June Camp Applicants

Horror Camp
"Yah, Yoona-ah, hurry up, the list has been posted!" I pulled on Yoona's arms excitedly as I dragged her into homeroom. A crowd had already formed around the list on the wall. I stared longingly at it, squinting to see the names written. "Kim TaeIn... Kim Taeyeon.. YES! I MADE IT!" I started bouncing up and down in ectasy as failed applicants shot me a death glare. Glancing at Yoona, I saw her furiously searching for her name as well. After a while, she turned away without saying anything, and I knew she did not get in. "Im sorry Yoon. Maybe we can sign up again next year?" I suggested tentatively. "Its okay Tae, I know you'll enjoy it. Just go have fun." Yoona encouraged, smiling. Just then, the crowd of kids lounging around in homeroom parted like the red sea. We looked up to see the familier figures of the school queenkas, Tiffany Hwang and Jessica Jung. They strode down the "parting" confidently and peered at the list. Sure enough, after a few minutes, I could hear their high pitched screams as they hugged each other in ecstacy. "We got in!" Tiffany announced loudly and proudly, casting smug glances to all the unsuccessful applicants. Inwardly, I prayed to be in a different group from the two of them in camp. The camp was supposedly very adventurous, exciting and thrilling. It would be 10 days of non stop fun. I fervently hoped that they would not spoil the fun. Suddenly, I felt a cool wind blow down my shirt, sending shivers down my spine. An almost-soundless, cackling laugh could be heard. I spun around quickly, but mo one was there. The nearest thing was just a desk. I glanced around warily, trying to get that chilling sound out of my headn "Tae! Yah, Taeyeon!" Yoona tapped me on the shoulder and I turned to face her. "Why are you blanking out? Your face is really pale" She asked a little worriedly. Not wanting to say anything, I shook my head and made an effort to smile as she told me a joke she played on our fellow classmate, Seohyun. I would figure out who made that laugh later.
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Can u add in KaiSeo(Seobaby and Kai) pls pretty pls
haha cos we're too obsessed with eunhae :D and im proud of it :D
YoonYulKaiSiwonMinho #3
Omo whats with me and typos tdy!!!
YoonYulKaiSiwonMinho #4
I cant para it coz im usin my phone to type this story but ahaha thanks fr subscribing anyways. Will update in the hols while I can ^^ and OH RIGHT LOO SORRY EUNHYUK OPPA :P
Add in tags too!
Hmm... you need to paragraph your story, and you misspelt Eunhyuk as Eunhae XD