Kyumin and Hiding the Truth

A Liter of Tears

A/N: Remember, if you didn't read all of Chapter 14, please do so. I didn't update all of it the last time, so if you only read it where I half updated, please return to it and continue or you'll be confused ^^ Here's a long-ish update! Happy reading!~


The next morning, both Kangin and Leeteuk were downstairs, wearing sullen expressions on their visages, last night's occurrences still fresh in their minds. Leeteuk was preparing Sungmin's lunch, full of delectable delicacies, while Kangin was washing the dishes. It was silent, only the sound of running water could be heard, until footsteps were apprehended, descending the flight of stairs. Sungmin appeared before them, a brilliant smile plastered on his face, as he waltzed through the kitchen and sat down at the dining table, dropping his school bag on the floor in the process. Shifting his head so that he was facing his parents, he greeted them in a cheery voice.

"Good morning~" Sungmin sang.

Upon hearing Sungmin's lively voice, Kangin and Leeteuk stiffened for a mere second.

"G-good morning," Kangin spoke softly with a nervous smile.

"Good morning!" Leeteuk responded, a pleasant smile on his face.

Walking over to Sungmin with a lunchbox in hand, he settled it on the table before ruffling his son's hair.

"Good luck in your dance competition today!" Leeteuk cheered.

"Thank you," Sungmin replied happily, his eyes turning into tiny slits from his smile.

"The whole family will come and support you!" Kangin announced proudly.

"Really?" Sungmin asked.

"Yep!" Leeteuk confirmed.

"Ugh, I'm in a house full of crazies. It's only practice, not the real competition. I'm not going," Hyukjae complained.

"No. Everyone will go and support Sungmin, including you," Kangin declared.

"Why? It's Sunday, give me a break," Hyukjae whined.

"Please go," Leeteuk entreated.

Hyukjae glanced around the room and looked at everyone's faces before sighing in defeat.



As Sungmin's family stood off to the side, Sungmin was up on stage, preparing his dance with Ryeowook and Henry, who were watching in awe. Even though it was only a practice run for the competition, he was planning on giving it his best to demonstrate his abilities as a dancer; he wanted to show everyone his love and passion for this musical art. As Sungmin noticed that it was almost time for the competition to commence, he bid farewell to his friends and rushed on over to his group, joining in practicing their choreography. Up on stage, the other school, Sapphire Sea High School, was displaying their performance; they obtained the audiences' attention with their astounding movements to the music. The audience was watching the performance with gaping mouths and widened eyes; as the music slowly began to come to an end, the gymnasium was filled with thunderous claps emitting from the speechless crowd. The dancers thanked the spectators before walking off the stage, proudly. The next group would include Sungmin and other students attending Seoul High School. They positioned themselves on stage and offered last minute reminders to their members. Off to the side, Kangin, Leeteuk, and Hyukjae scrambled closer to the stage to get a better view of Sungmin.

"I still don't understand why I had to come, especially on a Sunday," Hyukjae complained to no one in particular. Rolling his eyes as he received no response from his overexcited parents, he returned his attention back towards the stage where Sungmin had begun dancing along to the music that initiated only a few moments ago.



"It's a Sunday and we're here to visit turtles," Kibum grumbled.

"Who told you to join the Biology Club?" Heechul retorted, annoyed with Kibum's constant whining.

Kyuhyun, Heechul, and Kibum were outside, under the blazing sun, strolling over to the faucets near the gym where they would be able to clean out the turtle tanks. As Kyuhyun carried the tank, Kibum held onto a pail and brush while Heechul was empty handed, to no one's surprise. However, when they arrived at their destination, Kibum was more than eager to discover what all the noise from the gym was about.

"Is there something going on in there?" Kibum wondered as he threw the pail and brush into Heechul, who dropped them the minute they came into contact with his hands.

"Yah! Watch where you're throwing things!" Heechul scolded, running after the younger, an irritated expression on his face.

Sighing, Kyuhyun stood up and brushed of his uniform before following his friends into the gym. But, what he saw, as he wandered into the building, was unexpected; there, up on stage, Sungmin was moving gracefully along with the music; his body rolled and shifted into impressing positions Kyuhyun would have never thought possible for the latter.

"For someone who always trips and falls, Sungmin's a really good dancer, don't you think?" Kibum announced as he stared at the other in awe.

Without responding, Kyuhyun continued to watch Sungmin dance in sync with the music, along with the rhythm, and in with the beat. He couldn't believe the timid, shy bunny in his homeroom class had such an amazing, hidden talent. He was stunned at how beautiful Sungmin appeared as he moved this way and that, executing complex movements.



"Strange," Kangin said, "Sungmin is moving perfectly normal."

Leeteuk glanced up at his lover and noticed small tears forming in his eyes.

"This isn't a dream, is it?" Kangin continued.

"Out of everyone, w-why....why does it have to be Sungmin?"

Smiling sadly, Leeteuk reached up and wiped away the tears that trickled down Kangin's face. He placed a soft kiss on the latter's cheek before returning his attention to the stage. Before the couple, the crowd was silent, watching in amazement, awe, and excitement at the performance.

