Chapter 6: Day Two Part One

Through Crystalline Skies

Hayley's POV

I wake up at three in the morning and can't lull myself back to sleep. I sit up and glance over at the figure on the bed to my right. Taeyeon Unnie mumbles something and rolls onto her back. I stifle a chuckle and get out of bed. I walk into the hall quietly and shut the door without making much noise. Making my way into the living room, I notice the light is on in the kitchen.

"Unnie." I whisper and the figure sticking her head in the fridge jumps up. She stares at me wide eyed while holding a small slice of cake.

"Gosh, Hayley you scared me." Her free hand moves up to the space above her heart. 

"Mianhe-yo, Sunny Unnie." She laughs quietly and sits down at the dining table. I join her and watch silently as she goes back into the kitchen. She sets a piece of cake in front of me along with a fork and a glass of milk. "Thank you, Unnie." I whisper and she sits back down with a glass of milk and a fork for herself. 

"Why are you up?" She asks, cutely fumbling with the cake on her fork that threatens to fall. 

"I woke up already." Her eyes meet mine and her eyebrows raise.

"Seriously? It's only been like 3 hours since everyone went to bed." I nod and shove cake into my mouth.

"I'm the type that can't go back to sleep once I wake up." I mumble before washing down the cake sticking to the roof of my mouth with milk. 

"That must really ." She said, eating half of the slice with great vigor. I laugh and she looks up at me.

"Looks like you learned a thing or two from Sooyoung Unnie about how to eat your food. Relax, I'm not going to take your cake away from you." She smiles sheepishly and I reach across the table to wipe the corner of with my thumb. "You eat cake like a five-year-old." I giggle and grab a napkin, dabbing part of it with the condensation from my glass of cold milk. I wipe her cheek and her forehead because she's somehow managed to eat her cake with her entire face instead of .

"I feel like a child when you do that." She says and pushes my hand away. I smile and return to my own food. "Hayley." I look up from my last mouthful of cake perched on my fork and meet her gaze. I set the fork down and place my palms on my thighs, sensing that the conversation that follows will be very serious.

"Yes?" She sighs and places her hands on the table.

"Sleep with me." My eyes feel like they're bulging out of my head. I hope it doesn't mean what my erted teenage mind thinks it means. 

"Eh?" I reply lamely. Her face falls and she sighs heavily, placing her head on the table. She puffs out her cheeks and it occurs to me that she's very cute even when she's not trying.

"Soo and I had a fight last night. She roomed with Tiffany and Hyoyeon and left me alone." She looks at me with teary eyes and I nod. I guess things like this are expected in relationships. Don't get me wrong. I was in a relationship with Will before he passed away, but we didn't live together. If we had a fight, he'd leave my hospital room and walk to his, or vice versa.

"Okay, Unnie. Do you want to go to my room or to yours?" I ask, downing all of the milk in my glass and eating the last chunk of my cake left. She smiles and stands up, taking my dirty dishes and washing them with hers. I waited patiently for the small woman in front of me to finish her task and turn around with a bubbly smile.

"Let's go to your room. I miss Taengoo's weird sleep talking." I chuckle and nod, taking her hand in mine and leading her to the room I share with Taeyeon Unnie. Taeyeon Unnie sits up with her eyes open and scares the living crud out of me.

"Annyeonghaseyo! I'm SNSD's Kim Taeyeon! You're very cool." She yells then slumps down onto her bed and begins to snore lightly. I look at Sunny Unnie and she laughs quietly.

"It's weird how much I missed that." She says and climbs into my bed. I climb in after her and pull the blankets up to cover ourselves from the comforting coolness coming from the open window. She wraps her arm around my shoulder and places my head on top of her chest. I place an arm on her waist and she rests her hand over mine. "Goodnight, Hayley."

"Night, Unnie." Soon, her breathing slows down and her hand slides off of mine and onto the mattress. Oddly enough, I begin to feel tired and give in to sleep. 

Sunny's POV

I wake up to the sound of the door opening and muster every last bit of strength to open an eye and see who entered the room.

