New Song

Caramel Apple ♔ New Girlgroup { Close }

At 8 in the morning , the alarm clock rang . '' Stupid clock .. '' Hyunmi mumbled , reaching for the alarm clock . Before she could destroy the annoying clock , Manager Moon walked in . 

'' Girls ! Wake up .. '' The soft manager shook them awake . Being the laziest , Hyunmi decided to sleep for awhile . '' Kim Hyunmi ! '' Manager Moon yelled . Manager Moon pulled Hyunmi's blanket . 

Jihae giggled and quickly rushed to the bathroom . 10 minutes passed . The nine girls were inside the van , patiently waiting for the van to move . '' Can somebody turn on the air-cond ? '' Hyunmi grunted . 

Yoonhee looked at Hyunmi , who was sitting next to her . '' Why are you so fat ? '' Soora pushed Hyunmi . '' Ow ! '' Hyunmi yelled . '' I am not fat , you .. '' When Hyunmi was just about to curse , Jihae covered Hyunmi's mouth . 

'' She's 14 . '' Jihae seriously said . '' I know all the bad words . '' Soora innocently smiled . A few seconds later , the van started moving . Everybody kept quiet. '' Where are we even going ? '' Hyunmi groaned , for the 5000000th time . 

'' To meet your boss . '' Manager Moon , who sat at the front seat replied . '' Aren't we , like , supposed to go the studio or something ? '' Jaemi chewed on her bubblegum . 

Manager Moon kept quiet . '' Ignored ~ '' Soora sing-songed . '' I'm hungry ! '' Woori whined . '' We're going to the cafe . '' Manager Moon quickly replied . '' Can we have our phones back ? Mom said I should text her night and day . '' Minji said . 

Soora turned to Minji . '' Why are so quiet ? '' Jihae rolled her eyes , annoyed once again . '' It's her life . '' Jihae defended Minji . '' Thank you , Skylar . '' Minji sighed . 

Pouting , Soora zipped . Sooner , the van had stopped in front of a cafe . '' Starbucks ! '' Minhee brightened . '' I love SM ! '' Minhee yelled . They all got out . 

'' Yah , Yoonhee unnie ! '' Minhee pulled Yoonhee's shirt . '' Isn't that .. Luhan ? '' Yoonhee gasped as she raised an eyebrow . '' Girls ! '' Soo-man hollered , raising both his hands . 

They all took their seats , Yoonhee taking a seat next to Luhan . '' This is Luhan from EXO-M . He's here to help us . '' Yoonhee blushed . He's so handsome . Somebody , kill me ! Yoonhee blushed . '' He had created a song called , ' Twinkle , Baby . ''' Soo-man said . 

Luhan smiled . Yoonhee was dying inside . Instead of listening to her boss , she was more focusing on Luhan , that charming prince . '' Yoonhee . '' Woori , who sat next to Yoonhee , poked her . 

'' What ? '' Irritated , Yoonhee looked . '' Are you even listening ? '' Woori asked . '' Yes . '' Yoonhee lied and turned to the front . '' And I've decided that since Luhan had made the song , he will be starring in the MV . '' Yoonhee widened her eyes . 

Shooting a question , Yoonhee asked . '' Who's the main character ? That gets with .. L-lu-han ? '' Yoonhee stuttered . '' Hm , Luhan's choice . '' I guess , Hyunmi would work . '' Luhan said . 

Yoonhee felt like everything was not important . When Luhan had made up his choice , she felt like her heart was no longer useful . '' What ?! '' Yoonhee screamed but that was what she imagined .

She didn't dare to show her bad side somehow . '' Oh , thank you , Luhan oppa . '' Hyunmi glanced at Yoonhee , who was already too angry . Luhan smiled . '' But somehow , I want Yoonhee too . '' Luhan said . 

Yoonhee's jaw dropped . She kissed Luhan's cheek and winked but that was her imagination . '' Kamsahamnida ! '' Yoonhee smiled so bright , Luhan laughed . 

I could make Luhan oppa laugh ! Yoonhee blushed bright red . Minhee boringly played with her fingers , sipping her coffee . '' Can we head to the studio now ? '' Jihae asked . 

Soo-man nodded , '' Sure ! Manager Moon .. '' Soo-man eyed Manager Moon . '' Yes , sir . '' Manager Moon saluted and gathered the girls inside the van . Minutes later , they arrived back at SM building , where a group of men were waiting . 

'' Is that Kyuhyun ? '' Soora pointed to a man . '' It sure is . '' Manager Moon winked . '' Oh my god ! Can somebody like , take a picture ?! '' Soora felt like dying , right on the spot . 



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update soon please. XD
update soon please. XD
hahahahha it was so funny at the haunted house~
and LOL Yoonhee at EXO's concert
and this line is just priceless "There's a vampire in my " hahahahhaha XD
WindApple06 #4
hahaha, scared at haunted house xD lol at "I lost my hand!"
LOL, Yoonhee at the EXO concert.
"There's a vampire in my " <-----priceless XD
Woah.. That's was scary.. But I've got to watch EXO concert~!! haha.. Sorry girls.. (^^,)v
I thought Soora was going to drag me out there but instead she was fangirling too.. haha
I always wanted to go to Lotte World!
I also wanna go to a EXO concert XD
Am I a pain? Mianhe unnie!~ :3