However, even though Sungmin was performing so talentedly, he seemed to have lost his footing and came crashing to the floor, issuing an audible whimper in the process. Gasps and murmurs echoed through the audience as they pointed fingers at Sungmin's fallen figure. Nonetheless, he promptly regained his composure and wasted no time in rejoining his team as they continued their dance. Kangin and Leeteuk observed their son with worried expressions, however, they soon vanished as they were replaced with bright smiles; Sungmin is strong and determined; he wasn't going to allow a measly fall to become his downfall.

"Sungmin...fell..." Hyukjae muttered with wide eyes. Knowing his meticulous brother, Sungmin would never be so careless as to make a fool out of himself like that. No, there had to be something wrong with Sungmin. Hyukjae continued watching, but this time, his eyes never left Sungmin's figure.



Kyuhyun stood at the back of the gym, concentrating on Sungmin's performance. He had to admit that Sungmin really was a fabulous dancer; he displayed potential and passion one would need to excel in this area of musical arts. The said dancer started moving his hands and feet in complex motions, informing the onlookers that the show was at its . Sungmin was preparing for his dance solo when all of a sudden, his body completely immobilized, keeping him rooted to the ground; the world around him seemed to have frozen as the music that once infiltrated his eardrums faded away, as did the cries of the audience.

These actions did not go unnoticed by a particular student as we waited for Sungmin to advance. However, when the dancer did not, Kyuhyun furrowed his eyebrows together, wondering why Sungmin was just standing there. He started to walk closer and closer to the stage, unintentionally, disregarding the calls from Heechul and Kibum as his main focus was Sungmin.

On stage, Sungmin attempted to move his feet, but it felt as though he had no control over his body movements anymore. Afraid that he would embarrass his whole team and the school, he was about to give up when he felt a tingling sensation surge through his body. Looking around, his gaze met those of Kyuhyun's who was intently staring at him. At that precise moment, his body was restored and he had full control once again; therefore, with renewed motivation, Sungmin performed the best dance solo he's ever done. The music gradually concluded with Sungmin and the other dance members striking a ravishing pose at the end.

However, even though the performance culminated, Sungmin was still deep in thoughts; his mind wandered back to when he couldn't move his body. He was suddenly paralyzed, unable to move neither his feet nor his hands, while the world before him slowed and his eyes blurred.

"W-What was that?" Sungmin pondered, fear evident in his eyes.

Off to the side, Kangin and Leeteuk were overwhelmed with joy after witnessing Sungmin's magnificent dance routine. Even Donghae, who was in the crowd, smiled benevolently up at Sungmin, feeling a warm wave of feelings course through his veins. Kyuhyun, on the other hand, snapped back to reality as he realized he was standing right in front of the stage; however, what caught his attention was that he was staring at Sungmin, who was also gazing back at the younger. Turning his head away, he whirled around and began his journey out of the gym, Heechul and Kibum following with perplexed expressions.

"Lee Sungmin, you really are something," Kyuhyun thought.



"Sungmin, you were amazing," Donghae complimented, "you'll be part of the dance team, no doubt."

Sungmin blushed at the words, especially since they were coming from his crush.

He nervously smiled before responding, "I-I don't know."

A slight tint of pink became visible upon Sungmin's visage as he attempted to hide it with the towel in his hands. The two walked together in a comfortable silence for a bit, Sungmin wiping away the perspiration that he had gathered during the practice competition, while Donghae was carefully studying Sungmin's appearance until something caught his eye.

"You're still wearing it?" Donghae inquired, examining the necklace around Sungmin's neck.

Sungmin, following the latter's gaze, realized he was talking about the necklace Donghae had given him back in middle school.






Turning around, Sungmin saw Donghae racing towards him, a wide smile on his face. Seeing this, an immediate blush overcame Sungmin's face as his heart began to flutter.

"Happy birthday!" Donghae announced proudly. "I hope you like it!"

Handing over a small box, Sungmin received it shyly and nervously, with trembling hands, lifted the lid, separating it from the box and revealing the box's contents. Sungmin gasped upon seeing the item inside; it was a simple, silver necklace with a "D" charm attached to it. He felt as though he could die at that moment because HIS crush was giving him a necklace with his initial linked to it.

"Here, let me put it on for you," Donghae suggested.

Carefully, Donghae picked up the necklace and swung it around Sungmin's neck and fastened it with his soft, gentle hands.

"There! Now you look even better!" Donghae claimed.

Hearing those words, Sungmin flushed red, but nonetheless, thanked the latter with a small hug.


-End of Flashback-



Not hearing a response from the latter, Donghae softly chuckled before looking ahead of him, contemplating on how to convey his next message.

"You know," Donghae began, "when I saw you on the day the results for the high school entrance exam was out, I was really happy."

Sungmin stopped in his tracks, a blush appearing on his face while the other continued walking, not minding the disappearance of the latter's presence. He smiled happily as he walked away, leaving Sungmin lost in his thoughts.

D-did he just say he was happy to see m-me?



