Bad Day

Time Limit


This is the 5th chapter. Hope you enjoy this guys!!! XD




I woke up from my phone vibrating all over the table. i can sense it's Hye Rin or Seunghyun. Bet its Hye Rin for some reasons. I open my phone and i was right.....It was Hye Rin. Just ignored the calls and the messages she was sending me since last night. Oh God...Why does she need to call me, and ask about Seunghyun. Damn that, Seunghyun.


I'm off to school now and ended up forgetting my phone. 


"Mi Young~!!" A voice from a girl that i knew.


"What is it now Hye Rin?" 


"Well....I got everything in mind right now. Wonbin will be transferring school. Seunghyun will replace him. And kyaaa~~Seunghyun will be the one who will play at our school festival. Isn't that great?! So for our friend Seunghyun, We will go to FT island's performance." Hye Rin once again, fan girl mode.


Palm face......."Watever you say Hye Rin. I won't go."


Seunghyun coming in with....what? a guitar? So he's really playing guitar. Never knew he can play the guitar. Thought he'll be just doing something crazy at his band.


"Seunghyun oppa~!!!" Hye Rin called him spreading her arms up in the air as if she was going to hug Seunghyun. Seunghyun dodge her immediately. LOL.


He dodge it with a cool posture.!! "First time you called me oppa huh? Oh....well....Wanna come with us tonight?" Thought that he's cool just right now but i've changed my mind when i saw him grinning like a kid.


"No, Thanks...But i have work. Better luck next time." 


"I'm free tonight~~~" Hye Rin said smiling. Does she wants to come? But Seunghyun seems to not care at all.


"Hye Rin wants to come with you." i said to Seunghyun.


"Na...She'll just ruin our practice..." 


"Who said that i'll ruin your practice?" She said pouting.


"Just make her come. She's not that wild. So don't think too hard about her." 


"hmm..But in one condition....You'll come too, Mi Young..." He said smiling..... evily.


"I can't. I told you i have work."


"Awww....Can't you come with us Mi Young~?? I'll treat you your favorite food." She said with her puppy dog eyes.


okay??? i'm defenseless now. I just have an eye contact to that puppy eyes and said "yes". And before i realize it they were "yaaaaying." Can't say no now. Cuz they will be nagging me all day long about that yes i just said. Gaaaa.......I'm just out of luck today.




After class, FT Island's members are waiting for Seunghyun at the lobby. Hye Rin, looking so excited and happy and going havoc right now.Once i saw FT Island, there were many people surrounding them. Boys and girls. They really are popular.


"Seunghyun!!" Hongki called. Getting away from the people.


"Hey~!!! Can they go with us?" Seunghyun asked Hongki.


"Sure. No problem with that to me." He smiled.


"This is Hye Rin, By the way." 


"Hello. I'm Hye Rin." Hye Rin smiled. I thought that she was going to be wild once she'll meet with them. But i was so damn wrong.


After that, the FT Island members once again introduced themselves to Hye Rin. Hye Rin, keeping her calm just smiled to their intros. After the introductions, we went to the karaoke house.


"Hey! You said that you are going to have a practice tonight?" I whispered to Seunghyun.


"Changed of plans. No practice tonight." He grinned. Never knew that he was going to trick me like this. I look to Hye Rin. Once i had eye contact with her, telling her that we must go home. She look to the other direction and whistled innocently. They planned this together. Agggg.


"Then, I, Park Mi Young will just go home by myself."


Then suddenly, Hongki turned his face to look at me and said. "What? You are going home? do not spoil the moment~!!! We should all go at the karaoke." And he winked before facing his front again.


What's wrong with this guy? Why is he telling me things like this? Now, i'm really thinking that his a playboy. Just wanted to have some girls beside him. Tch. What a dimwit guy. I thought and saw that Hye Rin was staring at me pouting."Okay....I'll just need to come with you right?" 


I was staring at their endless songs as i saw the clock. It's already 8 in the evening. And i still need to walk a long route to go home. Its time for us to part. But then, Hongki said first what was i'm about to say. "hey guys. Its getting late. Should we go home now?"


The other guys just growl. "We have girls here too remember? And they can't go home too late." He said then winked at us. Really, i find him an idiot for doing that all the time. What is he? A winking machine like Khun? In his dreams.


"Mi Young. I'll bring you home." Seunghyun said.


"Just go with Hye Rin tonight." I said to Seunghyun. I knew that Hye Rin is very prone to dangers. 


"But..." As soon as that word came out from his mouth i gave him a shhh sign. "I can defend myself. So don't worry."


