teaser 5 Malice Of Darkness

♦Sapphire academy ♦ APPLY CLOSED





"The First two Butlers are Kim Jaejoong  and Kim Hyun Joong. Remember this girl knows nothing about what you have been taught, also approach her with care although she looks like your average girl she does not take kindly with strangers. be aware that she is extremely stubborn as well. without further warning here is the girls picture and information you may take helicopter 4 with you." Rhito told them. "is there anything else sir"  jaejoong asked. " Oh yes before i forget bothe of you tried to  smile around her and her father. she has an intresting family." he replied. Hyung Joong and Jaejoong began to exit as they went inside the helicopter  Jaejoong began to read the information out loud "









Name: Park Haruka

Nickname(s) :Haru Ruka

Age : 19

Birth date : January 05,1993

Birth place : osaka japan

Hometown :busan korea

Height :5,2 ft tall ( she short)

Weight :  130 lbs

Personality :She is a self-conscious,reserved person. If you don't do something right, she pushes you aside and does it the way she likes it or stays quiet and does something of her own. She a smart person, always aiming for high scores and mentally comparing herself to others. She is quiet and often hates when people take things  carelessly. She never shows her fears and she never met anyone who could relate to her. No matter how tough you are, haruka isn't the type of person who'd get scared. She is immune to cuteness because she finds most people to be foolish when they try to act cute.She respects everyone equal at first, depending on how you treat her, she lowers how much respect she gives you. She gets angry real easily, but restrains herself from showing it. But if someone pesters her enough, She'll snap and show her anger. Her anger is mostly triggered by pestering, annoying or bragging type of people. She'll relieve anger or stress by just walking away and leaving to go jog around parks. She's quiet and looks like she's annoyed by everything, but she still scared about being in a room with people she does'nt trust. She's persistent, keeps up a strong front and never gives up.She can't give things up easily, it hurts her pride.usually, she'll keep up a poker face and say she can't tell them anything if she knows anything or not. haruka keeps her feelings bottled up inside of her, she always keeps up a poker face. She rarely smiles or laughs sincerely, but more in a hurt, sarcastic or fake way. She wouldn't dare push her worries onto someone else, even if they tell her to. Once after knowing you well, she becomes talkative, but when she's around someone she's not comfortable with or in a conversation where she doesn't understand something, she keeps shut, afraid of saying the wrong thing. People tend to get annoyed when she does that and that makes her sad. She's extremely competitive and hates losing a lot. she always believes in what she believes in and she won't let anyone change her mind at all. she never lost. If you talk trash about her or someone she cares about a lot, she'll hold a grudge and plan revenge. She may not show it, but she's good at pranks and revenge due to her creative mind. She hates betrayal the most out of everything. She gets hurt easily by people who betray her, That's the reason she doesn't let people get to close to her, she's afraid of betrayal.  No matter how little the betrayal is, it hurts her the most.She gets easily hurt by the slightest things people could say, if she yells at someone or someone yells at her or anything involving her hurting others or getting hurt herself by others, she would run away to find a place she can be alone and no one can find her, so she can cry. When she's happy, she gives a slight smile that disappears in seconds.

Likes: puzzles,riddles ,scary movies, spicy food,jogging, flowes, listening to music, cooking ,

Dislikes:liars being betrayed,losing, drugs, alchol, people touching her stuff, people talking about her family,

Trivia: can play the volin ,make any dish, has insomia , sleeps 2-3 hours, can sing, loves stuffed animals


haruka  mother gave birth  during one of her photoshoots. When haruka was 3, leeteuk was 12, jungmin 9 and bom 11 haruka mother hyunae took her daughter   with her to a photoshoot. While hyunae was taking the models pictures she had an arguement with one of the models. the model knocked down a camera light and cause all the equipment to fall as well as one of the cabints . the equipment had fallen around the area that haruka was playing in. haruka mother ran to protect her daughter from the equipment by pushing the child out of the way.  when all the dust cleared hyunae was found under the equipment with blood all around her. when the paramedics had arrived hyunae body was taken out while one of hyunae assistant called myungsoo and explained the sitution . when he found out that his wife was badly injured when she was trying to protect thier daughter, his  began to worry for  haruka saying that what  if she became tramuatize, When leeteuk jungmin and bom found out what had happen they was upset as well as their father and decide that they needed to step things up an help thier father out with the bills


