Crazy in Love

Starting off on the Wrong Foot

Chapter 27 – Crazy in Love


“Tch, stupid wake up!” Ye Ji shrieked at the limp figure in front of her. “How can I torture you if you don’t wake up?” For a few hours Seohyun remained fainted in the chair Young Jae had tied her to. Ye Ji’s plans of torture had to wait since she wanted to savor the feeling of seeing Seohyun cry. She could kill her on the spot if she wanted to, but death would be doing her a favor.

“Master, shall we leave her to wake up alone?” Young Jae asked the deranged woman. Young Jae’s voice had a little shakiness in it as he was ordered to not hurt anyone during his period of ‘service’ for Ye Ji. He knew that as soon as Seohyun woke up, Ye Ji would begin to torture her and that would ruin his plans.

“Young Jae, go pick up the wedding dress that Seohyun was waiting for. I’ll sit here and watch her. Oh and bring me some cold water before you go,” she ordered. “I’ll make sure she wakes up soon. Don’t let anyone know what you’re up to or else we risk getting caught. Now go and come back fast.”

“Yes master.” Young Jae walked over to the entrance of the dark and decrepit warehouse they were in. He remembered it was the same one that they had brought Jinwoon to all those years ago when Ye Ji thought she could form an alliance with him. Once he was safely in his car he took out his phone and dialed a familiar number.

“Yes Young Jae, is there any news?”

“Yes, sir, Ye Ji has kidnapped her target, Miss Seohyun. She plans on torturing her as a form of revenge. However, I doubt she has plans to kill her, at least not yet. I’m currently on an errand for her right now, so I don’t know when I will be able to report to you again.” Young Jae shifted nervously at the mention of reporting back to his new master. He was much stronger than Ye Ji but deep in the back of his mind he knew that he had to watch out for her. There was no telling when she would go berserk and try to kill him. If he was caught, he was surely a goner.

“Aish, that stupid girl… Why did she have to go and kidnap someone famous? Alright Young Jae, how much longer do you think Seohyun will be knocked out for? We can’t have her wake up until the timing is right.”

“The drug that I made for Ye Ji is stronger than normal. She will be out for at least another hour. I would say that she is out until at the latest 4pm,” Young Jae explained to her father.

“Good, just keep following her orders. If you have to, subdue her. We can’t have any blood shed during this. I’m trying to settle this without having to bring in the police since she’s my daughter. If it comes down to it, I will have no other choice than to rat her out to the cops. I’m counting on you Young Jae.”

“Alright sir, I will not fail you. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. Ye Ji shall not be successful in her plans.” Young Jae closed his phone and headed out in his signature black car. He wondered why Ye Ji wanted to get the wedding dress that Seohyun was going to wear, but he could definitely use it as an opportunity to leave a clue behind.


“Eh? Did I hear you correctly miss?” Yonghwa asked the clerk at the bridal shop.

“Yes, I’m sure of it sir. A large man in a black suit came here on behalf of Miss Seohyun to pick up her dress. He had a note signed by her herself and everything. Miss Seohyun also left this note,” she said, shoving a small piece of paper into his hands.


Oppa, I came to pick up the dress on my own. I’m sorry that we didn’t get to pick it out together but something came up, I’ll meet you soon. – Seohyun

P.S. Go visit Jinwoon for a while.


“Oh, thank you then. I’ll be back later to pick up my things as well. I’m sorry to cancel my appointment at the last minute,” he said with a bow.

“No problem sir, I will cancel it for you. If you wish to make another appointment just call us whenever you wish. We will be happy to help you another day. Thank you for your patronage,” she replied politely.

“What the hell is this?” he mumbled to himself, stepping out into the busy Seoul streets. “She said she was going to wait for me at the park so we could go together.” He was a little disappointed that she was being like that since it was going to be a meaningful experience for them, especially since it had been a month since they were together. A quick glance at his watch told him that it was already 5 in the afternoon. He took another look at the note which told him to pay Jinwoon a visit. He had a feeling something strange was going on, but he brushed it off as a figment of his imagination.


“Did you get it Young Jae?” Ye Ji eagerly asked her faithful underling. She jumped with girlish glee as she saw the carefully wrapped white box in his hands. It was times like those that Ye Ji seemed somewhat normal, but anyone that knew her would not be fooled. “Thank you, Young Jae. I’ll be right back while I go put this on. Just watch the girl while I’m gone.”