"Ok then. But be sure to go to your house straight and don't forget to call me when you got home. When you are in trouble, call me first~!!" He said while i walked away from them waving.




I was walking at a dark alley by myself. YEAH. ALL BY MYSELF. With no one, not until i sense someone following me. I turned around to see if there is really someone behind my back, But i saw no one. So i continued walking faster. Is it a haunted ghost that can not rest in peace? or is it a thief? Either of the two huh.....i walk faster and faster. I can hear his footsteps now. I'm getting scared. Ok...I'm still a girl and can i go back to the past? I can not really defend my self. I'm defendless.


I turned around once again, and what the heck. I saw a man with a hat...Is he a detective? Na-uh....I think his not. He looks like a ert to me.So i ran!! He's still following me. I'm searching for my phone while running but then realized that i forgot it at home. Oh noez~!! 


Just then i was running and running and bump someone. "awww...." That hurts. My nose, It hurts.


"Yaaaaa!! Watch where were you going!!!" A guy screamed at me.


"I'm..I'm Sorry, i didn't mean to..." I glanced at my back to see that the guy with a hat is now gone. I was relieved. But little do i know, i'm yet in a bigger trouble now. i looked to my front...The guy that i just bumped had a weird hairdo. Like a chicken. 'What a weird hairdo.'


"WHAT.DID.YOU.JUST.SAY.KIDDO?!!" he suddenly said.


The heck. Did i just said it loud? 


"You are lucky,i'm in a good mood now kiddo.." He said holding his temper and did some hand gestures to the guys at his back and they began to walk towards me. Ok...I'm really am in a bad situation right now. i stepped back ready to run any moment now. But before i could run, the other guy with lots of color in his hair grabbed me. And now, they are surrounding me. Another Oh Noez for me huh.


The other guy was about to touch me as i closed my eyes. I don't know what to do now. Are they going to me? I'm still a , and...i can not give up my ity yet.. I still want to marry a good person.....Or is it worst? Are they going to kill me? I still have lots of regrets in my life. Forgive me for all my sins......


"Ya! What are you doing to her?" Someone just spoke.


I open one of my eye to peek who was that. Was that Hongki? 


"Who are you?" the gangstas said.


"I'm" He said stuttering then grab my hand. "So if you would please excuse us." He had an awkward smile then he whispered 'run as i count...1...2...3.' and shouted "RUN!!!!!!!"


The two of us Run away from the gangstas like a hollywood movie stars does. The gangstas followed us and fortunately despite of my unluckiness today we managed to lost the gangstas. And found ourselves at the park.


"Wait.....i'm...tired....." Hongki panted and slump to the floor.


i sat on the floor panting. Our eyes met, we look to each others eyes for a couple of seconds and he burst into laughter.


"ahaha....we were just like action stars in the movies~!!" Hongki said still laughing."Did you see their faces when i grabbed you and run? That was so horrible and funny." i giggled to his laughing face. He's proud in doing that thing but in reality he's scared too.


HAHAHAHAHHAHAhhahahaa.......Our laughter filled the silent night at the park. It felt scary yet i felt so safe and excited at the same time. I haven't laugh this hard since childhood....


Hongki brought me home. I said that it was ok. But he said that he's a gentleman. And gentlemen like him should bring girls to their own home safely. yeah yeah. We reached my house, as i held the knob to open the door and said.."Thank you for saving me back there."


"It was nothing." He winked again. Uggg~!! He did it again. I open the door and said goodbye to him.


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thanx.. nice chapter...update soon..
of course..:)
mandoowoo #3
I kinda thought of it as fast as i could yesterday night. Hope that you liked it. :)) And i just noticed it. Have you subscribed yet? If you like it please subscribe too. :))
thx for the update!! :)
OK I'll be waiting!!
mandoowoo #6
@phobe16 i'll update as soon my exams finish..Sorry for my late update.
OK I'll comment as much as i can but please update ASAP!!
lalalalala #8
awww... sooo sweet... I wished I can go out with hongki too....^^ loooooov ur update unnie....^^
lovehim #9
It never crossed my mind that hyerin would be miyoung's last dance.....<br />
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It was really cute though!!<br />
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..poor seunghyun..(ToT)
mandoowoo #10
@lalalalala the story is still a long long way to go. Sorry for the many fillers. >.<<br />
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@primadork Dovetailing- when you do a job like cooking and at the same time you are doing another job like washing. XD that is dovetailing. :))<br />
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@Primadonna Nope..its not yet the end... The school fest is the end. but the story is not yet end. XD And thanks for subscribing