Dorky Love


Thursday morning, at Yuri, Hyoyeon and Sooyoung’s class, the teacher sent them at the hallway and put bucket on both of their hands while they’re kneeling on the floor. Well the teacher just warned them at first, the second warning when he caught them talking



“Yah! Sooyoung Hyoyeon stop laughing” Yuri said with a soft voice.


“Don’t worry the teacher will not gonna hear us hear” Hyoyeon interject. While Sooyoung was nodding her head to agree with Hyoyeon. “I’ts almost time for the next subject that means we can go back to our room” Hyoyeeon added.


“Aiisshhh….” Yuri said while facing the floor.




While at Taeyeon, Sunny, Jessica and Tiffany’s class. Their teacher was discussing math problems and etc. When the class ended the teacher then went outside the door then called Tiffany. When Tiffany heard her teacher calling her she then went outside.


“Tiffany can tutor Taeyeon with math” The teacher said.


“Eh?” Tiffany said then put her finger on her bottom lip.


“Well you’re the best of your class and your also friends with ever since” The teacher said. “But if you don’t want to…” The teacher added.


“I…I’ll tutor her” Tiffany interject so the teacher won’t feel bad.


“Thank you Tiffany” The teacher said


 Tiffany then went back inside the room after the teacher talked to her. When she closed the door behind her she sighed then bit her bottom lip. Jessica who saw Tiffany’s expression went immediately to her.



“What did the teacher talked to you about?” Jessica asked while making Tiffany look at her.


“The teacher wants me to tutor Taeyeon with math” Tiffany answered then took a glance at Taeyeon who was talking with Sunny.


“Did you say yes?” Jessica asked.


“Yeah, I don’t want the teacher to bad about it” Tiffany answered the look back at Jessica.


“Maybe it’s a good thing” Jessica said “After what happened 2 years ago it’s better if you talked to each other” Jessica added.


“I hope your right Jess” Tiffany said “Can you tell her to meet me outside after school please” Tiffany added.


“Ok, I’ll tell her” Jessica said then turned her head to look at Taeyeon.




“Hey Taeyeon” Sunny called Taeyeon’s attention.


“Hhhmmm?” Taeyeon said.


“I’m just curious?” Sunny asked “Is there something about you and Tiffany?” Sunny added.


“What?” Taeyeon said in a shocked voice.


“Well I notice that you never talked to her but you’re a close friend with her sister” Sunny said while rubbing her forehead.


“The…there nothing wrong wi…with Tiffany and me” Taeyeon said.


“Maybe I just thought wrong” Sunny said.


Then the teacher came in for the next class. While the teacher was discussing Taeyeon didn’t listen to the lesson but instead she look at the window.







                When the bell ring all student stood up and bowed to the teacher as they said good bye. Then Taeyeon immediately went running outside.



“Eating lunch with Tipani” Taeyeon thought to herself.


When Taeyeon reached the Tiffany’s classroom she immediately went inside, and when she saw Tiffany who sitting on her chair putting her things back inside her bag, Taeyeon then went in front of Tiffany and bended over.



“Tipani lets go eat lunch” Taeyeon said


                When Tiffany heard Taeyeon’s voice she then quickly lift her head and saw Teayeon’s face so close to hers that it’s only an inch away they could kiss. Then Tiffany’s cheeks instantly turned red just the thought of it.



“Tipani are you ok?” Taeyeon said then put her forehead to Tiffany’s. “You don’t have any fever” Taeyeon added then sat beside Tiffany.


“I…I’m o…o..ok” Tiffany said then put her hands to her cheeks.


“Tipani I’m hungry let lunch huh?” Taeyeon said while holding her stomah.


“Ok” Tiffany said then gave Taeyeon her famous eye smile.


“Oh my god” Taeyeon thought to herself when Taeyeon saw Tiffany’s eye smile and made her heart beat fast.


“YAH!” Jessica shouted who was already outside the door “You two want to eat or not?” Jessica added.


“Coming Jess” Tiffany said then grabs Taeyeon’s wrist.


                When they were eating at the school cafeteria…


“Hey Fany look at that guy” Jessica said “His been watching you since we entered the cafeteria” Jessica added.


“Really?” Tiffany said then look at the guy.


“Yes, I think he likes you” Jessica said


                Teayeon who was sitting acroos the table turned her head so that she can also look at the guy Jessica and Tiffany were talking about. After she saw the guy’s face she then turned back her head then made a grumpy expression then ate her food with one bite.

