
Into Your World



"Was what we did wrong?"


"You guys, should we apologize?"

Silence again.

"It's my fault, isn't it?"

Still silence.

"Should I apologize?"

Silence once again.

"Maybe we should all-"

"SHUT UP, KAI!" the eleven boys finally cracked.

"Just go to sleep!" Kris groaned as he covered his face with a pillow.

"We all screwed up. We lost our chance. Stop blaming yourself and go to sleep," Suho added.

"But it's not fair! You got to go to Earth and talk to her and help her and-"

"Kai," Suho warned.

"But we really messed up didn't we?" Xiumin chimed as he flipped over onto his stomach in his bed. He looked at the others who were wide awake as well. "We all wanted to help but were selfish over who would help her, and here we are. No one gets to be by her side. We should have set our differences aside and realized that we all want to help, so helping her with two, three, even eleven other guys was fine. We're all like brothers here so it shouldn't have mattered." The boys sulked at the truth in Xiumin's words. "But it's too late now. Good night."


The light shined brightly through a crack in the curtain upon one of the boys' face. Lay was the first one to rise. He rubbed his eyes before looking around at the unfamiliar surroundings. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked down at his clothes. They weren't the usual white cloaks he and the other angels wore. No, he was in a regular white t-shirt and shorts. He looked to the eleven others and noticed their change in attire as well.

Lay shot out of his bed and sprinted out of the unfamiliar house. He could feel his head spinning as he took in his surroundings. He patted his face and body in disbelief.

"Oh my God..." he whispered quietly.

This was it. They were finally back on Earth.


Your alarm clock screeched as soon as the time was five in the morning. You groggily sat up and began your daily morning schedule. You were up later the night before trying to cram in your chores with homework plus that overdue paper. While preparing breakfast and the twins' uniforms, you worked slowly due to your tiredness. You glanced at the  clock and realized that you would need to get ready immediately or you would be late. You quickly finished ironing and burnt your finger a bit in the process and raced up the stairs, but when you glanced at the clock again, it showed that it's only been fifteen minutes since five. You furrowed your eyebrows, sure that more time had passed than that, and went to find treatment for your burn.

After getting ready since you still had a lot of spare time, you walked to school leisurely. On the way there, you noticed the wind blew strongly. Your eyebrows furrowed at the strange weather, but you shrugged the thought away as you remembered the mini earthquake and lightning the night before.

Once you reached the campus, you could hear students buzzing excitedly over rumors of three new students.

"I heard two of them are foreign exchange students!"

"I hope they're boys!"

"Nah! I want them to be girls!"

You wore a puzzled expression. Transfer students? To your school? No offense to your school, but it wasn't the best  —  or anywhere near that  —  so why would anyone want to transfer into it? You dismissed the thought of befriending them when you realized they would hear rumors of you within their first day. Plus, odds are they wouldn't even be in your class and what more, pay attention to you. Positive attention at least.

Or so you thought.


You turned your paper in to a different substitute from yesterday and quickly rushed to your seat. You stared blankly out the window while you waited for the bell to ring. Once it did, the teacher from the neighboring classroom walked in.

"I know your homeroom teacher is out, so I will be introducing the new students to you instead," the female teacher spoke. "You may all come in now." 

In stepped three gorgeous males.

"Introduce yourselves," the teacher instructed.

The tallest of them bowed. "My name is Huang Zi Tao, but you can call me Tao if it's easier to say."

The second boy spoke. He had dark hair swept to the side in a fringe. "I'm Zhang Yixing, but I go by Lay. I'm sorry my Korean isn't very good. Please take care of me," he bowed to finish off.

The third boy who was the second tallest and had dyed brown hair introduced himself. "My name is Oh Sehun. Please take care of me." You took notice of his slight lisp and smiled fondly. It reminded you of something.

The three bowed once again and were directed to take a seat. 

"There's an empty seat beside ~~~~~ and two behind her. ~~~~~, please raise your hand," the teacher announced. You raised your hand shyly. Just your luck. Three gorgeous boys sitting by you. You had a small class if not the smallest in the school, and you sat toward the back of the students, leaving a lot of room beside and behind you. And no one sat next to you anyway.

The trio made their way to their seats as the teacher left. Your substitute began to go on about literature even though he sounded like he had no idea what he was talking about, so you tuned him out. Then you heard the boy beside you clear his throat curtly as if to catch your attention. You spun to face him curiously.

He extended his hand to you, "My name's Yixing, but you can call me Lay," he smiled. Though you knew this, you couldn't deny his friendliness.

"I'm ~~~~~," you met your hand to his forgetting about your minor burn and winced slightly but noticeably.

"What happened?" he asked concerned.

"I burnt my finger a bit this morning. It's nothing," you dismissed sheepishly.

He frowned a bit before asking to see it. You reluctantly showed him your hand. He examined it for a while until his eyes seemed to gleam. "I know what to do," he lit up. He furrowed for a small bottle containing a clear liquid from his bag and a white handkerchief. "It's a... Chinese remedy," he informed as he poured the liquid onto the handkerchief.

He tenderly reached for your hand and placed the handkerchief over your burn. "This should help subside the pain," he grinned softly.

And he was right. Within minutes you couldn't feel the pain in your hand and noticed the burn marks disappearing.

You looked at your nearly fully healed hand. You were shocked by what the boy next to you was capable of doing with what seemed to be like just water; it was indeed, plain old water, but of course, you didn't know. "Wow... Thank you."

He shrugged, still smiling. "Anytime. Whenever you're hurt, don't hesitate to come to me. I'll be here to heal your wounds," he lightheartedly said. Though you took it as friendly banter, you couldn't help but to feel a strange aura from this kid.

Tao swiftly kicked his chair. Lay turned to look at him while you kept your head straight forward. 

"What?" Lay mouthed.

"Ease it with the magic," Tao hissed silently.

Sehun smiled smugly to the side. This little episode at school would not go not being rubbed in Kai's face.

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sorry for my absence!! i'll try to pick up tomorrow if i can!! thank you for being patient


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Love it so far~ Please update soon^^
aww poor kai.. i think he really like her
LeePeppers #3
the three lucky ones hahaha!
HeartGold426 #4
Great story so far~ ^ - ^ I really like it.
LeePeppers #5
lol bickering ! I like this so much!
this is sweet.. i like it so far!
Can't wait for the next chapter!
xenosfive422 #7
@LeePeppers thank you~ ^^ haha i actually have chapter three finished and i'm just waiting for my friend to edit it~ it should be up tomorrow c:
LeePeppers #8
I like :D it so much, lol the angels are funny, waiting for more!