I don't know where it goes


I woke up with Baekho’s strong arms around me. He is just so cute he really conforted me yesterday. I looked at the sleeping boy, would he mean some more with this?
What if he loves me?
I am not sure if I can answer his love.
I am straight.
I let myself carefully go out of his hug and I walked downstairs where I saw Chohee busy with making breakfast, ‘Goodmorning Chohee.’ Chohee looked up surprised ‘ Hi Ren.‘ 'why are you so surprised?’  I didn’t think you would wake up this early.’  I looked on the clock it was 7 am.
‘Whoo yes it is indeed really early.’
‘Are you feeling better now?’  Chohee asked. Concern filled her voice.
‘Yes im alright now.'
‘Why were u crying?’
how did she know? I thought Baekho and I where alone when I cried I thought by myself.
‘I was crying because I lost a lot of important photos.’
Chohee nodded ‘ Photo’s of who?’
‘My grandma.’
‘Aww that’s sad.’
I nodded this all felt a bit akward.
‘But how do you know that I cried? ‘
‘I walked back to see if I didn’t forget anything, and then I heard you were crying.’
I nodded again.
‘It's really not that I wanted to stalk you or something.’
We didn’t know what to say after that so we just ate or breakfast in silence.

‘I got to go’ said Chohee suddenly.
‘Have a nice day at school.’
‘Thanks, and you have also a nice day.’
‘Bye and thanks.’ she grapped her bag and ran outside.

I sat on the couch watching TV zapping though the channels, there was nothing interesting. And I couldnd keep my thought focused on it. I had to think about Baekho’s hug, he wouldn't do that to the others or I didn’t see that. I Have to tell Beakho that I'm straight before he confesses his love to me. But how would I do that without breaking his heart. He must think that I also love him.
My thought got interrupted by Minhyun who came downstairs.  
‘Goodmorning Ren.’
‘Goodmorning Min.’  
‘Are you feeling better now?’
I sighed of course they all saw me with Baekho.
‘Yes I feel better now’
‘So Baekho and you err.’  said Minhyun a teasing way.
I felt my cheeks becoming red.
‘It's really not what you think, its just…. err...’
and then I didn’t know what to say anymore.
‘Just? Just what?’ Minhyun asked laughing.
At that moment Baekho walked downstairs.
‘Morning Ren and Minhyun.’
‘Morning Baekho.’  We replied at the same time.
I really hoped he didn’t hear our conversation.
But I was afraid he did, because it looked like he blushed a bit.
‘Breakfast is on the table.’ I said to change the subject.
‘We have to wake JR and Aron up first.’ noticed Minhyun.
‘I will do that.’ Baekho said as he ran upstairs again.

A few minute later we sat around the kitchen table,  JR and Aron still looking tired, you could see that they stayed up long last night.
‘Doesn’t this feel a bit awkward?’ Asked Aron.
Everyone looked with a “What are you taking about” face.
‘I mean that we are eating at a strange table, in a strange house.’ explains Aron.
the rest nodded.
‘We should buy something for Chohee, as a thank you present.’ I suggested.
‘Yeaah good Idea!’ JR said suddenly more awake then he was a second ago.
‘Im in!’ said Baekho while raising his hand. Everyone followed his idea and raised their hands to.
´I think that we have to buy more than that.’ Minhyun said.
At that moment they realised that almost all of their clothes were burned and they only had the clothes they wore yesterday and the pyama’s they lent from Chohee’s Brother.
‘Okay let´s go to the city then.’  I said with a bright smile.

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sorry we didn't update for such a long time. But the new chapter is up now!!


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jamyung #1
Chapter 7: he fell alseep so cute
update soon
jamyung #2
Chapter 6: me love pizza too
update soon
this is wonderful
Chapter 4: update soon! and faster!
jamyung #4
nice she saw him again
update soon
jamyung #5
so sweet to her
update soon
hope they will get closer
jamyung #6
such a sweet fisrt chapter
update soon
love it
I Wanna hug too! ^^ cute and Interesting story~ I like it! Update soon