
Horror Camp
"TAE! FANY! WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING, OMO!" Luhan suddenly yelled. We both looked up in surprise. "Lu... Luhan... Its the middle of the night, why are you up...?" "You two..." Choosing to ignore my question, Luhan stared wide eyed at the two of us. "We..." I struggled to come up with an explanation and glanced at Fany. "I'm dating Tae." Fany announced as Luhan gazed at us in horror. "WHAT!? OMO. TAE. FANY." Hid loud voice woke Sehun and he, too, gave a shocked face at the two of us hugging "Its true." I grinned. Luhan blinked at us for a few more seconds before grinning. "Guess what?" He asked. "What?" Fany and I asked in unison. Luhan drew Sehun close to him and grinned. "I'm dating Sehun too." Fany and I stared then. "Luhan!? You. . You and Sehun!? OMO!" I yelled loudly. "Shhh...." Sehun mused, suddenly a little embarrassed. Fany smiled. "That's nice, I'm glad for you two! But how did you guys.. You know?" I asked curiously. Sehun smiled and said: -Flashback- "Sehunnie?" Luhan asked softly. "Wae? Sehunnie?" Sehun answered in an amused tone. "Neh, Sehunnie. You... You don't mind that I gave you a nickname, right?" Luhan asked a little sheepishly. "Well no, its kinda cute." Sehun replied, laughing. Luhan blushed a little and looked away. "Lulu..." Sehun suddenly said. "Wae, Lulu!?" Now it was Luhan's turn to grin. "Thats so girly!" "Hahaha but you look cute Lulu!" Sehun blurted, then blushed immensely and looked away. "Wae... I'm cute?" Luhan grinned. "Well yeah, but not as cute as me!" Sehun joked. "Well you're right, Sehunnie! You're cute too." Luhan put on a serious face. "Hmm..." Sehun put his head to one side coyly and stared at a blushing Luhan. -END OF FLASHBACK- "So thats how we ended up in love" Luhan ended for Sehun, smiling. "Wow" I smiled. Thats so cute. "YAH, TAE. Ours is as cute!" Fany nudged me childishly. "YES, YES, FANY." I chucked. Quickly, we explained out story, with me blushing at the crying part a little. "Thats..." As Luhan was a bout to comment, there came a sudden noise in the sky. "HAHAHA. SO YOU THINK YOU CAN LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER. WELL GUESS WHAT. YOU'RE WRONG. YOU'LL SEE, LOVEBIRDS. S." The creepy voice stunned us to silence and we all looked away except for Fany who started sobbing on my shoulder.
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Can u add in KaiSeo(Seobaby and Kai) pls pretty pls
haha cos we're too obsessed with eunhae :D and im proud of it :D
YoonYulKaiSiwonMinho #3
Omo whats with me and typos tdy!!!
YoonYulKaiSiwonMinho #4
I cant para it coz im usin my phone to type this story but ahaha thanks fr subscribing anyways. Will update in the hols while I can ^^ and OH RIGHT LOO SORRY EUNHYUK OPPA :P
Add in tags too!
Hmm... you need to paragraph your story, and you misspelt Eunhyuk as Eunhae XD