My Visit To The Bridal Shop

My Name Is Kim Jaejoong And This Is My Life As A Substitute Agent

"I'm substituting what?!" I accidentally shouted as soon as I heard what he said. That was all I could say as my brain tries to register the bad news again and again.

"I can explain the mission fully, Jae hyung." Changmin said. I looked at him and he stared back at me.

"Come on, I'm waiting." I urged him. Changmin nod and touch a few things on his table before asking me to look at the screen.

"Your mission is to substitute Kim Youngwoong for a month. In that one month, you're going to stay with Yunho, sleep with Yunho, go to work with Yunho, cook for Yunho, do everything for Yunho because you're going to be Jung Yunho's wife. You can't refuse this because this is an important mission and you're KSA's best agent so far." Changmin explained.

"What has me being the best agent got to do with this mission? If it's that important, why don't you do it then?" I asked. Changmin just smiled.

"I don't substitute, Jae hyung. That is your job. My job is to manage the agency. The decision is final. You're going to get married to Jung Yunho." Changmin said so seriously that I could only laugh at him. I'm going to get married with Yunho. Haha. That is the most funniest thing I've ever heard.

"Me getting married with Jung Yunho? The Jung Yunho?" I asked, chuckling a little.

"Yes, Jae hyung. You're getting married under the name Kim Youngwoong or Hero Kim, whichever name you prefer since it's the same person." Changmin said. That registered on my mind quickly and I went speechless. I'm going to be Kim Youngwoong and I'm going to get married with Jung Yunho. My mouth went wide open as I stayed frozen.

"Jae hyung, you ok?" I heard Changmin asked me as I see him walked towards me. He looked at me closely.

"Jae hyung. Jae hyung? Jaejoong hyung!" Changmin screamed right infront of my face, successfully making me concious again.

"Why is Hero doing this to Yunho? Why?" I asked softly.

"You'll never believe what I'm going to say." Changmin said, shaking his head. I think I'm going to have a mental breakdown.

After the shocking mission given to me, I was sent back to my office. I played with my pen as I started to ponder on the mission. Can you believe it?

Hero Kim has a boyfriend and it isn't Yunho. Does Yunho know about this? If he did, why is the marriage still going on? The constant ringing from the telephone made me jerked up. I looked at the white phone before answering to it. It was Changmin.

"Your client's mask and voice changer will be available tomorrow morning. Pick that up at the resear...Why am I explaining it to you? You know the procedures. Gosh." Changmin started complaining.

"Anything else, Min?" I asked. I'm getting bored hearing him talking.

"Just remember, starting from tomorrow evening, you'll be Hero Kim. Take care of yourself and don-"

"Bye Min."

"Wait! Karam is sleeping in my house from tonight onwards since you're going on a mission tomorrow and Junsu is starting work tomorrow morning also. So, is that alright with you?" Changmin asked.

"Yes. Can I hang up now?" I asked.

"Yeah. Someone is he-"

I hang up before resting my head on the table. I closed my eyes as I let out another sigh. Hero is so bad. How could he do this to Yunho? Now that they're getting married in a few days, he's chickening out and asking someone to substitute him. How irresponsible.

I heard someone knock on the door. A silhouette that resembles just like Changmin was outside. It was definitely him.

"Get in, Min." I called loudly as I supports my head with my right hand. The door slides open.

"You know you could just call me and I would an-Yunho?"

"Hi. Can I come in?" Yunho, who was leaning on the wall asked me.

"Did you see a sign saying that Jung Yunho is not allowed in here outside my office?" I asked as straightened up my body.

"There is?" Yunho asked before walking out, looking around for the fictional sign. Haha. He is so cute. I feel like pinching his cheeks right now.

"I can't find it. Am I really not allowed in here?" Yunho asked, pouting a little. Aww. I giggled before motioning for him to come inside.

"There is no sign. That's why you're allowed in here." I said.

"What are you doing here?" I continued as I motioned for him to sit on the seat infront of me.

"Shall I get you a drink? Coffee or tea?"

"It's alright. I dropped by Changmin's office just now because I had a meeting in the next building. I wanted to ask the chairman out but he said he was busy so he offered the vice-chairman to come with me instead." Yunho explained as he places his hands on the table, interlocking their fingers together. Vice-chairman? Changmin, you're a genious! I love you!

"I've already got the chairman's permission to take you out. Are you free? Because if you're not, I'll just leave." Yunho said. I shook my head.