With the afternoon activities settled, the moon revealed itself after the sun's setting; the moon and stars dominated the dark, night sky, emitting a beautiful, white glow. Sungmin was running down the sidewalk, streetlamps guiding him on his way to the park to meet a very special friend that he's grown quite attached to. Discovering the little creature snuggled up close to a tree, Sungmin sighed in relief as he shuffled towards the little pup, a bright smile on his face.

"Ah, there you are!" Sungmin remarked.

Upon seeing Sungmin, the puppy rushed over towards his figure and lied down in front of Sungmin's feet. This caused Sungmin to release an audible gasp, before crouching down and petting the dog, a small smile plastered on his visage as he studied the creature with curiosity. He reached into his school bag and exposed his uneaten lunch Leeteuk had packed him that afternoon, especially for his dance competition. However, he concluded that his new friend required food more than him, so as a result, he laid down the lunchbox in front of the pup and fed it the delicious delicacies.

As the puppy ate, Sungmin busied himself by the puppy's soft, sesame-colored fur and whispering nonsense he knew the little one wouldn't understand.

"Today, Donghae said the competition was amazing," Sungmin began, "a-and he also said that he was happy that I was accepted into Seoul High School."

"Isn't that great?"

Sungmin abruptly ceased his actions of the puppy's fur upon hearing that oh-so familiar voice; he stood up promptly, brushing off the dirt from his uniform before facing the intruder. It was none other than Kyuhyun, his bike beside him as he held a white bag in his hands; he was also dressed in his school uniform, but even still, he looked very handsome in Sungmin's eyes.

"K-kyuhyun! W-what are you doing here?" Sungmin hesitantly inquired.

Stationing his bike so that it was leaning against the peg on the ground, Kyuhyun strolled over towards Sungmin, showing him the contents of the white bag.

"I wanted to feed him." Kyuhyun indifferently stated.

Feeling nervous all of a sudden, especially after what occurred that afternoon, Sungmin hastily gathered his belongings and quickly stood up, muttering a soft, "I'll see you soon," to the little pup, who was still munching on its food.

Sungmin was walking out of the park, Kyuhyun watching with a befuddled expression, when he realized something.

"You left something!" Kyuhyun called out.

Confused, Sungmin whirled around and raised an eyebrow at the latter. Kyuhyun only nodded his head downwards, motioning towards the little puppy that had seemed to be following Sungmin.

"Ah!" Sungmin pronounced. "He followed me!" He kneeled down and picked up the puppy as though it was his baby; he snuggled it close to his body and it tenderly. The puppy, in response, whimpered and nuzzled its head into Sungmin's chest, causing Sungmin to adore its cuteness. "I want to take you home, but it's probably not allowed...Kangin would throw a fit."

"Why?" Kyuhyun, who was standing off to the side, witnessing the heart-warming exchange between Sungmin and the puppy, asked.

"I'm not allowed to have pets in the house," Sungmin explained sadly, making cute faces at the little pup. Kyuhyun only nodded in response, comprehending his situation.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, small water droplets sprinkled down on them, causing the pair to shift their heads up and gaze at the sky.

"O-Oh no," Sungmin said, "it's beginning to rain." During his statement, he had cuddled the puppy closer to its chest, afraid that it would get cold. The rain came down harder, not to mention harsher, every passing second, and that's when Sungmin decided on what he had to do. Standing up, cradling the pup in his arms, he reached down for his bag and walked over to Kyuhyun, issuing a soft, genuine smile.



"K-Kangin!" Kangin!"

Hyukjae ran as fast as he could, down the stairs and into the dining room where his father was seated, reading the newspaper with a cup of tea on the table. He was out of breath by the time he had arrived at the doorway of the kitchen; however, he managed to breathe out the words his father needed to hear.

"S-Sungmin b-brought a-a g-guy h-home," Hyukjae panted, out of breath.

Kangin's eyes instantly widened as he rose from his chair, slamming his hand on the table.

"A GUY?"

With that, Kangin raced out of the dining room and towards the front door, Hyukjae groaning in response, but following his father, nonetheless. Once they were at the front door, they saw Sungmin walking in, his hair wet from the rain and his school uniform drenched. As Kangin was about to say something, he noticed a tall, handsome brunette advancing behind Sungmin, cutting off his speech.

"Are you Sungmin's boyfriend?" Hyukjae asked excitedly as he stood there, jumping up and down in place like a five-year old.

Kyuhyun smirked while Sungmin's face flushed red almost immediately. The younger was about to respond, but Sungmin beat him to it.

"Y-Yah! Lee Hyukjae! No! He's not!" Sungmin screamed, his face still red from his brother's previous actions.

Kyuhyun, who was chuckling slightly in the back, apprehended Kangin's presence.

"Annyeong, I'm Cho Kyuhyun," Kyuhyun introduced, "nice to meet you."

"Really," Kangin began, "I'm Sungmin's father." His face was scrunched up in displeasure of another boy's presence in the house. To say the least, he was frightening, intimidating, and down-right terrifying, causing Kyuhyun to stagger backwards a bit before leaning in, close to Sungmin's ear.

