I Wouldn't Have Had It Any Other Way

Icy Wall, Warm Heart

I stared at my closet forlornly.  I had no idea on what to wear.  Clothes scattered around my room –tossed on the bed, draped over my desk, thrown on the floor.  How could I have so many clothes and nothing to wear?  My mind flashed back to the previous day.


“What are we doing tomorrow for our date?” I asked, trying not to sound as if that hadn’t been the sole thought in my mind for the past week.

“I can’t tell you~” he sang.

I pouted.  “Why not?”

“Aigoo~ So cute!” he cooed, pinching my cheeks.

I slapped his hands away.  “Seriously!  I need to know so I can dress appropriately.”

Youngmin thought about that.  “I guess…nice-casual, something comfortable.  Oh, and bring a coat, it will be a bit cold tomorrow night.”

“Nice-casual?  What is that supposed to mean?”

He shrugged.  “I don’t know.  You’re the girl –you analyze it.”

I punched his shoulder.  “Yah, be nice to me!”

“Arrasso, arrasso,” he conceded with a chuckle.


And that is why it was one hour before 6:30 and I still didn’t know what to put on.  In a last grasp in desperation, I called Ara Cha.


“Ara Cha!” I whined when she answered.

“Mwo?  What’s the matter?” came her worried reply.

“I don’t know what to wear for my date with Youngmin-oppa!”

“What are you two doing?”

“I don’t know, he wouldn’t tell me!  The only thing he said was nice-casual.  What does that even mean?”

“Just wear a nice, but casual skirt, with a cute shirt and flats.  Oh, it will also be cold…wear that coat that Youngmin bought you.”

I stared at my closet.  “I have a few skirts, but I don’t want to wear any of them.”

Ara Cha paused.  “Hold on, I think I have something.  Let me check.” The line went silent for a moment and then, “Okay, I have a few options.  Where do you live?  I’ll drop by right now.”

I quickly gave her my address and started on my hair and makeup.  Seven minutes later, Ara Cha was in my room, laying clothes out on my bed.  We went through everything and together, we finally pieced together a suitable outfit.  It consisted of a simple white, lace blouse tucked into a pleated pink skirt with a thin, white belt looped around the waist and connecting in a small bow.  The skirt reached a little past my fingertips, but since it had shorts underneath it, I felt more comfortable.  On my feet were simple, pink ballet flats that matched the skirt




“Perfect,” Ara Cha squealed.  “So adorable!  Youngmin won’t be able to take his eyes off you!”

I blushed.  “It’s weird wearing pink.  It’s not a color I wear often.”

“Well you should.  It compliments your skin and it just looks so good with your blonde hair.  Speaking of your hair, let’s finish what you started.”

She took the curling iron and beckoned me over, making little work in twirling my hair in cascading ringlets.  When she completed that task, she brushed through the curls, singling out the strands and, in short, making a complete mess of my hair.  I bit back my tongue to keep from crying out, trusting in the other girl.  My trust did not go unrewarded.  She pulled all of my locks to the side and gathered it into a clip to keep it in place.  The look was stunning.  I stared speechless at the mirror, wondering if that was really me.

Ara Cha’s reflection smiled softly at me.  “Didn’t know you were so beautiful, did you?”  Silently, I shook my head.  “This is what everyone sees every day.  That’s why the other girls feel so threatened by you.  Not only do you have the looks, but you also have a good heart.”  She lovingly smoothed the top of my head.  “Have fun on your date with Youngmin-oppa,” she winked.  “Don’t let him leave without a kiss goodnight.”

My blush deepened.  “Ara Cha!”

She laughed.  “I know you’re thinking the same thing.  Believe me, looking like this, Youngmin-oppa won’t be able to hold himself back.”

I covered my ears in embarrassment, not able to take any more.  “Please stop!  No more!”  I glanced at the clock, wondering how much longer I’d have to endure this torture.  “Holy frack!”  I jumped up from my seat.  “It’s almost 6:30!”  I grabbed my white pea coat that Youngmin had bought me and quickly slipped it on, tucking my phone into the pocket.  “Come on!” I beckoned to Ara Cha.  “Let’s go downstairs.”