Park Myungsoo | 51 | resturant owner|father | alive

 Park Hyunae |49| dead|  photographer|mother |  dead


Park Jungsoo | 28 (07/01/83)| alive

Park jungmin|25| idol ss501| alive

Park bom | 28 (3/24/84) |ialive


Here see for yourself " jaejoong told Hyun joong. 'She has a nice smile.... her brother park jungmin.... thats make thig easier ' .  Hyun Joong.began to smirk as he took out his phone and dialed a number . yobeseo " Yah horse its me. i was wondering if we can go eat at your father restuarent , you always brag about how good the food is so how about ?" Sure i'll just call my old man and tell him to close the restuarent early . " alright then you dont mind if i bring a friend along right?" go ahead ill call my siblings and tell them to got there as well. " " i ll meet you in the dorms horse arrasso bye." he hanged  up with a smirk on his face as jaejoong asked him " who did you call" " well you see the lady we will sever happen to be the younger sister of my member.. so i figured we use him as an exuse to talk to our lady .."



 Haruka was sitting down next to a grave while talking to her mother grave about how her life was." Umma i hoped you can see how well we are doing Bom unnie said she doing well and is know following her dream to be singer she part of a popular girl group called 2NE1. Teukie oppa i doing well in his idol group as well although he often brings his group to eat at the restuarent. Jungmin oppa is well too he and his group seem do be doing well. haruka paused and begin to sing a japanese song her mother use to sing her called forever .

Zawameku kokoro ni afureru senritsu wa kaze no you ni
Mada minu asu e to azayaka ni sasou
Sorezore ni egaku omoi de mirai wo tsumuide yukeba
Kiseki ni hohoemu "itsuka" wo tsukameru no

I feel 'I need you.'
... I just miss you in my life.
Aa   Kono te wo tsunaide ikou
Hiraita mirai ga kirameku basho e to

after she finished the song she was quiet until her phone rang. " Yobeseo " " ah haruka appa was calling to tell you that jungmin teukie and  bom are coming to the restuarent to eat so i need to you to come here now so you can cook up some food while your appa takes a break oh and by the way he is bringing friends so palli " " Arasso  appa ill be going home now see you soon."  Haruka looked at the grave as she said " umma i have to go papa said we are having a family dinner and oppa bringing friends ......... ill come vist you again neh." she said as she walked away and went to her father restuarent.


