Chapter 6

Funny little things // School trips

Everyone was Crazy about the school trips plus its free. 

   Sakura come to me and said 

'' hey lets be together for the whole trip ! It would be really fun !!!! .. ''

I was just quiet and thinking and what would i do for the whole trips with him , 'must be really fun . Suddenly , Sakura poke my cheeks twice and for the third time she squeez both my cheeks really hard . I scream and rub my cheeks which already turned to red mochi .

She ask me again the question and I answer 

'' together all the time?? ''

''Yes .. urr .. fine maybe not all the time . Yes you can have little time with your '' Honey '' just make sure youu don't left me alone like     before !! ''

'' YEAH !! i undeerstood . Hey the new kids is pretty handsome and cute  you know mabe you should give it a try to him Sakura . He is nice too .. he gave me back my seat you know ~ '' I said calmly ..

'' Someone fall for another flower ~ ''

'' No , I am not okay ! I  AM JUST HELPING MY SINGLE FRIENDS! ''

'' See for yourself you also single! '' Sakura laughed at me 

'' well i  atleast mentally dating someone .. not like you a lonely fellow~ '' I said for stood for my pride .

Sakura just smiled and said '' I guess its a yes from  you to be my parthner for the trip ! ''

'' Of course its a yes '' lizzy laughed .


Lizzy saw Kazama and Kris came in to class together chatting . Kazama give a bright smile to Lizzy , Kris stays grumpy as always . Kazama came and seat beside Lizzy and ask 

'' how your seat ? good ? nice ? ''

''YES SOO~ GOOD~'' frustrated with the question .

''Don't mad you won't look cute you know .So you are going for the trip ?''



Suddenly Mrs.Koo came in with bright smile .

''Student remember past the parents certificate tomorrow or you would't be allowed to follo the trips ! ''

After Mrs.KOO little speech followed with the Current periods .. SCIENCE!


The teacher start the class with ..

Okay class open your Science books .. page 45 !

I checked my bag . Again and again . WHERE THE HECK IS IT ?!@#$%^&*(

It's gone! Confirmed I left it at homes ! On the dining table. I am doom!


''Lizzy , where is your book? '' teacher ask loudly !

'' I left it at homes teacher ''

''WHY? Your cats read it ?''

''I  don't have a cat teacher ~ '' Class laughed louder but the teacher gave me the eagle eyes straight to my eyes.

'' Very funny , go to hall stand outside !! ''


LIZZY POV : WHY DO I LEFT IT AT HOMES WHY WHY WHY !!???  hAIISH teacher why you like this I always finish your homework why you still did this to me ??? T,T!

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Chapter 4: Awhh It's really cute ^^ I'm sorry that it took me so long to read it.. I'm pretty busy >,<