
Starting off on the Wrong Foot



“Alright that’s it for today’s class. I would like you all to complete the song writing activity that I handed out last time by Monday. I hope you all have started it because it will definitely take you some time. Have a nice weekend everyone. I’ll see you on Monday.” The room of full of anxious teenagers was filled with the incessant chatter of plans for the weekend and how it was good to be out of class finally. These people went to their regular schools during the day, then in the afternoon headed to SM Entertainment’s building to resume their work as trainees. It was hard to balance both aspects of their lives, but their determination would help them overcome any obstacles.

“Yo~ng oppa,” a female voice called out to the teacher at the front of the class. “Are you busy right now? Would you like to go out and get some coffee?” Yonghwa, who was already used to this kind of harassment, just rolled his eyes and ignored the group composed of the ‘queens of the trainees.’ Even though they were just seniors in high school, they would take any chance to go out with the ‘hottest and dreamiest teacher’ at the training facilities.

“Jae Kyung, I told you that it’s rude of you to call me that. It’s Jung seonsaengnim to you. If one of SM’s executives walked in here right now and saw that you called me that, I would lose my job. To answer your question, I am most certainly not free and even if I was I wouldn’t go out with an underaged girl,” he dryly replied. He was used to that kind of treatment, so he just gave his cold answer and hoped that it would manage to scare the girl off.

“Oppaaaaaaaaaa~,” she whined with an aegyo filled voice. “Why do you reject me so much? I’m the prettiest of all the trainees here. Any straight man in their right mind would kill to go out with a beauty like me,” she arrogantly pointed out. Yonghwa just rolled his eyes and continued to pick up his belongings to head out the door.

“Yah! Just exactly who are you calling oppa?” an older female called out from the door. “Just why exactly is a little girl like you trying to hook up with my husband?”

“Seohyun seonsaengnim…” Jae Kyung whispered. “I… I… I have to go now. Excuse us for today Jung seonsaengnim. I will see you on Monday.” The crowd of fangirls, led by Jae Kyung, all gave the couple a deep bow and darted out of the door.

“Do I have to see this every time that I come in here Yonghwa? How do I know that you aren’t going to after these little girls? Like she said, I’m sure that any straight man in their right mind would go after her. How should I know that I can trust you?” she asked, slightly annoyed that her husband was so popular with the trainees.

“She is right, but there’s one problem with her theory. I may be a straight man, but I’m certainly not in my right mind. I’m crazy right now… crazy in love with my beautiful wife,” he embarrassingly confessed.

“Ugh you’re so damn cheesy it’s disgusting. Where did you learn to talk like that? I suggest you stop talking to that person or you’re going to be wifeless pretty soon,” she giggled.

“Hey, last time I checked you weren’t so innocent yourself. Ever since you became one of the vocals instructors, I’ve noticed that the male population has increased there too. How do I know that I’m not going to walk in on you making out with one of those flowery guys one day?”

“You’re hopeless… comon, let’s get going already or we’re going to be late. I don’t want to make the kids wait long since you always take forever to get ready to go. Watch out for Kyeong Min today, he’s upset about what happened last night. He came to me crying on how you love his sister more than you love him. It’s pretty evident that you like Kyeong Eun more than him.”

“How can a boy hit a girl like that? If I scolded him, it’s because he shouldn’t hit his sister like that. And what about you? You baby Kyeong Min so much and you hardly pay attention to Kyeong Eun. If anything, she’s the one that feels abandoned by you,” Yonghwa pointed out. These problems were constant in their household. Their kids were like cats and dogs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As always, Yonghwa would comfort their daughter, while Seohyun would comfort their son.

“Whatever, let’s just go. I don’t want to do any driving at night if we have to. Busan is a couple of hours away from here and I would rather get there early. It’s been so long since we saw your mom. I can’t wait to see her again,” she happily stated.

“Yeah, since tomorrow is the midsummer festival down there, I would rather be rested before heading out to that. I’m sure the kids are going to drive us insane that day. I don’t even want to know how tired I’ll be after we come back that night.”