Just as I was about to bolt out the door, the other girl grabbed my arm.  “Shouldn’t you have him wait just a bit before going down?  It builds up suspense.”

“I don’t want to build up suspense.  I want to go on my date with oppa,” I pouted.

At that moment, the door bell sounded from the front entry way.  I glanced at the clock again.  6:30, right on time.

“Let me go down first, okay?” Ara Cha suggested.  “I want to see his reaction when he sees you.”

I didn’t want to waste anymore time, so I agreed, pushing her out the door.  Halfway down the stairs, she stopped me, silently gesturing for me to stay put.  I rolled my eyes but followed her commands.  Honestly, my heart was pounding so hard right now that I didn’t even know if I could have done anything on my own.

She finished her decent and popped around the corner.  “Oh, Youngmin,” she said, sounding a bit surprised.  “You’re here already.”

“Ara Cha?” I heard Youngmin’s voice.  “What are you doing here?”

“Helping Jin Haneul get ready, what else?”

“Is she done?”  I had expected him to be impatient, but all I heard was the eagerness that was ever present in his voice.

“Yeah, she is.  Jin Haneul!”  Ara Cha shouted up to me needlessly.  Slowly, I made my descent. 

As I rounded the corner, I shyly lifted my eyes from the ground to Youngmin’s face.  His almond eyes were wide and his mouth formed a small ‘o’.  My heart, which had previously been trying to beat itself out of my chest, now grew dangerously still.  He wore a white shirt under an orange blazer and dark jeans and orange belt.  The colors really complimented his hair, which was in its usual cool style.


“Um, hi,” I smiled shyly, suddenly very reserved.  What was wrong with me?  It was only Youngmin.  Yes, only the adorable, funny, wonderful Youngmin who means so much to me.  Yeah, just him.

“Hey,” he responded, still a blank look on his face.  “You look beautiful.”

I blushed.  “Um, thank you.  Ara Cha did it.”

Said girl decided to intervene and shoved me forward, personally resolving the remaining space between Youngmin and me.  I stumbled a bit, but Youngmin caught me.

“Now, go you two.  Go be a couple!” she giggled and winked at me.

“Yah!” Youngmin and I both exclaimed.

She giggled again.  “Kidding!  Okay, have fun!  Be safe!  Youngmin, you’re in charge of making sure Jin Haneul gets back home in one piece, arrasso?”

“You’re worse than both of my parents,” I mumbled.

Youngmin chuckled.  “Arrasso, Ara Cha.”

She nodded, satisfied.  “Good bye you two!”

Youngmin led me out the door by the waist and I smiled, “Goodbye Ara Cha.  Thank you for all of your help.  I’ll talk to you later.”

“You better.”

Before I could turn back and glare at her, Youngmin whisked me away and shut the door, leading me to his car.

“Where are we going first?” I asked.

He opened the door for me.  “I was thinking about dinner first.  What do you think?”

“Where are we eating at?”

“You’ll just have to wait and see.”


“This place is amazing!” I admired, looking around me.  It was called Bagdad Café and nestled along the Han River, providing a beautiful view from every angle.  The chairs were comfortable and artwork hung on the walls.  It wasn’t too crowded, but Youngmin said it got really busy between 9 and 11.  As I looked at the menu, I was pleased to see that it contained both American and Korean dishes.  I looked to Youngmin in surprise.

“I thought you would feel more comfortable if you were given a choice between what you were used to and what you like here.”

I smiled at his thoughtfulness and proceeded to order.  The waiter seemed surprised that I could speak Korean and Youngmin smiled proudly.  After recovering from the initial shock, the waiter completed the task of writing down our orders and scurried off.  When he had gone, Youngmin and I burst into laughter. 

“He looked so surprised.  I wonder why…” I pondered on the young man’s reaction.

“Didn’t you see how nervous he was when he saw you?  Most waiters here don’t speak English, and most Americans don’t speak Korean,” Youngmin revealed.  “He was probably scared that he wouldn’t be able to take your order correctly.”

“Oh, I see.  The poor guy, he must have had a heart attack.”

