Don't Forget Me -Ch6-

Don't Forget Me


Those words continued to ring through both their ears. The silence wasn’t awkward, they just continued to stare at each other with unlimited affection, it was like nothing else mattered. It was just them in their own world with only each other. But Hoon couldn’t take it anymore and he grabbed the younger’s chin and shared a deep and passionate kiss with the other full of all the love and affection he had bottled up; until now.

Hoon broke the kiss but his vision was blurred from the thumping of his heart and the beautiful eyes of the creature in front of him.

“I love you so much” Hoon whispered lips still ghosting over Dongho’s.

“I love you more” Dongho went in for another kiss but Hoon pulled away and Dongho looked at him confused.

“I don’t think that’s possible” Hoon kept his hand on Dongho’s chin and shook his head in disbelief while smirking.

Dongho grabbed Hoon’s hand from his own chin and looked at him seriously.

“Well of course it’s possible” Dongho yawned and continued to stare at him with seriousness written all over his face.

“Nope” Hoon shook his head. “It’s not, now eat before I kiss you senselessly” Hoon started to eat but Dongho continued to look at him innocently.

“Who needs food when I have you. Your my daily vitamin that fulfils my hunger just by looking at you. Maybe I don’t want to eat this” Dongho pushed his plate away and crossed his arms with his head held high and his nose pointing in the air in a childlike way, and along with that he yawned once more. Hoon blushed and stuttered.

“W-well … I love you morer!” He stuck his tongue out at the other but Dongho just looked at him with a ‘is that it?’ look.

Dongho leaned closer “Well I love you morest”

Hoon leaned a little bit closer too. It was like they were in some kind of battle … one of which they were fighting over who loved who more…

“I love you morer than morest” That was it to send Dongho flying over the edge as he threw himself at Hoon from the position, on the floor he was sitting in, next to the other. He latched on to the elder and kissed him passionately. Hoon held him closer as he let the younger dominate in their searing kiss; their tongues finishing the war that they had already started with one another. They both discarded their food as the floor table was swiftly pushed aside so Hoon could lay Dongho down on the carpet without anything being in his way to hurt the younger.

Hoon hovered above the younger, still attached by the lips, not wanting to lean on his sore, so he supported his weight on his hands while Dongho was trying to pull him closer by his neck.

Hoon broke the kiss.

“I don’t want to hurt you”

“You won’t … You promised remember?”

“That’s not what I – wait you remember that?” Hoon looked at the younger shocked and Dongho just nodded his head still clinging on to Hoon’s neck like a baby koala. “B-but how-“

“It was important to me, so I remember and think about it all the time” Hoon smiled with a little blush and Dongho yawned again. It was only midday but he seemed so exhausted. Hoon was about to say something but Dongho pulled him down for another chaste kiss, it was , and Hoon could feel something tingling in his pants. He didn’t want to feel this way right now but he couldn’t help it when he had Dongho’s writhing form under him, it was just so ual and he could feel the lust slowly over take him as he listened to Dongho’s words and was now completely on top of the younger’s body. He moaned into their kiss as he felt the younger’s arousal pressed up against his own.

Dongho removed his hands from Hoon’s neck and began to slide them down the elders back. He got to the hem of the shirt before sliding his hands in feeling the soft warm flesh of Hoon’s body. His heart was tingling but he was starting to get drowsy. Hoon was pumped, ready to go, but as he felt the younger slowing down he was curious and so he opened his eyes and just as he did Dongho had fallen asleep. Hoon cursed under his breath.

“Really? Right now?” he spoke to the sleeping figure knowing there wouldn’t be a response. Hoon sighed while gathering the sleeping younger in his arms and taking him to the bedroom to sleep.

“It’s seriously only midday, what is wrong with this kid,” He spoke to no one in particular. But seeing Dongho’s sleeping form only made him smile and blush as he placed the younger on his mattress and tucked him in.

He swept the bangs off of the younger’s face just so he could look at the beauty that was before him. He just lay beside him and continued to his hair.

