Make Yourself At Home

Look Over Me
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Your P.O.V


After school had ended you and Luhan were heading on your way home. "You know, Lu, I've never seen your house before." You cocked your head to the side slightly. It was true, Luhan never mentioned his house, even when you always brought the topic up he would worryingly change the subject as quickly as possible.

*Is he uncomfortable with his family?* Just the thought of Luhan suffering secretly tugged on your heartstrings.

Luhan began scratching the back of his neck with a chuckle, "My house? Well it's nothing special I can tell you that." You raised your eyebrow, "Hey, Lu, you know you can tell me anything right?" 

He lowered his hand and gave you a warm smile, "I know. Just don't worry about me, okay? You've got enough on your plate as it is." You decided to brighten the suddenly dull moment by clapping your hands together, grinning at Luhan, "How about you come back to my new home?" 

Luhan furrowed his eyebrows for a slight second, "I'm not sure Eun Chae, I mean, didn't you just move there?" You nodded your head, "Yeah but Mr. Lee is really kind, I'm sure he wouldn't mind me bringing over company." 

"What about that other guy?" Luhan's face became stern although you barely noticed. "Who? Baekhyun?" You continued, "Don't worry about him. He's just acts a little cranky and haughty." 

Luhan still didn't look to convinced, "I don't know, why today?" You let out a hum, "Well today was the first day back at school so I think it would be nice to end it on a happier note, you know. That and I don't want Mr. Lee worrying about me, incase I don't have any friends at school." 

You decided to joke around for a bit, batting your eyelashes and answering in a sickeningly sweet voice, "Please, Lu." This time it was his turn to raise an eyebrow at you, with a quick look of disapproval, he laughed quietly and replied, "Fine." 

Within a quick five minute leisurely stroll, you and Luhan soon found your way back to your new home. Knowing you and your horrible sense of direction, Luhan and yourself were actually quite surprised you didn't get lost. 

"Get ready for this, this house is so gorgeous." You beamed in an overly confident way, gripping onto the door knob. 

"You're acting as if you own this house, Eun Chae." Luhan laughed. "Hey! I live here now to so technically I sort of do own it." You paused for a moment, "Okay, maybe not." You gave Luhan a quick wink, "Now gaze in awe." 

With that being said you opened the door to your residential home. 

Luhan surprised even himself as he let out a small, "Wow." His eyes were locked onto the glass chandelier hanging straight above the two of your heads. "I'm legitimately jealous right now." He sighed out. 

You put your hands on your hips and grinned, "I know right." The sound of a car pulling up in driveway caused the two of you to whip your heads around simultaneously. "Who's that?" Luhan asked. You made a mental note to remember that car. "It's Mr. Lee, my Mother's best friend." Luhan suddenly stiffened beside you. 

"Maybe I should go." He spat out. "Huh? What no way, you just got here!" You retaliated. 

Luhan's expression suddenly beca

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Chapter 5: This story is so good!! Update soon authornim!
sophia_elyna #2
Chapter 5: Haha nono, i dont and will never forget this story hehe thanks for updating, author-nim. I'm glad my waiting for you is worthful hihi yeah, let's pray for that haha xD and this chapter is not boring and i can't wait for moreeeee ^^ update soon :)
galaxyyuri #3
Update soon!!!! This is so good!!
sophia_elyna #4
Author-nim. I love your fics, really. I hope you will update more and soon. Very soon, pleaseee >< can't wait to read moreee hihik ;)
haiyea #5
I love ur fic!!!!pls update soon!!!
jess1234 #6
Chapter 4: OMO sooo good!! please update soon author-nim~
I hope you'll make the ending like your first fic ! XD because i wanna see both of baek's ending and luhan's ending and hopefully kai's and kris's endings!
Chapter 4: update soon^^ author-nim :)
Chapter 4: Yeller (hello, heller, yello, yeller.... If you dont get it, whatev's) peps!!!!! I'm the new kid (around the block) reading this story!!!!! And honestly. I LUUUUBB this story!!!!! Please do update. (even though I'm a be gone for a week T.T) Later. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I've never wrote like that before. Hahaha. ROFL all by myself.
Chapter 4: Update soon please! :)
Can't wait XDD
I like it! =)))) (thumbs up)