I Have A New Mission?!

My Name Is Kim Jaejoong And This Is My Life As A Substitute Agent

I parked my red motorcycle just outside the KSA building. Last night was fun. After Changmin sent me home, I gave permission for Karam to spend time with Changmin. Guess what?

I think they kissed! But I'm not going to ask Changmin about it. Let him suffer in guilt for breaking my promise then confess by himself. That would be better. I get on the elevator, greeting back those who had greeted me a good morning. Trust me, I don't know most of them. They know me but that's because I'm the vice-chairman of the KSA. How did I become the vice-chairman?

Ask Changmin. He told me that he wants me to take over ISA, at least the Korean branch, when he takes over the Shim Corporations. The elevator stop at the highest floor and I walked out. As I walked to Changmin's office, I dropped off my briefcase in my room.

Yoochun was snoring and sleeping on my bed but I didn't wake him up. I am kind this morning! I reached Changmin's office before waving to Changmin's personal assistant, Kim Kibum. Don't ask me why they are not a couple. Even I don't know why Kibum broke up with Changmin. Rumours said that Changmin two-timed sweet little Kibum. Changmin, as usual, denied it. Oh, whatever.

I keyed in the password. As the door slides open, I saw Changmin flicking through something on the table. He's probably sorting out the new batch of agents that just came in.

"Good morning, Minnie." I said as I walked in.

"Don't call me Minnie, Jae hyung." Changmin said without looking at me. His hands were still busy swiping across the touch screen, sorting out the photos. See? I knew it's the new batch of agents.

"Got it, Min." I said as I sat down on the red couch facing Changmin. I saw Changmin frowning.

"You need help, Changmin?" I asked as I stands up.

"If you could do that, thank you." Changmin said. I walked towards him before standing behind his chair. I stretched my body and rest my hands just beside Changmin, trapping him in an instant. I looked at the two folders on the screen. Helper agents on the left side and substitute agents on the right side. I touched one of the photos before skimming through their information.

Just like a silent machine, I sorted out the photos quickly, letting Changmin to rest his head on the chair. Once I was done, Changmin had just enough rest. Changmin smiled when he saw the blank blue screen.

"Thanks, Jae hyung. That will be one of your jobs officially." Changmin said. Oh no you don't.

"No, Min. I have other duties to do, Mr Chairman. Thank you so much for the offer though." I said as I stretched myself before sitting down on the red couch again. Changmin yawned.

"What did you do last night for you to be so sleepy like this?" I asked. Thinking of Karam until you can't sleep? Spill everything out, Changmin.

"You know how we always have a backup informant other than our client's written information, right?" Changmin aked. That wasn't what I meant, Min but nevermind. Since he started his business discussion with me already, let's just forget about it. I nod in approval.

"The informant wants out from KSA suddenly so I have no choice but to find another informant in the middle of the night. That's why I didn't sleep." Changmin explained. I frowned.

"I thought we have a back up for that also." I asked. I remembered clearly there were two back up informants.

"We need two, correct. Without the new informant, we only have one. Don't we?" Changmin asked me instead. I nod, understanding what Changmin was trying to say.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"There's something else I must say?" Changmin asked.

"I don't know. Maybe it's about Karam." I prompted, feigning my innocence. I saw Changmin freeze for a while before he smile.

"Actually...there is something else." Changmin finally said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Actually, last night I...kissed Karam." Changmin mumbled the last two words.

"Jae hyung, I'm sorry. I know you told me not to touch him but the feeling was right and I just had to...kiss him." Changmin said before looking down.

I stood up, ready to punch the living daylights out of him. As I slowly walked towards Changmin, I saw him trembled. The guy must be so scared imagining what I can do to him. I bang my hands on his desk and Changmin quickly look up, staring into my eyes.

"Changmin, answer me truthfully. Do you really love my brother?" I asked.

"Huh?" Changmin asked, his head leaning to his left a little.

"Huh? Is that your answer?" I asked as I start to play with him.

"No." Changmin said.

"So, you don't love Karam?" I asked. Don't laugh, Jae. Gosh, I love making fun of my tall boss.

