Chapter 10: Trapped

Through Crystalline Skies

Sooyoung POV

"Okay." Jessica says very nonchalantly. 

"That's it!? You can't agree just like that." I exclaim. What about Hyo? What's in this for her? A short relationship and then...and what about Hayley? This could break the both of them.

"Why can't I? We're sure that they like each other. You know Hyo's already set her sights on the kid anyway. What's the problem?"

"Did you just hear what you said? 'Set her sights on the kid'. Is their not enough of a reason? That's a felony!"

"So? We all know about that fling you and Krys had, which I am still dead set on killing you for by the way." My eyes widen at Sunny's glare. What the hell? FLING? WHAT?

"What are you talking about!? I never did anything with Krystal! She's your sister for God's sakes."

"Didn't you confess that you dated my sister for a while?"

"NO! I've been with Sunny for years! Why would I ever...with...EW!"

"Then who told me about...wait here." She walked into Tiffany and Hyoyeon's room before a loud scream was heard.





"NO! IT WAS YOUR STUPID KWON SEOBANG! NOW GET OUT!" Hellsica runs out of Tiffany's room and charges into hers.

"Sica-baby, I found that old painti-OW!"




"NO! I SWEAR! WAIT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT PEN!? NO! AHHHHH! MY FACE!" I turn towards Sunny and laugh slightly.

"I need sleep." She nods and we walk into our room, chuckling at the sight of Hayley curled up in the covers. "When do you think she came over here?"

"Probably during Sica's ruckus. I saw Taeyeon put her phone in the toaster a while ago. I should go make sure her weird sleepwalking self doesn't turn it on." She leaves and I walk over to Hayley. She looks like a normal teenager when she sleeps; like she's not sick. I start changing when I hear a groan and a scream from behind me.

Hayley POV

A flame spreads throughout my chest in a rush of white hot pain. I let out what I think is a scream, but the combination of my heartbeat and white noise in my ears prevents me from hearing it. I in a labored breath and wince at the feeling of razor blades traveling down my windpipe. My hands make their way to my chest and pull at my clothes. This pain. I want it gone. Someone help me. Someone take it away. Make it stop. A fresh wave of pain floods my nerves and leaves me a trembling, screaming mess.

"—Ley! Hayley!" I groan in response. Maybe this person can help me. Please help me. I feel a rush of coolness rush down my throat and swallow in hopes of chilling the fire burning in my chest. Soon after, I feel my head clear and the fire raging being extinguished, leaving a dull throbbing in its wake. I open my eyes and in deep breaths despite the ache in my throat. 

"How are you feeling?" I hear a voice ask. I'm too fatigued to see who is asking me questions.

"Like...I...just...swallowed a....tank." The bed sinks slightly and my head is pushed onto someone's shoulder, their hands rubbing my back softly. "Thank you." I say, swallowing a lump in my throat. My eyes sting and I hate myself for crying. I'm supposed to be strong. I'm supposed to be fearless, but I'm not. I'm just 17. I'm still a kid and I'm two weeks away from losing everything. I can't do this alone, but I can't ask for the involvement of others either. If anyone has to suffer, it should be me. I've suffered for ten years. Adding two weeks to that pain wouldn't be difficult. Would it? 

"Hayley, what's wrong? Does it still hurt?" I nod. It does. It hurts. It has always hurt. It will always hurt. "Where?" It hurts everywhere. Please, make it stop. I shake my head and hope that whoever this is will stop asking questions. They pull me closer and start singing, rocking me slightly. Their voice is husky, but soft and comforting. 

"Hyo, is she feeling any better?" The singing stops and I groan slightly. I like the singing. 

"No, she's running a fever right now and she says that it hurts, but refuses to tell me where. I'm not sure if we should give her any cold medicine because of her medication. We can't afford to have her react badly to it right now. For now just bring me a damp rag and a lot of water to keep her hydrated and soothe . She must have damaged with all of her screaming."

"Will do, Dr. Kim."

"Thank you, Nurse Choi." I feel my head spin at the mention of these names. Am I in a hospital again?

"H-home." I whisper. "No..h-hospital."

"No, Hayley. No hospital. We're home."


"Yes, home." In a moment of mental clarity, I realize that I am in Hyoyeon Unnie's arms. I should feel embarrassed, but I like it here, so I won't complain.

"H-Hyoyeon Unnie."

"Yes, Hayley?"

"Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me."

