Mine and Only Mine

Starting off on the Wrong Foot

Chapter 26 – Mine and Only Mine


“I hate you Yonghwa, did you know that?” Seohyun asked her new fiancé as they walked through the dark streets of Seoul. They spent a few hours skating until they couldn’t anymore, managing to miss the last bus to their respective neighborhoods. Even though they were stranded, they decided to see it as an opportunity to spend even more time with each other.

“Why is that?” he asked, thinking she was serious.

“I hate that you’re such a perfect guy. You sacrificed everything for me, your life, your career, your happiness. You always set up things like this just for me. I don’t even deserve any of it. I hate that you make me seem so little compared to you,” she said with sincerity. Although she loved Yonghwa, she felt like she wasn’t enough for someone like him.

“Chill out, you’re more than enough for me. Nobody is perfect Seohyun, not even me. I wouldn’t like you any less if you had 1000 flaws or 0 flaws,” he responded rather nervously. Even though they were going to get married, it still didn’t change the fact that the sappy, sweet talk was awkward. “Um, so what are we going to tell your sisters? They’re going to flip when they see that ring on you.”

Seohyun raised her hand up to stare at her ring for the hundredth time that night. Even in the darkness of the night, it managed to catch light from the moon and twinkle in an impressive way. She didn’t care what the ring looked like. After all it was only a symbol of her relationship with Yonghwa. She didn’t need it to prove anything, but it was still nice to have it. However, the thoughts of what the girls would say wiped the smile off of her face. It was her life and she could live it however she wanted to, but they were still like family to her.

“Uh, I guess we should tell them what really happened. I think they won’t allow anything unless we tell them everything. I hope they believe us. I know they mean well but I don’t want them treating me like a little girl just because I’m a couple years younger than them.”

“Are you sure about that? What if they don’t approve? Will you still marry me?” he hesitantly asked. Seohyun turned her attention to his face, noticing a worried expression.

“Why are you making that face? Do you think that I won’t marry you if they don’t approve? There’s a reason I called you an idiot back there… Of course I’ll still marry you even if my sisters don’t approve. They might be like blood sisters to me that are a big part of my life, but they can’t tell me who I can and can’t love,” she responded boldly. “Screw them if they don’t approve. It’s not like they’re my moms or anything.”

“Oh damn, I didn’t know little baby Hyun knew how to be rebellious. It’s kind of hot actually. Since we’re already gonna get married, wanna… you know,” he said wiggling his eyebrows.

“Ugh, you’re such a ert. Back off or I’ll scream . You got yourself into this mess, so don’t expect me to give in. Since you asked me to marry you, you’re waiting until I say so. Oh and I’m the one that has the pants in this relationship obviously so I’ll choose everything for the wedding.”

“It’s not if you want it,” he responded with a wink. Seohyun glared at him, shutting him up instantly. “Hey do you think your sisters are awake? Do you think if we called them now they’d meet us up at your place and we could explain the whole thing?”

“Are you serious? Why would I call them at midnight to ask them to meet me at my house? That’s just crazy.” Seohyun would have continued arguing the silliness of that plan had it not been for her phone vibrating in her pocket. “Yobuseyo?”

“Girl where the hell have you been? I’ve been trying to call you for like 12 hours already,” a voice she recognized as Shin Hye’s complained.

“Uh, I’ve been out on a date with Yonghwa all day. Oh my god, when we get home I have to tell you something so important you will die when you get home. It has me so excited that I can’t even say it on the phone,” Seohyun squealed, completely ignoring the serious tone Shin Hye was using with her.

“You’re on speaker by the way,” Shin Hye pointed out. “All of the girls are here waiting for you. They’ve been trying to reach you for a few hours too. I think they were afraid of you hanging out with Yonghwa again.”

“Crap…” Seohyun mumbled. “Can I talk to one of them?”

“YAH! Seohyun where have you been?! We have looked all over for you for the whole day. What’s this about dating Yonghwa again? Girl, didn’t we tell you to ditch that player? Come home this instant or else,” Taeyeon’s voice roared.

“Unnie, calm down…”

“No, I won’t calm down. I told you to not see him again because he was bad news. Do you think I said that for fun? Hurry up and get home now!” the eldest girl yelled into the phone before the dial tone started sounding.

“What’s wong? Who was that on the phone?” the clueless boy asked.

