You were at home eating  strawberrys in your room while reading history for your up coming mid terms in about 4 months... then suddenly your two friends barged in.


"yah! sara! were here!" kira and anne said with they're loud voices.

"yah! i can here you! i'm not deaf ya know!" you said
kira and anne laughed 

"what were you doing?ou strawberrys..." said kira while bouncing on your bed and munching on strawberrys. (kira is the oldest among the three of us.)

*why don't you act your age...and you guys say that i'm childish??..* you thought while laughing

"i was studying for the up coming midterms or did you guys forget already??" you said
"ofcourse not.. how can we forget.."said anne and kira
"yeah right..." you said tesing them
"well then did you guys study anything?" you said
"yeah we studied.. we studied..." just when anne was about to say something the maid came in and said that there was a phone call from your childhood friend Kevin from seoul..


"yo! how have you been honey?" said kevin
"yo! i'm good.. you?" you said
"i'm good too. hey.." said kevin
"what is it?" you said curiously
"well..when are you gonna come and visit me here?" said kevin
"i don't know.. when do you want it to be?" you said
"i want you here now.." kevin said in a sarcastic way
"ok! i'll hop on my private jet and fly to you today. happy?" you said teasing him
"really?" said kevin happily
"sure. i'll do that just for you ok.." you said
"see you later then honey" said kevin with joy



your friends were goofing around in your room


 you steped in your room and kira asked "who was it?"
"oh, it was my childhoood friend from seoul" you said *which is where i'm gonna go today* you thought
"guys,so you wanna go somewhere today?" you asked
"i don't think so... why?" said kira. "do you want to go somewhere?" anne asked you
"yeah...seoul.." you said. "WHAT?!" said kira and anne in shock
"i'm going to seoul to visit my childhood friend who was on the phone just now" you said with a sly smile. your friends gave you a murderous look its like they were saying *why aren't you taking us along!*
"and umm.. ofcourse i was planning on taking you guys too.." you said 
"yay!" kira and anne shouted.. you joined in the fun too and forgot all about history that you read just now..



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KISSmeBecca #1
Chapter 6: ROFL MAN MAN HA NI!! <3
Chapter 2: -_-.. why does i found this similar to us... including the PHONE CALL!! YAHHHH!!! and and and... i think you should explain to the reader why you call kira's hyung.. it can be confusing you know!! you should change before i change it myself!
lovelikerain97 #3
i finished the first chapter but i don't have the main image yet.. so please wait just a bit longer until my friend finishes the main image...
This story sounds interesting, can't wait until you post your first chapter :) Donggghooo <3