The Alice of healing and sound

♦Sapphire academy ♦ APPLY CLOSED

Before announcing the next group we must infrom you that since our ladies meeting is over we must leave , but everything else will be explain to you by the other professors." Rhito told the room with half the butlers there as they were leaving the group of confuse students five males approached rhito and his group.  " the meeting is over , you might want to hurry and head over there." the leader of them told Rhito. " kazuya these are the rest of the names that need to be given their information. how are the ladies you are serving?" "they are on thier way back." kazuya told him as ge entered the room full of loud boys. As soon they stepped in everyone became quiet. "  Kris and Suho please step foward.. as you know find the girl and bring her to sapphire academy. and hurry since the ladies orientation will be soon . work as fast as you can and bring her. If it necessary pay the family to allow this envelope contains a certain amout of money depending on your rank as a butler. Depending on how much time you stay there more money may be send . in any case please make your way toward the helicopters." " is it true if we can get our lady here in less than two days, our lady gets 3 stella gems." " yes but if you dont get here before orientation then your deducted three gems." kazuya told them while fixing a suitcase. " Here this case contains all the things you will need to blend in there are some items that might come in handy. " "your taste in items is horrible... this reminds of the ones they used with the first of butlers ." kris told kazuya. Kazuya who was a bit annoyed since the meeting, so he  smirked at the boys as he kicked them out the door and told them " have fun riding the helicopter" while smiling evily. " i wonder why he would say that " suho told kris. when they arrived at the helicopter both boys froze on the spot as they saw the person driving the helicopter was no other than tatsuya the most reckless one of kat-tun when it came to driving or anything similar. they both entered the helicopter quietly and grabbed onto the seatbelt hoping they would crash or engine would burn. they looked at their ladies information wishing it would soon be over.






Name : Sofia Xiaxue Taemi Dahlstrom

Nickname(s) : Sofie, Fifi, Summer, Snow, Xiao Xue, Xia Xia, Mimi

Age : 20

Birth date : September 16, 1991

Birth place : Miatorp, Helsingborg, Sweden

Hometown : Miatorp, Helsingborg, Sweden/Zhongshan, Guangdong, China/Songpa, Seoul, South Korea

Nationality : Chinese-Korean-Swede

Height : 5'4/164

Weight : 143/65

Personality :  She goes with the flow, not wanting to cause an drama, and pretty much minds her own business if it doesn't invovle her. She speaks when spoken to, unless she has the need to say something, or when she's curious and doesn't understand something. She's quiet, introverted, observant, reserve, and is shy at times, but masks this with an indifferent expression. She can be more active, friendly, out-going, carefree, and more open if she feels comfortable around others, and when she's totally into what she loves or likes to do. It's usually only her close friends and family that see this side of hers, she needs to gain a sense of trust from others to be herself around them. She deals with things on her own, and doesn't like to ask for help, but when she does realize that she needs help, she has a hard time asking for it, since she's not sure if others would be willing to help her out, but she deals with it and just ask, as it's better to do so then just suffer wondering if she did this or that or not. She's polite to anyone and everyone, but if she feels a vibe or see that a person isn't good or respectful, she disregards that person and doesn't talk to them, but will tolerate them for some time. All in all, she's just living her life to the fullest, and hopes be able to reach her happiness by the end of her journey.

Likes: Sweets, baking, plushies, music, beauty, video games, board games, books, word searches, cross-word puzzles, jig-saw puzzles, sodoku, flowers, languages, and listening to the pitter patter of rain.

Dislikes: Drinking/alcohol, smoking/cigarette, annoying noises, people who talk loudly without respect for other people around them, obnoxcious people, strong perfumes/fragances, crowded areas, being awaken by ridiculous reasons, and skinship (besides hand-shaking) with people she doesn't know or isn't really close with.

Trivia: Can't sleep without holding onto a stuffed animal. Is a mid-light to mid-deep sleeper. Can stay in the same position throughout the night while sleeping. Doesn't get gross out when watching gory stuff, seeing blood, body being mutilated while eating. Fears extreme heights, being unable to see in the dark in unfamilar places, and falling. She's not a total girlie girl, or an extreme tomboy, she's in the middle of both, but loves to do her nails and hair in different styles.

Habits : Speaks and replies in different languages without thinking, zones out when uninterested, talks with hands a lot, puffs cheeks when bored, bites bottom lip when thinking or nervous, crack her knuckles and neck when the muscles feel tense out of the blue, and talks out loud to herself when thinking and anaylyzing about something.

Talents : Making balloon animals, nail art and cake design, playing piano, cooking, acrobatics, and knows and speaks 9 languages more or less fluently which are Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, English, German, French, Mandarin, Cantonese, and Korean.

background: Sofia is of Chinese, Korean, and Swede ancestry, born to a Korean-Swede father, and a Chinese mother, making her and her brothers 1/2 Chinese, 1/4 Korean, and 1/4 Swede. She was born in Sweden of high-middle class social status. Her family would often travel back and forth between Sweden, China, and South Korea due to visiting her parents' side of the family as often as possible. Because of this, she was able to pick up on the languages to communicate with all of her relatives, and also because the languages were somewhat similar to one another in a way, having her picking it up was much easier as she enjoyed the languages. Her family had allowed her to study abroad in South Korea during her high school years and they let her continue in her college years, and now she's currently residing in Songpa of Seoul to continue her studies and is living with close friends.


Father | Lucas Siwoo | 56 | Chief Executive Officer

 Mother |"Emily" Taohua| 54 | University Professor


Brother | Alexander Shaoqi Haewon | 27 | IT Technician

Brother | William Yunhai Sanghyuk | 24 | Medical Assistant

Cousin | Lay aka Zhang Yixing | 20 | Vocalist of EXO-M




As promise heres another reveal character

congratulations to bunnyxwarrior

so a malice will be revealed and there are four days left until i close the application.

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hey, again i had a new username change!

was ILOVEPEACHBOOBOO aka Sofia Xiaxue Taemi Dahlstrom's creator and am now LUMINOUSSTARDUST!
Chapter 26: it's okay.
hope all is well with you.
will check out the new apply fic. =]
Haha, omfg reborn! It's so awesome even though I've read more of it than watched it. It's still awesome either way.
I would so apply if you make a story like that.
My otaku heart wouldn't be able to resist it XDDD
Hmm if you got an idea from it, then why not? ^^ good luck with your studies! I will be waiting patiently :3
yeah, Hitman Reborn is one of the best animes made *o*
write ahead! oh well if you'll make one i suggest to make it open for both boys girls spots :)
good luck with college!
i don't know what that anime is about though~
but if you want, go write ahead!
i may or may not apply, depending on how it is.
anyways, good luck with college life!!
hey, i just want to notify you that i was BUNNYXWARRIOR aka Sofia Xiaxue Taemi Dahlstrom's creator, and that my username has been changed. =]
Congratulations to doojoonloveb2st and Mikato ^^
cantresistTAEMtation #9
Congrates to mikato!! Wow her ulzzang is very very gorgeous.. LOL. her personality is likeable, (obviously, shes a malice) hwaiting authornim!!
Thank you for choosing me! ^~^