“My unnies are all at my house right now. Shin Hye unnie says that they’ve been looking for me all day. Taeyeon unnie sounded really mad.”

“Oh … well at least we won’t have to wait to tell them anymore right?” he tried to joke. Seohyun gave him a week nod and began to pick up the pace she left off before the phone rang. The rest of the long walk ahead of them was rather uneventful as they quietly leaned on each other as they walked forward.


“Ah Young Jae, so nice to see you again,” Ye Ji greeted the large man as he entered her house. “Come in, make yourself at home.”

“Thank you master, I deeply appreciate you getting me out of that place. I shall serve you well,” he politely replied. Ye Ji always found it strange why a man like him was so quiet and polite to someone like her. She was always forcing him to do this and that for her in an unpleasant way, yet he never once complained. She figured he must love money that much.

“Let’s get down to business shall we Young Jae? My plans have been foiled over and over and I’m getting rather sick of that. You have served me well all these past years so I feel like you’re the only one I can trust with this. This plan will surely work, guaranteed and without fail. I need you to follow Yonghwa and that of his and find out what they’re up to. From what I’ve managed to see for myself is that they’re on the way to getting close to each other once more. However, this time I have to bide my time, wait for just the right moment and then strike.”

“Is there anything else master?” the humble servant inquired.

“No that’s all. Just find out every little thing about them that you can, then report to me when you’re done. Also watch my old geezer of a dad, I can’t have him pulling any tricks while I’m not watching. You can rest tonight since prison must be rough. Start tracking them first thing tomorrow,” she ordered. Young Jae nodded in response, watching her ascend the stairs as she headed to her room. When he was finally sure that she was upstairs he took out a black phone from his jacket.

“Sir, I have orders from Ye Ji, shall I follow them?” Young Jae asked into the phone.

“Yes follow them, unless they involve harming someone. I suppose she asked you to track down her targets?” the voice supposed.

“Yes, she has asked me to track Mister Jung and the woman he is involved with. Other than that I have received no further orders.”

“Excellent, just follow what she says and I’ll let you go. I hope I can trust you with this Young Jae. I know you have been loyal to my daughter for many years, but I doubt even you can give up your freedom. If you can trick her until the final moment when the police will strike, you’ll be set free. If you decide to betray me, you will go to jail eventually along with Ye Ji,” the voice that could only be Ye Ji’s father’s voice explained.

“I will not fail you sir. I may enjoy spending the money I gain from helping her, but it is not worth my time to follow someone that will get me put into jail once more. I shall report to you whenever I receive new orders. Have a good night sir,” he wished to the older man.

“Keep me posted please. I’ll be waiting for your calls,” Ye Ji’s dad responded before hanging up. He knew it was risky business to betray Ye Ji, who at any moment could go berserk and kill everyone in sight. Although he could call the police right now and have her arrested, there was a feeling that he had that she would get away. For some reason he couldn’t trust the police in catching her. He would have to trick her as much as possible and catch her while she was off guard. Only then would he be willing to bring the police into this. As risky as it was to trust someone like Young Jae, he had no other choice.


Not even a second had passed that Seohyun and Yonghwa had stepped into the apartment, when a loud smack was heard. Yonghwa winced from the stinging sensation that he suddenly felt in his right cheek, not bothering to look up at the person who slapped him.

“Bastard… what have you been doing with Seohyun today? Why is someone like you seeing my sister again? Get the hell out of this house right now before I tear you apart myself,” a short but angry woman shouted. Yonghwa looked up to see a circle of girls, Shin Hye, and a couple of men that he had never met before.

“Unnie! What the hell are you doing? This is my house so he can come in her if he wants to. Why are you being like this?” Seohyun yelled back, stepping in between Taeyeon and Yonghwa to avoid any more aggression towards him. “If anyone has to leave it will be you if you don’t stop acting like this.”

“Taeyeon calm down, don’t make this any harder than it has to be,” Jessica suggested. “Seohyun sorry we came here without calling. Shin Hye told us that you were with Yonghwa and we were worried. Taeyeon thought it would be best if we came down here and talked to you, but I had no idea she would do that.”

“Shut up Jessica, this punk deserves that slap and a lot more. If he doesn’t…”

“No,” Seohyun cut her off. “He doesn’t deserve your hate at all. If you knew why he left you would be on your knees begging him for forgiveness right now. Everyone sit down and I’ll explain everything. Yonghwa are you okay?” she asked concernedly.

