Sungmin's Crush and Suspicions?

A Liter of Tears

The next morning, Sungmin awoke to the sound of his alarm ringing. 

Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple Keuttae-neun Keuttae-neun Keuttae-ro meotjyeo
Bwara Miss-seu Simple, Simple, Keuttae-neun Keuttae-ro yeppeo (SJ Call)
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple Keuttae-neun Keuttae-neun Keuttae-ro meotjyeo
Bwara Miss-seu Simple, SImple, Keuttae-neun Keuttae-ro yeppeo (SJ Call)

He flipped his pillow over and turned off his alarm. Slowly, Sungmin stumbled out of bed and headed towards the bathroom to wash up. Today was the day he would go to Seoul High School to see if he made it in. He was a nervous wreck once he remembered this and hastily brushed his teeth, rinsed, and ran out. He wiped his face with a pink towel hung over his chair and walked over towards his closet, contemplating on what to wear. In the end, he decided to wear a pink v-neck with a vest over it and black skinny jeans. He combed his jet black hair and checked himself in the mirror. Sungmin made some expressions in the mirror.
~wink~ hehe...I'm so cute.
~smile~ still cute.
~pout~ I'm adorable.
"What are you doing?"
Startled, Sungmin jumped back from his mirror as Hyukjae walked into his room, fully dressed in his school uniform. His cheeks turned a slight shade of red from embarassment, but he decided to tease his younger brother. He smirked mentally, but showed an innocent smile on the outside.
"Aigoo~ Isn't little Hyukkie so cute in his little school uniform?" 
Hyukjae, who was now a shade of red, playfully hit his brother on the arm.
"Y-yah! Q-quit that! Just hurry up. Appa and Umma are downstairs waiting for you."
With that, Hyukjae took off, leaving Sungmin in his room, laughing the second his brother left the room. He concluded that he should go eat breakfast and take off before he's late to meeting Ryeowook again. He didn't want to be scolded by his best friend a second time, so he swiftly gathered his necessities and rushed down the stairs. 
He saw Leeteuk and Kangin in the dining room. Leeteuk was baking bread while Kangin was helping a customer. He smiled happily and decided to grab a bread and depart. He looked at all the choices and resolved to choosing the custard filled bread. On his way out, he waved goodbye to his parents.
"Bye Kangin and Teukie Appa!"
The two glanced at Sungmin after hearing their names being called and replied back.
"Bye~ Minnie! Good luck!"
"Good luck, Sungmin! Be careful!"
Sungmin grinned and started to run towards the bus station.

As soon as Sungmin arrived on school grounds, he saw Ryeowook patiently waiting for him. He ran up to his best friend who greeted him joyfully, though inside, both were nervous wrecks. They saw a large crowd of people anxiously waiting to see if they passed their entrance exam. The two glanced at each other and gradually made their way towards the crowd. 

Eventually, they made it to the front and checked to see if their names were on the list of people who passed. They could hear the screams of people who passed, but also the cries of people who failed. This made the two more afraid, but they decided to see the results for themselves. Sungmin quickly scanned the list and found his name clearly printed there.

Lee Sungmin.

He looked over to Ryeowook who was jumping up and down. 

"You made it?!" 

"Yep! You did too, right?"

"Mhmm! We passed!" 

Both Sungmin and Ryeowook were now jumping up and down, hugging each other. They were so relieved and content that they made it into the best high school in the city. However, their celebration was cut short.


Sungmin and Ryeowook let go of each other to see who had called Sungmin. As soon as Sungmin saw who it was, however, he immediately blushed. Ryeowook rolled his eyes as he dragged his best friend over to his crush.


"Congratulations on passing the examinations, Sungmin, Ryeowook." 

"Thank you!" Sungmin and Ryeowook replied simultaneously. 

He looked over to his friend who was taller than him, but had handsome features. 

"Zhou Mi, Sungmin and Ryeowook are my dongsaengs from junior high school. They are very amazing dancers so look forward to their participation in our school's dance club."

Zhou Mi nodded his head in understanding and faced the two.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Zhou Mi."

"I'm Sungmin. Nice to meet you."

"Pleased to meet you. I'm Ryeowook."

The older nodded his head in understanding and smiled brightly at them.

"Sungmin. You ARE going to join Seoul High School's dance team, right? We could use someone like you."

Donghae showed Sungmin his killer smile which caused the younger to look down to hide his blushing face. 


"Good. Although our dance team is quite arduous, I know you'll do fine." 

Sungmin blushed harder at the compliment and nodded his head. He was left speechless after seeing Donghae's smile, so he retired to nodding his head instead of using words.

"Well, see you around! I can't wait to see you dance."

Before taking off, Donghae winked at Sungmin and lightly brushed his hand against Sungmin's, causing Sungmin to flush a deep shade of red. The older chuckled softly at his cuteness and bid goodbye to Ryeowook and left with Zhou Mi. 

"Sungmin, you're so obvious." Ryeowook teased. 

"H-hush up, W-wookie." 