“I’ll never leave you I promise”


Hoon woke up startled. And looked at the clock which flashed 6 pm in big, bold red. He hadn’t even realized he had fallen asleep. He looked to his right and saw Dongho snuggled up next to him with a contented smile. He’s felt this a lot lately and said over and over but … He really couldn’t be any happier right now.

He watched the younger stir awake and was greeted with a warm smile.

“Morning” Dongho smiled and snuggled closer to Hoon. Hoon chuckled in amusement.

“It’s not morning silly, it’s still night, you fell asleep at like .. lunch” Hoon started to the youngers cheek with affection. Dongho sighed not giving a care in the world as he snuggled impossibly closer to Hoon. Hoon just chuckled again trying to ply the younger away from him but failing.

“Yah, get up we need to eat” Hoon was still trying to push Dongho away but still to no avail.

“I’ll just eat you” Dongho said nonchalantly with his eyes still closed.

Hoon’s face grew bright red and he nudged the other with his hand repetitively until he would wake up.

“Yahhhhh! Don’t say that, you fell asleep on me last time and your just gonna do something like that again. Aish. Such a brat.”

“Hmmm, I’m sorry,” Dongho snuggled closer trying to yearn for forgiveness from the other by acting cute. It was working. Hoon just chuckled and held the younger closer, his head resting on top of the others.

He was comfortable. But then he was interrupted by his phone going off. Huh? Strange. I thought there was no reseption. He thought to himself. He reached over and picked up the phone.


“There hasn’t been any reception for the past week, What did you need?”

Hoon looked confused which caught Dongho’s attention. Dongho Grabbed his lovers chin so he could look him in the eyes. He gave him a look of worry.

“O-okay, see you tomorrow then” He put his phone down and looked at Dongho still gobsmacked from the news he had just received.

“What’s wrong?” Dongho grabbed Hoon’s face lightly with both of his hands to make him look him in the eyes.

“I have to go to work tomorrow”

“That’s not so bad, I’ll miss you, but you have to go” Hoon giggled but shook his head.

“No, that’s not why, but now that you mention it, it may have a little effect. One of my patients that I have to introduce myself too every time I see her … remembers me”

Dongho looked at him with wide eyes, “Really?”

“Yeah, I’m trying to think how that’s possible, oh well, I guess I’ll find out tomorrow. You seem awake enough to be able to eat so c’mon.” Dongho groaned at the lack of warmth that left his body when Hoon stood up. Hoon looked at the figure still sprawled out on the bed and chuckled to himself. He went over to the side and grabbed the others wrists. Dongho groaned in protestation as Hoon pulled him out of the bed. He wasn’t so concerned about the younger’s sore as it had pretty much healed by now, it was just scabby. Dongho still refused to move so Hoon picked him up bridal style and took him to the kitchen where he sat him down on the bench.

Dongho slumped on Hoon’s shoulder like a child, whining and carrying on.

“You can’t sleep till you’ve eaten. What do you want?”

“Left overs” Dongho mumbled.

“Well at least it’s easy” Hoon pried Dongho from his shoulder and Dongho sat up … reasonably straight and waited.

Hoon brought the lunch out that they had discarded earlier (he cleaned it up just before he put Dongho to bed) They ate it peacefully and occasionally laughing at each other from the way they ate.

Dongho finished first and Hoon told him to go clean his teeth.

“I’m not a baby”

“Your my baby, and I have to take care of you, now go” Dongho walked away cheeks red but face furrowed in annoyance.

Hoon chuckled and cleaned the dishes before cleaning his own teeth as well. He walked into his room to see Dongho sprawled out on the bed leaving no room for Hoon himself. Hoon laughed to himself and crawled up the bed. Laying on Dongho’s back.

Dongho grunted from the heaviness of his partner and couldn’t move.

“That’s okay, if you won’t move over I’ll just sleep on top of you”

“ ah woolm do vhoie if ah ffew u” Dongho mumbled into the sheets since his face was pressed against the sheets.