“Yes master,” he replied in his usual manner. While it hurt his pride to continue to refer to a woman half of his age as his master, he would have to bear it. He stared off into space wondering how his life had turned into this, when he heard a slight shuffling in front of him. The woman they had kidnapped began to open her eyes and look around frantically, most likely wondering where she was.

“Whe-where am I? Who are you?! Did you tie me up!? Let me go you scumbag!” she began to yell. Young Jae ran over to her and tied a piece of cloth over , muffling her angry yelling.

“Shhh, I’m not here to hurt you, but rather help you. Ye Ji kidnapped you and she plans on torturing you once you wake up. If I were you I would keep quiet and continue to act like you’re asleep. The moment she knows you’re awake, she’s going to put you through hell,” he explained to her. She glared at him with a fierce expression that indicated that she didn’t believe him. She remembered seeing him behind Ye Ji, when they met earlier that day.

“I know you will find it hard to believe me, but please trust me. She will stop at nothing until she hurts you enough that you will wish you were dead. There are plans to take her down, but we have to wait just a little bit. Please just act like you were asleep and bear anything she throws at you. Don’t give her the satisfaction of hearing your fearful whimpers or tasting your tears, it will only drive her to hurt you more.”

Seohyun was about to make a noise to explain that she would follow the plan, but was interrupted when Ye Ji came out from a nearby door, wearing the wedding dress Seohyun planned to wear at the wedding.

“It is a perfect fit. Well almost anyways. My body is a little too curvy for this dress but we can blame that on that little girl sitting there. Why Yonghwa prefers a body like that and not mind, I will never know. Anyways, Young Jae, is there any sign of movement from the girl?” Ye Ji asked, focusing her attention on Seohyun.

“No master, it doesn’t look like she will be awake soon. Maybe we used too much of the drug in the cloth for her body size. She still looks rather limp. I’d still give her another hour or two before she wakes up,” he lied. Ye Ji almost took his word for it when she saw the cloth wrapped around . She would have asked what he did that for, but just looked at him with a suspicious glance. Young Jae picked up on her glance and hoped he hadn’t been caught.

“Get the cold water ready. I don’t have her kind of time. She’s wake up whether she likes it or not.”


“Come in,” a female voice from behind the door called out. Shortly after, Yonghwa stepped into the room. Both Jinwoon and his nurse threw him a confused look, as it was rather strange for him to visit unannounced.

“Yo, Yonghwa what’s up? What are you doing here? I asked Seohyun to go grab something to eat but she said she was spending all of her free time with you. Aren’t you supposed to be with her?” he asked with curiosity.

“Um yeah that’s what I thought too. She told me to meet her at the shop at the time of our appointment but she never showed up. The lady at the counter told me that she had someone else pick the dress up for her. She left a note there that told me to visit you. I thought it was really weird too,” Yonghwa explained.

“She left a note telling you to come visit me? That’s really weird, I haven’t heard from her since I asked her to hang out. Let me see the note,” he ordered. Yonghwa took the note out of his pocket and handed it to him. Jinwoon’s eyes scanned the note a few times as if trying to read words that weren’t even there. “Yonghwa this isn’t Seohyun’s handwriting. I know this looks like her signature but it’s not. This is a fake note. What’s going on here?”

“A fake note? Why the hell would anyone want to make a fake note? This is probably some fanboy’s sick joke. This doesn’t even make any sense. Why would the lady at the counter even believe that this was Seohyun’s writing? Even if she did believe it, she shouldn’t have given the dress to anyone,” Yonghwa reasoned.

“This is a little strange, but I’m sure there’s a logical explanation,” Jinwoon replied. “Although… how would a stranger know about me? I’ve been in the hospital for four years. More importantly, why would anyone want you to visit me?”

“Jinwoon, can I ask you a question? You have to be really honest in answering it though.”

“Uh, yeah sure go ahead. Why would you ask me to do something like that?” Jinwoon questioned.

“I know it’s going to sound crazy, but I’ve been really worried these past few weeks. I’ve been having nightmare after nightmare every night for a few months now. Usually nightmares are just that, nightmares, but I have a feeling that these are more than that,” Yonghwa explained, leaving Jinwoon confused.

“Stop beating around the bush Yonghwa, what are these nightmares about?”

“They’re about Ye Ji. Every night I go to sleep fearing that she’s going to come into my dreams and ruin them. All of the dreams start out with me and Seohyun being happy or getting married and then Ye Ji appears in them. In all of them Ye Ji ends up killing one of us. The feeling I’m getting from this situation right now is identical to the feeling I get when I wake up from one of the nightmares,” he finished explaining.