We continued to chat until our orders arrived and I thanked our waiter.  He still seemed shocked, but politely bowed and hurried back to taking orders.  I took a bite of my food and widened my eyes in surprise.  “It’s so good!”

“Isn’t it?” Youngmin agreed, slurping up his own meal.  “This place is really popular.”

I looked around me and grinned.  “I can see why.  It’s a wonderful place.  So warm and friendly.  And the food is delicious!”

Youngmin chuckled.  “I’m glad you approve.”

“I more than approve.  Seriously, Bagdad Café is stellar.  You should have brought me here on our first date.”  I munched happily on my food, savoring the taste while still scooping in more.  “I never knew food could taste this good.”

“That’s because you don’t eat.  It’s amazing what you can experience through food.”

I peeked over at the other boy who was eating his meal moderately.  I forced myself to slow down a bit and to pace myself.  It wouldn’t do to get a stomach ache.

The rest of dinner went smoothly and uneventful.  I kept waiting for that moment where I would somehow manage to get a bit of sauce on my face or something and Youngmin would wipe it off.  Unfortunately, I’m a fairly clean eater and no such moment happened.  Youngmin paid the bill and I bid our still stunned waiter goodbye, inwardly laughing while the two of us walked out of the restaurant. 

“Did you enjoy dinner?” Youngmin asked with a cheeky smile, already knowing my answer.

“We are so coming here again.  I can’t believe you didn’t drag me here earlier.”  He opened my door for me and I climbed in.  “I could go home right now and say I had an excellent evening.”

The blonde boy laughed as he closed the door and glided to the driver’s seat.  “Don’t quit now.  I have more planned.”

“Jinja?  What are we doing next?” 

“You’ll find out in five minutes.”


“Youngmin…” I started, voice guarded.  He had taken me to a park, but once we were out of the car, he tied a blindfold around my eyes.  Without my sight, I relied on my other senses to keep from running into anything.

Okay, I gripped onto Youngmin for dear life.  That’s using my sense of self-preservation!  Honestly, why did he have to blindfold me? 

“Couldn’t you just tell me to close my eyes?” I asked.  “Is the blindfold really necessary?”

Youngmin tapped my nose.  “Of course.  You would get impatient and open your eyes before it was time.  It would spoil everything!”  So he had a point, so what?  “Besides,” he added, greasiness slipping and glossing every syllable.  “This way, I have an excuse for you to latch onto me without really having to do anything.”

I smacked his arm (or shoulder, or chest, or whatever part of him my fist came in contact with) and pushed away.  The point was to demonstrate that I didn’t need to latch onto him, that I could maneuver on my own.  That plan completely failed when I stumbled over something, a bench of sorts, and began toppling over.  My heart stopped in fear, my stomach twisting in the pitch black freefall.  I couldn’t even scream out, my vocal chords paralyzed from making any sound.

“Whoa!”  Youngmin cried out. 

I was on my own, completely unaware of my surroundings and anything else, for about four seconds.  But those four seconds might as well have been four hours.  My world solidified when I felt arms slip around me, twisting my body, and pulling me against something that was both soft and hard.  I was tumbling and twirling and I couldn’t gain my bearings, couldn’t plant my feet to stabilize myself.  Eventually, I found my stability, but not in the way I expected.  I knew I was falling, and I knew I was pulling Youngmin with me.  Or rather, he was pulling me.  I fisted fabric and I figured that it was his jacket and I was falling forward.  We landed harshly on the ground and my head rammed into something sharp and hard, forming a pinpoint of pain on the top of my skull.  When I stopped moving, my hands were planted on what I assumed to be Youngmin’s chest and my left knee pressed on top of his while my right made contact with the cobblestone walkway.

“Omo,” we both groaned. 

Youngmin sat up, raising me with him, one arm around my waist, the other draped over my shoulders.  Immediately, his hands inspected my body, checking for injuries.  “Are you okay?  Did you get hurt?  Oh, your head, you knocked your head right?  Let me see it.”  He took the sides of my head in his hands and gently inspected my hairline.

