
A Change

4Minute's Huh--Hit Your Heart is basically the title

you guys can guess the rest ^^

a cameo of yours truly: 4Minute~

well it IS Cube anyways back to the story~


(DooJoon's P.O.V.)


 'What was she doing here Anyways?? This was a Beast concert...'

I was utterly confused at her sudden appearance. Shouldn't she be off with SM or something? Not that I don't like her or anything-wait I DON'T like her. Aish I do-as a friend I mean!!! My brain is too confusing...


(HyunAh P.O.V)

'Why was Yoon Doojoon-shii acting that way? It is cause he is stressed right?' I felt all depressed all of a sudden. I headed towards the other girls. They all seemed happy and smiley. 'I hope I can fake happiness...'

What's weird was arenn't I supposed to like Junhyung? Isn't that what the fans want. Well then thats what I will give them.[my fans] I am not going to fall for Yoon Doojoon. "fighting!!"

(NO One's P.O.V)

They all looked at HyunAh and she smiled awkwardly. Then everyone laughed the awekwardness away...  

Short Sweet 4Minute Cameo -.-

Hope The Silent readers wont be silent anymore >.<

Sorry that its WAAAY toooo SHORT

HuH--4Minute<33 I Support Cube ^^

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totally back to updating! Please continue to support: I don't like silent readers >:O


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Yay, an update^^ where were you? *puffs out cheeks*
Lol a'ww cute seunghyun. More updates please :))
omg, finally you updated :D i thought you've abandoned this fic :P and the update's nice ^^ so cute :3
good for you ^^ but i think the chapters are too short. i wish you could make it longer :)
@weird pairings unnie. waaah thank you for commenting. having you talk to me had me think up so ideas.! I am going to start writing again :D
finally finished reading after over 20 chapters *rubs eyes* it's not bad. i like it especially when my b2stly boys are here ^^
ktothepop #6
What are they going to do with their dongsaeng? Aigooo~ ^^<br />
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I wish this story was real! >< being followed by all of the beast member especially gikwang (my bias) kekeke.
Haha who dusent love prince jjang ?! :D
Hyunseung *O* i effing love him lmao <3
rough draft! you might want to put extra or something ^^<br />
oh i just started reading and i can't wait for the next chapter! is Hyoyeon still going to be in your story, i was really hoping she would :(<br />
hyoyeon <3 Doojoon *HINT* *HINT* XD
I haven'y commented in a while xD<br />
I think it should stay as like a rough draft :D