“Why would you have to worry about something like that? You said yourself that Ye Ji was put in prison. She should still be rotting in there for the rest of her life. I don’t think you’re crazy though. It’s probably a mix of stress and nervousness you’re feeling. I wouldn’t worry about it,” Jinwoon assured him.

“As a nurse, I would agree with Jinwoon. It seems like you’re rather stressed out about a few things and it’s taking its toll on your sleep,” the nurse named Ji Na cut in. “If it’s really that bad, you could always get some sleeping aids to lessen the problem.”

“Nah, I think I’ll be fine once these end of the year programs are all finished. It’s probably just all the work piling up at once. Anyways, how’s the therapy going Jinwoon? I see that the wheelchair isn’t in the room anymore.”

“Yeah, it’s going pretty well. Ji Na has helped me out a lot and I think I’ll be good as new in a month or so. Although I have a little bit of trouble walking on my own at times, I’ll manage. I guess my muscles really did shrivel away to nothing after four years of sleep, hehe,” he joked. “As long as I’m awake though, I don’t care if I never walk on my own again. So how are the wedding plans going?”

“Everything is going fine. Tiffany and Sunny pretty much have everything set for the big day. All we had to do was pick out the dress and tuxedo. How about you and Ji Na? When are you two getting married?” Yonghwa teased. Ji Na began to fiddle with her hair and avoided eye contact with the two men in front of her, while Jinwoon just laughed.

“… it’s not like that,” he shyly responded.

“Sure it’s not. If you guys want you can get married on the same day as us. A double wedding would be awesome,” Yonghwa continued to tease the awkward pair. “We could…” Before he finished his sentence, his ringtone went off, making them all turn their attention to the black object in his hand. “Yobuseyo?”

“Is this Mister Jung Yonghwa?” a deep an unfamiliar voice asked him.

“Yes it is, who is speaking?” Yonghwa hesitantly questioned back.

“My name is Young Jae, I don’t know if you remember me from a few years back. I was Miss Ye Ji’s body guard. I have something to tell you, but you must keep it a secret at all costs,” Young Jae explained.

“You… what the hell do you want? I want nothing to do with you or Ye Ji, so please leave me the hell alone. I hope you never call me again. If you do, I will call the police on you. Good day sir,” he angrily responded, almost hitting the button to end the call.

“No, listen to me. Miss Seohyun is in a lot of danger right now. You have to hear me out,” he quickly blurted out, catching Yonghwa’s attention.

“Seohyun! Where is she?! What have you done with her?” he yelled into the phone. Jinwoon and Ji Na who had been listening in on the conversation jerked forward to try to hear the conversation in detail.

“Ye Ji is back, she escaped from jail. I don’t know how she did it but she got out. You have to trust me Mister Jung, that woman is crazy. She will stop at nothing to get her revenge on you and Miss Seohyun. Ye Ji kidnapped her and is planning to do awful things to her,” Young Jae continued explaining.

“Where is she? I need to know now!” Yonghwa yelled in response.

“Ask Mister Jinwoon, he will…”

“Yobuseyo? Hello!?”  Yonghwa frantically asked into the phone. “Young Jae, are you there!?” On the other side of the phone Yonghwa heard sounds of struggle. Grunts and yells indicated that some sort of fight was going on which had interrupted the phone call between them. A male grunt was heard, most likely belonging to Young Jae.

“Stop it Ye Ji! Stop doing that!” Seohyun’s faint voice in the background begged. “Please stop doing that.”

“Seohyun! Seohyun! Answer me, can you hear me?!” Yonghwa cried.

“Oh you stupid … you were awake. Now the real fun is going to start,” Ye Ji laughed in the distance. A loud noise was heard and eventually the call ended, leaving Yonghwa and the hospital pair stunned.

“Yah, who was that? What’s going on with Seohyun?” Jinwoon asked.

“Ye Ji got out of jail somehow and she kidnapped Seohyun,” he hastily explained. “I don’t know what’s going on exactly but that was Ye Ji’s old bodyguard. He told me that Ye Ji is planning on doing something to Seohyun. Jinwoon do you know where they are?!”

“Why the hell would I know where they are? Didn’t the guy tell you?”

“When I asked him to tell me, he said that you would know about it? Perhaps he is referencing a place that you and Ye Ji went to together? Maybe it was a place that she told you to meet her at. I don’t know Jinwoon, but comon talk to me. We have to get to Seohyun now or else she’s going to be in trouble.” Yonghwa stood up and began pacing nervously. Jinwoon and Ji Na watched as he anxiously walked from one side of the room to the other, thinking of places where she could be.