“Are you ready to head out?” she asked before getting a nod in response. “Alright let’s head out.” Yonghwa walked up to her, planted a small peck on her lips, and put his arm around her. I had already been almost five years since the day they decided to become two parts of a whole. Even after spending so much time together, they still couldn’t get enough. If they couldn’t see each other for a whole day, it would be as if the world was ending for them.


The small red car owned by the couple pulled into the parking lot of the school where the after school rush had already begun. Dozens of children, happy to be out of school, were running around without any cares in the world. It was easy to spot the pair that belonged to Yonghwa and Seohyun because they were together, fighting as they always did.

“Yah, Kyeong Eun, Kyeong Min cut it out,” ordered a not very amused Yonghwa. The drive to Busan was a couple hours long and he was definitely not in the mood to have fights all along the way. “What have I told you two about fighting? You’re siblings, not animals, so act like it please. Do you want these people to think that we haven’t raised you well? That makes all of us look bad. Now please, we have a long drive ahead of us, so behave or else I’ll leave you here alone.”

“But daddy, Kyeong Min was being mean to me,” a preschool aged girl pouted. “I think you should ground him and leave him here.” She ran up to Yonghwa and hid behind his legs. She knew she could always get her way because she was his favorite, but not this time.

“Kyeong Eun, stop trying to take advantage of me, it’s not going to work this time. This goes for the both of you and I mean it. I know you feel like you need to outdo each other and compete but that’s not true. I love both of you equally and you should know that. Now let’s get going or else we will be late to meet your grandma.” He knew his attempts at diplomacy would only give him a temporary peace, but he decided some peace was better than no peace.

“Mom, why did you have to have Kyeong Eun, she’s such a crybaby. I don’t like her,” an equally angry preschool aged boy complained. “You should have just had me and not had her.”

“Um, you guys are kind of twins so I don’t think it was possible for that to happen. Besides why would you even want to not have a sister? You may look like you’re always fighting, but I know you can’t live without her. For someone who says they don’t like Kyeong Eun, you sure are attached to her.” Seohyun’s observations obviously pushed his buttons. His blush surely indicated that his mom was right.

“Fine I’ll stop arguing with her if she agrees to call me oppa. She calls all the older boys at school that but not me and I’m her real brother,” he continued to complain.

“Pabo! We’re the same age, I’m not calling you oppa,” she spat back.

“I’m five minutes older than you. You better call me oppa or else I’ll keep bugging you.”

Seohyun and Yonghwa just threw each other the same worried glance and let them be. It was obvious their kids wouldn’t get along, at least not until they grew up a little. It seemed that they had expected too much of the four year old children that now made up their family.

“Alright, alright, enough. Just hop into the car and let’s go. We’ll be driving for a really long time so we’re going to grab some food really quick. Use that time to take care of your business too, I don’t want to have to stop a thousand times along the way.” With those words, the energetic kids ran towards their car while Seohyun and Yonghwa walked together hand in hand. It was times like those that made them feel the happiest. Even when they couldn’t hear themselves think from the noise, it was one the happiest moments for them.

“You seem to be quite the dad today. Any particular reason for that?” Seohyun teased.

“Shut up, I’ve always been a cool dad. I thought about what you said about Kyeong Min. He does seem a little resentful of me. I’ll be sure to get closer to him over the trip. I just wish those two would stop fighting all the time. I know they’re just kids, but I don’t want it to get too serious,” he worriedly explained.

“Nah, those two can’t stand being separated. They fight to show how much they care for each other. Do you not remember how almost ten years ago we got along like cats and dogs? I think the same applies to them. Now stop being such a sap and let’s get going.” Yonghwa leaned in and placed a peck on her lips and happily trotted over towards the car where the impatient kids had begun to fight once again.


“What did I tell you?” Seohyun asked, motioning towards the children in the back seat. Both had been asleep for almost two hours since they tired themselves out with their constant bickering. Yonghwa turned around to see a heartwarming sight. Kyeong Min had his arm protectively around his ‘little’ sister while Kyeong Eun rested her head on his shoulder. “How can those two be so adorable? I hope we don’t wake them while going inside.”

