Chapter 2


You reached the apartment that your dad have rented for you. The taxi driver helped you get your luggage out of the taxi. You paid him, and give a little tip coz you felt bad for the misunderstanding you had at the airport with him awhile ago.

You went in the building and there was a lobby with brown leather sofa surrounding a square wooden coffee table. On the left side of the coffee table was 2 elevator door and on the right side was a registration desk. The woman behind the desk saw you coming in with luggage in hand, waved at you to come at the registration desk.
"Annyeonghasehyo! You must be Kim Ji Eun," a girl with light brown hair tied in a ponytail greeted me. She was wearing a plain t-shirt with grey cardigan with light blue jeans and red Converse. She seems to be my age.
"Uhm.. yes. How did you know?"
"IMy dad told me that you'd arrived today. How was your flight? Want to go to your room now?"
"Ah, i see. Yes please. Sorry, but what is your name?"
"How rude of me, my apology. My name is Yeon Soo. I'm the daughter of the owner of this apartment and I'm always helping around here, except at night. So if theres anything you can always come down here to the lobby and see me." she ended with a smile.
She went in the office to get the key to my room. I looked around the lobby, everything seems quite new. Must be a new apartment. About 5 minutes later you saw Yeon Soo came out of the office and running towards you.
"Ji Eun-ah! I'm so sorry, but I don't think I can accompany you to your room. Something came up and I have to go. It's really easy. Go up to the 10th floor, and then turn left and your room will be at the right side at the end of the building. Sorry! I'll see you around later!" she ran off before I could say anything.

You shrugged and went to the elevator and pressed the button 'UP'.



"I cannot wait to see them again, I miss them too much!" cried D.O.
"Me too!" both Sehun and Baekhyun said at the same time.
"Me three!" Chanyeol continued.

"Let's go out for dinner with them later. I'll buy!" Suho said as he got off the van.
"You guys go ahead, I don't think I'm able to go. Not feeling so well today.." Kai said slowly as he walks towards the apartment.
"Awhhh no fun! Hmm nevermind, we'll bring home some food later. Get enough rest Kkamjjong!" Chanyeol said to Kai and ruffled his hair.
"Yah! Don't touch my hair!" Chanyeol just laughed at Kai as he tries to fix his hair.

Exo-K went in the elevator and straight away went up to their dorm on the 10th floor. As they were walking towards their room, Baekhyun saw you with your luggage, looking at the number on the door of each room. He nudged Chanyeol who was beside him motioned him to look your way. Chanyeol turned and saw you. 
"Do you think she needs help?" asked Baekhyun.
"I dont know, she seem... lost. Want to ask her?" Chanyeol starts to jump around.
"I cant, I need to go to the toilet ASAP!" Baekhyun said and ran towards the rest who was heading to their dorm, leaving Chanyeol behind.
Nevermind, I can help her by myself.. he thought to himself and as he walk towards you.



"Dammit where is the room?! Turn right and look left? Or was it the other way around? AGHHHHH~!" you let out a frustrated sigh.
"Excuse me, do you need help?" you heard a deep low voice behind you. You turned around and see a tall guy, light brown hair with a cute face and he flashed a big smile at you. You froze. You know who he is. It's Chanyeol of Exo-K.
"Euhh?" is the only thing that came out of your mouth. You really couldn't believe your eyes. 
"Oh, it's just that you seem lost. So I thought you might needed some help. Sorry if I'm-" 
"YES PLEASE! I've been looking around for my room but I couldn't find it!!!" you blurt out quickly, almost jumping on him.
Calm down Ji Eun, don't scare him away! Don't start fangirling now.. act cool
You cleared your throat, calmed yourself down. 
"I'm sorry, I was.. just.... uh... tired. Yes, I would appreciate for your help. Do you know where room 1009 is? I have been looking around but still cound't find it.."
Chanyeol couldn't help but to laugh at you a little bit. He thought you were cute, trying to act cool. He figured that you know who he is based on your reaction when you first turned around.
"Yeah sure. Come, I'll show you. Do you need any help with that luggage?" he offered.
"Oh no, it's okay. It's not that heavy.. hehehehe.." you let out a nervous awkward laugh. ! What the hell?! Great, now he's going to think you're a freak. Nice going Ji Eun!
Chanyeol laughed again at you, and you started to feel your face burning of embarrasment. 
He took the luggage out of your hand and that caught you offguard.
"Shall we?" he said and did the 'ladies first' gesture. You let out a small laugh and smiled at him.
This girl is.. kinda cute..


You followed him from behind as he led you to your room. 
"So, you just moved here?" he broke the silence.
"Yeah, actually I wouldn't call it 'move', I'm renting this place just for a month. Want to go to every single place in Korea before going back to my country,"
"I see.. you're here alone?" you nodded
"Why? Sorry if I'm asking too much question, I can't help but being curious.." he said looking down as he scratched at the back of his head, smiling.
"Aniya, it's okay. I like questions,"  

"Erm it's because no one I know likes to travel, so I decided to travel alone. Can't stop doing something I love just because no one I know likes it, right?" you answered cheerfully.

"Haha, true. Well, here we are. Your room, ma'am," he said, as you both arrived at your room. 
"Why, thank you," you said and did a little bow.
"You are most welcome." he said, returning your bow.

You put your keys in and opened the door. The furniture is was all white, grey and black. Minimalist styled apartment. You loved it. It is exactlty your taste. You  stepped into your apartment, and saw Chanyeol still standing outside.
"Urhh.. You want to come in..?"
"No. I'm waiting for my tips," he said flashing a wide smile.
"Huh? Oh. Erm. Okay. Wait." you were surprised with what he just said. And then you heard him laughing again.
"I was just kidding....... erm.. whats your name?" he asked just as he stopped laughing.
"I'm sorry, my name is Ji Eun." you introduced yourself, and let out a hand to shake his.
"Beautiful name, just like its owner.." he said with a wink. "I'm Chanyeol. It's a pleasure to meet you Ji Eun."
You blushed as he winked at you, and you both shook hands.
"Yes, I know. I'm a fan of you and Exo-K!" 
He laughed, "Thank you. Do give us a lot of love. Oh, since we're neighbours, we might bump into each other again sometime. Don't be shy to say 'Hi' if you see me alright? I gotta go now, hope to see you around!" he waved at you as he starts to walk backwards.
"Goodbye, and thank you Chanyeol!" you waved back.
"Just call me Oppa!" he shouted with a smile before turning his back on you and running off.

You close your door, and laid your back on the door.
I can't believe I met Chanyeol on the first day in Seoul. Plus he's my neighbour!!! I owe you a lot, Dad!
You jumped on the white couch in the living room, laying down. 
"Oppa..." you said with a smile before falling asleep.


Let me know about what you think so far. It will be much appreciated ^^

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Now everything makes sense :D And wow i though she seriously ran away and BAAAM! She has returned with a bat and a rock! Lol way to go girl~!! :D This chaper was amazing!!! I need more of this :) please plase please pleeeease update soon :)
That was great! Update soon!~~
sayuriNami #3
So far so good. Very interesting. Take your time and make it even
More interesting for the next chapter.
Alwaysx4ever #4
omgsh This is really good. I'm excited for the next chapter! ^_^
So Chanyeol speaks English?! :OO Isn't it cool or what!! :D Lol can't wait for the next chapter :)
sayuriNami #6
So.... Chanyeol can speak English then. I see