“Oh! I think I know where he means. There was this abandoned warehouse near an old factory on the south side of Seoul. He brought me there once when Ye Ji asked me to be in an alliance with her. I’d be willing to bet anything that it’s at that place,” he exclaimed in excitement.

“Tell me the address, I’ll call you when I’m near there. Call the cops but tell them to not go until I meet with Ye Ji. We can’t have Ye Ji doing something crazy with Seohyun around. I’ll see you guys later.” Yonghwa bolted out the door, not giving Jinwoon and Ji Na a chance to stop him.

“What the hell are we going to do? That guy is going to get himself killed. Ji Na, we have to go stop him,” Jinwoon said, abruptly standing up from where he was laying. He found himself soon laying on the ground as his legs gave out on him. “ these useless legs. I need to help Seohyun and all I can do is lay here!”

“Jinwoon, calm down. Let’s go call the police and explain everything to them. Yonghwa is reckless, but he must know what he is doing. Let’s just put our trust in him for now. Now get up, we have things to do,” the nurse ordered.


“You little ; you thought you could get smart with me?” Ye Ji sneered. “Now that you’re awake, we can finally have our little ‘talk’ don’t you think?”

“I have nothing to talk to you about you psycho. Now let me go and take off my wedding dress!” Seohyun yelled back. “I don’t know what the hell your problem is but just leave us alone. Yonghwa and I want nothing to do with you.”

“You lie! Yonghwa loves me,” she hysterically stated. “He’s mine and so is his heart. We have loved each other all these past years and we will continue to do so for all of eternity. You’re the one that doesn’t belong here. You’re just a little that came and interrupted our wonderful relationship.”

“You’re completely insane. How can you not see the truth that’s in front of you? Yonghwa doesn’t love you, he loves me. Why else would he be marrying me? He despises you because of what you have become,” Seohyun spat.

“Ahaha….. hahahah…… AHAHAHAHAHA!” Ye Ji’s laughter roared through the empty room. “You really think that he loves you, little girl? Of all the people in the world, you think that Yonghwa would leave me for you? How can he leave someone like me for a piece of trash for you? I’m smart, beautiful, attractive, and most importantly rich. Money drives this world, if you didn’t know that. No matter how righteous and morally correct someone is, they will always be attracted to money.”

“You’re sick… how could Yonghwa ever think that you were a good person? What went wrong with you Ye Ji? Why did you become someone like this?” Seohyun asked in pity.

“You’re pitying me? , you need to open your eyes and realize the situation you’re in. I have the upper hand here. It won’t be long before Yonghwa is back in my arms and treating me like the love of his life. While waiting for that, I think I will have a little fun with you.” Ye Ji walked over to Young Jae and pulled out a sharp, silver object. The bloody knife sat in her hands, eagerly awaiting the next meal it would get.

“Maybe I should ruin that cute little face of yours?” Ye Ji said as she made her way towards Seohyun. “That little angelic face of yours covers the you have deep down inside of you. Perhaps if I cut off that mask, Yonghwa’s eyes would be open.” The blade ran across Seohyun’s cheek, cutting a small opening in the skin. A small trail of blood began to ride down her cheek, but Seohyun refused to please Ye Ji by showing her pain.

“Crazy …” Seohyun mumbled under her breath. Ye Ji glared at the bound girl and brought her face down to meet Seohyun’s. Ye Ji’s warm breath made contact with the open skin, causing Seohyun to wince. A warm pair of lips brushed the wound and tasted the sweet blood oozing out.

“Mmmmm,” Ye Ji moaned as she delighted in the taste of the precious fluid. “Don’t worry, I’ll only have a taste,” she joked. “Maybe, it was that little body of yours. Should I run this wonderful knife of mine all over you? When Yonghwa sees all the scars, he will surely feel disgusted by you.”

“There’s nothing more disgusting than you in this world you piece of ,” Seohyun defiantly continued to yell.

“Oh my, perhaps I should sew that dirty mouth of yours up. Is this what you used to get Yonghwa?” Ye Ji asked, running her fingers over Seohyun’s lips. “How many times have you put this mouth on his ? Is that why he loves you so much?”

“I’m not a ! I haven’t done anything like that!” Normally a question like that would have sent all the blood in her body to her face, but it didn’t seem like it would happen in that situation she was in.

