malice of fire

♦Sapphire academy ♦ APPLY CLOSED


Basic Information ♦
Name : Kim Hyo Min
Nickname(s) : Hyo-in
Age : 17
Birth date :18/04/1995
Birth place : Seoul, South Korea
Hometown : Seoul, South Korea
Nationality :Korean
Height : 163cm
Weight : 45kg


♦Family ♦

Personality: Hyo Min is a clever girl, being able to outsmart any people and she is able to react quickly according to situations. She is also strong willed, once she is determined to do something, she will do it. She is also caring to the people around her, willing to help them when in need. And she makes a great friend as she is loyal to her friends and also she is a great listener to their problems. She is the mood maker among her friend as she is bright and cheerful. She also loves to have fun. Also, she never fail to cheer people up. She has a killer eye smile that people fall for.
However, she can flare up if she is really being irritated, which happens some times. If someone is irritating her, she is not afraid to show it. Once someone gets on the bad side of her, she can make the life of that person a living hell. She tends to keep to herself if she is facing any problems as she doesn't like to worry others. She also doesn't like to be told off or embarrassed, as she will take it to heart and it takes some time before she forgets.

1. Dancing
2. Singing
3. Winter season
4. Snow
5. Playing in the rain
6. Raspberry flavoured ice-cream
7. Hanging out at her parent's dance academy
8. Star-gazing

1. Horror movies
2. Insects
3. People who are rude
4. Being told off
5. Playboys/Playgirls
6. Spicy food
7. Waking up early
8. Being left alone
9. People who get close to her to gain advantage

1. Her favourite colour is pink. (even though she is a malice)
2. She always wears the necklace her initials "HM" given to her by her parents and she treasures it a lot.
3. Her favourite hangout is her parent's dance academy.
4. She eats a whole tub of raspberry ice-cream when she is feeling down.
5. Sometimes, she dance to relieve stress.

Habits :
1. Sleeps late
2. Eating late night snacks
3. She pouts when teased
4. She plays with her hair when she is nervous
5. If she is really tired, she sleeps with her hair wet

Talents : Singing, Dancing, Playing the piano

♦Family ♦
background: Hyo Min comes from a loving family and she is very close with her parents. Her parents sent her for piano lessons since she was young. As her parents own a dance academy, she also learn how to dance since she was young. She has excellent academic results and in her previous school, she is always the one of the top 3 student. She is also well-respected and she is well-known in school for her talent.

Father|Kim Sun Woo|47|Owner of a dance academy|Loving father but is strict with Hyo Min when he needs to.
Mother|Cha Min Young|47|Owner of a dance academy|Showers Hyo Min with love and care, she is always there for her and is a good advisor when she needs help.

 Sister | Kim Hyuna |19 | Idol (4Minute) | She might look like she is one of those troublemakers but if you really know her, she is actually a polite girl, full of aeygo and is easy to get along. She is protective over her younger sister.


congrats to Mikato


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hey, again i had a new username change!

was ILOVEPEACHBOOBOO aka Sofia Xiaxue Taemi Dahlstrom's creator and am now LUMINOUSSTARDUST!
Chapter 26: it's okay.
hope all is well with you.
will check out the new apply fic. =]
Haha, omfg reborn! It's so awesome even though I've read more of it than watched it. It's still awesome either way.
I would so apply if you make a story like that.
My otaku heart wouldn't be able to resist it XDDD
Hmm if you got an idea from it, then why not? ^^ good luck with your studies! I will be waiting patiently :3
yeah, Hitman Reborn is one of the best animes made *o*
write ahead! oh well if you'll make one i suggest to make it open for both boys girls spots :)
good luck with college!
i don't know what that anime is about though~
but if you want, go write ahead!
i may or may not apply, depending on how it is.
anyways, good luck with college life!!
hey, i just want to notify you that i was BUNNYXWARRIOR aka Sofia Xiaxue Taemi Dahlstrom's creator, and that my username has been changed. =]
Congratulations to doojoonloveb2st and Mikato ^^
cantresistTAEMtation #9
Congrates to mikato!! Wow her ulzzang is very very gorgeous.. LOL. her personality is likeable, (obviously, shes a malice) hwaiting authornim!!
Thank you for choosing me! ^~^