Chapter 14

It's Okay to be Alone.

Chapter 14.

A/N: Hope you all will enjoy this chapter, a little heedragon will explain some things.


Three days has passed since Seunghyun made his small ambush at the club in the V.I.P room. But in those three days, he wasn’t at school.

“Hrm…where do you think Seunghyun is?” Sunye asked Yoobin after class ended. It was another long but usual day of University.


“Not sure. He probably felt a little uneasy after he barged in that one night.” Yoobin said as she walked down the court yard.


“How does everyone feel about it? I know that Sunbae is deeply concern and I’m not sure if that is in a good way..” said Sunye, talking about Taeyang.


“I think..Jiyong is the one mostly concern. Brooklyn is a rapper as well as Jiyong. Don’t you think he feels a little threaten?”

Surprised, Sunye finally understood. “T-that’s true..and the way that Taeyang-sunbae treats him now..its just..” she stop and sighed. “…a little sad.”


“Yah. Jiyong?”

Jiyong opened his eyes. Sohee was staring down at him, giving him a gentle smile, “What’s wrong?” she asked.

Giving her a smile of his own, he stretched. Laying his head on Sohee’s lap was the best pillow. But most of all it was just being with her.

“It’s nothing, Love.” Jiyong said as he signed.

Sohee titled her head a little, “You’ve been sighing a lot lately..tell me.”

Jiyong reached out, caressing Sohee’s cheek, “Just reminiscing…”

“About what?”

He gave her a cheeky grin, “ About how I first fell in love with you…” he said as he reached up to kiss her.


A few years ago…

“YAAAAHH! OPPPA!” Sohee ran around the house, “OPPAA!!!...TAEYANG-OPPA!” she yelled loudly.

She huffed and puffed, trying to find her older brother as she carried musical books with her.

Turning a corner, she crashed into someone, landing her bottom on the floor.

“Whoa whoa! Little Sohee, What are you doing?”

Sohee looked up, rubbing her head and gasped, “Ah! J-Jiyong..!”

He smiled and helped pick up the books she dropped. “Are you alright?”

“I’m f-fine..” she quickly said as he gave her the books back.

Jiyong chuckled as he stood up and grab Sohee’s hand to help her up, “Seems like you were in a hurry.”

Sohee nervously nodded. “I’m trying to find Taeyang-oppa. Do you know where he is?”



“I’m right here!” Taeyang said coming in from the hallway, “What are you doing, running around, little sis?” he said jokingly as he patted her hair.


“Y-yah!..Don’t pat me!” Sohee pouted, pushing her hand away from Taeyang  in which both Jiyong and Taeyang laughed.


“Wow, mandu is puffing up again!” Jiyong said


Sohee frowned but paid no attention. She quickly turned to Taeyang in anger, “You told me that you’ll teach me how to play the piano today!”

“I-I did?”

She nodded, “YES! It’s been weeks! And you haven’t taught me a thing! This is for my music class, Oppa!”

Taeyang nervously laughed knowing that he actually forgot, “Yeah..sorry but I can’t today, Sohee.”

“What! But you promised!!” Sohee whined.

“I’m sorry. Big Bang is set to debut. We’re  just…all so busy!” Suddenly his cell phone rang, “Ah..just a minute..” Taeyang said as he went to the other room to pick

up the phone call.

Sohee frowned, sadden that she wasn’t able to learn the piano today. As she sighed, Sohee felt a hand on her shoulder.


“Hey..its alright. Maybe next time Tae will teach you.” Jiyong said, trying to cheer her up.


Sohee sighed, “There probably won’t be a next time…He just so into his own music, its just that he doesn’t pay attention to his own family..”


Jiyong’s eyes sadden as Sohee turned to walk away. “W-wait. Sohee.!” He yelled out behind her.




“Urm…How bout I teach you?”


Sohee’s eyes widen, “M-me? Teach me?”


Jiyong nodded, “Yeah!. I know how to play the piano,…well, not as good  as Taeyang but you know, we grew up together, I was always with him. I can teach you what you need to know. And don’t worry about my schedule, I should be able to squeeze in some time for you.”


Sohee smiled in which Jiyong heart almost melted. Without hesitation, she grabbed him for a hug which surprised Jiyong. “Urm…” he stated but wrapped his arms around her.


“THANK YOU!” she cried in happiness.