“Well why else would Yonghwa look at someone like you? Hmmm, I wonder why he’s marrying you… Are you pregnant? Should I cut you open and take that little bastard out of you? I should sew up that dirty hole in between your legs while I’m at it. How many times have you ed him?!” Seohyun continued giving her a defiant glare.

“I told you already, I haven’t done anything like that. If that kind of stuff did happen it would be between me and him. Ye Ji, just drop all of this nonsense. Let me go now and your punishment will be less severe,” Seohyun pointed out.

“You have the nerve to be arrogant in this situation? Well, sadly I can’t let you go, at least not until I had all my fun with you. Don’ t worry, I won’t kill you. Ah…. So much to do, so little time. Let’s start out by taking off those clothes of yours. I’ll have to see how I can ‘damage the goods’ in the best way possible.” Seohyun felt the knife slowly tear off the shirt she was wearing, revealing more and more skin as it continued.

“I think it’s a little too quiet in this room, how about you sing me a little song while I do this,” she coldly suggested, receiving yet another glare from the tied-up woman. “Oh, you’re still going to be arrogant. Very well then, I’ll just make you sing my favorite song.” A blood curdling scream echoed through the decrepit room as the shard of metal drove itself deeper and deeper into her flesh. Seohyun’s strategy of not allowing Ye Ji to see her pain was failing. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision.

“That’s better. See how easy it is to follow directions? Oh, look at that you’re bleeding. I’m so sorry,” she said with false concern. “We should get that wound cleaned up. Wait a minute while I go get the first aid kit.” Ye Ji made a small dash for a distant room, coming back rather quickly with a small box in her hand. “Now this is only going to hurt a lot, so be a big girl and bear with it.” Seohyun who was biting her tongue could not spit back a rebellious response as she normally would have.

Ye Ji picked up a bottle of clear liquid, inspecting it with a disinterested look. “Oh, it’s the alcohol. I hear this stuff cleans up wounds really well. Here have some.” The white plastic cap flew off, allowing the liquid to cascade down onto the bloody flesh. A strong burning sensation in her arm forced Seohyun’s mouth to open once again, allowing another scream to escape .

“Aw, does it hurt? Well too ing bad. it up like a big girl, you little ,” Ye Ji sneered. “Don’t worry, I’ll close that wound up soon. I can’t have you dying on me just yet. Next up, closing up that little pleasure hole you have between your legs. I’m sure once this is gone, Yonghwa will have nothing to see in you.”

Ye Ji’s hands flew over to Seohyun’s jeans, fully intent on harming her private regions. “Oh man, if only Young Jae hadn’t encountered his unfortunate fate, he could have had a little fun with you. Should I hire someone to give you one more night of passion before you can’t anymore? I’m sure a like you is craving for something hard to enter you right now.”

 Seohyun wished she could stop hearing Ye Ji’s erse comments. She wished she could die right then and there. Death would surely be less painful than the torture she would face. If only Yonghwa could come and save her from this pain. She felt useless as she felt Ye Ji’s cold fingertips pull at the top of her pants. However, just before her hands brought the piece of clothing down, they abruptly stopped.

“Ah Yonghwa, how nice of you to call,” Ye Ji greeted into the phone she took from Seohyun a few hours back. “How are you today? Do you want to go out on a date later today? How about going for some late dinner at 8?”

“You crazy ! What have you done to Seohyun?” he roared.

“Oh Seohyun? She’s being a whiny baby and crying from a little cut she got. I don’t think she’s up for a conversation right now though,” she stated nonchalantly.

“Open the door to the warehouse,” he ordered dryly.

“So Young Jae actually ratted me out huh? The door is open, so you can come right on in. I’m warning you though, if you pull any funny stuff, this little girl is a goner.” Before she could continue mocking Yonghwa further, a sound of crashing metal rang throughout the warehouse.

“Seohyun! Are you alright?!” Yonghwa yelled as he rushed towards her.

“Oppa! Leave oppa, don’t come any closer. She’s gone completely insane. Just leave if you don’t want to get hurt,” Seohyun cried.

“I’m not leaving without you. Ye Ji, let her go now!” he barked.

“We’re having a little fun right now. It’s a girl’s night out, so you’re not invited Yonghwa. Just leave and come back later.”

“This isn’t a ing joke Ye Ji. Let her go or else,” he growled. “I don’t want any more troubles than we already have so just stop this crap. You’ll get a smaller punishment if you stop now.”

“I’ll stop, under one condition,” she calmly stated, her personality doing a complete 180. “You have to profess your love for me right now. See this dress, it means I’m ready to marry you. Bring someone that can have us get married right now and I’ll leave Seohyun alone. Can you do that Yonghwa? Can you marry me in order to save this girl’s life?”

