6. Luhan has a girlfriend?

Oh my Luhan, I fell In love with my master!

The rest of the day did not go smoothly. At all. 

I made a fool out of myself, not being able to answer the questions thrown my way. Tao tried helping me, to no avail. So much for making a good first impression. 

The bell rang. There goes my first day at school. I quickly packed my bag, remembering I have to work later. "Yoonmi, Want to hang out with me and my friends?" Tao asked, with a cute smile on his face. 

I shyly smiled, "T-That's okay, I still have work to do." His face fell, "Oh. Well okay! See you tomorrow!" He waved, before walking out of the classroom. Phew. Close call. 

I slung my bag over my shoulders and started walking home. Was it this way...? Or... Ah! That way! 


Luhan's POV.

School was over, I went to the cafeteria to meet the guys. And knowing Tao Oh-so-well, He'll probably bring Yoonmi with him. 

I walked over to our usual table, where the boys are waving to me. I waved back and smiled. "Hey, Do you like Yoonmi?" Chen popped a question. What? Me? The Maid? Noo way man.

"Yoonmi? Funny Joke, Chen." I looked at Lay, whose eyebrows cringed, "Yah hyung, waeyo? She's so cute." I nodded, "Sureee, She's so cute. Talking about that, It's the first time I hear you complimenting someone Lay, what's up?" 

He smirked, "Molla. I find this Yoonmi girl interesting. And talk about the angel." He nodded in a specific direction, making my eyes follow his. 

It was the girl of our conversation. She seems to be going home. Tao didn't bring her here? I raised an eyebrow, Does she even remember the way back? I shrugged, Whatever. It's not like I care. 

"HYUNGGGGGGGGG!" A loud whine was heard. I turned to the maknae, who was pouting deeply. "Waeyo?" I casually asked him. "Yoonmi! It's Yoonmi!" I frowned. Why is she the topic amongst us now? "What about her?"

He sat beside me, "She said she had work to do and couldn't hang out with her, She's cute hyung! Why can't you see that?!" He shouted in my face. Damn it, I know that she's cute, alright?!



Back to Yoonmi's POV.

Finally. I found the house. I'm not really good with directions. Actually, I'm not really good with anything at all.

I sighed and went to my room, setting my bag down before doing my chores. Once again, I saw a brown note sitting calmly on the desk.

'Hello Yoonmi, How was the first day of school? I just need you to make dinner for Luhan today, Me and Mr Lu will be home late, Take care and thank you!     -Mrs Lu.'

Okay, So it's just me and cooking. I knew how to cook, A little... I guess that'll do. It was just 3, that's way too early for dinner. What do I do now? I puffed my cheeks and decided to go out for a walk. 

I wore clothes that Mrs Lu kindly provided for me, and was about to go out when I heard the front door unlock. 

I froze at my spot, looking at the door, which swung open to reveal Mr. Perfect. I gulped. My heart started racing, for no reason. The only times my heartbeat increased was when I was scared. I was scared of Luhan? 

We met eyes and he smirked, "I guess you remembered the way back here." I looked at my feet, "Y-Yes.." Why do I feel so intimidated? 

Suddenly, He stepped towards me, making me take a step back, "Y-yes?" I lifted my head, "Can I help you?" He stared at me, not saying anything. Nothing at all. "W-What do you want for dinner?" He raised an eyebrow, "Can you even cook?" 

What can I cook? I went into panick mode, Ramen? Ramen?! RAMEN?! You can't expect Luhan to eat ramen, Yoonmi.

I guess he sensed my discomfort, "Just make whatever." I looked at him, "O-Okay." I bowed. "Were you going out?" I nodded, "Did you do your homework yet?" Oh shoot.

I shook my head. He frowned, "You want to get punished tomorrow? Do your homework first." I sighed inwardly. Who is he? My mother? And besides, I don't know anything about the subjects. How was I supposed to do my homework?

I pursed my lips, "Okay, I'm sorry." 

Without another word, He left me standing there, Again. What is wrong with this boy? Does he enjoy walking off without saying a word? I pouted to myself. Homework, Yoonmi. Homework! 

I begun walking back to my room. 


Luhan's POV.

What was that, Luhan? Homework? Really? I mentally facepalmed myself. The girl probably thinks I'm a freak. God. Wait. Why do I care about what she thinks of me? I shook the thought off my head, I don't.

I walked into my room and saw a note lying on the table. 'Luhan, We will be home late, Business meeting. Be nice to Yoonmi arra?    -Umma.'

I groaned. Whatever. 

Suddenly, My phone rang. What now?! I was frustrated, for no reason. I pulled out my phone and pressed answer, without looking at who called. 

"Yoboseyo?" I heard a giggle, "Luhan! You picked up!" Crap. That voice. That annoying high-pitched voice. I closed my eyes. 

"What do you want?" Su Jin chukled. "I'm coming to your house in 5 minutes. Bye Luhan, Chu!" With that, she hung up. What?! 5 minutes?! What in the world is wrong with this woman?


Yoonmi's POV.

I was trying to figure out my math homework, It was horrible. How do people even understand this? Out of the blue, the doorbell rang. 

I quickly ran to the front door, which wasn't very far away from my room. I opened the door, revealing an extremely pretty lady. My jaw nearly dropped. Nearly.

"Y-Yes?" I asked her, who seemed to be examining me. "I'm here to find my boyfriend." Boyfriend? My mind scanned the possible choices. It only came to one conclusion.

Luhan has a girlfriend? 




How was it?! OHHHH. I love you guys. ♥ Lovelovelove. :D Kekeke. ^^

  Do you enjoy destroying my ovaries, Luhan?!

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i need to re-read this every time I'm on the plane it's just too good!
Chapter 1: I'm reading this wonderful FF again ..... Right after I found out LUHANS DATING ... I support it all the way . This FF brings back the memories sigh
Chapter 45: Just what Xuimin would say!
Chapter 44: I just love~ the way you write! I'm craving more and more!
Chapter 42: You're amazing at writing lovey dicey fanfic! I'm fangirling so hard right now
Chapter 41: Wee~They slept together!!SOO CUTE!
Chapter 40: Hehe~ Cuddle? Hehehe. I love cuddles~
Chapter 38: There finally together!!!❤
Chapter 31: Yes! Find her Luhan! Find her with your heart!