"Why don't you just tell him? You've had a crush on him since you were ten." 

"Ha. Sure and make a fool of myself? Not a chance." 

Sungmin started to walk off, but Ryeowook followed after to continue his teasing. 

"Then, how about I pass on a message, hm?" 

"Don't you dare."

Sungmin glared at his best friend as a sign of warning. 

"Aish, but why wait? It's killing me! You guys are so cute together!" Ryeowook pouted.

"Don't be angry." Sungmin teased.

"I'm not angry..." 

They started to head home since both of them have successfully passed their exams and would be starting their high school days at Seoul tomorrow. 

"Oh, wait. Did the person who helped you pass too?"

Sungmin stopped in his tracks as he glanced back and scanned the crowd for any sign of Kyuhyun.

"I...don't know..."

Sungmin's Home


"Thank you!" 

Sungmin had the biggest smile on his face as he saw the surprise that awaited him once he told his parents the results of his examinations. It was dinner time and everyone was gathered around the dining table. There was all kinds of food. Rice and kimchi, a hotpot in the middle, a dish of Korean barbecue on the side, Bibimbap, Jajangmyeon, and last but not least, a beautifully decorated cake topped with strawberries, kiwis, oranges, mangoes, and who knows what else. Sungmin was so happy to see his family supporting him like this. 

"You really are my son."

"Why are you talking when no one's talking to you?"

"No one asked you."

Leeteuk rolled his eyes as his lover and son began to argue once again. 

"Let's eat!" 


Everyone started grabbing food and Sungmin immediately grabbed everything in sight. However, he saw Hyukjae trying to steal one of the strawberries off the cake. Kangin must have seen it too because Hyukjae screamed out in pain.

"Yah! What was that for?!"

"Don't think I didn't see you."

"I just wanted a strawberry..."

"Yeah well, the strawberry doesn't want you."

Hyukjae pouted and Sungmin giggled at his brother. 

"I'll give you my strawberries later, neh?"

Instantly, Hyukjae's eyes lit up and he nodded his head like a little five year old. He began to eat his Bibimbap happily, but his happiness didn't last very long.


Kangin, Leeteuk, and Sungmin erupted in laughter as Hyukjae was trying to cool his mouth down by breathing in air. He eventually sighed in relief as he drank his ice cold water. They laughed together and ate together like a happy family.

"Sungmin, this is for you."

"Eh? What is it?"

Sungmin accepted Kangin's gift and unwrapped it. Inside held a beautifully crafted watch. He held it up and admired it. 

"So pretty..." 

"I handmade that. Isn't your Appa amazing?"


"He's lying I tell you." Hyukjae said with a mouth full of rice. 

"Well, when I met Kangin, he used to work in a watch shop. He said he remembered how to make watches, so ta-da!"

Leeteuk was happily recollecting the memories of his lover's occupation. 

"Thank you, Appa!"

Sungmin immediately started to put the watch on. Afterwards, he continued eating, stuffing his mouth full of Kimchi. 

"Ah, Hyukjae this is for you!"

Hyukjae's head shot up at the sound of his name. He was expecting an amazing gift, but was disappointed at what he saw.

"What in the world is THAT?"

"I used to work in a sewing mill too!" Kangin announced proudly. 

"Wow, Appa, you had a lot of jobs..." Sungmin replied in awe.

"Psh. None of them lasted longer than a month I bet." 

"I was trying to find a suitable job for myself! I wanted to try different things."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're just all talk." 

Kangin was about to argue with Hyukjae, but Leeteuk cut him off.

"Well, even after those jobs, he decided to settle down and inherit this successful bread shop." 

"Exactly! Here, take this!"

The shirt was white with Hyukjae's name sewed on the front surrounded by soccer balls. 

"Try it on."

Kangin placed the shirt over his son's chest and admired his work.

"It looks great!"

"When will I ever wear something like this..." Hyukjae replied in disgust. He gave Kangin the shirt back and continued to eat.

"Is it really that bad?"

"Just wear it at home," Sungmin said.

"At home?"

"Or wear it while you sleep," Leetuek added. 


"Or if anything, wear it under a jacket."

"Under a jacket?"

"So it's that bad..."

Kangin was now sulking and walked back to his chair. He looked like a five-year old child who didn't get what he wanted.

"Teukie, since we're celebrating me passing my exam, why don't we let Kangin enjoy a drink?" Sungmin asked. 

"...I don't know...The last time he drank we ended up with this one." Leeteuk replied pointing a finger at Hyukjae.

Utterly oblivious to the situtation, Hyukjae shrugged his shoulders and continued to munch on his food.



"I can?!"

"Neh, I'll go get it!"

Sungmin stood up from his chair and hurried into the kitchen. He walked to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of wine, then walked to the cabinet to grab a suitable cup. 

"Here you go!"

Sungmin handed his father the cup as he held onto the wine bottle, uncapping it.

"I haven't had wine in so long. Ah, so happy..."