“Ugh this is sickeningly cute. Maybe we should leave them here for tonight,” he joked. An unexpected slap from his wife indicated that she didn’t find his joke funny. “Yah, that hurts. I was just kidding, calm down. I’ll grab Kyeong Min if you can get the girl.” They each scooped up a sleeping child in their arms and headed to the familiar Busan house where Yonghwa once lived. Even before they could knock on the door, a friendly face greeted them as it always had.

“Omo! The kids are asleep. That’s too bad, I had something nice for them to eat. How are you two holding up? You look pretty tired,” the gentle woman pointed out.

“I can’t see how you managed to raise two kids mom. These little ones are a couple of trolls. They argue so damn much that it’s unbearable. I’m thinking of giving them away to a childless couple. How are things around here?” he asked before setting down his son on a couch and giving a hug to his mom.

“Everything is good around here. Your father will be home tomorrow evening so we can go visit your sister for her memorial. Don’t worry about the kids, they’ll grow out of it. I remember how big of a jerk you were to your sister while you were their age,” she chuckled.

“How big of a jerk he was?! Eomeoni, this guy hasn’ t changed a bit. He’s just as immature as these little ones, if not worse. Freaking choding Yong drives me insane sometimes,” Seohyun teased.

“Oh, sorry for not saying hi to you Seohyun ah. How are things going for you? You look like you’re the most tired of the two. I guess when you have to deal with three kids you tire out more easily,” the mother joked.

“Three kids? Oh, ahaha, you mean Yonghwa and the other two? Yeah, these kids drive me insane but they’re my family now so I just have to deal with them.”

“Ha ha, very funny. I remember now why I hate it when you two are together. Anyways, I’m going to put these two upstairs or else they’ll wake up and start creating havoc around here.” Although he fumbled a bit, he managed to get both of his kids into his arms, insisting that he should carry both because he was the man of the house. Yonghwa’s mom and Seohyun could only roll their eyes at the man who could act just as childish as the children he was carrying.

“How has Yonghwa been doing in regards to his sister? I’ve been worried he would be a little too depressed around the children. I remember back then he would just sit in his room and fiddle with his guitar for hours on end until the next day. He wouldn’t even go out to the memorial service we would hold,” the middle aged woman worriedly remembered.

“He hasn’t been too affected by it since we had the kids. He was really eager to come down here this time and I didn’t really see him depressed or anything. I think he’s finally let it go in his heart,” Seohyun replied, lamenting the fact that Yonghwa had to go through this every July. “Don’t worry eomeoni, we’re all behind you and Yonghwa. We’ll all make sure that Yonghwa has only happiness in his life.”

“Thank you very much Seohyun,” the mother-figure replied. “I can’t stress enough how happy I am for you to be his wife. If only he had you back when this all happened, he would have had no trouble at all getting over it.” The two women gave each other a quick embrace to commemorate their mother-daughter relationship before realizing that Yonghwa had been gone for almost ten minutes.

“Should we go check up on those three? It’s been ten minutes and Yonghwa still hasn’t come down.” They began their slow trek up the stairs and headed to the room where Yonghwa had once lived in. The sight they witnessed made tears almost well up in their eyes. Yonghwa was peacefully asleep in the middle of the bed, protectively holding the sleeping children in each of his arms. All of them had the same expression on their faces, drool slowly trickling out of their mouths. It was obvious who they took after personality wise from the family.

“He’s a choding all right…” Yonghwa’s mom pointed out. “I take it you’ll want to sleep too. Try to get some rest alright? I’ll be around to wake you two up when it’s time to head out the door.”

“Ne eomeoni,” Seohyun replied. Just as Yonghwa’s mom exited the room Seohyun moved closer to the three people that made her life worth living. She sat on the edge of the bed that she had once shared with Yonghwa all those years back. She chuckled a bit when she remembered the awkward, but comfortable, way they slept that night. The thought of her and Yonghwa spending their ‘first night’ in this bed brought a large smile to her face. She gave each of her three angels a kiss on the forehead and wished them a good night before shoving them to the side and taking her spot on the bed. It was slightly uncomfortable for four people to share the bed, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.


