O7. Can't Sleep

My Stubborn Little Prince


“Why did you do that?!” Luhan yelled.

Sehun looked up from his cereal. “What..?” he asked.

Luhan was standing up at his seat across from Sehun. They had been eating breakfast alone, and Luhan was feeling bothered by the night’s events. “W-why....did you k-kiss me..?” Luhan asked, his voice shaking.

Sehun had never seen Luhan like this before, and was surprised. “It was fan-service, Luhan...” Sehun answered.

“What the heck is ‘fan-service’?!” Luhan cried.

Sehun stood up and grabbed Luhan’s arm. “Shh..Luhan, calm down, it’s just for the fans.”

Luhan’s eyes were red and getting teary. Anger surged through him, and he whispered, “W-what is it exactly..?”

Sehun sighed. “It’s like...when you know, Baekhyun and Chanyeol hug and hold hands right? But it’s in public for our fans.”

Luhan blinked. “B-but...you could’ve just held my hand then...if it was fan-service. I don’t understand why you had to kiss me...”

Sehun’s breath hitched. He didn’t answer for a moment, and Luhan asked, “Why did you kiss me?”

“L-Luhan...I can’t tell you right now..” Sehun answered.

Luhan’s eyes widened, and Sehun let Luhan’s arm go. He ran out of the room to EXO-K’s rooms, and Luhan stood there, confused. Kris stepped into the room, and saw Luhan. “Morning, Luhan. You okay? You look...sick,” Kris said.

“It-it’s nothing,” Luhan answered, sitting down again.

Kris frowned. “Tell me.”

Luhan shook his head, as he ate another bite of his cereal. Kris shook Luhan’s shoulder. “Luhan...you can tell me anything,” Kris said. “I promise I won’t tell anyone.”

Luhan dropped the spoon into the bowl, and it made milk splash onto the table. Luhan glanced up at Kris and whispered, “Why can’t I understand people?”


Luhan lay on his bed, a pad of paper in front of him and a set of colored fine-point markers. He had been doodling on it for the past hour and filled half of the sketchbook up. Most of it was to practice his signature, because he was sure he failed at it during the fan-sign since his hand was trembling so much from Sehun’s kiss.

He drew a little Rubix cube on the side of the paper, and then sighed. You should take more time to impress me more. Luhan shook his head. Stop. Don’t think about Sehun. Luhan scribbled the Rubix cube out with a black marker and felt satisfied. Luhan doodled some shapes; stars, squares, triangles, circles and the sort. He sketched out a small heart at the corner of the paper, and then remembered the couple heart sign he and Sehun did. God..why the heck did he agree to do that? Luhan again covered the heart with the black marker, and covered his face. Why couldn’t he stop thinking about Sehun?

Later that night, Luhan went to bed, feeling disgruntled. He tossed and turned, and was barely able to fall asleep. He sat up in the dark, rubbing his eyes. The clock display showed 2:46 AM. Luhan grunted and slid off the bed. He wrapped his blanket around his body and shuffled out of the room. He blindly walked into the kitchen and got a drink of water. It didn’t help.

Luhan turned to go back to his room, and then he forgot where his room was momentarily. Luhan groaned, and walked to a random room, not caring whether it was an EXO-M dorm room or not. He turned the knob, and pushed in. He looked up, and saw a small white room with black colored furniture. The lights were off, except for a candle at a bed stand. It was dim and the shadows of the flames flickered on the wall, swaying back and forth. He glanced at the bed, and saw the sleeping face of Sehun. His angelic face was beautiful, pale as snow, and his lips pursed in that way that Luhan loved. Luhan stepped closer to the bed, wondering if he should sleep with Sehun or not. “S-Sehun..?” Luhan whispered, pulling the blankets closer to his face.

Sehun’s eyes fluttered open. “Luhan? What are you doing?” he replied, in a sleepy, groggy voice.

“I-I...” Should he say that he couldn’t find his way back to his room?

“I couldn’t sleep,” Luhan whispered.

Sehun sat up. “Is the kiss still bothering you?”

Luhan nodded. Sehun bit his lower lip, which made Luhan’s heart race suddenly. Sehun held his arms out, beckoning Luhan to come to him. Luhan stepped to the bed, and sat in front of Sehun on the mattress. Sehun slowly the side of Luhan’s hair. Luhan’s eyes got misty, and he felt sleepier than before. Sehun traced Luhan’s jawline, and touched his chin with his fingertips. Luhan wondered if Sehun could see his reddened cheeks in the darkness.

“I-I couldn’t tell you before, Luhan...but you...” Sehun stopped, his voice trailing off.

Drowsiness began to overcome Luhan, and he tried his hardest to stay awake. His eyes drooped, and he leaned forward, his head falling on Sehun’s chest. Then he fell asleep suddenly. Sehun sighed. “Next time, Luhan...next time...” he mumbled, as he lay Luhan next to him and brushing Luhan’s hair away from his eyes. Sehun examined his hyung’s baby face as he slept. Sehun wondered if Luhan was the most beautiful person he’d ever seen in his life. Sehun felt himself get sleepy. Sehun fought to stay conscious for another half a minute, and then Sehun leaned forward, to press his lips softly against Luhan’s briefly. Sehun moved back, and then drifted to sleep, feeling satisfied.

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cherries20 #1
Chapter 26: Great fanfic! :D Lay did kind of disappear from the story xD
Chapter 25: Lol... I have forgotten about Lay... Im cutious about where he is
My first fanfic I ever read. Love HunHan
Loved this fic
Chapter 26: lol i was so hooked that i finished reading this in an hour. haha
bluegroove10 #5
this is beautiful.. i want another hunhan fanfic please!!
HAPPY END!! Thanks for making such a sweet HunHan!! LOVE YOU!! XD
so said that it's over!!
"Your breath smells bad" LOL-ed at this XDD
And and , awwwwwwww~ The ending is so beutipull <33333333 ;AAA;
Thanks for writing this , author-sshi ! ^^