Sungmin brought the bottle of wine to the cup and began pouring the velvet liquid into the cup. However, he felt it again. Sungmin felt as though he had no control over his hand as it slowly inched away from the cup and spilled onto the table. 



"What happened?"


"My wine...."

"Appa, mianhe. I'm so careless..."

Sungmin ran back into the kitchen and seized a cloth from the counter. He swiftly rushed back to the dining room and began cleaning up the mess he made. Leeteuk stood up from his chair as well and helped in the cleaning.


However, even with all the pandemonium, Leeteuk didn't fail to notice the sudden movement that caused the chaos. He was indeed suspicious about Sungmin, but decided to keep it low for a while since it wasn't too serious of a problem, yet. 

Cho's Resident

Kyuhyun was lying on his bed, listening to music on an old music player his brother had given him before his tragic accident. Coincidentally, it was the same song Sungmin uses for his ring tone, but of course, he was unaware of that. He continued to lie there until his door was flung wide open and two figures stepped into his room, causing a commotion. 

"Why are all the lights turned off, Kyuhyun?"

Immediately, Kyuhyun's room was engulfed in the bright light. It revealed the contents of the room, including a single bed, a desk full of books and papers, another table consisting of a computer, keyboard, and mouse, in the far corner layed his game consoles, and a shelf full of books. The room was painted black while the carpet resembled a winter's day. 

"Sorry for coming home so late. I was called in for an emergency operation."

Kyuhyun sat up on his bed and pulled off his earphones. He mentally prepared himself for the worthless praise that would occur any second. 

"Good job on passing your high school entrance exam." Kyuhyun's father commended. 

There it is. 

Instead of giving a response Kyuhyun stayed silent. 

"Now, you can start learning from my co-workers and I. You'll be a great doctor, Kyuhyun."

He continued to stay speechless.

"Be happier! You're really pulling through." His mother said.

"He didn't even check his results at the high school." She added.


"Mhmm, the school called to inform us of his passing."

His father scoffed, "Don't have any confidence, huh?"

"Come on, let's have dinner." 

With that, his parents turned around and closed the door, leaving Kyuhyun in his room to recollect his memories of the past. He placed the music player back on top of his bedside table and threw himself back onto his bed. He let out a small groan and stared at the picture standing up on his table. The picture was nothing big, just a normal, family picture. However, to Kyuhyun it was everything. He saw himself as a seven year old with his mother, father, and most importantly, his brother, Hangeng. They were in a forest, camping out. The family was happily smiling at the camera, savoring their moments as one. He felt the tears building up, so Kyuhyun decided to shift his gaze away from the picture. He layed there, contemplating his thoughts. 

Hyung...why did you leave me?

I don't want this.

I've already given up.  

Sungmin finished showering and was now organizing his belongings for tomorrow's big day. It would be his first day at Seoul High School and he wanted everything to be perfect. He was dressed in his pink, one-piece pajama. Although they were meant mostly for girls, he found them quite comfortable and ignored the thought. 

He was placing notebooks and books into a box to keep his room clean and tidy. However, as he picked up an envelope, he felt his vision blur. He couldn't make out the words that were written there and began to panic a bit. Sungmin quickly rubbed his eyes. Luckily, his vision returned back to normal, though he found it odd as to why his body was reacting this way. He yawned cutely and stored the envelope with the rest of the books. 

Aigoo~ I should really go to sleep...

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Kyeo-Baby-Min #1
Chapter 15: I hate you! . I love Sungmin! .....................

Good story but.... T_______T

And I hate the fact that you'd leave us hanging like this!!

Story was well written tho.

sorry for that outburst. but I really sad. sorry.
darayang #2
Chapter 15: Neee~ author-nim... When are you going to update this story?:( you know? I've been waiting for so long...:(
I really really need updates... I'm a big fan of KyuMin angst story... And I really like the drama... Nee author-nim... Update this story please~:3
lol...i named my dog Kyumin...
StrawberryMinz #4
Chapter 15: Gah. It's a major cliffhanger!
This is so adorable , tho
I can't wait til KyuMin gets into action~
(and I mean the couple, not the dog LOL)
Update sooon! (:
'if I close my eyes,
you behind my eyelids'
That's words killing me...
I can't imagine how heartbreaking Kyuhyun when he know 'bout Min's desease...
naznew #6
Gomawo update..
I love the dog's name..KYUMIN..
Onew's father have the same disease?
Oh god..will Leeteuk tell Sungmin the truth?
Please update again..
PaboForSJ #7
Aww...... I hope there won't be a bad ending..... Just make it a happy ending please.
I cried all I can say
GOSH could you writing such a heart-breaking story like this?*sobs*
ive know about this story,since i have this movie and keep watching it coutless times until my eyes swollen..
and the ending really isnt nice..*sobs*
but i really hope that you didnt follow the story until the least,make a happy ending..*sobs*
gosh..i cant stop crying and cant stop reading ur story eventhough ive know the plot very well..*tears keep streaming away*
fate was just cruel!! T.T *SOB*