“I’m fine,” I waved him off.  “What about you?  You took the brunt of the fall.  And did I hit your chin?  Geez, do you sharpen that thing?” I reached up blindly, trying to find his face, just for the sake of touching him.  My fingers brushed against skin and I traced what must have been his jaw line.  They eventually stopped at the point of his chin where I softly ghosted over the flesh and I realized with a start that just a twitch of my wrist, I would be touching his lips.  I swallowed hard, retracting my hand and choosing to settle it on his shoulder. 

“I’m okay,” Youngmin replied, sounding a little breathless.  “Do you hurt anywhere?  At least you didn’t fall into the fountain.  That would have been bad.”

“Th-the fountain?” I squeaked.  I’d almost fallen into a fountain?  “Kasahamnida,” I thanked him.  “For saving me.”

His chest vibrated in a chuckle and he caressed my cheek.  “What is this?  Thanking me for helping you?  You must have hit your head harder than I thought.”

I lightly smacked his shoulder, laughing a little myself.  “All of this could have been avoided if you hadn’t blindfolded me.”

“All of this could have been avoided if you hadn’t let go,” he argued.

I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn’t see the action.  “Wasn’t there something you wanted to show me?” I asked.

“Hm, yeah, there was,” he admitted.  “But I think I’m changing my mind.  I’d rather just stay like this for the rest of the night.”  He hugged my waist and pulled me even closer and that was when I realized that I was sitting on his lap, straddling his legs.

“ert,” I accused.  “You’re taking advantage of me while I’m blind.”

I expected him to protest, to defend himself. 

And he did just that. 

He spluttered, fumbling for an answer.  “I’m, pe-, take, wha-, MWO?”

I laughed at his reaction.  “Come on, ert.  What was it that you wanted to show me?”

Youngmin sighed, gently lifting me up as he regained an upright position.  “Hold onto my hands, okay?  And don’t let go.”

“You’re not going to make me run into anything, are you?”

“Of course not, now just hold onto me.”

Trusting in him, I gripped his hands as he led me…somewhere.  We didn’t walk very far, but it took longer with our slow pace.  Eventually, he stopped and moved to stand directly in front of me.  He reached behind my head and began untying the blindfold.

“Keep your eyes closed until I say, arrasso?” he said.

“Arrasso,” I complied.

The blindfold fell away, but I dutifully kept my eyes shut, waiting for permission to open them.

“Okay,” Youngmin said softly, the smile evident in his voice.  “Open.”

My eyelids fluttered and I waited for my vision to sharpen.  It only took a few milliseconds for my eyes to adjust and, when they did, I gasped in marvel.  Little points of light floated and flitted around us in dance, like mystical faeries.  Upon closer inspection, I recognized that the dancing lights were fireflies, coming out in the nighttime and spinning and twirling and darting.  I watched in wonderment, turning around in a circle.  Fire bugs filled the open air all around, lighting up the dark, casting dozens of flickering shadows along the stone and brush of the park.  At last, I came round full circle and I locked eyes with Youngmin.

“Beautiful,” I breathed out.

“Yeah,” he smiled.  “Now, want to have some fun?”

My lit eyes brightened more.  “Fun?”

The boy grinned and stooped behind a bush, pulling out two glass jars.  “Have you ever tried to catch fireflies before?”  I shook my head, reaching for the jar he handed me.  “Then you’re in for a treat.”

Together, we ran around, pouncing and jumping and snapping the lids over our jars, peering in only to find them empty.  At least, that’s what I was doing.  Youngmin seemed expert at this sport and caught fireflies with nearly every snap of his lid, letting me observe the critter through the glass.  His success only made me more determined to catch one, too.  I jumped around even more wildly, with even less profit to show than before –if that was possible.  I stopped when Youngmin began laughing at me.  I turned to see him releasing another firefly.

“You’re not going to catch one that way,” he told.

I pouted.  “Then how do I do it?”

“Like this.”  He set down his jar and moved around me, taking my arms in his.  He placed his hands on top of my own, and I was thankful that my back was to him to hide my blushing face.  “You have to be patient.”  Youngmin’s voice sounded right next to my ear, sending shivers down my spine. 