“Hey hey. What’s with this hugging? Why I’m not in it?” said Taeyang as he entered back in the hallway from his phone call.


They broke the hug as Sohee somewhat blushed, “O-Oppa! Jiyong is gonna teach me how to play the piano!”


“He is?” Taeyang said looking at Jiyong.


He nodded, “Yeah! I actually have the time. We can meet up on Sunday afternoons since I know that is usually our day off, I don’t have much to do that day so I am able to teach her.”


Taeyang hesitated, unsure of the situation. but Jiyong reinsured him, “Come on, Tae! You and I are best friends! I can do the job!”

“But I don’t want Sohee to be disappointed.”


“Eh? Disappointed? I won’t! Like he said, he has the time, we just meet once a week! Pleeaseee, Opppaa~!!” Sohee begged him using her sad eyes.


“Oh, please, Sohee. NOT that face!” Taeyang said trying not to look at her. As he hesitated, Sohee shoved her face close to his, “OH ALRIGHT!! Stop it with that pout!”


“YAAAAAAAAAY!!” Sohee yelled in delight, hugging Taeyang.


Jiyong smiled as Taeyang was patting Sohee’s back,


“And remember, Ji. Sohee’s my little sister, don’t do anything to hurt her.”


Jiyong nodded, “You can trust me, Tae.”


For several weeks, they met up at the local studio where they were able to play the piano. Sohee would wait exactly at noon for their lesson. Usually it was said to be only an hour session but it lasted to about 4 hours.

“Yeah. That’s right..C C E..” Jiyong said as he paced around the room as Sohee played the keys.


The melody was going great and Jiyong was impressed that she was such as fast learner. As they progress with the song, Sohee accidently went off tune, “Oops!”


Jiyong stopped walked and chuckled, “It’s alright, you pressed the wrong key…” he said and went behind her, with his two arms on top of her shoulders, he pressed the keys. “It’s this one and that....Got it?”

Sohee, noticing how close he was as his chin was on top of her head nodded quickly. “U-uh…yes.”

“Try again.” Jiyong insisted, “You’ll get it.”


Hesitating, Sohee did it again but halfway, she pressed the wrong key. “Ah!...Sorry Jiyong…” Sohee said.


Jiyong shook his head but smiled, “Don’t apologize, you’re still learning! This song is a little difficult. Is there a reason why you want to learn this one?”


Turning around from the seat, Sohee nodded, “Yes, I want to play this at the concert! I always listen to this song when I was younger, it made me feel…safe.”


“Kiss the rain by Yiruma is a good song.” Said Jiyong as he took a seat on the side of her, where his back was facing the piano but turned to her.


Sohee nodded, “My mother would play this song when it rains or even when I go to sleep…It’s also the reason why I wanted to play this piece. ”


He smiled and stood up behind her, “Well then, put your hands on the keys.”


Sohee did as she was told and placed her hands on the keys, Jiyong as before, put his arms over her shoulder and placed his hands over hers, in which Sohee almost held her breath.



“Don’t worry. I’ll control your fingers now, where ever I press, you follow. Alright?”


Sohee nodded nervously as she felt Jiyong’s breath over her head.


Slowly but accurately, they started to play with Jiyong at the lead. The nervousness that Sohee first felt was gone as she gotten use to Jiyong’s touch as they gilded over the keys smoothly without one mistake. As they finished the last key, they stopped but Jiyong didn’t remove his hands from Sohee’s but instead placed his head on the crook of her neck gently.



“Do you ever want to be kissed in the rain?” he whispered.


Sohee quickly froze up at the shock of his words, “W-What?”


He chuckled which vibrated through Sohee’s neck. He got up and let go of his hands, “I’m sorry..I get so attach to the music, I don’t even know what I’m saying sometimes.”




Looking at the watch, “Well, today should be enough. It’s almost 4. We’ve been here for a while now, let’s get going alright?” Jiyong suggest, he was a little embarrassed of what he said so he tried to change the subject,




Even so during those few weeks they been together, Sohee had excelled much in her piano class that she was one of the top students. But also within those weeks, they both gotten a little more closer.

“It seems that you’re doing really well in your piano class, Sohee.” Jiyong said as they were eating a late lunch together. It was often that they now eat together after their session.

Sohee nodded, “Yeah! You’re a great teacher. The professor like the song that I played so much that she insisted that I teach the class even!”

