Day Out

I thought I loved him, I thought he loved me..


I stepped off the bus with Jiyong trailing behind me, checking around him for crazy fans every now and then. Don’t get me wrong, he LOVES his fans, but everyone needs time out, right? I planned a simple day out, both of us aren’t into big fancy dates, so this was just right.

We wandered around the mall, going onto all the clothes shops, grabbing as many clothes as we could find, and trying them on in the changing rooms, except, I chose girl clothes for Ji, and he chose guy clothes for me. I had just picked a pink sparkly dress for Ji and to get him to wear it I had to beg. On my knees. In front of everyone. Aish, how embarrassing! He finally came out wearing the dress and heels I picked for him and I fell on the floor, laughing.

“Yah! You, shut up! You're drawing attention to us!” Ji shouted.

By this point I was rolling on the floor clutching my sides. I stood up and wiped tears from the corner of my eye.

“Ji, wait a sec,” I said, pulling out my phone. I made him pose and I quickly snapped a picture of him, my hands shaking form laughter.

After we got kicked out of every shop, we headed to the food court to grab some lunch. We sat across from each other, talking about anything and everything. We never mentioned the whole marriage thing from last night.

After a quick lunch we headed over to the cinema.

“Gae In, take your ticket and get some good seats, preferably the back and I’ll meet you there in a sec, I’ll just get us some popcorn.” I nodded and grabbed my ticket running to screen 7. Before I went in I glanced back and saw him talking to some girl. I furrowed my eyebrows in question but continued into the screen.



Just as the film started Jiyong walked in, alone, and with no popcorn. I watched as he glanced around the dark room, I didn’t bother waving, I just waited until he saw me. It took him longer to find me than I guessed though. His eyes finally landed on me and he immediately walked over to me, earning dirty looks from people who were trying to watch the film.

“Hey.” He whispered when he sat down.

“Hey.” I snapped.

“Whats wrong?!” he asked, earning some sshhh’s  from the other people.

“Where’s the popcorn?” I muttered.

His eyes became large and he explained how he forgot.

“Ji, how did you forget when that was the only thing you stayed for?”


“Oh I get it Jiyong. That girl distracted you. You know what, I’ll get it myself.” I got up and walked to get the popcorn.

I don’t know why that got to me so much. Oh well, maybe I'm overreacting. I grabbed some candyfloss for Ji as my apology.

I walked back into the screen and straight up to Ji who was sat staring at me intently.

“Baby, I wasn’t, I mean, she-” I cut hm off by throwing the candyfloss at him.

“Just shut up and watch the movie, pabo!” I said with a grin.

After the film finished, Jiyong called a taxi and he muttered something to the driver.

“Where are we going, Ji?” I asked, confused.

“Ssh, it’s a surprise, fat head.” He whispered the last part.

“YAH! You're the fat head you pabo!” I muttered back, not wanting to disturb the driver.

After around 10 minutes in the cab, he pulled up at a restaurant and ushered us out. I stood in front of the fancy place with my mouth wide open. I wasn’t dressed for this kind of place!

“Ji-” I started but he interrupted.

“Yah, just be quiet, I booked this place for the two of us. You weren’t the only one who had plans for us today.” He said with a smile.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck kissing his nose, the his lips.

“Jiyong, thank you, I love you!”

He looked startled at my sudden outburst. Yeah I’ve told him before that I love him, and he’s said it back, but we didn’t say it a lot so he must have been confused. After a minute of him just standing there I broke the silence by grabbing his arm and dragging him in.

The place was beautiful, the walls painted a deep red colour, few lights, all in all, a romantic couples place. He nodded at the waiter and the kitchen staff before sitting down at a small table.

The waiter brought us a bottle of wine and poured us a glass each. He looked at Jiyong and asked, “The usual, sir?” Jiyong sharply nodded whilst glancing at me.

The usual? What did he mean, ‘the usual?’ So he’s been here before? He didn’t even ask me what I want. As this was going through my head, I didn’t realise the waiter was back and handing us a plate of food each. I looked down, it was freaking rice. Rice.

“Try it, Gae In, its delicious.” Jiyong said, before tucking into his own plate.

I put the first spoonful in my mouth. It tasted weird.

“It’s mixed pepper rice, you like it?” he asked.

We came to a fancy restaurant and had rice. How classy.

“Gae In, about before, that girl, she was the niece of my manager, it was nothing babe.” He said looking into my eyes.

God. How could I have been so stupid. I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

“Ji, I'm sorry. I should have checked with you first.” I bowed my head slightly.

“It’s fine babe.” He replied.

He stood up. Wait, he was ready to leave? I hadn’t even finished. Yeah it was just rice, but it tasted good. He walked in front of me and dug around in his pocket. What was this pabo doing? He wasn’t going to.. oh no no no. He isn’t. Please no!

He went down on one knee and held out a small box,

“Park Gae In, will you marry me?”

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i will update asap, the next chapter will be long, and not very nice, so please wait for me, i loveyouall


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Chapter 7: Please update soon. Hope that you are better though :3 gws!
ain8838 #2
love dis story..dont stop..please...i really love both of n byg is my bias..llalalalala~~~~~
meiwai #3
awwww don't say that, this story is pretty cool! ^^ i'm waiting for your update~ but first rest! (?)
Oh Please update soon! and get better when you're home from the hospital :)
THIS IS SO CRAY so i was readingthe first chapter, and i read that it was 12:03am, and then i looked at my own clock, and it was 12:03am
taemin2y #6
please update! i love GD and BYG :D this is so good!
taemin2y #7
please update! i love GD and BYG :D this is so good!
bunnypen #8
update soon please its really interesting !!!! :D
TheIceQueen #9
Oh gosh I feel like I already know what happened >.< haha