back to school.

Beauty & the freak


when i had calmed down, i searched the hallway if anyone was out there. they weren't so i was okay. i still felt a little scared and i decided to leave. i signed my papers and headed back to the SHINee dorm. i ran there and as soon as i opened the door. Blue threw me on the ground smothering me with .

"okay, okay. i'm fine now" Blue stared deep into my eyes then let me get up. i must have made alot of noise because Taemin came out and when he saw me his eyes widened

"EVIE?!?" i turned my head to his then smiled

"hey i'm sorry for what happened, i thought you were... you know" he nodded then looked at me.

"as long as your okay now, thats good" i nodded then yawned

"we have school tomorrow" he nodded and grabbed my arm. 

"wait sleepin my bed the sofa will mess up your back" i widened my eyes

"just sleep silly" i let out a relieved sigh and we walked into his bedroom. "Evie, who did that to you?" i froze

"i-i can't remember" i said honestly i had forgotten almost everything but the pain would leave it's scar for eternity. i got changed into some pyjamas and flopped tiredly onto Taemins bed. blue was sleeping on the floor next to me. i was about to drift off when i felt Taemin flip his hand over my body. i tensed up but in the end i fell asleep.


i woke up in the morning but Taemin was already up. he came in fully dressed in his uniform. 

"good your finally up, we have school come on hurry" i shot up causing Blue to groan next to me. i shook him up and he looked at me

"blue school" he yawned then plodded off to get my school bag. whilst i got dressed into my uniform. obviously after i did my morning routines. i grabbed an apple quickly and headed out of the door with Taemin. we took the quiet route to school and as soon as we stepped in i ran off, and Taemin got swarmed with fan girls. 

"oh so your back again" i looked infront and i found Eun mi staring at me with laser eyes

"well no~ i don't go to school here at all" she scoffed at my remark and slapped me across the face. i swollowed my anger and just walked of. i never got what made her so.... well y she's nice to teachers and other students but me, what did i do.


i was looking at Evie from afar then i saw how Eun Mi salpped her across the face. the force was pretty strong. i felt my blood boil, i never realised Eun Mi was such a . i scoffed at her and tried to go and give her a piece of my mind when i got dragged off by some fangirls. i sighed. okay so maybe it can wait.

all through the day i didn't get a chance to talk to her. i sighed as i waited for everyone to leave. i went out and found Evie playing with Blue again. i walked up to her and she smiled, she had a small bruise on her cheek which looked poorly covers by make up.

"i saw what eun mi did back ther" her smiled faded and she looked towards the floor, Blue put a comforting paw on her knee and she plasterd a smile on her face and scruffed his fur.

"yeah it happens daily" -

"DAILY?!?! why didn't you tell me sooner!!" she gave me a what the f*** face

"maybye because you didn't know i existed sooner" i chuckled nervously

"rigghhhttttt" i scrathched the back of my head

"hey i can talk to her if you want me to" she shook her head

"no it'll bring your reputation down and in her mind she'll blame me for snitching to you about her, plus i've delt with it since i came so why shouldn't i be ablke to now?" i smiled

"your a strong girl" she smiled

"yeah i know my mother always used to say that to... ah my lifes a propper hole" she leaned back and sighed, i chuckled at her and she looked at me 

"what?" i smiled

"nothing, your really fun and relaxing to talk to" she smiled

"well thank you mr idol who thinks he can sing but can't" i scoffed

"what did you say?" i ticked her and she laughed, it was like music to my ears. we played around and had fun. until it was time to go home.


OMG I AM SOOOOOO SORRY I FEEL LIKE A RIGHT FOR LEAVING YOU GUYS HANGING WITH THIS STORY, i totally lost all my inspiration for this story but i will try and update for you :'( please don't hate me, you can unsubscribe if you like but i hope you liked my rather boring chappy. i'm such an arse. 

you know (i have no idea why i'm saying this) today i had a shower and was just wrapped in a towel, when my two best friends decided to pop by. OMG it was so embarassing, and then one of them kept rading my stuff, it's not even mine to begin with :(((( people need to learn to keep there hands of things AND MANNERS!!! okay i'm good and again I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY!!!

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It's okay~ chill LOL!!!
Hahaha you should have been more carefull!
OH NO!! Stupid Eun mi!!!
If the shinee guys found out.....