chap 5


~your p.o.v~

you were searching for kira and anne.
'where are they?' you said to yourself. 

while you were walking and searching for them your stomach growled as you were quite hungry yourself.
you searched high and low for them but they were not to be found. you got extremely hungry so you gave up searching for them cuz you finally

realized something. that they have to be in the jet somewhere so you don't have to really be worried or anything.
when you gave up on searching for them, you went to the kitchen to make something to eat. that was when you saw kira and anne sitting while eating pancakes. 

~from a far~
you saw them and you decided to play a trick on them for leaving you behind and not waking you up. you crouched down and started to go closer and

closer . than, when you were technically just a few inches from them you jumped out while giving them a slight push. they were so shocked.
"YAH!" you shouted as you jumped.

"aish~! chincha!" kira and anne said in shocked.
"relax dude~ chillax~" you said trying to calm them from their rage.

"relax my ! you scared the hell out of me! chincha paboya!" said anne."yeah! i'm gonna shorten your life for this!" kira said . 

"you are welcomed to do it anytime~" you said with a playish feeling to it.

"hey dudes and dudets~ whatcha doin?" you asked playfully.
"what da ya think?" anne said sarcastically as if you didn't know.
"i think you guys are eating?" you said naughtily.

"oh no~ we're eating" said kira. and yes she did say 'eating' just to tick you off. well guess what~ it didn't work cause you just laughed and giggled at her comment.
"oh~ i see you're eating. but i just said the same thing didn't i?" you said. 


"ofcourse you did" said anne. "then why did you say the same thing?" you asked.
"none of your business.." kira said trying to annoy you even more. its a good thing that you don't mind when people say bad things about you. With that you joined them to eat. 

even though you were the last to get your food you were the first one to finish. (you were quite the fast eating type)




(ok ok enough with the delay lets get to seoul  already ><)


at seoul~

the three of you just landed at the airport and because your friends did not speak korean they had a bit of a problem getting around....-__-



the three of you just arrived and KEVIN was suppose to pick you guys up at the airport because you were lazy to drive to his house... you searched for him through the crowd and suddenly you had an amazing yet stupid idea poped in to your head....













you called him!  (hahaha stupid)

ok so you called him and fortunately he answered and it caught your attention because?
well it was because his voice was like he had just woken up.....-__________- 

"oh you are so dead if you say you just woke up from a nap." you said with a threatning voice.

Kevin was shocked to hear your voice through the phone and as a conclusion he fell of his bed with a loud thud ! kevin groaned while rubbing his back. "n-n-no n-not at all.hehehe...i'm actually on my way......there.. i'll see you in a minute. bye!" he said nervously and with that he hung up on you before you could even protest. 'man that was such a pathetic lie...' he thought leaving that aside..he went to get ready to pick up his favourite cousin at the airport.



"a-hey! how dare he hang up on me! he is so dead when he gets here!!" i growled at my phone. i turned my head and i spoted my friends doing something. i walked over to them and said...

"guys! what are ya guys doin- YAH! YOU GUYS ATE MY CHOCOPIES!! MY BABIES!! HOW COULD YOU GUYS! ARGH!" i said a little over dramaticly...
"chwill diudwe..ishts nwat thwe diend owf thwe fworld.." kira said while chewing on my chocopie apparently...
(translation: chill's not the end of the world)


"oh my babies.." i said still upset oer the fact that they just ate MY chocopies and yes ALL of it. "stop being such a baby will you.. you can just buy some more. its not like that was the end of the chocopie generation ya know.. just go and find a supermarket or something" anne said sounding all mature  and cool and all that logical stuff.
"easy for you too say...i-w-was-pl-planing-to-e-eat-th-that--ya-k-kno-w" i said while fake crying. (apparently you always fake cry >.<)


ok after all that hopeless drama we decided to go and seat while waiting for that troublesome childhood friend of mine.. oh shoot! i didn't even tell them about him being late! here goes nothing...
"guys!" i said turning to them. "ya know sara you don't need to shout cause we're FREAKIN' BEHIND YOU!" kira said annoyed and adding a little shouting at that. "well you're the one whos shouting right now ya know" i said smirking a little. "i wouldn't be shouting if you weren't so annoying now would i?" kira said trying to get back at me.

"well... i did learn to annoy people from you.." i said doing a victory dance in your thoughts. "whatever" kira said ending the fight. 'ok lets get back to the main reason why i wanted their attention'. "oh right, guys my childhood friend that was suppose to be here fifteen minutes ago is gonna be a bit late because of his pathetic excuse over his pathetic fault over his even pathetic reason for being patheticly late. ok?". "o.....kay? i guess" anne said. "whatever she said" kira said.

after 839469203749328937502742047 minutes kevin finally arrived at the airport running while panting for air.



"well took you long enough" you said in a playful tone. "well i had to look great ya know i do have a reputation~" kevin said. you just rolled your eyes and smacked his head.  (-__-') 



























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KISSmeBecca #1
Chapter 6: ROFL MAN MAN HA NI!! <3
Chapter 2: -_-.. why does i found this similar to us... including the PHONE CALL!! YAHHHH!!! and and and... i think you should explain to the reader why you call kira's hyung.. it can be confusing you know!! you should change before i change it myself!
lovelikerain97 #3
i finished the first chapter but i don't have the main image yet.. so please wait just a bit longer until my friend finishes the main image...
This story sounds interesting, can't wait until you post your first chapter :) Donggghooo <3