He laughed, “Really? No, I’m really not. You’re just a great ‘student’, Sohee.” Jiyong said.

Both of them gave each other smiles as their eyes lock for a second, but Sohee’s heart beat raced. Feelings for Jiyong?  No, Sohee couldn’t believe it. but the way he was around her made her feel so nervous.

“Urm…yeah. Thanks.” Sohee shyly said. Ugh, stop being so nervous, why does my heart feel like this every time he compliments me? 

“Why don’t you come over to my place?”

Surprised and out of thought, Sohee looked up, “What?!” in which she said too loudly as she covered , turning red as a tomato. But Jiyong merely laughed.

 “I said, why don’t you come over to my place? The local studio is gonna be closed for a while because it’s gonna be used for other musicians. I have a piano at my place.”

“You mean, right now?” Sohee asked.

“No.. in the next 100 years!” Jiyong joked, “Of course right now…Let’s go!” he said as he stood up, taking Sohee by her arm. “Y-Yah!”

Within minutes, they reached to Jiyong’s condo. It was a nice place as they reach up to the complex, he took out a key from his pocket and opened the door.

 The living room was nice and clean as all the furniture was black and white, something he like; simple design. Still following him, they both reached to a white door, he gave Sohee another smile, “This is my little sanctuary of where I do my music.”

As the door open, a bright light shine, the room was all white, walls, curtains with a great big window and in the middle was a grand white piano.

Sohee gasped. “It’s…beautiful” she said as she walked towards it.

“Go ahead..touch it.”

She looked at him then looked at the piano, opened up the lid where the shiny black and white keys were, touching the smooth surface. Sohee pressed one of the keys as it made a great loud but crystal clear sound, echoing it in the room.

“It’s perfect!”

Jiyong smiled, “Go ahead, play to your heart’s content.”

“How bout you ‘help’ me play one?” Sohee bravely asked.


Sohee sat on the seat and placed her hands on the keys, “You’ll be my hands, this time. I’ll follow.”

Surprised, Jiyong nodded as he reached behind her, placing his hands on top of hers. Their touch electrified them both but was calm. Sohee slightly blushed as she felt Jiyong’s cheek against hers.

He whispered against her, “Is this alright?”

Sohee nodded as they played the piano for the rest of the evening. 

After that session, Jiyong had then given Sohee his keys and mentioned, “If there is anytime you want to play the piano, you are free to come here as much as you like. We have about 2 more lessons left, wait for me here next week, alright?”

Sohee nodded, “Yes! I’ll be here…for you.”

Jiyong looked at her.

Ah, what did I just say?! Sohee thought as she closed her eyes, stupid stupid.!  But her thoughts were cut off short as she felt two hands on her cheeks.

Jiyong cupped her cheeks, “You know, ever since we were little…I never noticed how much you grew up..”

Huh?  Sohee thought. “J-Jiyong.”


He smiled, “ Of how much you grew up to be so…..…

                                                                                                                                                                     CUTE!!!” he said as he pinched her cheeks.


“OOOOWWWW!!!!!” Sohee shirked as she was about to whack him, Jiyong dodge which they did a little chase.


Jiyong ran around the piano as Sohee quickly ran around behind him trying to hit him but missed. She chased him left and right and right and left only to quickly fall and trip over herself.


“Ouch!” Sohee whined as she fell.


Jiyong quickly ran to her, “Are you okay?” he asked but felt Sohee’s punch to the stomach.


“OWW! What was that for?!”


“That’s for pinching me and then making me fall!” Sohee said, almost teary eyed. “It…hurts.”


Jiyong gave her an apologic smile, “I’m sorry…” he touched her ankle, “Did you twist it?”

“No…I hope not.”

Surprisingly, Jiyong pulled up her tights, revealing her ankle, it did have a small bump on it.

“Oh no..” Sohee said quickly touching it but before she did, Jiyong bent down and kissed it.

She gasped “Y-Yah!”

“Does it feel better now?” Jiyong said, smiling at her which made Sohee frowned.

“N-no! Who s-said that you can kiss it! That’s not the only thing that hurts---“ Sohee said as she put her hands on her cheeks but before she finished, Jiyong quickly pulled in her face, giving her a gentle kiss on each cheek.

First was her right then slowly he went on her left. His lips are so soft.. Sohee thought. As he let go, they were touching nose to nose as Sohee held her breath.