“Yeah hehe, probably should have expected that,” he joked trying to brush off the pain and calm the mood down a little. He could understand why they would be mad, but it seemed like only Taeyeon was mad at him at the moment. He did promise her a long time back that he would never hurt Seohyun, so her reaction was definitely the most understandable.

“First things first… Everyone, we have an announcement to make,” Seohyun began. However, instead of using words, she rose her hand into the air in front of her, allowing the ring to sparkle before their eyes.

“Seohyun…? Is that what I think it is?” the blond member of the group asked. “Is that an engagement ring?”

“OMO! Is this the big news you talked about over the phone?” Sooyoung asked excitedly. “Why is this so sudden? I know you’ve known each other for four years, but even so this is a little fast. Unless… oh my god Seohyun’s pregnant!!!”

“EH?!?” the whole room exclaimed including Seohyun and Yonghwa themselves.

“Kya~ I hope it’s a boy! We’re going to have so much fun dressing him and feeding him and bathing him and…” Sooyoung rambled.

“No stupid, I’m not pregnant. Yonghwa asked me to marry him tonight and I said yes,” Seohyun responded bluntly. “I’m going to marry him even if you guys don’t approve. I may think of you as my sisters but I won’t let you control my life. Show up at the wedding if you want, and if you don’t then that’s your problem.” The girls in the room could only throw Seohyun confused looks. This was the first time they had ever seen her so fierce and determined to stand up for herself.

“You’re going to marry someone that left you while you were in the hospital? He ran off with another woman Seohyun, why can’t you see that he doesn’t really love you?” Taeyeon asked. Taeyeon wasn’t a bad person, she really wanted Seohyun to be happy. However, she had taken care of Seohyun for a long time and she didn’t want to see her get hurt.

Seohyun let out a deep sigh and started to talk, but Yonghwa interrupted her by speaking up. “I’m truly sorry for causing you all trouble. I have something to explain if you all would allow me to. I know I left Seohyun for many years and broke her heart, but I also ached during that period of time. I left Seohyun for her own good. If I could have stayed with her I would have but things didn’t work out.” For the rest of the next thirty minutes Yonghwa told his mind boggling story for what seemed like the twentieth time, leaving the people present completely stunned.

“So that’s what happened… I had to leave Seohyun or else she would be hurt along with the rest of you. That evil witch Ye Ji is now behind bars and we won’t be seeing any more of her around here. Will you please allow me to marry Seohyun? I know I’m not perfect, but I will do my best to make her happy,” he explained.  He gave them a traditional bow, getting on all fours and lowering his head in respect.

“Seohyun is he telling the truth?” Taeyeon manged to ask. His story was rather unbelievable in her mind, but the emotions he was conveying told her otherwise. “Yonghwa, I don’t know what to say. I’m so sorry I judged you like that. Can you forgive me?” she asked.

“Yeah, no problem. I understand why there would be misunderstandings but it’s all better now. You don’t have to apologize, I’m sure anyone else would think the same in your situation. I’m just glad we got everything settled,” Yonghwa beamed. He was happy that everything was cleared up and that he would be marrying the woman he loved soon.

“Alright, alright enough of the boring stuff,” a black haired girl spoke up. Yonghwa had seen her once or twice before but he didn’t know her name. Her Korean was a bit awkward and it seemed like she was possibly foreign but he couldn’t bring himself to ask her name at that time. “Time to party!!”

“Tiffany why are we partying? It’s  kind of late to start drinking now, especially since we still have to drive home,” another unknown girl spoke up. This time it was a brown haired girl, who looked even shorter than Taeyeon was the speaker. “I think we should leave this for another day.”

“Nonsense,” Shin Hye cut in. “We have a marriage on our hands here. Partying is definitely a must. Taeyeon, Jessica, and Sooyoung, come with me please to buy a few things. We’ll be back in a bit guys, don’t go anywhere.” The front door slammed shut, leaving five girls and eight guys along with Yonghwa and Seohyun in the living room.

“Oh Yonghwa I guess I should introduce you to everyone. These are my sisters that you haven’t met before: Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Sunny, Yuri, and Yoona,” she named each as she pointed to them. “Those lazy bums over there are everyone’s husbands. I guess they can introduce themselves when they wake up. As soon as they smell food and drinks they should be up and about.”

“So Seohyun, when do you guys plan to have the wedding? Soon please, I just love weddings,” the girl known as Tiffany squealed. “How does two months sound?”