                When they finish their lunch Taeyeon then stood up and said…



“I’ll go back first”


                Leaving Tiffany and Jessica confused of Taeyeon’s sudden actions.


When Taeyeon was at the hallway walking her way to her classroom she was muttering by herself.


“Who was that guy anyway his not that handsome”


                When she reached her room, she went directly to her table, took a seat and waited for the next class to start. After a few minutes the class started.


“Why am I so jealous?” Taeyeon thought to herself “Why am I feeling like this, I’ve been with Tiffany since but why now?” Taeyeon added.


                When the bell rang after five hours the class ended and the students were now at the hallway. Then Taeyeon went straight to Tiffany’s classroom.

“Jessica were is Tiffany” Taeyeon asked


“She’s over….there” Jessica answered while pointing at the corner of the room. “She’s still talking to someone, oh and tell Tiffany I can’t go home with you guys because I’m still finishing some important papers” Jessica added.


“Ok” Taeyeon sai then look at the corner of the room. Then saw the guy from the cafeteria.


                When Taeyeon saw Tiffany and she couldn’t help it her blood was boiling with anger to the guy. Then her hand formed a fist while walking her way to Tiffany. Taeyeon didn’t understand her feelings she wants to punch the guy on the face so hard. When Taeyeon was already beside Tiffany…




                Taeyeon really punched the guy and made him drop at the floor that made Tiffany shocked when she saw what happened. Then Tiffany turned her head and saw Taeyeon beside her.


“Taeyeon?” Tiffany said with a shocked voice.


“Taeyeon-nah!” Jessica said then run towards Taeyeon and Tiffany.


“Why are you flirting with this guy” Taeyeon asked.


“What?” Tiffany said so confused


“You like this guy so your flirting with him!?” Taeyeon said.


“YAH!” Kim Taeyeon” Jessica interjected then put her hand to Taeyeon’s shoulder.


But Taeyeon only shrug off Jessica’s hand then look at Tiffany who was in front of her. When Tiffany heard what Taeyeon said made her very mad.


“So I was ri….” Taeyeon said while looking at Tiffany.




                Tiffany slapped Taeyeon and made Taeyeon’s cheeks red while tears rooled down Tiffany’ cheeks. Then Tiffany went running outside.


“Hey Tayeon apologize to Tiffany” Jessica said when she made Taeyeon looked at her.


“YAH! Taeyeon listen to me!” Jeassica said when Taeyeon didn’t say anything. “Aiissshhh” Jessica added then went running outside to follow Tiffany. And left Taeyeon inside the room, while the other students helped the guy Taeyeon just punched.




                Then tears rolled down Taeyeon’s cheeks when she remembered what happened between Tiffany and her.




“Yuri Hyoyeon did you still remember SUNNY” Sooyoung asked when they are already inside the their classroom.


“Oh yeah Sunny Taeyeon’s long lost sister” Hyoyeon said jokingly.


“Well I can’t get rid of her in my head since yesterday” Sooyoung said


“So you like her” Yuri said then smiled teasingly at Sooyoung.


“WHAT!?” Sooyoung shouted while Hyoyeon nodding her head.


“Sooyoung got a crush on Sunny S.U.N.N.Y” Hyoyeon said while singing.


“Do I really like Sunny or maybe I just want to be friends with her” Sooyoung thought to herself while Hyoyeon was still singing.




So here is chapter 4 I hope you like it.  cheeky                 


I want it to be a long chapter but I got to go to school but Ipromise that the next chapter will be long. smiley 


ENJOY  wink

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Chapter 20: Pls continue
Chapter 20: Please update
Chapter 20: I absolutely adore all the SooSun your story has! Please don't give up on this story until they have a happy ending author-ssi! Fighting! :)
hi readers I will be updating Dorky Love maybe next week if I have free time huhuhu I hope you wont hate me hehehe

hoping for your understanding :)

we eat to live <3
cucuMAber #5
Sorry for not comment at past chapter T.T
Finally taeny! official!!!
LeeJuno #6
Awww they're finally official!
Cinderella127 #7
niceeee :D, finally they are official. I thought for a moment tiffany didn't like taeyeon, but i was wrong hahaha, and i'm ok with dat hahah.
Thank you reader :) hehehe your comment just made me smile
Happy this is not a bad chapter it is great I love it!!! YAY!!
Thank you readers LOVE YOU all :)