The Birth of a Fanboy and All Changmin Complex \(((*°▽°*)八(*°▽°*))/

Fly Me Through Life

The virtual re-live of his past experience left Yoochun in a much shaking mess.

“Shhhhh....don’t worry...look..don’t worry okay...everything’s going to be alright..we’ll go through this together” Changmin used his softest tone trying to comfort this stranger that he had only met minutes ago. His shy self left as he opted to let his worries to the wind and hug the trembling First officer.

“....’sob’...’sob’....” still very much trapped in his rewinded nightmares Yoochun  kept sobbing and sniffing.

Silence reigned.

Seeing the interaction between their ddongsaeng and the crying co-pilot, Jaejoong quickly looked towards Yunho. Silent conversation between them played itself automatically, as identical thoughts formed.

‘Changmin has never shown that much affection towards strangers, much more skinship? Could it be that this is what he needs?’

‘...or is it just a spur of the moment, a need to protect an innocent soul? Nah, that was usually my(Jaejoong’s) job’

‘omo..then...Yunnie-ah! Does this mean that we’re finally getting a warm and breathing brother-in-law?and not just a warm soon to be devoured pre-heated food? I knew it ! i knew he was gay! Just like us!’

‘ err...Joongie –ah... between your pink apron , his time spent only seeing us doing mushy stuff to each other and his massive for anything edible...i’d say it’s good enough he is not Aual’

‘...but...but you love my pink apron! And he(Changmin) said that i look edible in it once...’

‘well i’d say, cause during that time you were cooking for him..thus the term ‘edible’...huhu’ yunho shook his head slightly for his partner’s naivety and his ddongsaeng’s obsession of and FOOD!!

‘er...Joongie-ah...sweetie...aren’t we suppose to think of the problem on our hands?’

‘uh ?! yeah you’re right!! We’re losing  our precious baby!!  And  don’t  think  i’ll  let  it  go without  a fight!  I’ll  drill  the  man  till  he  is  a  pile of mush for our Minnie!...Minnie ah..don’t worry Umma will make sure of that for you!!!’  determined with his resolution, Jaejoong pumped up his hands.

‘ know i don’t mean that right?’

‘ahhh!....then...?’ confusion clouded Jaejoong’s orbs.

‘i’m talking about finding a pilot capable of landing us safely to the stable ground cause we can’t hang around here flying till the tank empties itself ...’

‘owh..i knew that...’ sensing his partner’s  frustration in dealing with his ‘minnie complex’ Jaejoong quickly nod acting as if the thought had been bugging him too. Though the truth is plain for everyone to see...he was troubled more by his Minnie’s sudden interest in that...that...strange stranger with pouty lips, milky skin and expressive eyes....’wait... was that a compliment?’(*・ω・)(*-ω-)


Yunjae's telepathic conversation was then interupted when Xia grouched loudly, causing more than a few other passenger’s to turn .

“errr... as much as i love this moviefied scene done by you guys...i..i think...” Xia stopped in the middle of his sentence giving way to low giggles as he kept on eyeing the oblivious couple in front of him.

“boss, sir ...i don’t  think , that word exist.....” Keeping  a straight face , gruff voice questioned his boss’s sanity as Xia turned redder..’ why is boss turning red anyway??’

“Owh...hurm...really? well then ...ehem...just..just could you please just scoot closer together?” Xia’s question was then louder than he had intended as Yoochun’s sob was reduced to mere sniffles and Changmin’s coaxing had stopped.

“ What?” twin crest of brows greeted Xia’s request.

“ermm..i!  Go and man up ! i...i mean man the cockpit....a..and you! Go and follow him, make sure he is warm..i..i mean make sure he is warming up the...the engines!” Xia who was then too excited , trying desperately to prevent his nose from bleeding , stuttered his fanboy mind mixed with instructions...



“boss?... do you mean for the co-pilot to be a man , quite sobbing in the other man’s shoulder , stop doing their gay scenes and start making his way back to the cockpit?”

“urmmm...i don’t mean to stop doing their gay scenes...more like please do more...but true on the go and be the pilot thing!...huhu”


Hearing the words escaping the hijacker’s masked mouth, Yoochun realised the presence of a pair warm arms encircling him , warming his body , his heart.  Shocked he instinctively wringled his body out of the half embrace. Warmth coloured his rounded cheeks..’wh...what’s happening?’