“Perfect!” Yonghwa chimed in. “Two months it is.”

“Uh no… not two months. Are you insane?” Seohyun jumped in. “Three minimum.”

“Why? Getting cold feet already Seohyun?” Sunny joked. “Just get married fast so we can party some more at the wedding. I’m sure you’re both quite eager for that night anyways.” Yonghwa laughed in response, while Seohyun‘s face turned a wonderful shade of red.

“I can’t do two months, I have a tour of Korea that doesn’t end until Christmas. We can plan it in the meantime, but we have to have it somewhere past new years the absolute earliest.”

“Fine you party pooper. Don’t worry about the planning. Leave that to us.” Seohyun then remembered that Tiffany, as well as Sunny, were both managers at a successful party planning agency. Everyone’s weddings had been planned by them, and all had been nothing less than a complete success. Yonghwa pulled on Seohyun’s sleeve from behind, motioning towards the door. The girls caught the hint and went off to bother their lazy husbands that had groaned and moaned as they had been dragged to the apartment against their own will.

“Can you believe this Seohyun?” Yonghwa asked when they got far away enough from the apartment building. “We are really going to get married… I’m so happy I could die right now.”

“Stupid, don’t say stuff like that. I already told you that I don’t want to become a widow at such a young age. To answer your question, it does sound a bit unbelievable. We’re going to get married in three months, how crazy is that? I’m just glad everything worked out okay.”

“I wish I could speed up time already. Being your boyfriend is good and all, but it’s not enough. I want to be known as your husband already.”

“Yeah, sure…” she said with sarcasm lining her words. “You want something else don’t you? Well you’ll just have to wait out the three months or whatever it is for now. It’s going to not being able to see you very often when I’m on tour. I’ll sing a song every concert meant just for you though.”

“Can’t you just blow off work and be with me?” he asked. “I’m sure I’m more important.”

“You’ll never change will you,” she joked before leaning in for a kiss.

“Yah! You two aren’t married yet. Save that for the day of the wedding,” a female voice startled them. In front of them stood the four girls that had gone out earlier, each carrying a bag full of drinks and food. “Don’t just stand there, help us take this stuff up so we can get started.” Yonghwa offered to take the bags off their hands and they all headed into the apartment hoping that they would make it through the night with their livers intact.


Eventually the big day came. Yonghwa stood at the altar, nervously fiddling with his bow tie over and over. The girls at the table to his right could be heard giggling as they pointed out how cute it was for him to be that nervous. Of course he had a very good reason to be so jittery, but he needed to calm down or else they feared he would have a complete nervous breakdown.

In the crowd he could see his mother and father sitting together with Shin Hye. He could see Seohyun’s mother, trying her hardest not to burst out into tears. The guys who he considered brothers were goofing off at their tables, flashing Yonghwa silly faces to try to make him chill out a bit. The start of the music made him regain his senses and turn his attention towards the door to the large dining hall they had rented. Everything was covered in flowers, all except for the red carpet which Seohyun would walk on to reach the altar. Finally the bride entered, arm in arm with her father. It felt like it took them a few years to cross from one side of the room to another, but eventually the older man gave Seohyun to the person who would become her husband.

“Are you nervous?” he asked the veiled woman. A small nod indicated she was, making Yonghwa feel a little bit of relief. Just as in the rehearsal he began to take off her veil, but her hands clamped down onto it, preventing it from coming off. He thought it was strange of her to do it, but he just passed it off as her being nervous and shy. He supposed he could let it slide as long as they got married.

The officiator commenced the ceremony, as Yonghwa spaced out thinking about the wonderful life he would have with her after today. Finally the moment for the ‘I do’ arrived, snapping him out of his thoughts. He responded to the questions with a firm ‘I do’, leaving Seohyun to do the same. Another oddity he found in her behavior was the way that she just nodded instead of saying the words ‘I do.’ Once again he supposed it was just his imagination. As long as they were together it didn’t matter to him how she responded.

“Under the powers vested in me by the Republic of Korea, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” Yonghwa once again tried to pull off the veil, but was stopped. She leaned close to him and whispered “Close your eyes.”

“Man this girl must be really nervous,” he thought to himself. “Might as well…”

He closed his eyes and felt a warm breath over his lips. A soft pair of lips made contact with his, signaling the end of the ceremony. The small audience they had in front of them began to clap and cheer loudly in approval. However, he found the kiss to be rather strange. Although he was sure he was kissing Seohyun, her lips felt different. Even though he had only kissed her a few times, his lips memorized every square millimeter of .