“How about now?” Jiyong asked, nose touch and eyes locked.

Sohee slowly nodded,. “It’s fine…”

He smiled,  “I’ll see you next week.”

But within the following weeks, Jiyong wasn’t there. Sohee patiently waited and when the 3rd week passed without him there, Sohee almost gave up. Where is he?

Not only Sohee was being set up, Jiyong was going through a hard time. Rumors were all over the news about his life.

Taeyang threw down various magazines and newspaper articles on the table, “YAH. What the hell is this about, Ji?!”

Jiyong looked over lazily as he was laying on the couch, “Don’t… talk so.. loud, Tae..I have a h-headache.”

“A-Are you HUNGOVER?! YAH JI!” he yelled as he kicked the couch, making  Jiyong fall over.

“O-Wieeee…” he said, but managed to sit up while putting his hand messaging his forehead.

Taeyang slammed the coffee in front of him, “HEY!, Before you knock out, do you want to at least explain about this?” he said as he opened the front page of a celebrity magazine, showing him in full color of him partying and drinking with various girls. The bold words said, “GD, partying and breaking hearts?! Full scoop on GD’s love life, 3 girls 3 weeks!”

Jiyong groggily took the article and read it, wide eyed,”T-this….”

“Yeah. This was YOU the past few weeks, you’ve been in staying in hotels not at home, what is wrong with you?! ”

“I-I don’t know..”

Taeyang crossed his arms, “Well you BETTER stop it. You are the leader of Big Bang, Ji. If you keep acting up like this, our future is on the line!”  he sighed as he muttered, “…why are you even the leader anyways?”

Hearing what he said, Jiyong got up, “YAH!...These are just, rumors! What are you to believe, ME OR THE MEDIA?!”

“Well,..the media ain’t gonna say they are wrong are they? YOU just have to stop acting this way. And you know, it feels like I don’t even know you anymore from these past few weeks!..and wait a minute, today is Sunday. Are you still teaching my little sister?”

Wide eyed, Jiyong lied, “N-no…We’re just taking a break.” OH NO…its has been 3 weeks. I actually forgot.

“Good. Because….” Taeyang grabbed Jiyong by the collar and looked him in the eye, “I found out she got a small bruise on her ankle the other day….You don’t happen to know about that, would you?”

A bruise?

“N-no! I..don’t know anything about it.”

Taeyang let go of him, “Alright” but pointed a finger at him, “You do something to hurt her…I’ll cut out all ties with you, Ji.” He said coldy  and walked away.

“AND BRUSH YOUR TEETH, IT STINKS!” he yelled as Jiyong chuckled in relief but had a little worry in him,

Oh no..I should go back to my place.

“YAH! Where were you! Its been three weeks, I sat here waiting, and you never came!” Sohee yelled walking to him.

Jiyong was slightly surprised that she was even still there, it was 3 o’ clock and usually sessions starts at 12.

..She been waiting for me all this time.

Ignoring what Sohee was yelling about, he walked around the room near the piano and noticed all the music books scattered on the floor as if she has been playing various songs.

“YAH, Jiyong..are you listening to me?!”

“JUST PLAY!” He yelled.

Surprised at his tone of voice, Sohee stood frozen.

Jiyong turned around and looked at her, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, PLAY THE DAMN PIANO!”

He wasn’t sure what came over him in anger…its possibly that he felt the alcohol of last night still lingering on him but…his heart was hurting.

Sohee slowly sat on the piano and hesitated but she still placed her hands on the keys. Not only she was nervous but scared because it was the first time she ever heard Jiyong raise his voice. She was playing their first song which was Kiss the Rain.

Playing the keys as careful but accurate, Sohee was almost finished with the song but at the last note, she pressed the wrong keys. “..a-ah..”Sohee said in a soft tone.

Jiyong who was pacing around the room at the time, was impressed that she knew the song by heart. But as he heard that last note incorrectly, he stopped.

Without wanting to turn around, Sohee hesitated, “I-I’m sorry..”

“It’s been three weeks. You were here this whole time and yet you still get the keys wrong.” Jiyong coldy said.

Sohee huddled herself wrapping her arms around, still not turning around but knowing sure that Jiyong was right behind her.

“I…t-ried—huh!” she gasped as she felt arms wrapped around her. Jiyong had grabbed her in a hug.

