Nighttime Tears

Look Over Me
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No One's P.O.V


*What is he doing here?!* You blinked a few times. *Is this a dream? No, it's a nightmare, please, no one pinch me.* "Eun Chae, this is my nephew, Baekhyun." 

You nodded gingerly as you bit down on your bottom lip and watched carefully as Mr. Lee set your dinner on the table and smiled at you. "Baekhyun, introduce yourself to Eun Chae." Mr. Lee lightly tapped Baekhyun on his shoulder, causing him to look up from his ramen.

The two were lost in staring war. You looked back and forth between to the two; you began to feel awkwardly out of place here. Baekhyun's eyes were piercing coldly through Mr. Lee's while Mr. Lee's were soft and almost begging.

"I really don't understand you Baekhyun." Mr. Lee sighed obviously annoyed by Baekhyun's attitude, hesitantly breaking their eye contact. 

*I don't blame him; I'd be annoyed with it. He was the first boy that really caught my attention, and he just ripped my heart to shreds without a care in the world. I wouldn't say I hate him, but I definitely don't like him the way I used to anymore.*

Baekhyun returned to his food with a poker face. Mr. Lee gave you a sympathetic look and pulled out a stool for you to sit down on, the stool opposite Baekhyun. 

"Thank you." You bowed politely before sitting down on the metal stool. You tugged on the bottom of your skirt as you squirmed uncomfortably on the stool. You couldn't help but stare at Baekhyun, since that time you always avoided him in the halls, you felt so up fronted but he didn't even seem to care about it, maybe it's because he gets confessions like that every day?


You snapped out of my thoughts when someone cleared their throat. You realized you were continuously staring at Baekhyun and even he and Mr. Lee noticed you. You felt yourself stiffen when Baekhyun glared at you before he returned his attention to his food.

"Eun Chae, dig in." Mr. Lee insisted. You nodded quickly before stuttering, "O-okay."

You kept your head down and began to eat, trying to divert the pressure away from yourself. The only thing that was heard was the echoing of munches and the sound of glasses being placed back down onto the table. 

Mr. Lee finished first. He glanced back and forth between you and Baekhyun before speaking. "Baekhyun, you're strangely quiet." 

Baekhyun didn't look up from his bowl he continued to stuff his mouth full, if anything he almost looked like he was rushing, trying to get away from the table. "Are you embarrassed to have a girl here? Hmm... Baek?" 

Baekhyun coughed from his uncle's statement and began to choke on his food; he began to pound on his chest with his fist, avoiding anyone's gaze. You looked to the side of the kitchen.

Mr. Lee chuckled quietly to himself as Baekhyun finished his choking. Mr. Lee sat back in his chair and crossed his arms, "Do you to know each other?" 

No reply.

*Should I reply to him?* You began to open your mouth when Baekhyun cut you off. "No." So he's finally spoke. Although you were relieved he didn't know who you were a part of you wanted him to remember you. 


"Really? Then why are you so awkward between each other," Mr. Lee pushed his glasses up to the bridge off his nose, "Eun Chae

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Chapter 5: This story is so good!! Update soon authornim!
sophia_elyna #2
Chapter 5: Haha nono, i dont and will never forget this story hehe thanks for updating, author-nim. I'm glad my waiting for you is worthful hihi yeah, let's pray for that haha xD and this chapter is not boring and i can't wait for moreeeee ^^ update soon :)
galaxyyuri #3
Update soon!!!! This is so good!!
sophia_elyna #4
Author-nim. I love your fics, really. I hope you will update more and soon. Very soon, pleaseee >< can't wait to read moreee hihik ;)
haiyea #5
I love ur fic!!!!pls update soon!!!
jess1234 #6
Chapter 4: OMO sooo good!! please update soon author-nim~
I hope you'll make the ending like your first fic ! XD because i wanna see both of baek's ending and luhan's ending and hopefully kai's and kris's endings!
Chapter 4: update soon^^ author-nim :)
Chapter 4: Yeller (hello, heller, yello, yeller.... If you dont get it, whatev's) peps!!!!! I'm the new kid (around the block) reading this story!!!!! And honestly. I LUUUUBB this story!!!!! Please do update. (even though I'm a be gone for a week T.T) Later. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I've never wrote like that before. Hahaha. ROFL all by myself.
Chapter 4: Update soon please! :)
Can't wait XDD
I like it! =)))) (thumbs up)