"So this is where you were." She says, kneeling on the floor beside me. "I didn't expect you to come running to Hayley." I look over at the teenage girl sleeping soundly in my numbing arms and back to my irritating yet loveable girlfriend. 

"I didn't expect you to seek refuge with Tiffany or Hyo either." She sighs.

"I'm sorry. It was stupid of me."

"Yeah, it was. I can't believe you got so mad at me for laughing at Hyomin's text message. You already know that she's straight as a ruler. Why are you being so unreasonable?" I whisper, careful not to wake Hayley up. Sooyoung's gaze drops to the floor.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." I lift myself up slightly and kiss her forehead. She looks over at me with sad eyes and I smile.

"It's fine. Let's not worry about it anymore." I say. She nods and smiles, giving me a peck on the lips. "What time is it?" I ask, barely noticing that it is still dark.

"5 AM." She answers. I sigh. No wonder I'm still tired. She glances at Hayley and then at me. "Can I sleep here?"

"I don't think we'll fit. It's a single bed." She pouts and I can't help but kiss her.

"I don't wanna sleep without you." She complains.

"Fine then. Go back to our room and I'll be there soon." I whisper. She nods and leaves the room like a ninja. Seriously. I didn't even notice when she left. I try to slide out of Hayley's bed, but her grip on me is too strong. "Hayley." I whisper.

"Mmmm...5 more minutes, mom." She says in English.

"Hayley, let go." She shakes her head cutely and latches onto me even more. "Wanna come with me?" I ask and she nods, still asleep. "Come on then, stand up." She stands up, gripping the corner of my shirt and I pull her along into the room where Sooyoung is waiting for me on the bed we made by pushing the two smaller ones together. 

"Why is she here?" Sooyoung asks, pointing at the sleepwalking Hayley following behind me.

"She seems to think I'm her mother and refuses to let me go."


"She's sleepwalking." I say and wave my hand in front of an unmoving Hayley's face. She does nothing but begin to sway on her heels. 

"She's cute." Sooyoung says through a giggle. "I always wanted a daughter of my own from the group." She says and I smile. I lead Hayley over to the bed and she let's go, crawling under the covers and searching for a warm body to cling onto. I close the door and walk back to the bed, where Hayley has made Sooyoung her own personal teddy bear. I join the two and snuggle close to Hayley. She seems to recognize my body and turns around, wrapping her arms around my waist. 

"She likes me more than you." I say to my pouting girlfriend. She sticks her tongue out at me and wraps her arms around Hayley.

"She said I'm her favorite." She replies with a smile and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever. Go to sleep already." I say in an effort to end this play argument.

"Night, Bunny."

"Goodnight, Youngie." I whisper before succumbing to my incessant need for sleep.

Hayley's POV

I once again wake up, but this time I find myself in between two people. I rub my eyes and look around. I'm not in my room, so who's room am I in? I look up at the face of the person who's allowed me to use their chest as a pillow. I smile when I see Sunny Unnie breathing steadily, so this must be SooSun's room. I turn my head slightly and find Sooyoung Unnie sleeping peacefully. I'm completely immobilized by Sunny Unnie's arms and Sooyoung Unnie's arms and legs. The door opens and two figures peek their heads in.

"Oh, there you are. You scared me. I couldn't find you when I woke up." I smile and give an apologetic nod to Taeyeon Unnie and Seohyun Unnie. "It's a little past noon, aren't you hungry?" My eyes widened. I have my 17 years of life woken up past noon unless I was in surgery or undergoing treatment the day before. Those meds...they knock you out so well that you sleep for around a day straight. I've also never fallen back into the clutches of sleep after waking up at all, even after a treatment.

"EH!?" I yell before I can cover my mouth. Sunny Unnie suddenly jerks awake and looks around the room in a panicked state. "Sorry, Unnie." I whisper and she just nods sleepily.

"It's okay." She says and hugs me closer to her, slightly pulling me away from Sooyoung Unnie.

"So, what happened here? Why is Hayley with you two?" Taeyeon Unnie asks.

