggage from the trunk. We step inside the elevator and smile at each other when we reach our floor. I open the door and almost drop Taeyeon when everyone pops out of nowhere.

"SURPRISE!" I hear a thud beside me and see Hayley clutching her hand to her chest with a pained look on her face. 

"OMO! We didn't mean to scare her that bad." Says a worried Yuri. I motion for someone to take Taeyeon and Yoona walks over, taking Taeyeon off of my back and into the room I'm assuming is hers. I crouch next to Hayley and make her focus on me. 

"Breathe, Hayley." She nods anxiously and I grab her hand. "Look at me. It's okay." She nods and I can tell that she's in a lot of pain. "Where's your medicine?" I whisper and she pulls a bottle out of her coat pocket. "Get her a glass of water." I say and Sooyoung comes back from the kitchen trying not to spill the glass of water while rushing over. Hayley says a strained thank you and takes her medicine. 

"I'm okay." She says after a few minutes. The rest of the members excluding the knocked out Taeyeon help us up and lead us to a large living room. 

"We're sorry." They bow apologetically and Hayley smiles.

"It's fine. My brother loves to scare me, so I'm used to it." 

"You speak perfectly in Korean." Seohyun comments and we all realize that it's true. 

"Thank you. I've been studying Korean since I was 7, or I mean 8 in Korea." I hear shuffling feet coming from one of the rooms and smile when I see Taeyeon walking out of the room with major bedhead. She sits on Sunny's lap and snuggles into her neck. Not jealous. Not jealous. Dammit I AM JEALOUS!

"Have you said hello to Hayley yet, Taeng?" Taeyeon sits up and bows to Hayley while she's still half asleep. 

"Hello." She says and resumes her previous position. Sunny suddenly shoves Taeyeon off and she hits the floor with a loud grunt. "YAH! SOONKYU!" 

"You're heavy." Taeyeon pouts and sits up slowly.

"Awww. Poor TaeTae. C'mere." I say and she walks over to me. She sits on my lap and hides her face in my neck.

"You smell nice." She whispers and my face heats up. I stifle a nervous laugh and look at the floor. 


A/N: I had a really hard time typing this on an iPod because I just had surgery and my laptop is not a good idea at the moment. This thing is really hard to type on...Please enjoy the story and leave a comment if you want to. Thanks for reading!

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TwerkingGogumas #1
Chapter 10: Taeyeon's homing beacon. PFFFFFFFT. xD
NamelessWonton #2
Chapter 10: The things that made me laugh the most: The Pickle Lord and Taeyeon's homing beacon. I seriously got a kick out of that. lol

Man I really hope this can have some kind of a happy ending. I'm shipping HyoLey pretty hard, but unless there's some kind of miracle I can't see how it would end well. I'd totally be down with a random life saving miracle.
NamelessWonton #3
Chapter 8: I'm enjoying this WAY more than I expected. I don't usually like stories that have an original character as the main character. Dunno why exactly, but I don't. HOWEVER! I'm loving this one. I seriously can't wait for your next update! <3
Azarius #4
Chapter 8: You finally update! /o/ I'm really a fan of this story :3
It was a good chapter, I will waiting for more HyoLey moments :3
TwerkingGogumas #5
Chapter 8: Ughhhughhugh I can't explain how much I love this fic. <3
TwerkingGogumas #6
Chapter 3: I normally hate fanfics that add the author or an OC into the story. But this one is an exception. I'm only two chapters in and I can tell that it's very well-written and Haley being a Locksmith. xD Oh God. I was laughing harder than I should have.
Chapter 7: Omo!! SooSun is so adorable!!!! I love this!
Azarius #8
Chapter 7: I was panic you wouldn't update anymore..lucky you write a new chapter, maybe short but that better than nothing! Taeny finally together! Soosunly family is cool! Only Hyo is out of kim/kwon/choi family. Will she be a in-law from choi's? xD update soon!
Chapter 7: Ahh~!!! Nice chap you did, hehe... ^_^
So would you be able to update frequently now?? O_o
Azarius #10
Chapter 6: New reader. Oh..^^, your story seem to be simple but actually is so sweat. It has so much little details that make it perfect and beautiful! I love every chapter!! Update soon! I like Hayley too much, hope somewho she don't die. Soosunly, love that xD