"H-he's scary..." Kyuhyun declared.

Sungmin, who realized that Kangin was losing his temper, decided to save Kyuhyun from an untimely demise.

"Ah, he's the one who helped me on the day of the entrance exams," Sungmin disclosed, a bit timidly.

"OH, YOU'RE the one who helped Sungmin on the day of the entrance exam," Kangin said in mock tone, attempting to calm himself.

"W-what?" Kyuhyun stuttered.

Kangin was about to respond when a small whimper was heard throughout the room, catching everyone's attention, including Kangin's. His face scrunched up even more, if possible, as he shifted his gaze from Kyuhyun to the creature in Sungmin's arms. Immediately, his eyes widened as he pointed a finger at the pup, which emitted another whimper, snuggling closer into his owner's chest.



"No. Definitely not," Hyukjae argued.

"But, why not?" Sungmin whined. "He looks so sad..."

"We can't help it! No pets in the house, remember?" Hyukjae added. "Right, Kangin?"

Leeteuk, who had joined them in the bickering about whether or not to keep the puppy, glanced over at Kangin, nervously; the latter doing the same.

Kyuhyun was situated beside Sungmin at the dining table, witnessing a rather odd family argument, in his opinion.

"But, it's raining outside! Just for tonight?" Sungmin pleaded.

"Whatever," Hyukjae scoffed, "when I was out one time and found little Choco, I wasn't allowed to keep my little baby!" Hyukjae was now whining, pouting, and reminiscing on his memories of finding an adorable, puppy he had named Choco. She was half Pomeranian, half Chihuahua, and Hyukjae believed she was the most perfect, cutest, and lovable pet anyone could ever desire. However, his hopes and dreams were demolished after being sternly told he was not allowed to keep her by Kangin, so in his mind, if he wasn't allowed to keep Choco, there was no way he was letting Sungmin keep this one.

Seeing that the situation was getting out of hands, Kyuhyun became anxious, shifting in his seat awkwardly.

"I-if it's like this, then bring it to my house," Kyuhyun announced.

"Okay," Leeteuk spoke, startling everyone in the room. "Even if it's just for tonight, you'll become attached to it and not want to let him go."

"T-Then can we adopt it?" Sungmin asked, his eyes shining brightly.

"Neh, it won't be a problem," Kangin said.

"What? How come?" Hyukjae complained.

"Take good care of it, neh?" Leeteuk added, disregarding Hyukjae's complaints.

"Thank you!" Sungmin screamed in joy, bouncing up and down in his seat, causing Kyuhyun, seated beside him, to chuckle lightly at his childish behavior.

Sungmin rushed over to the puppy they had placed on the floor; he knelt down and immediately began petting it with care. Kyuhyun watched from the table, captivated by Sungmin's mere actions of carefully the dog. During this scene, Leeteuk had returned to the kitchen to continue cooking dinner while Hyukjae stomped out of the dining room, up the stairs, and into his room, not forgetting to slam his door shut.

Kyuhyun snapped back to reality, aware of the fact that he had been staring at Sungmin for far too long. Therefore, he stood up and wandered out of the dining room and into the living room, where his coat was hung up.

"Well, I should get going," Kyuhyun stated. Glancing back towards Sungmin, he smirked before uttering out, "That didn't take much effort now did it?"

However, as Kyuhyun was about to put on his coat, Leeteuk dashed out from the kitchen.

"If you don't mind, why don't you stay for dinner?" He suggested.

"No, I shouldn't be intruding," Kyuhyun replied.

Kangin instantly stood up from his seat, his temper returning,

"Didn't he just tell you to leave AFTER you ate?!" Kangin bellowed.

Kyuhyun held up his hands, a sign of defeat, as he strolled over to Sungmin.

"Y-your dad is really scary..." Kyuhyun disclosed, Sungmin only issuing him an apologetic smile as a response. 



"How many times do I have to tell you? No elbows on the table!" Kangin scolded, his mouth full of rice and other matters.

"Yeah, well, talking with your mouth full is disgusting!" Hyukjae retorted.

"Yah! Don't you call me disgusting, you monkey!" 

Upon uttering out those words, though, rice flew in every direction, causing Sungmin, Leeteuk, Kyuhyun, and Hyukjae to shield their food and faces from the airborne rice.

"M-mianhe for being so loud and noisy," Leeteuk apologized.

"It's fine," Kyuhyun said, giving Leeteuk a small smile before turning his attention to Sungmin. "Is it always like this?"


Kyuhyun chuckled once again upon seeing Sungmin stuffing his mouth of food; however, he did find it very cute.

"Interesting family," Kyuhyun noted.

Kyuhyun continued to watch Sungmin, unaware that his food was left untouched, until a voice brought him back to reality.

"Min, can you pass me the soy sauce?" Hyukjae asked, holding out his hand impatiently.

Nodding in response, Sungmin extended out his arm and was about to grab the container holding the soy sauce when his arm suddenly froze. Kyuhyun, who was already observing Sungmin, didn't let this action go unnoticed. He stared at the latter with wide eyes, awaiting his next action of handing over the soy sauce to Hyukjae; however, it never came, leaving the younger utterly confused.