"No, I do. You made the pain go away." I lean upwards slightly and press my lips to her cheek. I pull away and nuzzle my face into her chest. "Goodnight, Unnie."

"G-goodnight, H-Hayley."

Sooyoung POV

I freeze in the doorway. Hyoyeon-ah, please choose someone else to love. Anyone but her. Please, anyone but her. I'm foolish for having such thoughts, but they bubble up all on their own out of concern for my best friend. Foolish indeed, because I know I would still choose to love Sunny if she was terminally ill. Love. Love is foolish. It doesn't allow you to make clear-headed choices. It doesn't allow you to think of anyone but that person. It doesn't allow you to escape. Love, my dear friend, is a trap. One I hope you can be the first to escape from.

"Hon, what are you doing in the doorway? Leave the stuff and let's go sleep in Taeyeon's room. She's sleeping in Fany's room." I don't answer and mindlessly walk in and place the tray full of requested items on the nightstand beside Hyoyeon. She stirs and opens one eye, her gaze moving towards the cool, damp rag on the tray. I hand it to her and she places it carefully on the sleeping girl's forehead. Watching the look in her eyes while she gently caresses Hayley's cheek makes me anxious. 

"Thanks, Soo." I nod and leave the room. 

"Soo, you're worrying me. What's wrong?" Sunny asks, her hand reaching for mine.

"Nothing. Let's go sleep." I take her hand and lead her to our temporary room, sluggishly burying myself within the blankets and letting my consciousness fade away. It's too late. She's trapped.


A/N: A short and quick chapter to make up for my lack of writing for over a month. I'm seriously grateful that you guys put up with me. This chapter is one of the aforementioned angsty chapters. I added a little comic relief in the beginning because, like the douche that I am, I make you laugh, then I make you feel like crap. Or at least that's what happened to me haha I was feeling pretty damn great and then my friend told me that I had to dress like the girl I am for some pictures and I got pretty irritated. I know that my constant wearing of jeans, t-shirts, and chucks can be annoying to a stylish person, but my tomboyish likes that kind of style haha It's like putting a football jock in a just doesn't feel right to dress in girly clothes. I wasn't irritated with my was the mere idea of having to wear some girly blouse that annoyed me -___- So...because I was in a bad mood, I dragged you all down with me. Great person, aren't I? Sorry, by the way for my ranting. I'm still slightly dreading tomorrow. Anyway! Thanks for reading and let me know what's on your mind after reading this chapter.

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TwerkingGogumas #1
Chapter 10: Taeyeon's homing beacon. PFFFFFFFT. xD
NamelessWonton #2
Chapter 10: The things that made me laugh the most: The Pickle Lord and Taeyeon's homing beacon. I seriously got a kick out of that. lol

Man I really hope this can have some kind of a happy ending. I'm shipping HyoLey pretty hard, but unless there's some kind of miracle I can't see how it would end well. I'd totally be down with a random life saving miracle.
NamelessWonton #3
Chapter 8: I'm enjoying this WAY more than I expected. I don't usually like stories that have an original character as the main character. Dunno why exactly, but I don't. HOWEVER! I'm loving this one. I seriously can't wait for your next update! <3
Azarius #4
Chapter 8: You finally update! /o/ I'm really a fan of this story :3
It was a good chapter, I will waiting for more HyoLey moments :3
TwerkingGogumas #5
Chapter 8: Ughhhughhugh I can't explain how much I love this fic. <3
TwerkingGogumas #6
Chapter 3: I normally hate fanfics that add the author or an OC into the story. But this one is an exception. I'm only two chapters in and I can tell that it's very well-written and Haley being a Locksmith. xD Oh God. I was laughing harder than I should have.
Chapter 7: Omo!! SooSun is so adorable!!!! I love this!
Azarius #8
Chapter 7: I was panic you wouldn't update anymore..lucky you write a new chapter, maybe short but that better than nothing! Taeny finally together! Soosunly family is cool! Only Hyo is out of kim/kwon/choi family. Will she be a in-law from choi's? xD update soon!
Chapter 7: Ahh~!!! Nice chap you did, hehe... ^_^
So would you be able to update frequently now?? O_o
Azarius #10
Chapter 6: New reader. Oh..^^, your story seem to be simple but actually is so sweat. It has so much little details that make it perfect and beautiful! I love every chapter!! Update soon! I like Hayley too much, hope somewho she don't die. Soosunly, love that xD