My beautiful hostage, You are the only one that understands me....


A king in a far away land calls for a room full of the most beautiful girls in the world, You being the shy type have been captured and forced to stand in line with other beautiful 19 year old girls, only one will be chosen to be a hostige in the castle until they love the king and agree to love him for all eternity. How could this have happened???

King Baekhyun

Baekhyun has always lived a lonley life, his father who always found him a mistake for not wanting to cause harm to others, has passed away from a illness leaving Baekhyun the crown, he tries to be like his father, up tight, strong, confident, never making mistakes but on the inside, is lonley and dissapointed with himself. Always telling himself of how big of a failure he is and how he shouldn't walk this earth anymore, but keeps it on the inside.



Always been the quiet type, to never speak out your opiuns to the world making you unheard by others. Known mostly for your beauty and kindness towards others, you love taking care of others because in your eyes it almost heals your own loneliness. Secretly you love to draw, something no one has ever known about you, you feel almost ashamed of your artist abilities, you really only draw when you feel inspired. You never like to talk to your parents, you felt you have dissapointed them by not going to lawschool or getting a degree for being a docter or nurse, something they've pushed on you since you where 3. It takes alot to make you feel angry, but little to make you feel sad or self-consious.


Hi guys! So this idea has been in my head for days now and it took a lot of planning and detailed notes so I really hope you enjoy this!:) This story is meant to be sort of a drama and emotional sort:)

Rating: PG-13 (For violence, ual contact, and swearing)

Genre: Drama, thriller, sci-fi, romance,

Warnings: Lots of FLUFF! And there is a little ual contact but don't worry no hard core here ^.^


Also if you want a little feel for what this storys sort of theme is you can listen to this song because it really gives a feel for the drama in the story: 


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otaku_kpopper4life #1
Pls update
sgoijosdrighjwrih -BOOM- dead.
Update soon!
aww, they had a cute meeting.
but haha... hopefully she'll be nicer to you Baekiie when she finds out you're the king. >D
anyways~ i think main girl is just still sad about being away from home, despite not many people she hang with... or cares about her...
Updaaaaate ~
whaa... i was expecting a longer update, but this teaser is okay. :D
i'm good for now, and now Baekiie has seen her in person. :D
and she thinks he's cute.
i can't wait for more. :D
omg, they've just ran into one another. kyaaaaa *squeals*!!
haha main girl is happy to have the luxury, but i wonder if she'll learn to fall in love with the king... or better yet, learn of his identity sooner than finding out the guy she just ran into is the king. :O
anyways~ Baekhyun not exploring all of the castle. xD well at least he gets a chance to run into his true love~ :D
haha creepy Baekhyun has been learning from creepy Chanyeol... xD j/k
anyways, that was a sad nightmare. D: huggles main girl.
anyways, i'm really anticipating on how she'll react towards Baekiie when they come face to face. :D
but can't believe they found her so fast. :O
lostbambi #8
Hence her being the hostage? Hopefully she comes willingly. but I do agree with you, @bunnyxwarrior, he does seem to be a tad of being a creeper. Can't wait! It's been a long time since I get this excited, weeee~
omg, pretty much he's gonna kidnap her. :O
even if it would be wonderful, he'll be taking her not of her own free will.
i'm curious as how that will turn out like.
and baekiie in this story is a bit of a creeper. xD