Kangin and Leeteuk noticed Sungmin's abrupt stop in his actions, sending worried glances to each other.

"Uh, here," Kangin said, placing the soy sauce container into Hyukjae's hand.

"That's a hoax, isn't it," Kyuhyun declared with a shaky laugh; though, he was most definitely sure it wasn't.

Sungmin only continued to stare at his hand before smiling nervously at Kyuhyun; his mind was focused on why his arm had stopped again, just like what happened on stage at the dance competition. He realized that whatever this was, it was becoming more frequent, frightening Sungmin.

Recognizing the uncomfortable atmosphere, Kangin immediately thought of something that would surely restore the warm, happy aura.

"Oh, what are you going to name the dog, Sungmin?"

"Neh, we should give it a cute name," Leeteuk supplemented.

"Well, since our family makes bread, why not Pan?" Kangin suggested.

"...No way," Hyukjae stated sternly.

Sungmin was speechless since he hadn't thought this far; he was sure Kangin was going to reject his idea of keeping the little puppy, but now that he agreed, he didn't know what to name his new friend. Sungmin's face scrunched up in concentration, contemplating on a cute name he could give the pup. Kyuhyun, who was also lost in his thoughts, figured out the perfect name.

"How about Kyumin?" Kyuhyun suggested, a slight smirk on his visage that was overlooked by the happy expression on Sungmin's face as his eyes snapped open and a wide smile formed on his face.

"That sounds cute!" Sungmin agreed, nodding his head vigorously, causing Kyuhyun to chuckle for the umpteenth time that day. Leeteuk and Kangin exchanged confused glances, but concluded that if Sungmin liked it, then they wouldn't mind. Hyukjae, who was uninterested in the topic of naming their pet, scoffed at his family's behavior, continuing to eat his feelings away.

"N-neh, Kyumin! Not bad." Kangin acknowledged.

"How did you ever come up with such a cute name, Kyuhyun?" Sungmin asked.

Kyuhyun shrugged his shoulders, smirking in victory as Sungmin didn't realize that Kyumin was the combination of their names.

"Thank goodness," he thought.

"Well, it's decided!" Sungmin gleefully announced. "Kyumin~"

Leeteuk and Kangin observed Sungmin with delighted expressions; they wanted to make Sungmin's last moments happy; they wanted to make Sungmin as happy as he could be before his untimely departure. Therefore, they were willing to do anything in exchange for Sungmin's happiness, if it meant bright smiles from their beloved son.



The following day, the Kangteuk couple was seated in the waiting room of Seoul University Hospital; the sun was radiating the sky, its rays penetrating through the blinds and curtains of the hospital windows. The two were patiently waiting for either names to be called so that they would be able to consult with Dr. Choi, or rather, Siwon, about their issue. Leeteuk kept his head low, staring at his lap while fumbling with his fingers. He was biting his bottom lip as his mind wandered to the possibilities of the decision he had arrived at with Kangin yesterday night. On the other hand, Kangin was a nervous wreck; he couldn't sit still as he anxiously tapped his foot on the white, hospital floor, emitting an inaudible echo throughout the room. However, just as his temper was reaching its boiling point, it was finally their turn.

"Leeteuk-shii and Kangin-shii!" A nurse called from the doorway. "Please come in."

Before rising from their seats, however, they exchanged worried glances, fear evident in their eyes.

Kangin stood up and immediately extended out his hand for Leeteuk to take. The latter complied and seized the envelope containing Sungmin's MRI scans in his free hand. With that, the couple hesitantly strolled to the doctor's door, dismay apparent on their faces.

Kangin was the first to enter through the door, a small frown plastered on his face. Upon seeing the doctor, he bowed politely and apologized for the sudden intrusion.

"Sorry for being a bother," he stated. Holding the door open to allow his lover through, he released his hold on the latter's hand as his drooped to the side. Siwon watched, remaining silent as to hear what they came for.

"Thank you," Leeteuk acknowledged, delivering the MRI envelope to the doctor.

Smiling lightly up at Leeteuk, Siwon placed the envelope carefully on his desk before returning his gaze to the others in the room. However, his eyebrows contracted as the presence of an important individual was missing.

"Where's your son?" Siwon inquired.

"Oh, well today," Kangin began, "only we came."

Releasing a sigh, Siwon gestured to the chairs stationed in front of him. "Please, take a seat."

Complying to the doctor's offer, Leeteuk and Kangin situated themselves in the chairs; Siwon watched them as they got comfortable before voicing out his next question.

"Do you have any questions regarding Sungmin's illness?" Siwon inquired.

"We understand," Leeteuk affirmed, nodding his head. However, before Siwon could utter out another word, Leeteuk continued. "But, we can't accept this; this truth, this reality."

Leeteuk gazed into the doctor's eyes while smiling lightly. Siwon, on the other hand, observed the two with curiosity.

