Who Are You?

A Liter of Tears

"Get on." 

Sungmin looked at the person in front of him strangely.


Nonetheless, he complied and took a seat behind the boy. They took off with the rain continuously pouring. The person was pedalling as fast as he could, but they reached a bump, causing Sungmin to fall off. However, he wrapped his arms around the boy's waist tightly to save himself. He blushed after he regained his composure and realized the position the two of them were in, but continued to hang on, just in case. Finally, they reached the school. Throughout their whole trip, the rain didn't lighten up. The man stopped his bike and placed it inside the school. He looked at Sungmin's condition and how he was limping. With no other choice, he picked Sungmin up, bridal style, and carried him all the way to the nurse's office.

"Y-yah! W-what do you think you're doing you p-ert!"

"You're calling your savior a ert now? Tsk."

Sungmin's face was now flushing red as he realized his words. He hushed up immediately and hid his face in the man's shirt. The one carrying him chuckled softly at his cuteness, but concentrated on walking. Once they were inside the nurse's office, the nurse swiftly began working on Sungmin's injury. She cleaned the wound and placed a band-aid over it to prevent any further infections. Sungmin glanced over to the other and saw him drying his hair with a towel. 


Those were Sungmin's only two words as he was brought back to reality by the said person's voice.

"Well, if you'll excuse me."

Even his voice is amazing...

However, as the boy was about to open the door and leave, the door opened, revealing the professor in charge of the entrance exams.

"Good news! The both of you are allowed to take the exam!"

Sungmin's face lit up and a smile grew on his face. He sighed in relief as he was allowed to take the exam. Despite his enthusiasm, the other boy didn't look very pleased. He seemed annoyed with the idea and didn't like it one bit.

"However, you'll have to turn in your exams at the set time to be fair to the other students."

"Neh! Thank you!"


"Don't worry. Because you helped someone, being late for the exam doesn't matter." 

Sungmin smiled happily and handed in his examination card. 

"Lee Sungmin from Mokpo Middle School. Candidate 2707. Yes?"

"That's me!" Sungmin sang.

The other boy looked at Sungmin in amazement. 

So determined...yet so cute.

Without giving permission, the professor reached into his front pocket of his tuxedo and pulled out his examination card.

"Cho Kyuhyun from Seoul Middle School. Candidate 1603. Yes?"


Sungmin looked at the other in awe and for the first time, took in his features. 

Cho Kyuhyun, huh?

Back at the bread shop, Kangin was helping a customer. He was happily putting the bread into the bag when the customer spoke up.

"So, I hear Sungmin has an entrance exam today."

"That's right. Seoul High School to be exact."

"Wah. That's such a nice school."

"Yes, yes."

Kangin calculated the bread amount and looked at the prices to see how much the total was.

"Your total is $15.75 and you gave me $20, so your change is $3.25! Thank you, come again!"

However just as he was about to happily walk off, the customer pulled him back.

"I do believe it should be $4.75."


Kangin immediately pulled out the calculator and punched in the buttons. After pressing the equal button, it read "4.75."

"Aish, you almost ripped me off there."


Students began filing out of the classrooms and were now talking happily outside after their stressful exams. 

"Aish! How could you be so reckless as to fall asleep on the bus, Sungmin?"

Ryeowook was looking at his best friend in disbelief after he heard Sungmin's story of why he was late to the examinations. 

"M-mianhe, Wookie. I'll try not to do it again." Sungmin pouted and looked at his best friend who rolled his eyes. 

"It's okay. Just...quit it with the aegyo. You know I can't resist your cuteness!" With that, Ryeowook pounced on Sungmin and pinched his cheeks. As a response, the older cried out in pain, but the younger just laughed. 

"Aigoo~ my beautiful cheeks..." 

Ryeowook sighed.

"Really Minnie? Sometimes I wonder if you're really the hyung and I'm the dongsaeng."

Sungmin just giggled at his best friend, but stopped when he saw a familiar face walk by with an unfamiliar face. 

"I thought you weren't going to take the exam." 

"That's what I intended to do." Kyuhyun replied with a slight irritation in his tone of voice. 

"You're kiddiing, right?"

Kyuhyun just looked at his best friend and scoffed. He grabbed his bike and began to walk off, his friend following closely behind. Sungmin was watching the whole scene, and Ryeowook noticed his change in expression.

"Min, is something wrong?"

