Chapter 3


Annyeong readers ^^ Sorry for the confusion regarding Chanyeol speaking English and all. I wrote everything from Foreword-Chap 2 at 4AM. I forgot to mention that in this story, EXO members are able to communicate in English because they have been attending English classes in order to improve their language skills so that they can communicate with their international fans better. Make sense right? :P Oh and do keep in mind that YOU do speak Korean, just not that fluent. Okay, thats all for now. Enjoy :D



Ahh.. its morning already?

You opened your eyes slowly, the living room was quite bright, you left the lights on and forgot close the curtains last night before falling asleep on the couch. You spent the whole evening watching variety shows while eating chips and ice-cream. You wanted to eat out, but since you're not yet familiar with the place, you decided to just go to the mini market beside your apartment, not wanting to take the risk of getting lost at night in Seoul.

"Urgh.. I feel so fat~" you said, looking at your stomach. "Maybe I should go for a jog at the Han River..."
You got up and pick your phone up. It's only 5:56AM. You washed yourself and changed into your sport attire. You wore a pink Nike short with a white t-shirt. You put your shoes on, and went out of your room and into the elevator. You got out and there was no one in the lobby, not even Yeon Soo. You figured that maybe coz it's still early. Your watch shows 6:33AM.
Definitely early.. and you walked outside.

The Han River was just a few blocks away from your apartment. You remembered the way there when you were in the taxi on the way to the apartment. About 15 minutes later, you arrived at a small park at Han River. You did some warm ups and started jogging along side the river.



Kai was still lying on his bed, eventhough D.O told him to go and wash himself up countless of times since half an hour ago. It's only 5.34AM and the members are all up getting ready to go the saloon. They're having their day off today, and they decided to hangout with Exo-M at Myeongdong. It was all Tao's plan. They wanted to go for a karaoke and the bathhouse, but Tao did some crazy aegyo and the hyungs just couldn't say 'no'. 

"Hyung, why would I want to get up and get ready so early in the morning on our day off just to see that stupid face (excuse the language) guy?? No! Just leave me here at the dorm, I got better things to do here.." 
"I thought you already got over that matter? Look, you can't stay mad at him forever, plus you're going to have to see his face sooner or later. We'll be practicing with them everyday starting this week," says D.O.
"I choose later, thank you very much." Kai said as he stood up from his bed, walking towards the bedroom door.
"Whatever man, your choice. You gotta let Suho know that you're not coming along.." 
"Yeah I know." Kai replied and went to the kitchen where Suho, Baekhyun and Sehun was having breakfast.

"Suho hyung, I don't think I'm able to go along with guys today. Not feeling so well right now.. " Kai said and then he did a little coughing act.
Suho put down his spoon and stop eating his cereal and looked at Kai, "You don't have to act sick with that fake coughing. Kai, you can't avoid Kris forever. You just gotta let it go, that thing happened ages ago! It's history. Move on already.."
"Pfft, easy for you to say.." Kai murmered and walk to his room.

"That kid.. he seriously got to learn to let things go.." Baekhyun mumbled as he took a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.
"Oh well, let's just give him some time. He'll let go someday," sighed Suho and got up from his chair. "Come on guys, we don't want to make stylist noona wait for us, lets go! Where's D.O??!"
"I"m hereee~!!" D.O cried running out from his room and into the kitchen.
"D.O hyung~ why didn't you make us breakfast..?" asked Sehun as he looked at his soggy cereal with a dissapointed face.
"Have you not notice how empty our fridge is?" he answered and gave Sehun the one eyebrow up and another one down face.

They all then left and Kai was the only one left at the dorm. He was still in his room, lying on his bed. He couldn't help replaying the incident that made him hate Kris.

Kai was practicing his dancing in the practice room alone until all of a sudden someone came in. "I want you to break up with her by today. No excuse." Lee Soo Man said with a stern look before leaving the practice room. Kai stood there infront of the mirror, still processing of what he just heard."Kris.." he growled under his breath before leaving the room to find Kris. 

"I need some fresh air.."