“J-ji…” Sohee slightly turned but Jiyong had his forehead on her shoulder

“Shh…” he quieted her down, tightening the embrace.



“…why do you make me feel this way?”

Placing a hand on top of his, she answered, “…What feelings?”

Jiyong lifted his head up as Sohee turned fully, their faces were just inches away from each other as their eyes locked.

“The way you make my heart beat, the way you play the piano makes me nervous but give me this feeling of…love.”


“Love?” Sohee asked.



“I’m in love with you.”




 Sohee held her breath and gulped, What did he say?

Still not seeing any reaction from her, Jiyong gave her a nervous smile and let go of her shoulders. “I-I’m Sorry..I shouldn’t—“


But Sohee grabbed his hand, “It’s fine. I understand.”


“You do..?”


Sohee smiled and nodded. “The heart does the weirdest things doesn’t it?”

He chuckled, “ If it considered making me feel crazy, I felt like I may be getting multiple hear attacks.”

“But it didn’t.” Sohee placed a hand on his chest, “You’re able to function here with me now.”

Nodding, he took her hand and placed his on her cheek, “And if I may ask, may I kiss you?”

Sohee giggled and quickly pulled him in for a kiss “I prefer surprises rather than questions.”


But the kiss was cut off short as…




The door swing loudly wide open, revealing Taeyang, in a furious state.

“What?...I…We…” Jiyong started

Walking over to them, Taeyang yelled “YOU lied to me! I thought these lessons were over, Have you been sneaking up with her?”

“Yah, Oppa! Before you get into conclusions..” Sohee said but Taeyang paid no attention.



Taeyang grabbed Sohee by the arm and pulled her away, “YOU will  stay away from him” he told Sohee, and without breaking eye contact, he looked straight into Jiyong’s eyes, “This guy is a player! I don’t know who he is anymore!”

Shocked, Sohee looked at him, “What? A player?!”


“This guy has been breaking girl’s hearts the past 3 weeks! You will stay away from him AND the piano lessons are over!” Taeyang said sternly as he dragged Sohee out the door. She didn’t have a chance to look at him but feel a lot of sorrow and remorse.


A couple of days later, Taeyang gave Jiyong the silent treatment but only talked to him when it is only important. In that same week, Big Bang was set to have their set of concerts so not only anticipations were up but emotions as well.

During that week, Sohee’s birthday rolled by and sadly enough Taeyang wasn’t there to celebrate it with her. He was so caught up for the concert, he wasn’t at home. So far her mother was the only one that called her from Japan wishing her happy birthday.

Sohee sighed. It was the day of her birthday, shouldn’t she be happy?

“Yahh. You shouldn’t sulk like that. It’s your birthday, Sohee!” Bom said.

Sohee gave her another frown, “Unnieeee..only omma called to say happy birthday! Not even stupid Oppa said anything, he’s only 30 minutes away, a phone call or even a text wouldn’t hurt!”

Bom patted her shoulder, “Don’t worry, he’s just busy.”

“BUT 2 seconds to say two words shouldn’t be ‘busy’!”

Trying to help her little sister, Bom thought about something “Oh hey! Big Bang is having a after party near our area, we should go!”

“But I can’t. Remember? Tae-Oppa forbid us in being apart of anything with Big Bang..” Sohee sighed as she whispered, “ I really really want to see Jiyong…..AAHHH..This is the worst birthday ever!!”

Bom tapped her on her head, “That’s it. Stop whining and let’s go!”


“We are gonna sneak you in! I got word from Daesung that Taeyang isn’t gonna be there!” Bom said as she got the keys, “I’m gonna borrow the car as well.”

Reaching towards the club, Bom was happy that they were able to get there safe. Daesung helped them get in as Sohee went to go find Jiyong who was outside on the balcony with a drink in hand; heck he even had several empty glasses next to him. He should have felt happy that the new manager of the company is now offering to take them in for a successful concert but his heart wasn’t feeling it.

“…I guess, I’m drunk on love.”  Jiyong confessed as he shook his head, taking another slip.

“If you drink too much, your heart may even explode.” A familiar voice said in which Jiyong quickly turned around.


She gave him a cheerful smile and ran to him, giving him a strong hug.

Breaking from the hug, Jiyong asked “What are you doing here? You’re gonna get caught!”