We were so close I could feel his heart beat against my back.  Slowly, gently, he lifted our arms and I blindly scanned the air in front of us, looking but not really seeing.  Suddenly, our right hands holding the lid quickly slapped down onto the jar.  It happened in a blink.  One moment there was nothing but an empty jar, the next, a single light flew lazily inside its glass prison.  I stared with wide eyes, turning my head to look up at Youngmin with a wide grin.  He was smiling down at me, pleased with my reaction.  My focus flitted from him to the small flare and back.  And I began laughing in delight.  Just like a little girl, giggles gushed forth in a burst of bubbly laughter.  I held up the transparent cage and viewed the firefly at eye level.  Youngmin’s hands slipped from mine and trailed down my sides, resting on my waist.

“It’s so bright,” I said.  “How can something so tiny create so much light?”  I turned to Youngmin, the question in my eyes burning.

“I can see something else that that shines even brighter.”

I laughed at his cheesiness, returning my attention to the glow.  Raising the jar higher, I lifted the lid, releasing the wild creature.

“Goodbye!” I bid it farewell, watching it fly back to its brethren, getting lost in the light show.  “You know, I’d never seen a real firefly until tonight,” I revealed.  “I mean, I’ve read about them, I’ve seen them on TV, but never seen one with my own eyes.”

Youngmin’s lips pressed against the top of my head.  “Then I’m glad I thought of this.”

With nothing left to say, we silently watched the fireflies dance in the night.


“Where are you taking me now?” I giggled as he led me out of the car once again.

“You’ll like this, I promise.”

“We’re not done yet?” I asked, incredulous.

“Not by a long shot,” he grinned.  Then, before I could turn around, he held my shoulders, keeping me rooted.  “Remember what you said on our first date?  When it was time for us to go home?”

“Yeah, I asked you when you were going to take me to Lotte World,” I answered, a little confused, but my eyes grew wide as understanding dawned on me.

Youngmin’s grin grew wider.  “Well, take a look at this.”

He stepped aside, sweeping his arm, revealing an enormous, castle-like structure.  I was speechless for a moment, similar to the calm before the storm, because once I recovered my tongue, I jumped on Youngmin, hugging him and bouncing.  

“Oh my gosh!” I squealed.  “I am so excited!  Thank you so so so much!  I can’t believe I’m here right now!”

Youngmin laughed and hugged me back, lifting me off my feet to stop my springing.  “Well, are you just going to spaz right here, or do you want to go inside?”

Hearing that, I immediately got myself under control, exuding an aura of calm while I was all pop rocks and bounding leaps inside.  As soon as he set me down, I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the theme park.  “Let’s go!”


Once inside, my jaw dropped.  People crowded the lanes and vendors called out their wares to the passersby.  Colors and artwork vied for my attention, my eyes not landing on one particular view for longer than a second.  The exhilaration bubbling up inside me began spilling out again, but this time, Youngmin joined me in the enthusiasm.

“Come on!” he pulled on my hand eagerly.  “You have to try this ride first!”

I followed without hesitation.  Ride after ride, attraction after another attraction we acquiesced to the desires of our inner child.  We zoomed around the skating rink, screamed our lungs out on the roller coasters, wasted Youngmin’s money on the rigged games.  It was a thrill.  I couldn’t remember the last time I’d laughed so much, felt so happy before. 

The hour grew late and the two of us weren’t running quite as fast as we had at the beginning of our adventure.  The hands on the clock neared midnight, but I didn’t want to leave.  I wanted to stay here, where I could live as a child, take back all the time that had been stolen from me and live it to the fullest.  But time only moves forward, and can’t be controlled. 

“There is one more ride we need to try before we leave,” Youngmin insisted.  I nodded, dragging my feet, not wanting to finish this evening.  “Hurry, or else we’ll miss it!”  My ears perked up at that and I matched Youngmin’s pace.  We finally stopped at the large Ferris wheel.  My heart clenched in fear, but I quickly smothered it as Youngmin and I bordered a car, the door sliding shut, trapping us in our cage.  Youngmin kept glancing at his phone, muttering, “I hope I planned this right.”

The cars jerked upward and I clutched onto the framework to keep balance.  Steadily, we rose higher and higher, the stars in the dark sky closer to arms reach.  We were almost to the top when I steeled myself and looked down, my breath catching in my throat.

