Is it over?

A new beginning

Seungri walked ~~~ to her apartment,but stopped for a second. 

''What's wrong?'',she asked in a worried tone.

''Do you wanna go on vacation? You,me,BIGBANG?''

''Sure.'',she said with a smile.

''But where are we going?''

''How about Singapore?''

''That would be nice.'',she answered. They entered the apartment seeing BIGBANG and Dee. They were sitting in the living room talking about the vacation,guess they already know about it. Seungri and ~~~ sat next to the others.

''Ok guys,we're going home now to pack. See you at the airport at 5.'',said Taeyang and slowly walked out along with the others. Dee and ~~~ went to their room practically throwing stuff out of their wardrobe. They quickly got packed and glanced at the clock,it was only 1pm.

After 4 hours of doing nothing they went to the airport. They could see paparazzi surrounding BIGBANG asking questions,until they saw ~~~ and Dee. They started taking pictures of them with BIGBANG,it was sort of awkward at first but they got used to it. They entered the plane,as always they were in first class. Dee just kept walking around the plane tasting every wine she could get her hands on while ~~~ just sat in her seat trying to watch a film because she was terrified of planes. 

They've landed safely and went to their hotel,and as usual paparazzi were all over the place. Until security came and told them that they can't go any further. They were staying at the Hilton Hotel which had a big swimming pool,which the boys really liked. They went to their rooms and left their stuff there,since it was about 7 they decided to go to dinner. But first they all dressed up fancy,they were celebrities after all.

~~~'s outfit

Dee's outfit

They sat at the table and ordered.

''So guys,want to go to a club later?'',Taeyang asked.

''Sure'',Daesung replied.

While the were eating dinner suddenly a man came over to their table. He was tall and had shades on,despite the fact that it was night. He took them off.

''Oppa!'',Dee shouted,while the others looked at her confusingly. It was DooJoon. 

''How have you been Dee? ~~~ i like your dress. Hello everyone.''

''Hi.'',they all replied.

''Mind if join you?''

''Not at all.'',JiYong smiled. DooJoon sat between Daesung and TOP. 

''What brings you here,DooJoon?'',TOP asked while eating his spaghetti.

''I'm on vacation with BEAST, I heard that other celebrities came so i decided to have I look. I was told that it's going to f(x) but instead i found you guys.'' 

''Ah...Which one do you like then?Kekeke'',asked the impatient JiYong.

''Krystal...but i heard she still isn't over what are the chances.''

''It will be fine...I don't like her anyway.'' After the dinner they all got into comfortable clothes and went to the club,where DooJoon also met up with BEAST. 

''Hey guys,it's been a long time.'',~~~ walked over to them and smiled.

''~~~ ah! How have you been? We missed you!'',DongWoon suddenly came over and gave her a friendly hug.

''I've been great,do you keep the apartment clean?''


''I could've guessed.'', they all smiled at her reaction. Suddenly someone was speaking on a microphone.

''Hello everybody! I hope everyone's having a great time! here we have some celebrities that came to our club,so may we ask them to sing for us?'' suddenly JiYong shouted ''Sure!'' out of nowhere. 

''Ok,please give it up for BIGBANG,BEAST,~~~ and Dee!'',everyone started clapping. JiYong got a hold of the mic and started singing Lies...Beast were singing Mystery,~~~ and Dee sang Can't nobody,while singing the second verse they heard a bang and ~~~ was on the ground. Then they heard another bang,everyone ran out of the club except Beast and BigBang. They quickly ran over to ~~~ who was on the floor covered in blood. They tried not to panic. 

''Dee call the ambulance! NOW!'',Junhyung yelled trying to cover ~~~'s wounds while Seungri was holding her. 

''Guys,there's a note!'',Hyunseung said taking a pink piece of paper. He opened it and started reading:

 Sorry princess,but this fairytale is over for you. 


He took the note and brought it over to Seungri.He couldn't believe that Luna was capable of doing such a thing. Suddenly the ambulance came and carefully put ~~~ in the car,and drove her off to the hospital. They needed to do a surgery.After hours and hours of surgery the doctor came out.

''Are you ~~~'s friends?'',he asked.

''Yes! How is she? Did she survive? Is she gonna be okay?'',everyone started asking questions.

''She will be fine,she just needs to rest a bit. You can see her in about an hour.Now I have another surgery to go to,take care.'' he left. Seungri buried his head in his hands.

''It's all my fault..'',he sobbed.

''Yah maknae,don't be like that! It isn't your fault.'',JiYong yelled at him.

''If I didn't make her go to this stupid vacation none of this would've happened.'',TOP lightly punched him in the arm.

''Shut up,idiot. We can report Luna to the police,so just shut up.'' he felt relieved. After an hour has passed they all entered the room. She was still asleep,Seungri grabbed her hand and just kept caressing it. She suddenly opened her eyes.

''Hi.'',he said in a cheeky tone.

''Hi.'',she smiled firstly at him and then at everybody who was there. 

''So what happened to me?''

''Looks like Luna shot you..and she even left a message.''Hyunseung said handing her the message. She stared at the message,then suddenly she ripped it smiling.

''Are you feeling ok,now?''Kikwang asked.

''I'm fine. I'm just glad that you guys brought me to the hospital.''after a while she noticed that Dee was missing,as usual.

''Where's Dee?''

''Maybe with Junhyung in a closet or something.'',Taeyang said. The doctor came in suddenly,giving her clothes.

''Here you go madam. Be careful next time. You can go home now.'' She stood up and told everybody to get out so she can dress herself,when she finished she walked out of the room and they all went their own ways. 

On the way home she took out her phone and dialed Dee's number.



''Ah.....Junhyung oppa...'' 

''YAH DEE,THIS HAS TO STOP. IT'S LIKE EVERY TIME I CALL YOU YOU'RE ING WITH JUNHYUNG.I'm hanging up now.'' after two minutes she received a text saying.



Sorry,sorry. But this closet was so awesome for ,hope you will understand. I'm probably going home now,or maybe i'll have another session with Junhyung. Anyway,don't wait up!

~~~ sighed and she went home hoping that Dee doesn't get pregnant or something. She sat on the couch drinking her coffee and looking out from the window. The door bell rang and she jumped. She went to the door hoping to see Dee but saw Seungri. Suddenly he came in slamming and locking the door. He grabbed her and pinned her against the wall.

''Seungri oppa,what's this all about?''

''Don't worry. Tonight,you're mine.'' he said and with that continued kissing her.

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i love it!
whiteshirt #2
please sequel!!
Sweetsailish #3
Awww!! So sweet! SEQUEL PLEASE!!!! XD
Make a sequel! :D Awesome story :)
aalover1983 #6
love ur story! u should make a sequel =)
brittlalala132 #7
Omo. :) That is sooooo goood!!!!!!!!! I love this story! You should totally write a sequel! And yes I love SeungRI so much it is unbelievable and Big Bang of course :)
sequal(or what it now spells :D)! :)
Nichichan #9
woww.. krystals such a ..well in this fic at least XDDD <br />
update soon please~! :D
Nichichan #10
omg..i would be freakin out if junhyung somehow snuck into my room XDD<br />
update soon~! :D