"Yes. Wait I mean no. Wait, that's not correct either. Look, listen. Yes, I love your brother." Changmin confessed. I smile.

"Alright, I'll let you be with him but promise me, Changmin. Promise me you will always take care of him. Promise me you don't ever hurt him. Make him your first priority especially when I'm gone. For a mission or even for life." I said seriously.

"Jae hyung." Changmin called as he hold onto my hand.

"I promise you I will take care of him. More than my life. But...You're not dying, right?" Changmin asked. I smacked his head.

"Don't curse me, you idiot." I said, pulling my hand away.

"Just when I was being serious, you're making fun of me." I said as I returned back to the red couch. The telephone rang and Changmin pressed the loudspeaker button.

"Yes Kibum?" Changmin's tone changed upon talking to Kibum.

"You have a meeting with your father in ten minutes." Kibum said.

"Got it. Thank you." Changmin said as he pressed the button again. Changmin looked at me before grabbing one of the black files scattered around his table.

"Don't you have other work to do, Jae hyung? Rather than staying here and admiring my model-like features?" Changmin asked, his eyes skimmed through the hundreds of pages in the file.

"Admiring you? No thanks. You know, Min? It's a shame that you broke up with Kibum. He's a sweet guy. You shouldn't have two-timed him." I said, crossing my arms.

"Jae hyung, three things. One, you didn't answer my question, Mr I-Didn't-Finish-The-Work-My-Boss-Gave-Me-Two-Months-Ago. Two, don't trust the rumors that go around KSA, Mr Vice Chairman. Get the facts right. I didn't two-timed him. Three, this chairman here have told you so many times. Kibum was the one who asked for a break up from me. Now, you go out of that door that is going to be open in a few seconds and go to your own office and finish all the work that you haven't even started before I kick you out of MY office. Got it? Mr Kim?" Changmin asked, ordering me. So we're going professional now, aren't we?

"Yes, Mr Shim." I hissed his name before starting to walk away. A few seconds later though, I stopped.

"Wait, I need to discuss something with you. It's about Karam." Changmin immediately look up when I said Karam's name. Think you can easily get away from it? Not a chance.

"I'll tell you only when you tell me what was the reason to you and Kibum breaking up." I said. Upon hearing that, Changmin pointed to the door.

"The door is wide open. Get out and don't bother me." Changmin said before returning back to his files.

"." I cursed as I walked out of the office. Kibum was standing outside.

"I think he heard that, Mr Kim" Kibum said.

"You're not going to tell me too?" I asked. Probably I could get something from him and make up a new rumor. Yup. You guess it right. I was the one who started the rumor and I'm proud of it.

"The story is quite long and it will take some time to tell you but Mr Shim has a meeting in five minutes so I have to g-"

"Kim Jaejoong, stop hogging my secretary and start working!"

I look behind before I snarled at Changmin. I turned back to Kibum, smiling sweetly at him. Total opposite with Changmin.

"Bye, Kibum. Good luck dealing with him." I said before walking to my bedroom to get my briefcase. Yoochun was showering and as the kind person I was that morning, I let him be. Not after I open the bathroom door and let the man be exposed. I walked to my office.

Unlike Changmin, I don't have my own personal assistant. I was the one who requested not to have one. I don't like having personal assistants. I mean, think about it. I'm a perfect, healthy young man. Why would I need someone to do things that I'm capable of doing too, right?

I pressed the red button just beside the door to my office. The door slides open and I walked in. I placed my briefcase on the table before turning on the computer. The screen on my table lights up and I received a couple of mails, notes and jobs that are still pending and not even done yet.

I read through the recent ones which was about me writing a notice for the new helper agents and substitute agents. Let's start, shall we? We give these notices through phone messages so it needs to be short and sweet. I touched a few things on the screen and a virtual keyboard appears. Let's see. What should I write? Ah ha!

"This is not a spam message nor is this a chain letter. Please do not forward or reply to this message upon receiving it." I re-read the two sentence before continuing.