"No, no. Of course I'm free. But...where are we going?" I asked.

"Great. You have a car, right?" Yunho asked. I nod as I looked at him.

"I do but I brought my motorbike today. It's parked outside. Why?" I asked.

"Then, you just have to follow me. I parked my car outside too." Yunho said before standing up.

"Ah alright then." I said as I grabbed my briefcase, stuffing the files I just got from the HR Department inside quickly. I stood up before smiling at him.

"Let's go then." I said. Yunho gestured for me to go first. I walked out from my office first before we walked side by side towards the elevator. I can't believe this is happening. Shouldn't he be with Hero now? It's their wedding. They should prepare on some things, right?

Wait, to think about it, I'll be substituting Hero so technically it's my wedding with Yunho. That sounds perfect if not for me having to use Hero's name instead.

"So, how are your wedding preparations?" I asked. All I get was a smile before a sigh came out. I looked at him worriedly.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing. It's just that I can't believe I'm getting married in like three days. That's all." Yunho said.

"Yunho? Can I ask something?" I asked as we walked out of the elevator. I greeted the people who greeted me while looking at my man. Wait, did I say that? I meant my friend, Yunho.

"Sure." Yunho said as he flashed his bright smile towards some of the ladies staying rooted in the middle of the building. As we walked out of the building, I quickly asked my question.

"Did you regret? Getting engaged with Hero Kim? Getting married with him?" I shoot out the questions one by one.

"Regret?" Yunho asked me. There was a few seconds of silence before he answered.

"Yes and no." I shot him a weird look.

"You mean?" I asked as we reached our cars. His black Audi A4 was parked right infront of my bike.

"I'll tell you the answer once we reach the place." Yunho said. I got on my bike as Yunho did the same with his car. I followed him closely, not really caring on my surroundings. We were driving for an hour now when Yunho turned his car to the left, driving into a lane.

I followed suit and parked my motorbike behind his parked car. I took off my helmet before walking towards him, after keeping the helmet inside my motorbike. I looked around. Wait a minute. Bridal shop? What are we doing here?

"You must be wondering why I bring you here. Let's get inside first." Yunho said as he pulled me inside the white building. He's holding on to my hand!!! I looked down, trying hard to stop blushing. Yunho stopped after a minute of walking.

"Yunho?" I called him. He turned around and I looked down at our hands.

"Oh, sorry." Yunho mumbled before letting go of my hand.

"It's alright. Yunho, what we doing here?" I asked, looking at him.

"Well, I helped you choose a suit in the shopping mall that time. It's time you return the favour." Yunho said before walking deeper inside. Wait, favour? He don't mean...

"Wait, Yunho." I called before grabbing his arm.

"You're not asking me to help you choose your suit for your wedding, right?" I asked. He wants me to do that? Shouldn't he and Hero be doing that instead? Together?

"What do you think? I'm not asking Changmin since he'll definitely give me his sarcastic remarks. Actually, I did ask but he suggested me to take you instead." Yunho explained.

"Where's Hero then? Can't you take him instead?" I asked.

"Youngwoong went to Milan so I had to do this by myself." Yunho said.

"If you're worried about not choosing the right suit for me, it's alright. I trust you." Yunho continued before ruffling my hair, messing it up in an instant. He smiled at me before calling for someone.

"Seul Gi? You inside?" Yunho shouted. His voice vibrating through the whole bridal house.

"Yunho. You're finally here." A woman dressed in a red dress walked towards the both of us. Trust me, I don't know where she came from. She eyed me up and down before looking at Yunho.

"This is?" She asked Yunho. I pretended to look around.

"My friend, Jae. He's going to help me." I heard Yunho say.

"Alright then. Come on now, both of you." She said as we followed her inside. How big is this shop anyway?

"I've already made the suits that Hero picked. You just have to try it on and choose your favourite among them." Seul Gi said before gesturing for Yunho to sit on the couch provided. He sat down before asking me to sit with him. I shook my head. What would people say if we're seen together? Probably nothing.

"Come on. I'm sure it'll take a long time. Here, sit beside me." Yunho said as he pulled me down towards him. I sat down reluctantly beside him. Seul Gi emerged out from a huge wardrobe full of black and white suits. She was pulling on to a clothes rack with black suits on the whole rack.

"Try all of them on and we'll see what we can do with it." Seul Gi said. Yunho stared at Seul Gi before Seul Gi look at him questioningly.