“Kyeong Eun, I wish you were here to see how wonderful of a family you have now,” Yonghwa spoke to a picture frame over his sister’s gravestone. “If only you could see the spunky little girl that’s named after you beat up her brother just as you had. I’m sure you would be the greatest aunt ever. It would be hilarious to see the confusion that ensues when someone calls out your name and you don’t know if they’re talking to you or the little Kyeong Eun.”

Seohyun watched her husband talk to his sister as if she were still alive from a distance, respecting his alone time with her. She couldn’t help but tear up when she saw the sorrow filled tears that ran down his cheeks slowly. It was hard to believe that the Jung Yonghwa in front of her was the same one that she married. The playful jokester that acted like an elementary school student was gone, replaced by a sad and quiet man whom she did not recognize. Shin Hye, who had arrived that morning for her best friend’s memorial, handed Seohyun a tissue so she could wipe away her sadness.

“How’s Yonghwa been doing? I haven’t heard from him since I started filming my new drama. Is he doing alright?” Yonghwa’s ‘older sister’ asked.

“Yeah, he’s been doing great. Ever since he became a father he’s been twenty times happier. This is the first time I’ve seen him like this. I’m glad that me and the kids can make him as happy as we do,” Seohyun replied.

Shin Hye looked over towards the kids rolling around in the distance and smiled. They came to pay their respects to their aunt Kyeong Eun, even though they didn’t fully know what that meant. “Those two remind me of Yonghwa and his sister so much. Always fighting, but in the end, they can’t stand to be apart. Yonghwa is a lucky guy for having such a beautiful family.”

“I feel just as lucky to have someone like him with me. How are your wedding plans coming along?” Seohyun asked, causing Shin Hye to blush.

“They’re getting there. It’s really hard to plan when we’re filming twenty-four hours a day, but at least we get to spend time together. I’m sure we’ll get around to the wedding soon, but for now we’re just happy to live life to its fullest. Park Shin Hye isn’t ready to get tied down just yet,” the small girl joked.

“I see you two still get along just fine,” Yonghwa pointed out. “Are you guys ready to head out? I’m sure the kids are dying to get to the festival and have some fun.” Shin Hye handed him one of her tissues so that he could wipe the tears from his face. Seohyun held back hers as hard as she could. It broke her hear to see him like that, but it was expected.


Another tiring day had come to an end. Even though it was already 10:00pm, and it was after the kids’ bed time, they were still running around like balls of pure energy. Luckily Shin Hye took them off their hands and they headed out towards the beach. A cool, sea breeze blew, causing small waves to crash on shore.

“It’s been ages since we’ve been back here,” Seohyun said, breaking the comfortable silence. “It’s a little nostalgic don’t you think. I remember when you first asked me to be your girlfriend on this very beach. I remember when I grew a spine and knocked Ye Ji straight to the ground.”

Yonghwa sighed contently, enjoying the view. Even though it was his home town and he saw it for sixteen years straight, he couldn’t get enough of traveling this beach. Now that he had Seohyun with him, it seemed just perfect to him. “I love this place. Let’s just live here for the rest of our lives, on this beach.”

“Pabo…” she replied to his stupid statement. Although she would take his proposal in a heartbeat, it was too unrealistic. “I would love to stay here forever. This is where it all began. I have to thank this beach for giving me the opportunity to be with you.”



“Just shut up and kiss me.” He forcefully pushed her into the sand, but still being careful that she wouldn’t get hurt, and threw himself on top of her. He planted a passionate and loving kiss on her lips, taking her breath away completely. After almost thirty seconds of non-stop kissing, they finally broke it off, only to continue after they regained their breath.

“I love you Yonghwa, have I ever told you that?”

“Yeah, but I don’t think I ever get tired of hearing it.”

“Well that’s good, because I won’t ever get tired of saying it.”



