
Into Your World



"I hope everyone checked the schedule," Suho sang as he prepared their lunches. "Make sure the right people are watching over her, that's a strict schedule, you know. Good luck in school, and get there safely!" He waved at them after smoothing out his apron and handing them their lunches.

"Yeah, yeah," Kai muttered under his breath, "mom." The five others grabbed hold of each other or Kai. Kai teleported all of them out of the house and near a park close to the school from which they walked to the school.

"And now I'm left here alone," Suho pouted, "again."

"With us," D.O. chimed.

"Stop being so emotional," Baekhyun groaned, "mother," he emphasized.

Suho sighed, "Who’s going to help me clean the kitchen?"

Chen, D.O., and Baekhyun scrambled up from their previous position of lying down on the floor in front of the TV into their rooms.

"Guess that means dad's gonna help you," Xiumin squeezed Kris's shoulder before taking the newspaper and retreating into his room.

"Dad?!" Kris nearly spit his water out. "Hey, you're older!"

"Forget it. Let's start cleaning," Suho passed Kris a rag, and the two began to clean.


After an incredibly long and tiring day at school, you trudged to work where you worked exhaustedly. Donghyun and Sujung noticed your behavior and asked you to rest for a bit while they covered for you, but you wouldn't have it. You hated troubling others especially for your own benefit.

Finally work was finished, and outside waiting for you was Chanyeol. You called his name and waved. He looked up to see who had called him. Seeing it was you, he straightened up from his position of leaning against a street light, unplugged his earphones, and walked over to you with a huge grin.

"Hey, ready to go home?" Chanyeol's deep voice resonated as he looped your arm around his.

You nodded as you stifled a yawn.

He chuckled. "Tired?" You nodded. He only chuckled again as he ruffled your hair, "So cute. If you want I could carry you home?" he offered. 

You shook your head quickly, declining his offer, but he was already stooping down in front of you. Hesitantly, you got onto his back as he tightened your legs around his waist and firmly grasped your arms around his neck. When he noticed you trying to loosen your grip on him, he asked you why.

"I don't want to hurt you. I'm already troubling you enough," you muttered as he fixed your arms on him again.

He laughed and reached back to poke your cheek. "You know, I'm way bigger and stronger than you, right? You can't possibly hurt me with a piggyback," he began to walk once he decided your grip was tight enough. "And besides, you're not troubling me. You're light as a feather," his adorable laughter rang out again as he playfully tossed you up from behind causing you to squeal.

"Yah! Park Chanyeol!" you screamed after he caught you again.

"Aww," he cooed, "I was just playing. Go on. Go to sleep, I'll wake you up when we're close," he patted your head. You nodded your head and slowly dozed off.

While you were sleeping, Chanyeol's heart was beating quickly. "What's wrong with me?" Chanyeol whispered quietly and seriously to himself. He briefly let go of your leg to place his hand over his chest. You stirred in your sleep from slightly tilting to one side. Reflexively, he caught your leg and secured his hand under the joint of your knee. "I've really gone crazy," he uttered quietly as he turned the corner.

Finally, he reached the gates of your house. Chanyeol attempted to shake you awake, but seeing how peacefully you were sleeping on his back, he softened and decided to take a risk and ring the doorbell. He adjusted you on his back to a way your uniform skirt would ride up less while the door to your house swung open. A tired figure who Chanyeol recognized to be your step-sister approached the gate. He smiled brightly to be polite.

"Mom!" she screeched. "There's some creepy dude out here!"

"I'm not creepy," Chanyeol's smile fell as he pouted, disappointed.

"Who is it?!" your step-mother stormed out of the house as Gyumin followed, rubbing his eyes. He eyed Chanyeol from head to toe. "And who are you?"

"I'm Park Chanyeol," he nervously replied. 

"And what do you want?"

"I'm your step-daughter's friend."

"~~~~~ isn't here, so you can go home," your step-mother was about to turn away.

"I know," Chanyeol replied. "I'm actually here to drop her off," he turned around casually to show them you on his back. Why they didn't notice your arms and legs from the front, he didn't know. "She was really tired at school and after work, so I let her fall asleep on my back," he smiled proudly. "If you want - Gyumin, is it? - you can carry her up to her room."

Gyumin backed away in disgust, "Eww, no. You do it yourself," he opened the gate.

"Thank you," Chanyeol bowed his head and walked toward your house. He took off his shoes and carefully climbed up the stairs and into your room.

Chanyeol carefully placed you on your bed and pulled the blanket over you. After making sure you were in a comfortable position, he brushed the hair out of your face. He gazed at you admiringly to make sure you hadn't stirred or were slightly interrupted when he brought you up. He traced your features with his eyes and soon found himself leaning in closer, eyes half open, as if in a trance. He stopped when he could feel your breath on his cheek, and his eyes widened in shock. "I shouldn't be like this about a girl my friend likes," he reprimanded himself quietly before straightening up and rushing out of your house. The walk home was going to be a long one for Chanyeol.

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sorry for my absence!! i'll try to pick up tomorrow if i can!! thank you for being patient


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Love it so far~ Please update soon^^
aww poor kai.. i think he really like her
LeePeppers #3
the three lucky ones hahaha!
HeartGold426 #4
Great story so far~ ^ - ^ I really like it.
LeePeppers #5
lol bickering ! I like this so much!
this is sweet.. i like it so far!
Can't wait for the next chapter!
xenosfive422 #7
@LeePeppers thank you~ ^^ haha i actually have chapter three finished and i'm just waiting for my friend to edit it~ it should be up tomorrow c:
LeePeppers #8
I like :D it so much, lol the angels are funny, waiting for more!