Without warning, Sungmin bounded off towards Kyuhyun and his friend.

"Eh? Sungmin!"

Ryeowook groaned but followed after his best friend nonetheless. Sungmin stopped right in front of the other two, causing them to stop in their tracks and look at him. Ryeowook soon caught up with Sungmin and was now blushing slightly because of how embarassing it was to be in front of such handsome guys. 


Ignoring his best friend, he began to talk.

"A-about this morning...thank you. I wouldn't have been able to take my entrance exam if it wasn't for you...so thank you."

Sungmin looked down sheepishly, trying to hide his sudden, blushing face. 

"It was your fault I had to even take the exam." Kyuhyun complained.

Sungmin's head shot up and looked at Kyuhyun in bewilderment. 


His friend spoke up, "Who's this?"

Kyuhyun sneered and replied, "Who knows." He walked off with a smirk on his face, feeling victorious. However, deep in his heart, he felt a sudden pain but ignored it. 

"Kyuhyun!" His friend chased after him. However, he looked back at Sungmin and Ryeowook, giving them a wink which made the younger one blush. Sungmin stood there, utterly dumbfounded about what just happened.


"You were late?"







"Forget it already. Aish, you're so noisy." 

"Lee Hyukjae, you keep your mouth shut."

"I only finished about half of the exam though..."

Sungmin sighed and looked down in disappointment. 

"I want another bowl of rice."

"Hyukjae, make sure to eat your vegetables."


"Leeteuk Appa, you sound more like an Umma." 

"Oi, Kangin Appa, did you clean this bowl? It's still dirty. Aish, I'm done eating."

"...What are you trying to say? Are you saying your father's dirty? GET BACK HERE YOU PABO SON OF MINE!"

Hyukjae stuck his tongue out at his father before running up the stairs to his room. Leeteuk smiled at the father-son bond, but remembered something.

"Oh, did you thank the boy who helped you?"

".............SAY WHAT NOW? Why does he have to do that?!"

"Good luck to the both of you." Leeteuk gave his son a heart-warming smile.

"But, what if I fail..."

"You'll do fine. No son of mine fails."

However, Kangin seemed to speak too soon as his dinner fell out of his chopsticks and landed on the floor. Leeteuk and Sungmin stared at him.

"I-it slipped!" Kangin held up both of his hands for defense, but his plan was futile. Sungmin chuckled at his father, hurriedly finished up his meal, and helped Leeteuk with cleaning up. Afterwards, he went to go shower and change into his pajamas. Now that there was no need to study less he gets accepted into Seoul High School, he jumped onto his bed and layed on his back, facing the ceiling. He recollected everything that happened that day until one question crossed his mind.

Cho Kyuhyun...who are you?

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Kyeo-Baby-Min #1
Chapter 15: I hate you! . I love Sungmin! .....................

Good story but.... T_______T

And I hate the fact that you'd leave us hanging like this!!

Story was well written tho.

sorry for that outburst. but I really sad. sorry.
darayang #2
Chapter 15: Neee~ author-nim... When are you going to update this story?:( you know? I've been waiting for so long...:(
I really really need updates... I'm a big fan of KyuMin angst story... And I really like the drama... Nee author-nim... Update this story please~:3
lol...i named my dog Kyumin...
StrawberryMinz #4
Chapter 15: Gah. It's a major cliffhanger!
This is so adorable , tho
I can't wait til KyuMin gets into action~
(and I mean the couple, not the dog LOL)
Update sooon! (:
'if I close my eyes,
you behind my eyelids'
That's words killing me...
I can't imagine how heartbreaking Kyuhyun when he know 'bout Min's desease...
naznew #6
Gomawo update..
I love the dog's name..KYUMIN..
Onew's father have the same disease?
Oh god..will Leeteuk tell Sungmin the truth?
Please update again..
PaboForSJ #7
Aww...... I hope there won't be a bad ending..... Just make it a happy ending please.
I cried all I can say
GOSH author-nim.how could you writing such a heart-breaking story like this?*sobs*
ive know about this story,since i have this movie and keep watching it coutless times until my eyes swollen..
and the ending really isnt nice..*sobs*
but i really hope that you didnt follow the story until the end..at least,make a happy ending..*sobs*
gosh..i cant stop crying and cant stop reading ur story eventhough ive know the plot very well..*tears keep streaming away*
fate was just cruel!! T.T *SOB*