Are We A Couple Now?

Icy Wall, Warm Heart

I checked my hair one more time, making sure every hair was patted perfectly in place.  Smiling satisfactorily, I shouldered my bag and bounced down the stairs.  Since I had woken early, I had some time before Youngmin came to pick me up for school.  Tucking myself on the window seat in the sitting room, I rested my sketch book on my lap, a pencil in hand.

Thinking back to Saturday, my cheeks pinked.  Fixating a picture in my mind, I moved my pencil across the paper steadily, an image coming to life.

I had just begun finalizing the lines of the Ferris wheel when I felt a pair of warms wrap themselves around me.  Startled, I jumped, sketch book and pencils falling to the floor.  Looking over my shoulder, my eyes were met with chocolate brown orbs and blonde wisps of hair.

“Youngmin oppa,” I breathed out in a gasp.

“Good morning~” he greeted.

Gaining my breath back, my eyes narrowed at him.  “Don’t startle me like that!”

Youngmin pouted.  “But you didn’t answer when I called your name.  I thought you were ignoring me!”

I sighed, “I wasn’t ignoring you, babo, I was in the Zone.”  Whenever I spaced out, Youngmin called the place that my mind wandered off to ‘the Zone.’

“Oh, well I’m glad you’re not ignoring me.”

A thought struck my mind.  “Are you early?” I glanced at the grandfather clock, a shock running through my body.  “Oh my gosh!  We’re late!  Let’s go!” I jumped up from my perch.  As I gathered up my pencils, Youngmin crouched down next to me, handing the sticks of graphite as I put them away.  I hid the sketch book and pencils between the wall and the large potted plant in the corner of the room.  When I was sure it was completely hidden from view, I grabbed Youngmin’s hand.  “Okay, let’s go!  We’re going to be late!

But Youngmin stopped, pulling me pack.  “Jin, chill.  It’s fine, we won’t be late.  I brought the car because it’s freezing outside.”

I stopped tugging against him.  “Are you sure you should be driving?  You don’t have your license yet.”

He shrugged.  “I’ll get it soon.  But for now…” Swiftly, he titled his head forward and captured my lips for a brief moment.  He pulled back, leaving me stunned and blushing.  He smirked at my reaction.

“Man, I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” he said blissfully, turning to walk out of the room.

Touching my lips, I called after him.  “Y-yah!”  First, he comes in here and startles me, causing me to drop all of my stuff.  Second, he makes me nervous about him driving without a license, saying he’ll get it soon, but who knows how far off that will be?  Then he kisses me, saying that weird statement, and finally walks out of the room like nothing happened.  Youngmin, stop messing with me!

“Matte!” I yelled, rushing to catch up to him.  He’d paused at the front door, waiting patiently, leaning against the frame.

“I’m waiting,” he answered in response to my order.  “You ready to go?”

I puffed out my cheeks, nodding sullenly.  Youngmin chuckled and held the door open for me.  He led me to his car, helping me in before making his way around to the driver’s seat.  The car came to life with the soft roar of the engine.

Throughout this brief process, a though ran through my mind.  “What did you mean when you said that you wanted to kiss me for so long?” I blushed when I formed the word ‘kiss,’ the word strange on my tongue.  How long has he liked me?

I closely watched his expression, observing the half-grin, half-smirk.

“Ever since I heard you say that you might like me, I just wanted to kiss you without worrying about how you felt about me.”

I choked.  “What do you mean?  I never said that!  Where did you hear that?”

“Well, it’s true, isn’t it?” he asked, looking back at me.

“You’re not making sense,” I muttered, gripping the strap of my bag.  Could he have known this entire time?  What did that mean, then?

“I may or may not have heard you say something to Ara Cha awhile ago,” he admitted.

“You eavesdropped on our conversation?” I squeaked.  How many embarrassing things did he hear?  “How long is ‘awhile ago?’”

“Um,” he contemplated for a moment.  “It was the same week that you first saw the lilies I brought to the greenhouse.”

He and I obviously had different recollections of that day, because that was also the day where I almost kissed him the second time.  Thinking about it more, I remembered that was also the week that Ara Cha had pulled me away to an empty classroom and I practically spilled my guts out to her…

Oh my gosh.  Did he hear that whole conversation?

“Just to clarify, is this the emotional conversation about my insecurities about being different after freaking about how I felt about you?”

“Eh, yeh, that one,” he confirmed.

I put my head in my hands to hide my blushing face.  “This is so humiliating.”

“Don’t be shy, baby,” Youngmin encouraged in a sweet, ‘boyfriend’ tone.  It was completely gross.  “I was also freaking out about how I felt about you, and what your feelings toward me were.”

“First of all, don’t ever call me baby again,” I warned.  “Second, don’t talk to me in that condescending tone.  Thirdly, I can’t believe you eavesdropped on our conversation!”

“Why can’t I call you baby?” he whined.  We’re a couple now, right?  Shouldn’t I call you that?”

That statement caught me off guard.  “I don’t know.  Are we a couple now?”  All thoughts of eavesdropping boys left my mind.

“Well, yeah, aren’t we?” Youngmin offered.  “I mean, we kissed.  Doesn’t that usually mean we’re a couple now?”

I shrugged, a permanent blush staining my cheeks.  “Nan molla.  I’ve never been in a relationship before.”

“I think we are.  And if we’re not, then we should be, because there is no way I’m going to let someone else snatch you up.”

I laughed at him.  “Arrasso, oppa, arrasso.”




Omo! I am so so so sorry for not updating! And I know this isn't enough to make up for my long, unexcused absence, but please forgive me anyway! School has just been so overwhelming and I just haven't had time T_T Please forgive me! I promise to update more soon (hopefully...)

On the bright side, during my long absence, I've gained 3 new subscribers! Do you know what that means? I now have 22 subscribers! I am so happy right now! Thank you everyone who has supported me and has taken the time to read my fanfic. I love you all very much! Saranghae!

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Omgxprincessmegan #1
Chapter 32: This was just tooooo cute!(: ,loved your story~ sequel maybe?
Chapter 31: This is so touching… even I'm crying! TT.TT
A very sweet story, well written and a real pleasure to read. Thank u ^^
Chapter 31: i love the ending a lot!! it was sweet :)
simply_beautiful26 #5
Chapter 31: Awww so nice. It really made me cry. I love how Youngmin made Jin so special...Please made a sequel. :)
Angelz0715 #6
Chapter 32: Awwww this stories is so cute >_< The last chapter is the best!!! Boys should copy what Youngmin does!!! That is so sweet and romantic <3
Kristii #7
Chapter 31: Soooo cute. I wish it could go on forever. <3
Yendi_Heart #8
Chapter 31: Very very cute ending :D I really love your story. I'm sad that it already ended :(
Danieea #9
Chapter 32: I really love your story ^^ great story ^^
makeoutinkorean #10
I never write comments, just because I never have a lot to say, since a lot of fanfics don't meet my standards... But I must tell you that I absolutely adored this fic. It's very well-written, the plot is phenomenal (though it seemed a tad rushed), and the characters were all balanced with strengths AND flaws. There were also a few clichés, but they were executed in a way that it didn't feel so boring and overdone. You put them in a new light that I could actually enjoy. Thank you so much for writing this. I am a very critical writer in general, and this lived up to almost all my expectations. Good job!