the love for my crush just grew

Beauty & the freak



I spent most of my time like that playing guitar and playing with blue until I saw some one behind the bushes filming me my mind went blank and frankly I was pissed seriously they couldn’t get enough time to bully me in school so they’ll film me and put it all over the internet. I stood up and went over to the person filming tears forming in my eyes and my legs turning to jelly “YAH!!!!” I screamed blue quickly took my side and started to show his teeth to him tears started to fall and my legs were slowly giving way. The person behind the bush showed up and I saw who it was LEE TAEMIN I felt so shocked, angry, embarrassed at the same time way to many emotions for my head to take at once “why…” but I couldn’t finish my sentence when everything went black and I fell to the floor.


“why…” she started but then all of a sudden she fell and hit her head on a rock all of a sudden blood was pouring out her head. I was panicking then my head went serious for a moment and I managed to call the ambulance it came within a few minutes and within that time I ripped off a piece of my shirt and put it on her wound to stop it from bleeding a little when the ambulance arrived I got in with her. When we arrived at the hospital they brought her into a room and told me to wait outside a few moments later a nurse came out and said she’s sleeping and she will wake up in a while I quickly thanked her and walked in she looked so peaceful sleeping but then she started to stir and tears were dripping off her cheeks I wiped them away and she started to mumble some words “omma…omma…” I felt sad she looked as if she were in pain not physically but emotionally


I was having the nicest dream me and my mum were sitting on a hill watching the sunset and eating some yummy food my mum made telling jokes having a laugh playing Frisbee with blue when all of a sudden a big truck came and ran over my mum I quickly ran over to her screaming her name multiple times I was crying really hard and cradling her in my arms she just looked at me and seemed to say ‘I love you’ but I can’t remember how she sounded like my heart was hurting so bad I was still screaming her name “OMMA!!!” I screamed and bolted up it took a while for my eyes to adjust to the bright lights when I scanned the room I found somebody next to me “taemin?” he looked worried but then he smiled my cold broken heart felt a bit better watching him smile “you’re awake good” I looked confused then it all came back to me “wait YOU!” I looked at him anger screaming from my glare he looked at me confused “w-what?” “you know exactly what you filmed me so you can post it on the internet” I said still glaring at him “yeah and…” he said and started looking somewhere else, when his eyes noticed the time he quickly stood up and ran out leaving a very pissed and upset me behind I just sighed and grabbed my bags and headed for the exit.

When I was back at home my ‘mother’ offered me some dinner but I just said I wasn’t hungry and headed for my room. I lay on the bed and grabbed the picture of my mum and me and started   her face when the door suddenly opened “GE…” I was about to finish when blue plodded in and joined me on the bed “oh it’s you” I sighed and cuddled with him until my eyelids felt heavy and I fell asleep in his soft velvety fur.

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It's okay~ chill LOL!!!
Hahaha you should have been more carefull!
OH NO!! Stupid Eun mi!!!
If the shinee guys found out.....