‘thud...thud...wait..what am i feeling? I’m not falling in love right? I’ve only known him for a few hours..and it’s not even knowing, just more of seeing and watching him...’ Yoochun felt his heart thumping , his heartbeat escalating though only by a bit, it was enough to leave a sort of presences in his heart...’Am i falling again? Can i fall again ?‘

At the same time , Yoochun’s action, left Changmin staring at the ends of his shoes. Rejection was then painfully painted on his face, unknown to himself, his brows scrunhed, features pained.

‘why does my heart hurt so much after he released himself from me? ...tssk...not like i’m going to do anything to him!...right? I wasn’t intending on doing anything to him right?..aish... anyway he was the one who hit on me first! Tsssk...or..owh maybe he just doesn’t like skinship?..ah that must be the correct explaination...but aren’t flirtatious b------ suppose to be touchy? Arghhh..whatever...’

Xia who was then watching their expression drooled a little thinking that his OTP is slowly realising their feelings for each other and maybe planning on their very own garden wedding.

”ahhh!  I’m so going to attend it!!!!” Xia who was daydreaming, suddenly shouted...

“err..boss?” his troubled right hand man quickly whispered..’ you might want to wipe your mouth’re drooling...’



Wanting to quickly flee from the awkward situation between him and a certain long legged person that seemed to sent his heart on a marathon, Yoochun quickly took shaky steps towards the cabin. All cause he knew that he couldn’t run away again, at least not if he doesn’t want history to repeat itself.

Before he could really leave the aisle, a hand shot out, all hesitant, warm and comforting.

“you can do it! I believe in you...and we...we’re all different...different passengers..different plane...different you’ll do better..i believe in , you should too...” Changmin uttered his encouragement trying to help the man while interestedly looking at the frayed ends of his hyung’s scraf.

“.....errrr..wh..what?..i i..mean..thanks it means a lot”

And as soon as the words were spoken, Changmin’s hand loosened, leaving a lingering feel of home. Soft and comforting.

Yoochun nearly voiced out his objection of the abandonment, but his pride held on, so steps were resumed, aim set, life lived. A small smile grazed his lips as he was escorted to the opened door cockpit, all because of a certain a word uttered by another...’I believe in you...i believe in you should too...’


Once inside, the slumped body of his captain greeted him. Crimson painted the seat he was sitting on, all real wet and sticky, and then the weight of the situation hit him hard. That he was the only one left to turn this event into better light, the only one to make sure that this time there’ll be survivors too.

Though other than his he could actually get the field engineer to fly this plane but his pride held him on, his ego stood his ground. ‘this is my plane now. And no matter what happen i WILL land this safely! Cause it’s my responsibility, it’s my job, it’s what i was born to do. To fly’

His shoulders hunched with pulling responsibilities , lives at stake , but not unwelcomed as he slowly gripped the handle.

Deep breath were haled in as he turned off the autopilot button.

Then it was his flight. It was his fight.

And this time he will win it..he had too..


Lost in his musing Yoochun failed to notice the addition of another hesitant silhoutte in the cockpit.

“errrmmmm...i..i was instructed to come here by help..” Changmin awkwardly told Sunggyu the masked offencer, at the same time, succesfully cutting  through Yoochun’s thoughts.

“what? What do you mean by ‘to help’? can you help him land this plane? Hold the wheels when he wouldn’t? take his place?” irritated Sunggyu cut through harshly.

“uh..nono..i don’t know how to...but...i  guess i  can accompany him?”

‘owh i’m sure boss would love that...and maybe let him cry on you??huh!’ irritated Sunggyu merely rolled his eyes towards the pair.

“as long as you don’t effect his performance i don’t see the downside of it...” resigning to his Boss’s weird way of indulging his inner fanboy he sighed his answer to the situation.’ Well boss i hope you don’t bleed yourself to death out there thinking of what they might be doing here..’


Meanwhile , the yunjaesu trio was seen lost in their own thoughts all with all different emotions etched on their faces.

Xia who has then instructed yunjae to scoot over , had taken jaejoong’s seat . Red stained tissue was stuffed into his nostrils while he was seen giggling like a fanboy .

omo, wonder what they’re doing in there...hehe...i bet Changmin will be like ...don’t worry Yoochun-ah i’ll save you!..owh...owh and yoochun will ‘owh minnie my hero...(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ~♡i love you sooo much...muah..muah’..keke...but...then it will be minchun???? Nono...i love yoomin more so ..okok...