His eyes flew open as the woman kissing him deepened the kiss and nearly suffocated him. hungrily moved over his as if trying to bite his lips off. These foreign, passionate kisses definitely were not something that Seohyun would pull off, especially not in front of all those people. As his eyes opened, his gaze was met with a fierce and passionate one. Seohyun’s big and adorable eyes that he knew and loved had been replaced by catlike eyes filled with desire and lust. After a few futile attempts to push off the person eating him alive, he managed to break free.

“Why are you hurting me honey? Didn’t he say we were allowed to kiss?” the woman in the wedding dress asked him. “Come back here and give me a little more love.”

“Who the hell are you!? You aren’t Seohyun. Take off that veil and show yourself,” he spat. The woman unveiled herself, revealing the face of the biggest mistake of his life, Moon Ye Ji. She stood in front of him, the flames of desire burning hotly in her yellow, beastly eyes.

“Now, now darling, don’t insult me like that. Why would I ever want to look like Seohyun? Now come here and let’s leave so we can live happily ever after.”

“What have you done with Seohyun? Ye Ji get the hell out of here. Everyone, help me get this crazy out of this place,” he pleaded to the audience. However, when he looked to the audience his eyes met with an assortment of demons and devils rather than his friends and family. Each one their lips at him, anticipating the events that would soon happen. Each one began to slowly creep towards the altar, cornering him against the wall.

“Don’t worry about my pets Yonghwa, they won’t hurt you. Now come here and give me what’s rightfully mine.” Ye Ji opened wide and snakes began to slowly pour out of her, each one wrapping themselves around Yonghwa, restricting his movement.

“What the hell are you, you crazy ?!” he yelled in fear and frustration. “Let me go this instant, I want nothing to do with you. I don’t belong to you!”

Ye Ji reached Yonghwa and ran her hands over his chest, her right hand stopping right over his heart. She leaned her face in and his face with her snake-like, forked tongue, savoring the taste of his flesh. She shuddered in pleasure as his ragged breathing filled the now quiet room. His fast heartbeat was music to her ears, and the fear he gave off was honey to her.

“You are mine Jung Yonghwa, only mine.” Yonghwa looked down at her hands, each one with five gnarled claws on her fingertips. “Now, how about I take your heart back from that wretched little that took you away from me? I think I deserve it don’t you think so too?” Her claws slowly dug into the skin above his heart, causing him to howl in pain. A sickening crack echoed through the silent room as the first rib she reached snapped. Another crack was heard and then another. Bit by bit, a large red mass began to come out of his chest, his still beating heart.

Ye Ji’s demonic face smiled in delight as the still beating heart wiggled around hopelessly in her hands. “Mmmmmmmm,” she groaned in ecstasy. “I’m going to enjoy this.” Ye Ji’s fangs gradually sank into the bloody organ. Blood pooled into her hands and she lapped it up eagerly, savoring the rich taste of the precious liquid.


“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Yonghwa howled, shooting straight up in his bed. The red numbers on the clock to his right read ‘4:45AM,’ still a few hours away from dawn. Cold sweat caused his hair to stick to his face. His uneven breathing and rapidly beating heart kept him from lying dozing off like he should have. It had been the fourth night in a row that a dream like that interrupted his sleep. A glance to the calendar, indicated that it was December 28th, just two weeks before he would be married.

Seohyun had been in Busan that past weekend and he hadn’t seen her in almost a month. He himself was busy with work on the end of the year programs that artists from his agency would appear on. It had been a rough week, so he supposed that was what was keeping him from sleeping well. Some days he wouldn’t even get to sleep from the sheer amount of work he had to get done. Not seeing Seohyun for so long probably also was a factor.

Even so, there was no reason why such a demonic apparition made an entrance into his dreams. Most importantly, why was Ye Ji the center of all of them? The night before Ye Ji had done the same thing almost, except Seohyun had been the victim. It worried him a little that he continued to have nightmares like that, but he brushed it off as excess stress.

He decided it would do him good to try to sleep a little more before heading out that day. Today was the day that Seohyun returned back from her tour to start preparing for the New Year’s specials in a few days. After they got off work they planned to pick out a dress and tuxedo for the big day. Knowing how much girls loved shopping, he supposed it was best to be at full energy.