"This is a notice from the KSA. Congratulations. You are accepted in the KSA as one of our agents. Please report to work tommorow morning at 10. Thank you." I finished typing before sending it to the Human Resource Department. Next is the other load of work to do. I quickly finish it one by one. I was almost finishing the last file to sign when the door to my office slides open.

"Jae hyung." Changmin called, walking inside.

"Yes, Minnie?" I answered as I signed on the first page of the file.

"It's time for lunch. Aren't you going?" Changmin asked, his hands resting on my table.

"It's lunch already?" I asked. This is the disadvantage of not having a personal assistant. There's no one to keep track of time for me. Changmin nod and I heard something grumbling. Changmin instantly grin at me.

"Come on, big boy." I said as I grabbed my phone and wallet before walking out of the office together with him.

"Kibum isn't following us?" I asked as we got on the elevator.

"Someone picked him up just now." Changmin answered simply as he pressed the close button. The elevator moves down as we talked about random business stuffs. Changmin gave out a sigh once the whole elevator went silent.

"You're not jealous, aren't you?" I asked him.

"Jealous? On who?" Changmin asked me.

"Kibum. And the guy who picked him up." I said simply. Who is the guy anyway? Changmin snickered and I looked at him.

"What?" I asked. Changmin went closer towards me.

"The person who picked Kibum was his father. You think I would be jealous of his own father, Mr Kim?" Changmin asked before smirking. He straightened his back. I was just about to hit him when Changmin look at me before leaning closer again.

"Don't start another rumor, alright? Just so you know, I know the first one came from you." Changmin said, looking at me right in the eyes. Wait. How did he know about it? There's no way anyone could find out it was me who started the rumor. Damn!

"Can we get in, Mr Shim?" Both Changmin and me looked to the elevator door. I saw our director of finance, Choi Minho standing outside the elevator with his boyfriend, Lee Taemin. I felt someone pushed me and I quickly looked at Changmin.

"You-!" I was about to continue but Changmin silent me with a firm glare. I immediately shut up. See how obediant I am infront of my boss? Note. This only happens in the office.

"Get in Minho. You too, Taemin." Changmin said, a warm smile retuning to his face. Both Minho and Taemin got inside the elevator and it continued its journey down.

"Going to lunch, Minho?" I asked, being the friendly me.

"Yeah, Jaejoong hyung. We're going to the cafeteria. Taem has a mission right after lunch." Minho said. Oops. Forgot to tell you guys. Taemin is a helper agent.

"Well, see you again then." Chaangmin said as the elevator stops at the third floor where the cafeteria was. I was about to follow suit when Changmin grab hold of my wrist.

"Where do you think you're going, sir?" Changmin asked me. What's wrong with him? We're supposed to eat in the cafeteria too, aren't we? I mean, usually we do.

"Cafeteria? You're hungry and I'm hungry. When it's lunch time, usually we go to the cafeteria." I said as the elevator keeps going down to the first floor.

"You wanted to talk about Karam in my office just now so let's talk somewhere else. I don't want to talk about Karam in the KSA. Especially in the cafeteria." Changmin explained as we walked out of the KSA building.

"Let's walk. We'll eat at the cafe nearby. I'm not that hungry anyway." Changmin continued before both of us walked side by side to the coffee house just at the other side of the street. People would have thought we're a couple if not for that obvious distance between the both of us.

As we walked in, a waitress greeted the both of us before ushering us to a table by the window. I looked through the menu before ordering myself a cup of cappucino and a slice of chocolate cheesecake. Changmin, in the meantime was ordering food for four people. Once the waitress was gone, I looked at him in disbelief.

"What?" Changmin asked.

"You said you're not that hungry." I told him.

"I really am not that hungry." Changmin said. Changmin's food came first even though I ordered lesser than him. By the time my order arrive, Changmin was almost finishing. This guy is a monster. A food monster for sure. Changmin sipped on his black coffee before taking a long shot of ice latte.

"Jae hyung." Changmin called. I look at him once I was done with my cake.

"You wanted to say something about Karam." Changmin initiated. I nod before straightening up.

"I heard you get Junsu a job." I said. Changmin nod and I continued.