"I'm a nurse, so despite the circumstances, I nurture people, advise them to stop drinking and smoking, the sole reason as to why they're in the hospital. Concerning children, I advocate their parents to feed them properly, not to mention each and every day. I have encountered many individuals who do not care for their health nor life in general; therefore, I am very attentive regarding my family's health more than anything," Leeteuk declared.

"At home, with both parents working and having two, amazing sons, no matter how busy our schedules are, we will have three meals a day. The two of us care for Sungmin and Hyukjae more than our lives; they are our lives..." Leeteuk added. Tears were threatening to fall from his eyes, but he tried his hardest to restrain them; he didn't want another breakdown like last time. He stole a glance at Kangin who was staring at him with soft, sad eyes. The latter reached for his hand and intertwined their fingers; Kangin gave a tight squeeze, reassuring and comforting the other. However, for Leeteuk, this gave him the strength to continue.

"But..." he trailed off. "But why does it have to be Sungmin?"

Just like last time, his tears streamed down his face as his lips quivered; Leeteuk started to tremble slightly as he remembered the night Jaejoong had informed him about Sungmin's condition. Leeteuk was huffing and puffing, trying to calm his sobs, but it was no use. The tears kept on falling, just like a river flowing through a mountain pass. Kangin squeezed Leeteuk's hand tighter, but afraid he was hurting the other, decided to pull the latter into a soft embrace. Kangin s his arm around Leeteuk's slender waist and pulled him closer while Leeteuk buried his face into the material of Kangin's shirt. Siwon witnessed the heart-breaking moment as he watched Leeteuk crying with sympathetic eyes.

"S-Siwon..." Leeteuk managed to utter out, though his words were muffled by his sobs. Kangin tenderly rubbed his lover's back, comforting him while he discussed this issue with Siwon.

"You know, Siwon," Kangin started, "Sungmin had a dance competition yesterday. Even though he's only an incoming freshman, his dancing surpassed those of his seniors. He was astounding, not to mention his dancing abilities. He has so much passion and potential..." Kangin trailed off. This time, it was Kangin who was having trouble holding back his tears. He gazed down at Leeteuk's form in his arms and realized that his cries had ceased. He released his hold on Leeteuk, the latter slowly inching out while wiping away the excess tears, though tear streaks were still apparent on his cheeks.

"S-Sungmin is only f-fifteen years old," Kangin stated. "He's only fifteen! He still has a bright future ahead of him; Sungmin can accomplish so many things in the future, but, this...this disease will just strip him of everything he has and everything/everyone he loves!"

Kangin's temper was rising as a lone tear escaped his eyes, trickling down the side of his face.

"YOU EXPECT US TO BELIEVE THAT?!" Kangin bellowed as a few more tears cascaded down his visage.

Siwon winced at the sudden, agonizing tone of Kangin, lowering his head so that he was looking down at his lap. He was well aware that people would never believe of such a disease, but what could he do? He was a doctor and his job was to inform his patients, and the patient's parents, that what they are diagnosed with is the truth, even if it hurts. Siwon breathed out a shaky breath before raising his head and looking from Leeteuk to Kangin.

"I'm sorry," Siwon apologized, "but this is the truth."

Kangin's and Leeteuk's eyes were clouded, dark, and distant; they couldn't accept any of this; they couldn't take this anymore.

"Also, regarding this disease," Siwon continued, "although it may progress slowly at first, it worsens each passing day."

With those last words, the couple stood up as more tears began flowing from their eyes, their minds wandering to Sungmin and his abominable fate.



At Seoul High School, Sungmin was settled in his homeroom, standing at the front of the class and conducting the class, who was now a choir. The students were divided into two groups, boys on one side, and girls on another. They formed two lines as each student was holding onto a music sheet including the lyrics for their song. Seohyun was seated at the piano to the left of Sungmin, playing the notes beautifully and talentedly. Shindong stood to the right of Sungmin, assisting in the conducting of his class. Sungmin moved his hands, left and right, up and down, side to side, in with the beat while mouthing the words for the class to follow.


In the middle of this drifting season

I suddenly feel the length of the days

In the midst of these quickly-passing days

You and I dream away

With my feelings on the March wind

The cherry blossom buds continue on into spring---


"Stop!" A voice called out, causing the singing to die down immediately.

Sungmin halted in his hand motions as well, scanning the classroom for who had voiced out the sudden impediment. His gaze soon fell upon Ryeowook who was glaring at one of the boys Sungmin recognized as Kyuhyun's friend.

"Kibum isn't taking singing seriously!" Ryeowook complained, a rare scowl on his face.

"Tsk. Well, I haven't memorized the lines yet, so quit nagging sweetheart," Kibum retaliated, stealthily winking at Ryeowook, causing the latter to turn a shade of pink.

"Kibum and everyone else, you must memorize the lines," Shindong announced.

All the boys in the room grumbled in annoyance before mockingly replying, "Okaaayy~"

Sungmin watched with a small smile until he acquired the class's attention once more.

"Let's do it again," he suggested.

With that, he counted out the beats, one, two, three, four; the class followed Sungmin's gestures while Seohyun played along gracefully, adding to the feeling the song emits. Sungmin beamed as he conducted, content with the way the class was cooperating, as his mind lingered off to thoughts about him and his family.



