A Sick Day With Gangsters


I slipped on to the bench next to Kiseop. "Hi." I said weakly.

"Are you okay? You sound sick." He pressed a hand to my forehead. "Your burning."  He stood up aburtly, and tugged you with him.  "Ypur going to rest. Right now." 

I let him drag me up to my dorm. When he opened the door, I was surprised to see all of the gangsters. And Hyuna. I mentally gagged. As Kiseop pushed me towards my door, I started into a coughing fit. I doubled over, tears streaming from my eyes. The gang looked up. 

"Jessica! Are you alright?" Ren jumped from his spot on the couch, and rushed to my side. Aaron, Baekho, and Minhyun followed. 

Kiseop explained. "She sick. I need to get her to bed." I waved a hand, as if shooing a fly.

"I'm fine, really." I coughed again, and held my throat from pain. The boys helped me into my room, and gently disposited me on my bed. Kiseop ushered them out of the room, and cracked the door. I could hear them.

"I'll make tea," Aaron offered, and I heard his foot steps as he disappeared into the kitchen. 

"I'll help!" Baekho scamppered after him. I heard shuflfling as they all tried to get comfortable.

"I could call her brother." Kiseop offered. Oh no. Not Kevin. He would only fuss more, and then I would suffer greater pain. I gulped. *Please say no. Please say no* I prayed. Ren told him that wasn't nessecery. I breathed a sigh of relief. Hyuna's voice rang clearly.

"Whats wrong with her? Is she going to get us sick? I look terrible when I'm sick~ I mean, at least she looks terrible anyway." I heard JR laugh, and there were growls from Kiseop and Ren. 

My door opened, and in walked Aaron, a hot mug in his hand. He helped me sit up,and held the cup while I drank.


Whimpy, I know, but I'm really tired. Maybe if some of you commented.....

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LoveCuteFanFics #1
Chapter 11: New chapter soon please!!
minhoshawols #2
Chapter 11: wooooooooooooooooo
Chapter 11: ooo this is interesting! Update soon!! :D
PlanetTitch #4
Aaaahhhhhh.....pleaseeeeeeeee update :D neeeeeeed moreeeeeeeee
intense.... update!
omo..... O_____O need to know more~!!! >.<
I_Love_U-Kiss #7
shcowbdiekgbdiwdndiwldbfjodfgjdisbdjwldnsifpebchaldbdkwlfbjelanchosfbfjeodbfidobdipecbdl please update soon :3
Nooo you must keep updating!! D:
And Ren's so adorable!! >.<
And Jr is showing his protective side ads,asflasfsafasf
Update soon!! Please!
Update soon! ^^
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Sorry if it's confusing :S