 In the front of the restaurant

"Yah Min why the sudden urge to have a family dinner? " bom asked. " i thought it be nice ,and i hoped you dont mind i brought friends " jungmin told her. " Jaejoong Hyun joong it nice to see you two again " bom told them. "  looks like im not the only one who brought extra people." a voice said. " teukie oppa its been awhile" bom told him.  " it sure has  i brought my whole group hope appa has enough food" "im sure he does besides i tld him to make extra ." the three siblings walked into the restuarent as they yelled like little kids" APPAAAAA WE ARE HOME!!!"  " Appa taking shower he will be about in a few minutes onii-san Onee-chan" haruka told her siblings " HARU /RUE!!! WE MISSED YOU" " let go your suffcating me " haruka told her siblings . her siblings let go and began to talk about random things until they heard an "ahem " from their guest. " oh thats right haruka this Kim Hyun Joong my group leader and this is Kim Jaejoong." jungmin told haruka. "  ahh i see all my kids and their friends are here why dont we go and eat " they heard thier appa  telling them. " what about my group "teukie said pouting.. " yah teukie she only met yet your group memembers like a million times let go eat " bom told him as they went to the dinning room . On the table they saw a banquet of food. (imagine there is three times that much food).  they started eating and they began talk amongst each other while Hyun joong and jaejoong observed the family. they talked for hours until  bom announced that she and CL would be leaving while Leeteuk also said he be leaving and offered his sister a ride. Once they left only Jungmin Jaejoong and Hyun Joong remained. while haruka dad was talking to jungmin and Hyun joong, jaejoong sneaked his way to the back of the kitchen to talk to haruka. " do you need help haruka?" " no thank you. shouldnt you be sitting down with jungmin and appa," she replied coldly. "i think their fine with out me so  what do you do for fun Haruka. " he asked her while observing her at the same time, " did you ever hear the saying curiosity killed the cat." she told him.  Jaejoong stood there shock while haruka  continued cleaning 'i thought she would be nicer since she related to jungmin and them but she is really cold kind of like...." "HARUKAA!!!!'  a voiced called interrupting his train of thought. he and haruka walked back to the livving room where they had just moved. " Haruka  look these to young gentleman and your brother tell me that you been accepted to the private school Sapphire Academy" he said while clapping his hands like a child.  " But appa i dont remember signing up for that." " you dont have to this academy is the ones that look for high scholars" jaejoong explained to her.  "does that mean you have to be reccomended she asked." "not really this academy different ." this academy promotes  a more better education for ladies. with the fact that they are assigned a butler." jaejoong told haruka father. " ahh i see so if Haruka goes then.. " "then she will have her own bedroom as well as  an area to study in " "what do you think haruka" ..... Haruka stood there quietly until she angrly told them " i hate it ... why should go somewhere far when i can get the same thing here she replied while running up her room. For a moment everyone was quier until Jungmin said" ill go convince her appa" he said as he stood up and went to haruka room. As soon as jungmin was out of sight his father myungsoo looked at  Jaejoong and Hyun joong and told them " you two are here because you believe she is one of the malices am i correct?" Jaejoong and Hyun joong stood there shocked at what they heard. " yyyess that right how did you know?"  " my wife came in one day after she had been gone a year on her photoshoot with a child in her arms , she told me she met a woman who told her that the child need to be kept safe and my wife taking pity on the infant brought her here," " so then is haruka a malice? " " she might be but i hope do understand that child is a very difficult person to understand '" he told them. As they continue talking jungmin walked into Haruka room as he sat next to her bed he told her " you know appa would feel more safe if you went there. ever since umma passed away he always thought you stop smiling because he didnt spend time with you. he only doing what he feels is right besides i think if we ask bom and teukie they agree so do you think you can just say yes and do this for appa " he asked her  "..... arrasso onichan"  Harauka whispered . as they walked down to the living room  jungmin cleared his thoat as haruka said " .... I'll go but only if i can visit appa often" she whispered . Myungsoo smiled as he nodded and told her " great now then  before go to sleep just remember that jaejoong and hyun joong will be your butlers." her father told her.. Haruka stood there processing what he said until she final understood and passed out.  While jungmin left to sleep in his room Haruka father told them "take care of my child and remember she is fragile despite her appearance i will send her stuff later and don't tell her about what we talked about ." he said as he place his daughter onto jaejoong arms as he carried haruka who passed out.  Jaejoong Hyun joong looked at each other and said " mission accomplish. " as they walked inside the helicopter.







Okay so this the teaser for my character and yes its long

i decide that i would make the teaser for the characters to  be as long as this one maybe longer .

i will be revealing a malice tommorow or a tuesday since there are alot

sorry for those that feels its to long

anyways the application is still open so i need more alices


as always Comments are loved

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hey, again i had a new username change!

was ILOVEPEACHBOOBOO aka Sofia Xiaxue Taemi Dahlstrom's creator and am now LUMINOUSSTARDUST!
Chapter 26: it's okay.
hope all is well with you.
will check out the new apply fic. =]
Haha, omfg reborn! It's so awesome even though I've read more of it than watched it. It's still awesome either way.
I would so apply if you make a story like that.
My otaku heart wouldn't be able to resist it XDDD
Hmm if you got an idea from it, then why not? ^^ good luck with your studies! I will be waiting patiently :3
yeah, Hitman Reborn is one of the best animes made *o*
write ahead! oh well if you'll make one i suggest to make it open for both boys girls spots :)
good luck with college!
i don't know what that anime is about though~
but if you want, go write ahead!
i may or may not apply, depending on how it is.
anyways, good luck with college life!!
hey, i just want to notify you that i was BUNNYXWARRIOR aka Sofia Xiaxue Taemi Dahlstrom's creator, and that my username has been changed. =]
Congratulations to doojoonloveb2st and Mikato ^^
cantresistTAEMtation #9
Congrates to mikato!! Wow her ulzzang is very very gorgeous.. LOL. her personality is likeable, (obviously, shes a malice) hwaiting authornim!!
Thank you for choosing me! ^~^