The Beginning

A Liter of Tears

As the music slowly came to an end, a boy was on stage, performing perplexing body movements, dancing to the beat and rhythm of the song. With the last couple of seconds, he demonstrated an astounding movement that made the crowd go wild. The music ended, and the audience stood up, applauding the boy for an excellent performance. 

The central nervous system is a division of the nervous system in which exists the brain, the diencephalon, the cerebellum, the brain stem, and the spinal cord. The brainstem, the spinal cord, and the cerebellum are responsible for the movements of the body. 

"Leeteuk, here are the X-rays of your son's brain."

"If you compare it to a normal person, you may notice that Sungmin's cerebellum is gradually shrinking. For some unknown reason, the cerebellum is shrinking, but not only that, the nerve cells within are also regressing. In other words, they're dead." 


"For now, the symptoms won't be as bad, however, he will begin to fall more often. In addition, he will begin to walk unstably and have trouble with direction. Furthermore, he may have difficulty in writing."

Leetuek sat in silence as he listened to what Dr. Choi was saying. Tears began to well up in his eyes as he realized what the doctor was trying to state.

This disease...Why did it choose me? 

"Later on, he will learn that he won't be able to speak properly."

What is my purpose for living?

"Although the progress of the disease is slow at first, it gets worse, every day."

Whenever I think about the future, tears would fall from my eyes.


Appa, Umma....Will I able to experience love? 





A/N: The red, italicized, bolded phrases are actually from the drama. I just made it so that it would fit into the story a bit better. Also, they are Sungmin's journal entries that will be explained later in the story. The first part of the chapter is of a flashback to where Sungmin was participating in his first dance competition and in the end, won. The next part skips into the middle of the story, but the story will actually go back in time to where it leads up to here. I apologize for such a complicated story ;~; 

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Kyeo-Baby-Min #1
Chapter 15: I hate you! . I love Sungmin! .....................

Good story but.... T_______T

And I hate the fact that you'd leave us hanging like this!!

Story was well written tho.

sorry for that outburst. but I really sad. sorry.
darayang #2
Chapter 15: Neee~ author-nim... When are you going to update this story?:( you know? I've been waiting for so long...:(
I really really need updates... I'm a big fan of KyuMin angst story... And I really like the drama... Nee author-nim... Update this story please~:3
lol...i named my dog Kyumin...
StrawberryMinz #4
Chapter 15: Gah. It's a major cliffhanger!
This is so adorable , tho
I can't wait til KyuMin gets into action~
(and I mean the couple, not the dog LOL)
Update sooon! (:
'if I close my eyes,
you behind my eyelids'
That's words killing me...
I can't imagine how heartbreaking Kyuhyun when he know 'bout Min's desease...
naznew #6
Gomawo update..
I love the dog's name..KYUMIN..
Onew's father have the same disease?
Oh god..will Leeteuk tell Sungmin the truth?
Please update again..
PaboForSJ #7
Aww...... I hope there won't be a bad ending..... Just make it a happy ending please.
I cried all I can say
GOSH could you writing such a heart-breaking story like this?*sobs*
ive know about this story,since i have this movie and keep watching it coutless times until my eyes swollen..
and the ending really isnt nice..*sobs*
but i really hope that you didnt follow the story until the least,make a happy ending..*sobs*
gosh..i cant stop crying and cant stop reading ur story eventhough ive know the plot very well..*tears keep streaming away*
fate was just cruel!! T.T *SOB*