"What are you waiting for, Yunho? Go and try it. The changing room is inside." Seul Gi said as she pulled Yunho up to his feet. Yunho grunted but followed what Seul Gi said. He took a few of the suits before dragging himself deeper into a dark corridor which probably leads to the changing room. Seul Gi chuckled before settling herself down beside me.

"What's your name?" Seul Gi asked.

"Kim Jaejoong." I answered as I shuffled in my seat.

"Have you known Yunho for a long time?" Seul Gi asked again. Ok, she's interrogating me.

"Not really. Just a couple of days." I said.

"Couple of days? That's weird. Yunho oppa never brings someone he knows only recently to meet me." Wait, what?

"Yunho oppa?" I asked.

"Yeah. Yunho oppa is my cousin. Is there something wrong with that?" Seul Gi asked, probably wondering why I sound so shocked.

"Ah, nothing." I looked around instead of locking eyes with her.

"You like him?" I heard Seul Gi asked. I turned to look at her, wanting to answer the question when Yunho walked out of the dark corridor.

"Stop interrogating him, Seul Gi. Doesn't mean that I brought someone means that he's my boyfriend. Don't pressurise him. Is this alright? I like this one best." I looked at Yunho who was wearing a black suit with a black bowtie.

"How do I look, Jae?" Yunho asked me. I gave him an 'OK' sign and Yunho started grinning.

"I'll take this one, Seul Gi. I'm done with this, right? Tell mum not to bother me with this anymore. Jae, could you wait for me outside? I need to talk to Seul Gi privately." Yunho said.

"Alright. I'll wait outside." I said before walking out of the bridal house slowly, admiring the wedding gowns and suits displayed all around the shop. I stepped out and sat on my bike. I waited for almost ten minutes on my bike before deciding to go back inside. Hey, I don't like to wait so long, you know?

I was just about to go inside when I saw Seul Gi stopping Yunho from walking away from her. She looks kind of...worried. Yunho looked at her before nodding. He said some things before patting Seul Gi's head a few times. I should go back to my bike. I rush back to my bike before settling myself on it. Yunho appeared at the entrance a few moments later.

"Sorry. Did you wait long? Seul Gi wants to use my car so can I hitch a ride?" Yunho asked. I nod as I got down from my bike. I kept another helmet just for fun usually. I passed him one and he put it on after sitting on the bike. Wait, where am I going to sit then?

"Uh, Yunho. I have the keys here." I told him, showing him the bunch of keys I was holding.

"I'll drive. Let's go somewhere. You hungry?" Yunho asked as he grabbed the keys. "Not really. I just ate lunch with Changmin." I answered as I got on the bike.

"Let's have some coffee." Yunho said before turning on the ignition. The bike roared before Yunho swerve it around, heading towards the main road. We stopped infront of the traffic light.

"Jae, you should hold on to me. You might fall." I heard Yunho say. I shook my head and that's when I felt him grabbing my arm before wrapping it around his waist.

"Keep holding on to me and I'll answer the question you asked me just now." Yunho continued. Question? What question? Oh wait, that question. I kept silent as we rode the bike together. Surprisingly, nobody notices Yunho and me. Yunho stopped the bike outside a coffee house and I immediately got off.

"Should I answer now?" Yunho asked as he takes off my helmet.

"It's your choice." I answered as I placed my helmet on my bike once Yunho gets down from it.

"You asked whether I would regret, right? I won't regret it because I got to meet you again during the engagement party but I'm already regretting that I'm not able to meet you once I get married to Youngwoong. I'll be someone's husband by then." Yunho said, frowning a little. Aww, that's so sweet. The next second, Yunho was smiling again.

"Come on. Let's go in." We walked in together.

Five minutes later, we were sitting comfortably in a VIP room with me listening to Yunho talking about the incident where he had to save a model from drowning.

"And just like the gentleman I was, I saved the model and we both got into a scandal. Jung Yunho saves his girlfriend from commiting suicide. Front page of the newspaper." Yunho amusingly said. I smiled as I sip on my coffee. I knew about that incident.

The whole entertainment business went upside down when the scandal came out. I was just about to say something when the door slides open. I looked at the man standing by the door. Great, it's Youngwoong. Wait, Yoongwoong?

"Yunho?" I saw Yunho look down before turning around to look at Hero.

"Why are you here?" Yunho asked Youngwoong. The man frowned before crossing his arms.