He got up and washed his face, getting ready. He wore a gray sweatpants and a red hooded sleeveless shirt. Whenever Kai is stressed out or troubled, he always go to the Han River. He likes to sit by the riverbank and watch the water flowing, it calms him down. Something about the sound of the water flowing comforts him. He then look at the time, it's 6.40AM. Just nice. There shouldn't be a lot people at the Han River this early on a weekday. He hates going there when it's crowded. 



Here's a photo of Han River Park. Maybe this would make the picture clearer ^^




















You were jogging alongside the river while listening to your iPod. There wasn't really anyone around. So far you only saw an elderly couple doing some brisk walking, and few cyclist. You pratically have the whole park to yourself. Maybe 'cause it's weekdays.. yeah, thats probably why.

You start to slow walk, enjoying the view. But, you started to feel weird. Instead of feeling relaxed, you felt like someone was watching you. You looked around, but saw no one. You shrugged the feeling off, and sat down on one of the staircase facing the river. The wind was blowing in your face while you listen to the songs that suits your mood. You were thinking about what you want to do for the rest of the day. Groceries shopping? Or sightseeing? Your stomach growled, signaling for food. Groceries shopping it is then.. you got up and as you turned around, there was a group of guys, three men, standing behind you, they're smiling at each other while eyeing you from head to toe. 

"Hello pretty lady," one of them said with a grin on his face. Then as he took a step closer to you, the others followed. They started to surround you, and laughing with each other. You started to get scared and wanted to run away, but your feet won't corperate with you. You tried to scream, but no voice coming out from your mouth. You can hear them laughing and saying something in Korean. You weren't familiar with the word they used, you only understand a few of it. "She seems scared, just the way I like it.." you heard one of them saying. You're in a cirlce now, they're everywhere. Then you felt someone touching your shoulder from behind. You screamed lungs out and tried to make a run, but one of the guys managed to pull your hair and you fell onto the ground. He then scolded you for trying to run away, and signaled the rest of his gang to pick you up. He must be the leader. The other two guys each hold your hands and they dragged you away from the river. You tried to break free from their hands by kicking and squirming, but you were outnumbered. You closed your eyes, they were burning with tears, thinking about how no one was around to help you. You felt hopeless.


You suddenly heard one of the guys screamed. You opened your eyes and you saw a figure, a man, in red hooded shirt kicking the leader of the gang who was already on the ground. The rest of the guys then let go of you to help their leader, and dropped you on the ground. You fell hard, but didn't feel any pain. One of the guys went to help the leader to stand up. The rest of the guys was in fight with the red shirt guy. You couldn't see his face, as he was wearing his hoodie. You were watching them fight until suddenly the guy with the red hoodie got punched in the stomach, which made him fall on his knees. Thats when you snapped out and start to run away.


Euff! The sound that came out of Kai's mouth. A punch was thrown at his stomach. Kai dropped on his knees, he couldn't breath. He looked up and saw you got up and ran away.

You're leaving me to die now that I saved you? Great. Thanks.

The leader was back on his feet, two of the guys held Kai's hand. The leader let out a laugh before throwing a punch at his face.
"Who the hell are you to interfere in my business? Now look at what you've done, my prey has ran away. Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you!!" Another punch was thrown in the stomach. "Nice shoes," Kai spitted out blood on the leader's shoes and snickered. The guy laughed in disbelief, "I hope you said goodbye to your family today. Coz they won't be able to see you anymo-" a rock with the size of a fist hits his face. Hard. He fell unconcious on the ground with a bleeding forehead. The other two guys turned around and then 'PANGGG!' on the face with a metal pole you found nearby the trash at the park. They fell on their back, and shouted some foul words. You quickly went and helped Kai to stand and both of you ran away from that place.



How was it? Thank you for those who subscribed and commented. I really appreciate it :D

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Now everything makes sense :D And wow i though she seriously ran away and BAAAM! She has returned with a bat and a rock! Lol way to go girl~!! :D This chaper was amazing!!! I need more of this :) please plase please pleeeease update soon :)
That was great! Update soon!~~
sayuriNami #3
So far so good. Very interesting. Take your time and make it even
More interesting for the next chapter.
Alwaysx4ever #4
omgsh This is really good. I'm excited for the next chapter! ^_^
So Chanyeol speaks English?! :OO Isn't it cool or what!! :D Lol can't wait for the next chapter :)
sayuriNami #6
So.... Chanyeol can speak English then. I see