With that, I formally end this story known as “Starting off on the Wrong Foot.” I am so sad right now, I can’t even express it with words. I have grown so attached to this story that I never want to finish it. Once I hit the “mark story as complete” button I will have a mental breakdown. I can’t believe that I actually finished this story. I never thought that this day would ever come. I knew in the back of my mind that I would have to finish it someday, but that day came too soon. If only YongSeo ended like this for real. I really, really love them and I really wish that they would date for real. Sadly it will only be a dream of mine forever :(


First of all I would like to thank everyone that has made this story possible. I did this for all of you guys. I sincerely appreciate every single view that you guys have given me. Even if you never did comment or subscribe, you are all important to me. If it wasn’t for you guys, I would have never been able to write such a long story. I am glad that you all enjoyed it, and if you didn’t enjoy it, then that’s fine by me.


I went from writing 5 pages with 2500 words, to 11-12 pages and 6500 words for some chapters. Now, 30 chapters, 270 pages, and 147,100 words later, this story has now come to a close. That is a feat that is only possible because of the encouragement that I have received from all of you guys that have read my story so far. I probably am going to say this a billion times, but seriously THANKS ALL! :)


Over the almost three months that I have been writing this story over, I have ‘met’ a bunch of people that I really appreciate. I appreciate all of my subscribers equally but my constant commenters have really made this writing worthwhile and I would like to give a shout out to them:

L-uscious (Special thanks for the awesome art you made me :D ),














And more recently:





All of you guys listed here have commented for me for a while now and I feel like I have gotten to know you. (Sorry if I missed you!) I know I’m sort of picking favorites here, but I truly appreciate everyone. These guys have just been great readers and have commented since the beginning. Never would I have guessed that at the end of this I would have 55 wonderful subscribers and almost 8000+ views. I was just doing this for fun while being bored one day but it ended up turning into something wonderful.

Once again, it’s the last time I’m serious, thank you all for the support. I hope that you have all gotten something out of my story, as I have gotten much love from you guys. Hopefully my next story doesn’t disappoint. I had been planning it since I finished planning this one almost two months back and I hope it’s even better. Once I finished planning it and went over it, I realized there were a lot of similarities between this story and the new one so I’ll try to work those out. Sorry if it starts going too similar. The characters are completely different personalities, but the events might sound familiar. Without further ado, here is the foreword and first chapter for it. I hope you all enjoy:




*** Special thanks to my ‘ex-girlfriend’ Melissa. Thanks for being such a crazy stalker . She inspired me to write a story with a girl just as ed up and crazy as her. Although I know she will probably never see this, this is how I feel about crazy es such as her. At least she was good for something right? ***

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Wilhemina #1
Chapter 30: Plot twist Kyeong Eun was never dead. I don't want this story to end!!!!
Wilhemina #2
Chapter 29: Author-nim, you really know how to write really cute chapters and all that cheesy lovey-dovey stuff. If you had killed them nothing would've have changed because they died happily, together, in each others' arms. But I have a question, do you want to have your honeymoon in Hawaii? I read your story You Belong With Me and Seohyun and Lee Joo (I think that's his name) were supposed to have their honeymoon in Hawaii.
Wilhemina #3
Chapter 28: For some unknown reason, I don't want Young Jae to be dead. I want him to be there to witness the wedding. And I keep thinking that Ye Ji isn't dead too. I feel like she's faking her death
Wilhemina #4
Chapter 26: That dream though, thought it was real bruh.
Wilhemina #5
Chapter 17: This chapter was so cute, especially the last bit
Wilde_sparxx #6
Chapter 30: That was a great epilogue and wonderful ending! Great work!
Wilde_sparxx #7
Chapter 28: Is it just me or are one of those mind reader authors? Will we be moving forward with relationship finally...?
Wilde_sparxx #8
Chapter 26: While I agree with you not introducing another new bad guy character in this second half of the story, I really just hoped for the fluff ...
Wilde_sparxx #9
Chapter 20: Wow so much drama, lots of drama, too much drama?
Wilde_sparxx #10
Chapter 11: Well you've answered my question...