Below glittered the city lights, shining points of glow among the inky blackness.  It reminded me of a calm sea, reflecting the night sky.  I couldn’t break my gaze from the view.

“Hm, beautiful,” Youngmin murmured.

“It is,” I responded before facing him.

His soft smile persisted as he smoothed back my bangs, cupping my cheek in the palm of his hand.  “I wasn’t talking about the city lights.”

I blushed, my face warming at his words.  Youngmin’s dark eyes smoldered, glittering and sparkling with the glowing points all around us.  Not wanting to find out what that look would lead to, I ducked my head, examining my clasped hands folded in my lap. 

“And the best part is yet to come,” Youngmin whispered.

As these words left his lips, loud explosions erupted just outside and I jerked my head to the source of the commotion.  Sparks of red, and green, and yellow, and blue, and orange and all sorts of colors sizzled down in streams.  In a matter of seconds, all thoughts of Youngmin left my mind as it became preoccupied with the repeating pattern of BOOM!, burst of color, crackle, sizzle, and fade.  I gaped in fascination at the fireworks display, a smile molding my mouth.  I was at a loss for words, but not a loss for gestures.  Reaching for Youngmin’s hand, I intertwined our fingers, gazing up at him with all of the emotion I felt that I could not express any other way.  He seemed to understand the message, squeezing my fingers lightly.  We stayed like that until we reached the bottom, just staring out at the fireworks silently, holding each other’s hand.


Youngmin led me to the front door of my apartment, gently swinging our clasped hands. 

“Thank you so much for tonight,” I bubbled out, still on an energy high.  “It was one of the best nights of my life.”

“Of your life?  Then I really must have done something right.”

“We should do this again,” I mused.

“Like, another date, or just do the same things?” he asked, a hint of teasing lacing his words.

“Mm, both?”

Youngmin laughed at my answer.  “Okay, just to satisfy my own curiosity, which part did you like the most?”

“Lotte World,” was my immediate answer.  “Well, actually, I really loved the restaurant too.  But then again, the fireflies were amazing and wonderful.  No, I think I still loved Lotte World more.  Ugh!  Why make me choose?  I loved all of it!”  We made it to the door standing outside of it, facing each other. 

“So I did good?” he asked hopefully.

“You did fantastic,” I replied.

We stood awkwardly for a moment, obvious that neither one of us wanted to depart.  Come on, Youngmin.  Kiss me now, before I change my mind.  My heart beat rapidly against my chest in sheer panic, but it was glossed over by an overwhelming desire to feel his lips on mine.  I cleared my throat, breaking the silent tension.

“Well, goodnight then,” I said, turning toward the door. 

“Goodnight,” he echoed, taking a step back.

I tried not to let the disappointment show.  “What, no hug?”

A smile lit his face and he wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight, before letting go again.  Again, he moved backward, indicating his departure.  Plastering on a smile, I turned the handle and began stepping inside.

“Goodnight, oppa,” I whispered.

“Goodnight, Jin.”

And with that, I shut the door, leaning against it in regret.  Why didn’t he kiss me?  I peered out the window, watching him walk away, wondering what went wrong.  I prayed that he wouldn’t leave.  He should have kissed me.  I was right on the edge, ready to fall into that abyss where there is no return to what once was.  I wanted him to turn back around.

But he didn’t.  He finished making his way to the car and climbed inside, starting the engine.

Sighing, I turned from the window, sagging against the wall.  I waited for the roar of the car to fade away. 

However, there was no fading.  The sound disappeared, yes, but it was cut off.  Curious, I looked out the window again, shocked to see Youngmin get out of his car and slam the door shut.  He ran back up the path, taking the walkway steps quickly, reaching the front door. 

Before he could knock, I met him on the front porch, softly closing the door behind me.

“Did you forget something?” I asked, trying not to let the hope I felt seep into my words.

“Yeah,” he smiled.  “This.”


And he kissed me.


And I kissed him back. 