Kangin and Leeteuk were strolling along down a trail after their visit to the hospital; they were expressionless as they were reminiscing on the words they were informed of about Sungmin's condition from Siwon. If Siwon was expecting the couple to accept this reality that there was no cure for Sungmin, that they were helpless to do anything for him, to save him, then the doctor was crazy. The wind blew against their faces while the setting sun casted an orange glow upon their visages.

"If Sungmin learns about his disease," Kangin said, breaking the silence they were walking in, "what will happen to him?"

"I can't tell him," he added. "Of course, humans are weak. I can't tell Sungmin, a fifteen year old, about his fate."

Leeteuk glanced up at Kangin's expressionless face before sighing.

"Kangin, even though this is a cruel fate for Sungmin, it is his fate. We have to tell him sometime," Leeteuk declared. "There is nothing we can do for him; therefore, the least we can do is to tell him."

Leeteuk stopped walking, looking down at his feet before whispering out his last words.

"Even if it's for his own good..."

Kangin, who had also halted in his steps, widened his eyes, gazing at his lover with disbelief. The two stood there, speechless, before Kangin continued walking, Leeteuk having no other choice but to follow.

"Even if it's for Sungmin's own good," Leeteuk thought, "I can't tell him, not now at least. Maybe, hiding the truth will be better for Sungmin..."



The cherry blossom buds continue on into spring

The overflowing drops of light

One by one warm the morning

Beside you, I'm a little embarrassed


Sungmin's homeroom continued to rehearse for the choir competition that was quickly approaching. As Sungmin conducted, Kyuhyun, who stood to the back, sung quietly, more focused on the person who stood at the front.


After a huge yawn

I'm standing at the door to a new world


"A new world?" Kyuhyun thought.


What I've realized is that I'm not alone


I'm not alone...


If I close my eyes


Kyuhyun closed his eyes, continuing to sing along, though he allowed his...whatever it was to control him. Was it his mind? His body? His heart?


You're behind my eyelids


He reopened his eyes, only seeing one person in sight.


How strong has that made me?




I hope I'm the same for you


Lee Sungmin.



Sungmin was seated in Siwon's office, fiddling with his fingers, Leeteuk off to the side, observing his son, while the doctor read Sungmin's journal he's been writing in since the day he was advised to do so.

"You've been writing very well in this, haven't you?" Siwon complimented, issuing a small smile towards Sungmin. "If you continue to write in this journal every day, I'll know how your illness is progressing."

He returned the journal to its rightful owner, a smile still grazing his lips; however, Sungmin was perplexed.

"Eh? I still have to write in this?" Sungmin asked curiously.

"Neh. Be sure to take your medication every day as well," Siwon instructed. "And also, from this point onwards, control your body movements more frequently; in addition, you'll need to start simple rehabilitation."

"R-rehabilitation?" Sungmin inquired anxiously.



Opening the door to the waiting room, Sungmin exited the hallway from Siwon's office, taking a seat while Leeteuk stayed inside to consult with the doctor once again. He heaved a sigh; it had been a long day for him. After school had ended, Leeteuk had driven over to the hospital immediately for their appointment; Sungmin, having not eaten since lunch, was hungry and exhausted. Suddenly, he heard a child-like voice, along with the sound of tiny footsteps.


Turning his head to the side, he saw Onew running towards him with a backpack on and two bags in each hand. Sungmin's disappointed expression was replaced by his bright smile, as he greeted the younger one kindly.

"Ah, Onew!" Sungmin said. "Are you here to visit your father?"

He rose from his chair and gazed down at Onew's smiling face and messy brown hair.

"Neh!" Onew replied, nodding his head. "I also brought some stuff too!"

"I'll help you carry them," Sungmin offered, seizing the two bags from Onew.

"Thank you, hyung!"

With that, Sungmin grabbed his school bag and wandered off with Onew through the hospital, unaware of what he may see when he arrives at his destination.



Inside, Siwon and Leeteuk sat facing each other, serious expressions on their profiles.

"Not matter what the illness is," Siwon started, staring at Leeteuk sincerely, "the first step is to always inform the patient about his/her illness."

Leeteuk looked away from the doctor's intense gaze and decided that his hands were more interesting in his lap.

"I-I understand," Leeteuk mumbled, almost incoherently, "but, I can't and won't tell him anything."

Siwon observed Leeteuk before releasing a sigh.

"Sungmin is smart. You won't be able to hide everything from him; he'll find out soon enough, the way I see it," Siwon disclosed.

"Please..." Leeteuk voiced, pleading Siwon with his eyes, "Please, I just need a little more time."

Siwon sympathetically stared at the latter for a few moments, contemplating on his thoughts. He knew it was difficult for Leeteuk to accept the fact that Sungmin was diagnosed with this disease; he knew it was difficult for Leeteuk, of all people, to have to tell Sungmin of his disease. However, he knew that by telling Sungmin, it was better than having him find out on his own. Siwon nodded in response, understanding Leeteuk's situation; he'll permit a little more time, but in that little time, Siwon knew that the disease will progress, causing inconveniences and difficulties in Sungmin's daily life.