Hoon giggled “What was that?” He rolled off of the younger and moved his arms and legs over so he could fit. Dongho pulled his head up and looked at the elder with a cheeky smile.

“Don’t worry!” Dongho put his head back in the sheets to try and get away from the question.

“I’ll tickle you” Dongho didn’t listen so Hoon tickled his sides lightly trying not to hurt him … to much.

Dongho Squirmed.

“Ah! Ok, ok ,ok I said I wouldn’t do that if I were you”

Hoon looked at him suspiciously yet knowingly. “And why’s that?”

Dongho tried to avoid the elders gaze but to no avail as his chin was stuck between a hand.

“N-no reason” Dongho couldn’t peel his eyes away from the other’s. They were deep brown orbs that stared into his soul.

“Go on say it, I wanna hear it” Hoon smirked evily.

“I-I forgot”


“I’m not lying I-I swear”

“If you weren’t lying, you wouldn’t be stuttering”

“I’m not lying”


“I’m noott” He whined.

“Tell me or else”

“Or else what?”

“Or else..” Hoon leaned closer so that his lips were ghosting over the younger’s. Dongho swallowed in fear but closed his eyes from the lust that was beginning to envelope him.

“I’ll make you regret it”

“H-how” They were quiet now, almost inaudible. Hoon used his other hand to use his fingers and teasingly walk up Dongho’s side until he reached just above the younger’s hip.

“Because,” Hoon pulled back and Dongho felt empty from the lack of lips against his own.

“I’ll tickle you!” And that’s exactly what he did, Dongho was a laughing fit on the bed. Hoon finished tickling and was in hysterics next to the other. Dongho looked at him out of breath and sort of frustrated.

“Yahhhh! This is what I’m talking about!”

“Huh? What exactly is THIS Dongho?” Hoon smirked at him.

“You know what I mean” Dongho laid down and faced the opposite way from Hoon, all scrunched up in a tight ball and keen on just falling asleep in a pit of black.

Hoon pulled the blanket up over both of them and enveloped Dongho is his embrace. The younger was tense but relaxed as soon as Hoon had him in his arms.

“But I want you to say it” Hoon whispered on to the back of the youngers neck.

Dongho rolled over to face the other. He planted a small soft kiss on the others lips and looked him in the eyes.

“I love you, and you make me .. w-want you.” Dongho said shyly as he looked down and started circling patterns on Hoon’s chest.

Hoon Chuckled and just held the younger tighter.

“I want you, more than ever, but I don’t want to hurt you.”

“So you can tickle me but you won’t want to WANT me!?”

Hoon laughed a little louder this time.

“I do, but I don’t I don’t want to hurt you. We will see, now sleep”

Dongho snuggled a little closer and sighed in contentment.

“I love you” He whispered.

“I love you more” Small snores were heard from the younger and not long after Hoon himself had fallen asleep.


That night was one of the best sleeps They had ever head.

Hoon woke up and looked at the other who was still sound asleep. He quickly went out into the lounge to grab the book for when the younger wakes up.

But as he was walking back something felt different, he didn’t really pay attention to what I might be; he was focused on not being punched in the face or anything of the sort. He walked back into his room and took another glance at the peaceful face of his lover smiling as he did so. He placed the book next to the bed and looked at the curtain which had a slight glimmer shining through.

Huh that’s odd, it’s brighter today.

As he opened the curtain he gasped and wanted to cry.

The rain had stopped … completely. 

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I really love this :)
Hoon is so sweet and gentle while Dongo is cute and innocent.
I love how you made the story flow naturally.
This is so sweet and that made me smile like crazy.
Chapter 10: *cries* beautiful story :'(
Chapter 10: YOU UPDATED. ASDFGHJKL; WHY'D YOU TAKE SO LOOONG?! I'm so happy you updated! ;v; Thank you! It was soooo cute!
hehe love the story! new subbie! :) cant wait for next update!!!!!!!
dvilhunt #5
pls update soon....
i really wanna know what will happen next^^
I love it!!! Update soon~~
Really sweet story :)