It was gentle and soft, tender and innocent.  His lips molding against mine perfectly, I reveled in his sweet taste.  His arms encircled my waist, tugging me closer, deepening the kiss.  My hands reached up, cupping his face in my small palms, flushing my body to his.  After a moment longer, we parted briefly, both of us gasping for air.  The pause was enough to break through the haze of emotion coursing through me.  Half scared to death, I couldn’t catch my breath.

And then his mouth was on mine once more. 

Aren’t these the moments we live for?

With that thought, I lost myself in the kiss again.

The world around me diminished until all that was left was Youngmin and his touch, his breath, his taste, his scent, and most of all, his kiss.  Nothing else mattered at that moment.  Nothing else would ever matter.  Youngmin had become my world.  I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be without him.

Youngmin pulled back, resting his forehead against mine, his pants blowing hot gusts on my flushed face.

“I like you, Jin,” he confessed quietly, his dark eyes boring into my blue ones.  “I like you a lot.  I’m not very experienced in this kind of stuff, but I’m pretty certain that what I feel towards you is closer to love than anything I have ever felt before.”

I felt like crying, letting out my own confession in tears of joy.  He liked me –might even love me.  He returned my feelings.  Elation bloomed inside of me, blossoming from my heart, and reaching out to every crevice of my soul.  I reached up on my toes, meeting his lips with mine lightly.

“I like you, too,” I whispered against his mouth.  “I like you more than I can describe.”  As far as I know, this could be love.

The corners of his lips curved upward and he kissed me fervently.


That night, only the stars and moon suspended in the dark, inky black sky observed our quiet confessions.  It seemed like such a small audience for such a milestone in my life.

I wouldn’t have had it any other way.




It's finally here -the moment you all have been waiting for!  I wanted to make it perfect, and although there are still some imperfections, I am very pleased with this chapter.  It was surprisingly difficult.  The kiss kept coming up too early ^^"  But I restrained myself :) 

The kiss scene is based off of the song, "(Kissed You) Goodnight" by Gloriana.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pwBi6-Ei7w  <----- Here is the link if you want to listen to it.  FYI, I used the lyrics for a lot of the narration ^^"  It was just too perfect to pass up. 

So, I want feedback.  Like, legit feedback.  I want to know what I did wrong, what I did right.  Was it too cheesy?  Too cliche?  I know Lotte World is overrated, but I think I worked it out alright, and there was more than just Lotte World.  And I also know that it's not firefly season at this time in the story, but cut me some slack!  I thought it worked out well :) Bagdad Cafe is an actual restaurant, so if you're in the area, might want to check it out :)  I really did a lot of research for this, so I hope it went over well.  Really, the only inconsistancy with the date were the fireflies. 

Oh, and some more good news -I have 19 subscribers!  Isn't that amazing?  I am so happy right now!  That's 2 more subscribers than the last one!  Yay!  so if you haven't subscribed, please do!  And comment!  I love you all!

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Omgxprincessmegan #1
Chapter 32: This was just tooooo cute!(: ,loved your story~ sequel maybe?
Chapter 31: This is so touching… even I'm crying! TT.TT
A very sweet story, well written and a real pleasure to read. Thank u ^^
Chapter 31: i love the ending a lot!! it was sweet :)
simply_beautiful26 #5
Chapter 31: Awww so nice. It really made me cry. I love how Youngmin made Jin so special...Please made a sequel. :)
Angelz0715 #6
Chapter 32: Awwww this stories is so cute >_< The last chapter is the best!!! Boys should copy what Youngmin does!!! That is so sweet and romantic <3
Kristii #7
Chapter 31: Soooo cute. I wish it could go on forever. <3
Yendi_Heart #8
Chapter 31: Very very cute ending :D I really love your story. I'm sad that it already ended :(
Danieea #9
Chapter 32: I really love your story ^^ great story ^^
makeoutinkorean #10
I never write comments, just because I never have a lot to say, since a lot of fanfics don't meet my standards... But I must tell you that I absolutely adored this fic. It's very well-written, the plot is phenomenal (though it seemed a tad rushed), and the characters were all balanced with strengths AND flaws. There were also a few clichés, but they were executed in a way that it didn't feel so boring and overdone. You put them in a new light that I could actually enjoy. Thank you so much for writing this. I am a very critical writer in general, and this lived up to almost all my expectations. Good job!