"I've claimed her as my child." Sunny Unnie says and I laugh.


"She let me sleep with her last night because Soo abandoned me, Sooyoung woke me up at 5 AM to apologize, we agreed to go back to our own room, but Hayley refused to let go and followed me around while sleepwalking. Then Sooyoung decided to just claim her as our daughter since most of you guys have 'kids'." She explains, still half asleep. 

"Sorry, Umma. I didn't let you and Appa sleep comfortably." I say, trying to hold in a very bad case of the giggles. She looks down at me and kisses my forehead before flicking Sooyoung Unnie's. 

"Yah, Shikshin. Wake up, your daughter is hungry."

"Hmm?" She moves slightly, burying her face in my neck and going back to sleep.



"You're going to suffocate your daughter." She opened her eyes and greeted me with a kiss on the forehead. My own mother rarely even kisses my forehead, so this is quite an odd experience for me.

"Sorry." She mumbles.

"Appa, I'm hungry. Let's go eat." She suddenly sits up and runs out of the room screaming, "FOOD!" 

"Come on, Hayley, let's go eat before your 'appa' eats everything all by herself." I nod and grab onto Sunny Unnie's shirt, trailing behind her like a duckling following its mother. We sit down and I laugh when Sooyoung Unnie's eyes meet mine.

"What?" She mutters, cramming more food into .

"Appa, you look like a chipmunk." We all laughed and continued eating. While I'm washing dishes, I feel someone watching me. "Oh. Hi, Hyoyeon Unnie."


"Did you need something?" She shakes her head and smiles at me.

"Just wanted to see how you were doing after yesterday."

"I'm feeling great." She nods and then I remember what she did for me. "Unnie."


"Thanks for what you did yesterday." She nods, her face turning a shade of pink. "Is something wrong?"

"Huh? Ah. No, it's was my first kiss." She says while looking at the floor and my face heats up. 


A/N: Oh ho ho~ Hyoyeon's first kiss? -3- haha Well, slightly lame chapter, but it is the creation of the SooSunLy family...^^ 

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TwerkingGogumas #1
Chapter 10: Taeyeon's homing beacon. PFFFFFFFT. xD
NamelessWonton #2
Chapter 10: The things that made me laugh the most: The Pickle Lord and Taeyeon's homing beacon. I seriously got a kick out of that. lol

Man I really hope this can have some kind of a happy ending. I'm shipping HyoLey pretty hard, but unless there's some kind of miracle I can't see how it would end well. I'd totally be down with a random life saving miracle.
NamelessWonton #3
Chapter 8: I'm enjoying this WAY more than I expected. I don't usually like stories that have an original character as the main character. Dunno why exactly, but I don't. HOWEVER! I'm loving this one. I seriously can't wait for your next update! <3
Azarius #4
Chapter 8: You finally update! /o/ I'm really a fan of this story :3
It was a good chapter, I will waiting for more HyoLey moments :3
TwerkingGogumas #5
Chapter 8: Ughhhughhugh I can't explain how much I love this fic. <3
TwerkingGogumas #6
Chapter 3: I normally hate fanfics that add the author or an OC into the story. But this one is an exception. I'm only two chapters in and I can tell that it's very well-written and Haley being a Locksmith. xD Oh God. I was laughing harder than I should have.
Chapter 7: Omo!! SooSun is so adorable!!!! I love this!
Azarius #8
Chapter 7: I was panic you wouldn't update anymore..lucky you write a new chapter, maybe short but that better than nothing! Taeny finally together! Soosunly family is cool! Only Hyo is out of kim/kwon/choi family. Will she be a in-law from choi's? xD update soon!
Chapter 7: Ahh~!!! Nice chap you did, hehe... ^_^
So would you be able to update frequently now?? O_o
Azarius #10
Chapter 6: New reader. Oh..^^, your story seem to be simple but actually is so sweat. It has so much little details that make it perfect and beautiful! I love every chapter!! Update soon! I like Hayley too much, hope somewho she don't die. Soosunly, love that xD