“Oh, oppa, annyeong. How are you doing today? Are you ready to choose our outfits for the big day?” Seohyun happily asked into her phone.

“Oh Seohyun ah, I had the tiest night of sleep. I hope you won’t drag me to too many stores today,” Yonghwa joked in a weary voice.

“Are you sure you’re okay? I can go alone if you want. You sound really bad and it looks like work has really been killing you lately. Just stay at home and sleep, I’ll handle everything. I’ll meet you at your apartment later to make you something that’ll bring your energy up really nicely,” she chirped.

“Nah, I can’t ask you to go alone for something like this. I’ll meet you at the bridal shop at 3 once I get out of work. Wait for me at the park a block away from there so I can find you easily. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine as long as I get to see you wearing that dress. Maybe I can even help you try it on,” he joked.

“I don’t even know why I worried about you. If you have the strength to make jokes like that, you have the strength to do anything. Alright, I’ll meet you at the park at 3. I love you, byeeeee.”

“I love you too Seohyun. I’ll see you later,” Yonghwa replied and hung up. Seohyun looked down at her watch that told her it was only 9AM. She had a lot of time to kill before the meeting, but she couldn’t go bother Yonghwa at work. The girls were either busy with preparations or work so she couldn’t bother them either. She decided she would go bother the ahjumma at the restaurant she met Yongwha in a while back to get rid of her boredom.

Her light, happy steps were interrupted by a female voice that stopped her dead in her tracks. “Annyeong Seohyun, oraemaniya*, it’s been a while.” Seohyun turned around fearfully, hoping that her mind was just playing tricks on her.

“Ye…Ye Ji? What are you doing here?” Seohyun stuttered.

“Oh nothing, I just thought I would come around and claim what was rightfully mine.” Ye Ji charged at Seohyun and shoved a wet cloth in her face, effectively knocking all the energy out of her in a matter of seconds. “Young Jae, here pick her up and put her in the car. We have work to do.”

“Yes master,” the thug replied, slinging Seohyun’s limp body over her shoulder and throwing her gently into the back seat. Ye Ji hopped into the passenger seat and took a look over her shoulder to sneer at the fainted girl.

“, you’re going to wish that you weren’t born.”


A/N: OMGGGGGGGGG!!! Ye Ji haters, lemee hear it. I know you all wanna say something right about now. Sorry if anyone found that dream to be graphic, a friend that read my fic suggested I put something in like that, what a weirdo right? I thought it was a good idea, but I made it into a dream since there’s no way I would let Ye Ji do something like that.  Today is the first weekend in a year that I will not get to see my beloved YongSeo couple on WGM :( so I’m sad. Have fun reading, I’m sure you guys will be eager to read the next chappie, so I’ll try to get it out faster. Oh and sorry for the boringness of the whole SNSD/Yonghwa deal, writer’s block is a .


Korean words:

Oraemaniya - It's been a while or It's been a long time

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Wilhemina #1
Chapter 30: Plot twist Kyeong Eun was never dead. I don't want this story to end!!!!
Wilhemina #2
Chapter 29: Author-nim, you really know how to write really cute chapters and all that cheesy lovey-dovey stuff. If you had killed them nothing would've have changed because they died happily, together, in each others' arms. But I have a question, do you want to have your honeymoon in Hawaii? I read your story You Belong With Me and Seohyun and Lee Joo (I think that's his name) were supposed to have their honeymoon in Hawaii.
Wilhemina #3
Chapter 28: For some unknown reason, I don't want Young Jae to be dead. I want him to be there to witness the wedding. And I keep thinking that Ye Ji isn't dead too. I feel like she's faking her death
Wilhemina #4
Chapter 26: That dream though, thought it was real bruh.
Wilhemina #5
Chapter 17: This chapter was so cute, especially the last bit
Wilde_sparxx #6
Chapter 30: That was a great epilogue and wonderful ending! Great work!
Wilde_sparxx #7
Chapter 28: Is it just me or are one of those mind reader authors? Will we be moving forward with relationship finally...?
Wilde_sparxx #8
Chapter 26: While I agree with you not introducing another new bad guy character in this second half of the story, I really just hoped for the fluff ...
Wilde_sparxx #9
Chapter 20: Wow so much drama, lots of drama, too much drama?
Wilde_sparxx #10
Chapter 11: Well you've answered my question...