"Mum told me you're going to Seul Gi's shop today. I thought you told me we'll be going to together." Youngwoong said. Wait. Wasn't Hero supposed to be in Milan right now? Why is he here then?

"You promised me, Yunho." Hero said. Yunho looked at me before looking back at Hero.

"You told me you're going to Milan tod-"

"Let's talk outside." Yunho immediately said as he grabbed Hero's hand, pulling Youngwoong out of the room. I was left alone. Yunho is supposed to go to Milan? Then, why did he asked me to follow him to the bridal shop? What is going on over here? My phone rang and I quickly answered it.

"Yes Junsu?" I asked upon hearing him laughing.

"Jaejoong hyung, are you coming home soon?" Junsu asked.

"Why?" I asked him back.

"Well, we have an accident here. Karam and me were eating ice cream and Jihoon hyung brought out some bottles of whipped cream and Kar-"

"You fed Karam with whip cream?! Have you gone mad? He'll go high on that thing!" I said, immediately standing up.

"That is what happening to him right this instant." Junsu said.

"I'll be right there. Just lock him inside one room. Make sure there's nothing that can put him in danger there. Who knows what kind of things that Karam could do when he's gone high on whip cream. I'll get the caramel syrup. Give me twenty minutes." I said as I walked out of the room. I bump into Yunho and he stopped me from running away. Not that I'm running away anyway.

"Where are you going?" Yunho asked me.

"Something came up. I need to go. Thanks for the drink." I said as I leave him. I run out of the coffee house before getting on my bike, putting on my helmet quickly. I wonder how Karam is right now. Karam has a sweet tooth. Not for candy or chocolates but for whip cream. Yes, I know it's weird but what to do? Everytime he gets some whip cream inside his mouth, he goes high on it as long as no one never give him some caramel syrup.

I reached the candy shop where we usually frequent. I bought the syrup as fast as I could before driving over the speed limit. I need to get to Karam first. He might just faint from exhaustion. Who knows what will happen to him then?

I drive through the open metal gates before stepping on the brakes as hard as I could once I reach the entrance of my house. I grab the bottle of syrup before running towards the loud commotion, trying desperately to open the plastic wrapped around it.

I run passed Jihoon who was trying to stop me from running. He said something about me accidentally falling down and getting hurt. Who cares if I get hurt now? I want my brother!!! I run inside an open room an-

Oh wow! That's a big mess he made here. I huffed as I looked at the condition of the pillows lying around the floor.

"Jae hyung! Snap out of it. This isn't time to just look around." I heard Junsu said. I jerked up and look at Karam who was jumping up and down on the bed.

"Junsu, Jihoon, hold him. I'll pour the syrup into his mouth." I instructed as I run towards the king-size bed. I leaped on the bed as both Junsu and Jihoon hold on to Karam tightly.

"Hyung, I want to play." Karam said, trying to break free from the tight hold.

"You can play after you drink the syrup." I said as I squeezed a few thich drops of caramel syrup into Karam's open mouth. There was a moment of silence before Karam smile weakly.

"I still want to play." Karam said as his eyes starts to close.

"Go to sleep, Karam and promise me you won't ever try to get whip cream down your throat again. Or els-"

Sigh. Karam already went to sleep even before I can finish saying what I wanted to say. I got out from the bed and Jihoon pulled the comforter over Karam. Sleep tight, my little brother. 

Another update! Comments are loved and always appreciated. Thank you for reading!

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Chapter 48: Gahhh!!! Author-nim!!! Read this in one day! I'm impressed! Seriously though, how can I missed this? I have no idea...just kill me!!! You doing so good! And I hope to hear from you soon...can't even comment decently on each chaps because I'm in a need to read this wonderful story as fast as I could~ ahahah...,Thanks for sharing this author-nim! You are amazing!
Chapter 36: Brace myself~
Chapter 34: Jae is one dramatic agent! Ahaha...Gosh...poor Yunnie but, can't he feel J aura on Jaejoong?
Chapter 33: I cry too~~~ this is it...
Chapter 31: OMG!!! Me love Yunjae!!!
Chapter 29: Arggghhh!!! Just when Yunjae having their honeymoon~
Chapter 28: Yunjae=romantic+ert~ ahaha..honeymoon!!
Chapter 27: Aigoo!!! Poor Yoongwoung~ no wonder he despise Yun..his father though~ huh~
Chapter 26: Jaejoong!!! My Goshhh!!!
Chapter 24: Yunnie~~~ hehe...Minnie, seriously~ ahaha...