Upon arriving in front of his father's door, Onew reached for the handle and opened the door with ease, stepping in, motioning for Sungmin to follow suit.

"Come in," Onew suggested, placing the bags on the ground.

Nodding, Sungmin entered, bowing to Onew's father while murmuring a quiet, "Sorry for intruding," not once looking up.

"Appa, this hyung helped me," Onew exclaimed, rushing to the side of the bed with a bright smile on his face.

Whirling around with a smile of his own, Sungmin was about to introduce himself when the sight of Onew's father stopped him from doing so. His smile faded, transforming into a small frown as his eyes widened. On the bed was Onew's father, however, he wasn't exactly in the best of shapes; his neck was shifted in an odd position, unable to look at Sungmin; his eyes wandered around the room aimlessly, as though he had no control over them; his mouth hung wide open, appearing as though he couldn't close it; his hands were also altered into different positions; one was twisted backwards while the other was twisted to the side. There were pillows supporting him so that he sat upright on the bed, a table in front of him with a character chart settled upon the flat surface. Onew picked up the transparent chart and held it up for his father; eventually, his father began to point at the Korean characters, spelling out a word.




"Kamsahmnida," Onew exclaimed after understanding his father's message. He turned around and gave Sungmin a toothy grin, the latter returning it with a hesitant smile of his own.

The entire time, Sungmin was watching with wide, fearful eyes; his mind wandered back to the time his body movements stopped and how he was unable to control them; the times when he was immobilized abruptly.

W-What's wrong with Onew's f-father?



Upon finishing helping Onew, he bid good-bye to the younger and left the room. He walked down the hallways of the hospital, though, his mind continuously lingered back to the images of Onew's father on the bed. He was so lost in thoughts that he hadn't noticed a familiar figure in front of him, calling his name repeatedly.

"Sungmin!" Leeteuk yelled, dashing over to Sungmin. "Where did you go? I was looking everywhere for you!"

Sungmin snapped out from his daze as he smiled brilliantly at Leeteuk.

"Mianhe," Sungmin apologized.



Leeteuk and Sungmin were advancing home as they walked down the sidewalk, trees shading them from the blazing sun. They were enjoying the comfortable silence, a gentle wind rustling the leaves above their heads.

"Even though it will be troublesome to take your medication and perform rehabilitation, try your best, neh?" Leeteuk encouraged.

"Neh," Sungmin replied almost immediately.

"When's your next dance competition?"

"It hasn't been decided yet."

"Well either way, we'll go and cheer for you again!" Leeteuk exclaimed, a bright smile on his face as he threw a glance at Sungmin. "There are still club activities today too, right? Oh! We still need to take Kyumin to the vet for his injections as well."

However, the latter wasn't exactly concentrated on the conversation they were having; no, since the encounter with Onew's father, his mind wasn't functioning correctly. Feeling anxious, Sungmin observed Leeteuk before returning his gaze elsewhere, unconsciously voicing out the question that had been on his mind for a while now.

"Teukie Umma?" Sungmin inquired.

"Hm?" Leeteuk hummed.







"What disease do I have?"

Leeteuk's smile fell from his face as Sungmin silently awaited for his answer.



"Leeteuk Umma, in my heart, I know I can always trust you."

"From this point onward, I leave it to you."

"Mianhe for always making you worry."



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Kyeo-Baby-Min #1
Chapter 15: I hate you! . I love Sungmin! .....................

Good story but.... T_______T

And I hate the fact that you'd leave us hanging like this!!

Story was well written tho.

sorry for that outburst. but I really sad. sorry.
darayang #2
Chapter 15: Neee~ author-nim... When are you going to update this story?:( you know? I've been waiting for so long...:(
I really really need updates... I'm a big fan of KyuMin angst story... And I really like the drama... Nee author-nim... Update this story please~:3
lol...i named my dog Kyumin...
StrawberryMinz #4
Chapter 15: Gah. It's a major cliffhanger!
This is so adorable , tho
I can't wait til KyuMin gets into action~
(and I mean the couple, not the dog LOL)
Update sooon! (:
'if I close my eyes,
you behind my eyelids'
That's words killing me...
I can't imagine how heartbreaking Kyuhyun when he know 'bout Min's desease...
naznew #6
Gomawo update..
I love the dog's name..KYUMIN..
Onew's father have the same disease?
Oh god..will Leeteuk tell Sungmin the truth?
Please update again..
PaboForSJ #7
Aww...... I hope there won't be a bad ending..... Just make it a happy ending please.
I cried all I can say
GOSH could you writing such a heart-breaking story like this?*sobs*
ive know about this story,since i have this movie and keep watching it coutless times until my eyes swollen..
and the ending really isnt nice..*sobs*
but i really hope that you didnt follow the story until the least,make a happy ending..*sobs*
gosh..i cant stop crying and cant stop reading ur story eventhough ive know the plot very well..*tears keep streaming away*
fate was just cruel!! T.T *SOB*