Chapter 4


"Took you long enough.." he said, looking away from you. 
"I'm sorry, I was looking for something to hit them with. Are you alright?" you asked as you move closer to him, tried to take a look at his face.
"Do I look alright?!" he raised his voice and turn around, looking at you with a burning eyes.
"Look! I'm sorry okay?! No one asked you to save me anyw-.." your voice trailed off. You saw his face. It's Kai. It was actually Kai of Exo-K. You're speachless now. You don't know what to do. You can't think of anything. His face was bruised, his left cheekbone was bleeding. There was dried blood on his lips.
"Sigh. Nevermind. Lets just get away from here before anyone sees me.." he tried to stand up but his leg wobbled and fell. You went over to help him.

You put his right arm over your shoulder and both of you got up and went out of the concrete cylinder and manage to get a cab nearby.


"Where do you kids want to go?" asked the driver.
"The nearby hospital please.." you replied.
"No! I don't need to go to the hospital, just send me to my apartment." Kai scoffed. 
"You need to go! You're bleeding for God's sake!" you shout at him.
The argument between you and Kai went back and forth until...


You and Kai both froze with a blank expression.

In the end you both went to back to the apartment.


You're walking back to your apartment with a first aid kit in your hand. You went out to the nearest pharmacy to get a first aid kit to clean up Kai's wound, since he insisted on not going to the hospital. You left him at your apartment. He doesn't want to go back to his apartment in that condition. He can't. He'll be dead if Lee Soo Man finds out what happened, and God knows what will happen if he finds out. Kai told you that Lee Soo Man is very strict when it comes to physical appearance. Even a scratch on the face, he will go all ballistic and won't give you your allowance for a month or two, depending on the degree of seriousness, as a punishment.

Walking towards the elevator of your apartment, you saw a group of guys waiting for the elavator to arrive. Its Exo, both K and M. You stopped, and look around to find the emergency staircase. You don't want to bump into them, you'll be all awkward knowing the fact that one of their member is in your apartment, wounded, and its all because of you. 

Walking slowly towards the door of the emergency staircase, trying to avoid any of them from noticing you, suddenly a voice shout your name out.


You know who it is without looking. It was Chanyeol. You look behind to find him waving at you while flashing his teeth with a big smile. You smile back and give a small wave back. All of the boys turn their gaze at you now, and it made you feel awkward. You bow a little at them while stepping back slowly towards the door and ran up the staircase. All of the boys their head to the side, wondering why you're acting all weird. Chanyeol pout a little, then he figured that you're probably shy with all 11 guys looking at you. He let out a small laugh and step inside the elevator.

She seems familiar... probably someone from the fansign. Kris shrugged off the thought.


You ran all the way up until you reach your door. Panting, you unlocked your door and walk in, only to find yourself frozen at the entrance and the first aid kit dropped to the floor. 

"Oh my God, KAI!!"




You guysssssss I'm so so so so so so so so so so SORRY FOR LEAVING YOU GUYS HANGING FOR 4 MONTHS!!!! 
I started this whole reading and writing fanfic during my semester break, and then when college starts, I didn't have any time to open up my laptop :(

I"m graduating next week. Just finished my Legal Studies paper just now. 3 MORE PAPER TO GO AND I'M FREE FOR 9 FRICKIN MONTHS!! :D

Are you guys still there? Don't leave me :(

P/S: I made a little amendment to the story. "You" have a name now (I find it easier to write with you having a name)



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Now everything makes sense :D And wow i though she seriously ran away and BAAAM! She has returned with a bat and a rock! Lol way to go girl~!! :D This chaper was amazing!!! I need more of this :) please plase please pleeeease update soon :)
That was great! Update soon!~~
sayuriNami #3
So far so good. Very interesting. Take your time and make it even
More interesting for the next chapter.
Alwaysx4ever #4
omgsh This is really good. I'm excited for the next chapter! ^_^
So Chanyeol speaks English?! :OO Isn't it cool or what!! :D Lol can't wait for the next chapter :)
sayuriNami #6
So.... Chanyeol can speak English then. I see