“Oppa leave! Don’t listen to her, I’ll be fine,” Seohyun cried out. Ye Ji, growing tired of Seohyun’s outbursts, took the back of her knife and brutally beat her head with it. Seohyun’s neck went limp instantly, making her head droop unnaturally.

“So what’s it going to be Yonghwa…?”

“I’ll…. I’ll leave with you again,” he answered. “Leave her alone and never mess with her again. I’ll do anything you say as long as she is safe.”

“Tell me you love me. Tell me you want to spend the rest of your life with me. Tell me how much of an amazing woman I am. Tell me how you want to me until you reach your in me. TELL ME HOW YOU WANT ME TO HAVE YOUR CHILDREN!!!” she insanely ordered. “You’re mine Jung Yonghwa. You’re mine and only mine. I can tell you’re crazy in love with me, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, I… love… you… Ye Ji. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Now let’s leave and never come back,” he wearily said.

“No! You’re lying!” she yelled, her personality doing yet another complete 180. “You’re just saying that because you love this . I should just kill her now, since I’m going to have you anyways. Yeah… that’s right, I should kill her.”

“Ye Ji, calm down. I really mean it I love you,” he said it as sincerely as he could tell a lie. “Please, if you loved me you would listen to me,” he pleaded. Ye Ji clutched her head as if in pain and dropped to the floor suddenly. She rolled around on the ground, breathing heavily and mumbling gibberish.

“No… Does he love me? Yes he loves me!” a voice in her head yelled.

“No he doesn’t you dumb , he’s lying to you!” another voice responded.

“But I love him. Please let me have him. He loves me too, you don’t know anything!”  the first voice yelled back.

Yonghwa stared at her with a disgusted expression as she fought with the voices in her head. He couldn’t decide on what to do at that moment. If he made a false step, blood would surely be shed. He had to keep Ye Ji under control or else she would do something that would definitely not turn out well. His first instinct was to get the any weapons away from her, but in her unstable state she could lash out on him at any time.

“Stop right there!” she said regaining her senses. “Let’s go. Leave her there and let’s just go on ahead. I’m sure someone will find her before she bleeds to death.”

With a heavy heart, Yonghwa nodded, indicating his agreement to her plans.

“I knew you would see it my way Yonghwa. Now we can love can love each other forever, but this time, there will be nobody to stop us.”


Author’s note: One word to describe Ye Ji: crazystupid. My computer is acting up again so if I don’t get to update as often as I want, I’m sorry. Also, the next 2-3 chapters are going to be smaller than my usual 10 pages update, probably around 5-7. I’m getting to the end of the story and there’s really not any more to say at this point. Don’t worry, I have my next story ready to fly, if anyone is interested. Comments/fights/concerns/arguments for this chapter? I would love to hear them. Also, I've noticed that my format is a lot worse when it is read on the new layout asianfanfics has. I'll try to look into how to change it in order to make it easier to read. Peace out everyone.

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Wilhemina #1
Chapter 30: Plot twist Kyeong Eun was never dead. I don't want this story to end!!!!
Wilhemina #2
Chapter 29: Author-nim, you really know how to write really cute chapters and all that cheesy lovey-dovey stuff. If you had killed them nothing would've have changed because they died happily, together, in each others' arms. But I have a question, do you want to have your honeymoon in Hawaii? I read your story You Belong With Me and Seohyun and Lee Joo (I think that's his name) were supposed to have their honeymoon in Hawaii.
Wilhemina #3
Chapter 28: For some unknown reason, I don't want Young Jae to be dead. I want him to be there to witness the wedding. And I keep thinking that Ye Ji isn't dead too. I feel like she's faking her death
Wilhemina #4
Chapter 26: That dream though, thought it was real bruh.
Wilhemina #5
Chapter 17: This chapter was so cute, especially the last bit
Wilde_sparxx #6
Chapter 30: That was a great epilogue and wonderful ending! Great work!
Wilde_sparxx #7
Chapter 28: Is it just me or are one of those mind reader authors? Will we be moving forward with relationship finally...?
Wilde_sparxx #8
Chapter 26: While I agree with you not introducing another new bad guy character in this second half of the story, I really just hoped for the fluff ...
Wilde_sparxx #9
Chapter 20: Wow so much drama, lots of drama, too much drama?
Wilde_sparxx #10
Chapter 11: Well you've answered my question...