“I don’t care! I just wanted to see you…”

He smiled and chuckled, “Me? Why…you know, you can always see me on advertisements, T.V…” he said adding in some sarcasm,

“Yah!” Sohee said interrupting him but smiled, “I wanted to see you because….It’s my birthday, I have a right for you to be my birthday wish.”

“Well..its not true when you say what your wish is.”

Sohee shook her head, “But you’re here.,,,and I’ve..seen the article.” Sohee said.

 “Y-You did?” Jiyong said then taking a sigh as Sohee nodded.

“Were they true?”

“These past three weeks…I don’t even remember what happened. I-I…I don’t know what came over me..but the reason why I did that was…” Jiyong stopped mid-sentence but balled his fist and pointed at her, “ to get YOU out of my head, Sohee… I couldn’t…and I tried to get you OUT of thoughts, my dreams…even my memories. I COULDN’T…then I thought,…”

“So you blame me for your actions?” Sohee asked, feeling a little bit offended.

“WHAT?....n-no! I… just…” Jiyong cupped both of her cheeks


“Like I’ve told you…I’m deeply deeply in love with you.”

Sohee smiled as Jiyong held her face closely. But then water drops quickly fell from the sky, Jiyong looked up, “Oh no…its raining?..We should---“


Sohee stopped him as she held his hand, “No..this is the answer to the first question you asked me.”


Recalling back a faint memory but Jiyong remembered so well, he almost held back a smirk, “And what was that?”


“YES, I do want to be kissed in the rain.”


The weather may be raining but there is small hope on the day of Sohee’s birthday…but as the memories flooded, Death almost happened.



 “Jiyong!...pstthh…JIYONG..Are you there?!”

“What’s wrong? I can barely hear you!”



“IT’S SOHEE..She’s….She’s..“






He opened his eyes and looked around.  He was still in the same setting with Sohee underneath the tree, still laying on her lap.

Memories of that day started to flood into his mind.

The anger of Taeyang and how much punches and threats he was giving him. All the curses, the blows and everything that he didn’t want to think. That accident was his  fault.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Sohee asked.

“I wish…we are together forever..”



She smiled, “But we are together now. Forever will be forever.”

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Chapter 1


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Chapter 23: This was a very cute read. It’s been almost ten years since this story was last last updated. So, I know it won’t be updated anymore. But I just want to say, this story made me nostalgic. I do wonder how it would’ve ended, and I do wonder if Yenny would’ve ever made an appearance. Either way, thank you.

I miss WonderBang. But they all have lives, and some of the Big Bang members have been in very big and significant controversies. Therefore, I’ll like to remember the groups as they were back then. This story is like a movie, or an old Taiwan drama.

All the pairings are perfect. But I do wonder who Bom’s love interest was. Anywho, thank you. WonderBang forever in my heart, as they were. Before the bad took over, and disbandments.
Chapter 22: omo ... was chapter 21 deleted?
strawberrysohee #3
please update soon... I miss toobin a lot
TooBinxismyxlollipop #4
I'm confused... Were is chapter 21 ??
OMO !!what are you planning teddy ?!! I'm really curious on Teddy and Yubin's past !! are they like ex-fiances because Teddy said that the ring used to be Yubin's. ANNNNYYYYWAAAYYY XD I laughed at Seunghyun and Taeyang on the part when they saw Yubin's backless dress XDXD ME GUSTA haha <3 Thanks for the update and hope you'll update soon ^^
Trubluee #6
Thank you all for the comments, I hope you all enjoy chapter 20
TooBinxismyxlollipop #7
Oh My God author nim ! You must update YOU MUST !!!! I broke a school rule and brang my iPod to class to read this and "I fell in love with the enemy" !~ *GASP* TEDDY YOU LAY A FINGER ON MY QUEEN *OR TOP'S QUEEN* IMMA GO GANGSTA ON YOU !!!
Chapter 21: Please please please update! I luv ur story!!! I love your little toobin & heedragon love! I usually dont like rimi but in here, i find it adorable! Is yenny ever going to show up in ur story?
Chapter 21: wahhhhhh <3 it !! toobin skinships are daebak !!!
strawberrysohee #10
Chapter 21: finalli you update! Yeay! ohmygod i miss toobin so badly... Wonder what is it inside the box? so happy Yoobin already trust Seunghyun and just hope she can develope her feeling well towards Seunghyun