"If Junsu is at work and I'm on a mission, there would be no on-"

"Yes! Definitely yes." Changmin interrupted me. I glared at him and he immediately shut up.

"Anything else, Jaejoong hyung?" Changmin asked.

"If, in any case, Karam is alone, he is to sleep at your place. Would that do?" I asked. Changmin nod, smiling like an idiot. How am I going to hand Karam over to this crazy guy? This is all Junsu's fault. Aish.

"Wait, what job are you giving to Junsu?" I asked as I take another sip of my cappucino.

"He's going to work in the KSA." Changmin replied, finishing his food. My eyes went wide open when he said that.

"KSA? For what? You were the one who said privacy is the best policy which I really don't agree to because honesty is the best policy. You told me from the first time we both started this that even our family members must not know about this. Except for your father of course. That's also because he's our main investor." I said without stopping.

"Can't you put him somewhere else?" I asked after taking a deep breath. Changmin shook his head.

"Relax. He's not going to meet you. I send him to the other side of the KSA. He won't be communicating with any agents. I promise you but there's a slight catch." Changmin explained. I looked at him suspiciously. This guy is planning something. I'm sure of it.

"What's the catch?" I asked.

"His work hours are different than other people. Is that alright?" Changmin asked. I was about to reply when my phone buzzed. I checked my phone and I received a message from the HR Department.

"Agent 001, you are to report to the chairman's office to receive your new mission after lunch. Thank you." I read the message out loud, just enough for Changmin and me to hear it. A new mission?! I look at Changmin who was paying attention to his sandwich. I called him yet he ignored me.

"Shim Changmin, what is the meaning of this? A new mission? You got to be kidding with me. I just got back, Min. Plus, my previous mission took a lot of my time. Are you so eager to get Karam to yourself or something?" I asked. Seriously, this is not fair. Totally not fair.

"Jae hyung, I can explain but not here. We'll talk about it in the office, alright?" Changmin said. No way in hell he's going to get away from this.

"You're coming with me to your office, right this instant." I said.

"What? I still haven't finish my food." Changmin said. I took out a fifty dollar bill and placed it on the table. Changmin called the waitress.

"Pack the remaining food and sent it to this place. Thanks." Changmin immediately said to the waitress as he pass the girl his namecard.

"Come on." I said as I pulled him out of the coffeehouse. Once we were in Changmin's office, I sat down on the red couch, crossing my arms as a pout appears on my lips. Changmin looked at me before sighing. He sat down on his chair and brought his hands together.

"Good news or bad news first?" Changmin asked me. I wondered for awhile. If it's about missions, good news would be better.

"Good news?" I answered.

"The good news is your new mission is linked to Yunho hyung." Changmin said. Linked to Jung Yunho? How?

"Bad news?" I asked.

"You're substituting Youngwoong hyung." Changmin said.

"I'm substituting what?!" 

It's out. I finally updated. Yay! Anyways, loving the comments always. I love reading them. Enjoy reading and don't forget to comment! 

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Chapter 48: Gahhh!!! Author-nim!!! Read this in one day! I'm impressed! Seriously though, how can I missed this? I have no idea...just kill me!!! You doing so good! And I hope to hear from you soon...can't even comment decently on each chaps because I'm in a need to read this wonderful story as fast as I could~ ahahah...,Thanks for sharing this author-nim! You are amazing!
Chapter 36: Brace myself~
Chapter 34: Jae is one dramatic agent! Ahaha...Gosh...poor Yunnie but, can't he feel J aura on Jaejoong?
Chapter 33: I cry too~~~ this is deep...love it...
Chapter 31: OMG!!! Me love Yunjae!!!
Chapter 29: Arggghhh!!! Just when Yunjae having their honeymoon~
Chapter 28: Yunjae=romantic+ert~ ahaha..honeymoon!!
Chapter 27: Aigoo!!! Poor Yoongwoung~ no wonder he despise Yun..his father though~ huh~
Chapter 26: Jaejoong!!! My Goshhh!!!
Chapter 24: Yunnie~~~ hehe...Minnie, seriously~ ahaha...