>>yoochun looked at changmin who just entered the cockpit with heated glare. Changmin sniffed pitifully then said out loud..’chunnie-ah i don’t want to die..’ seeing the breakdown yoochun tugged the younger’s body closer while telling him,’ everything will be alright ...don’t worry ok??you’ve got me now so it’ll be just fine...then they’ll both fly to the sunset ,, and live happily ever after, making lots of yoomin babies...<<

Xia’s inner imagination left him giggling like a fanboy he is. All loud , clear and weird attracting more than a few observers from the hostages, but all was lost as he resumed his Yoomin fantasies.’Never going to get enough of Yoomin..EVER!!! euu kyang kyang’


Meanwhile yunjae was seen both with matching serious facials but only with different reasons.

Yunho had fear and uncertainty painted clear in his thinned lips and dark turbulence eyes. His fist was gripped tightly thinking of their predicament. ‘how am i suppose to make sure that my Joongie and minnie get out of this alive?? That and the fact that uri Joongie is very much lost to his own world of Minnie complex..huhu...’

But that blondie won’t really do anything right?? He won’t kill any of us right? Well at least i know he won’t kill Minnie ,judging from his reactions just now...i bet he’d even protect minnie if he could help it...

‘but even so i need to make sure everyone makes out of this alive , well almost..’ yunho resign himself, on just going with the flow and when the need arised he’d know what to do, when to do, and how to do it and till then he’d have to settle to just holding his other half’s hand and make sure he doesn’t end up killing the First officer in his mind.

..’shudders...’ Joongie’s mind and’omma mode’ can be really scary, as Yunho thought back to the time when a boy accidentally tripped and poured juice down changmin’s back. The way Jaejoong literally shoot lasers through the boy left him in a shuddering mess of hiccups and apolagies later . and the boy was never seen again. Speculations circulate. Some said he changed school and moved to the city cause his father got a raised, some said it was because he came across aliens on his way home that day but none get it right. Cause really the only reason he tranferred was because Jaejoong was staring at him throughout the day.Sending death promises, for making his baby lose his favourite shirt that makes him look cool.

‘well his Joongie can be a diva sometimes and how can a mere blue shirt make a ten year old look cool?’ The fact still evades Yunho’s line of logics.

‘well either way i’ll protect this dysfunctional family of mine,all weird and diva-ish..but still mine.’

A smile carved itself on Yunho’s lips promising a better tomorrow ..’that is if he could help..



Jaejoong who was scrunching his brows took anxiety to another level as he grind his teeth together , very much like an agitated dog.

Huffs and puffs were spewed from his pouting lips as the thoughts of the uniformed man defiling his baby.

‘owh..nono..don’t even think about it First Officer-sshi!!! I’d die before i let you touch my baby!!’ Jaejoong drawled his words as he thought of the greasy man.

‘huh, his techniques are sooooo second class...not even at the same level with my precious Yunnie!!!’

‘And he though he could get my baby??well he thought WRONG!!!   Muahaha!!’

‘but what if Minnie wants him?....’

‘well i guess if Minnie wants him...and he is not that bad right? Just a little greasy nothing Jaejoong can’t fix with a few spatula here and there and hard breadsticks...’

‘owh he is sooo going to get ‘fixed’!!!’ jaejoong smirked as the images of Yoochun being knocked into sense by him literally and figuratively formed in his mind.



Hearing his Joongie’s animalistic growl coupled with a short crazed filled laugh Yunho tightened his grasp and turned. Only to be greeted with a dangerous glint in Jaejoong’s honeyed orbs.

‘ohuh...i smell trouble...Park Yoochun-sshi? Prepare for the ride of your life..literally!!’

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MAMA voting!!! Cassies help our boys please...go to my blog and read the details...:)) help our boys be the best of the best...


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start reading
final already?
nice ending unnie..:))
need more YooMin fic from you..^^
Chapter 9: so sequel is on demand now, hhehheheheh,
it's already good although a bit abrupt, so if u make it more, it will be great right!!!
Chapter 8: thanks for da link..:))
off to vote now..:)))
yaaay u're update,
so happy, *dancing like the crazy ones with changmin,
min will be there for supporting and comforting chun,
honestly, i am torn in between symphaty or laughing for yunho and jaejae,
i can't decided that they are funny or a overprotecting parents, Jaejae, hahaha
xia i support you!! No minchun, yes for yoomin, wkwkwk,
really love this,
xia is so funny, jae too, wkwkwkwk,
update soon ne, :D
yay my unnie updates her story.*winks*
this is nice chappy,update soon unnie..:)
'Be it ten years from now fifteen of even twenty.' isn't it supposed to be 'fifteen OR ever twenty?' i don't know.. you are the one with better english.. (continue reading)

awwww~~it is heart-touching when yoohwan said those stuffs to his ever-so-greasy brother.. and he died right after that!! drama-queen author~~ (continue reading)

"Let’s fly up the sky and fall in love.” mushy siwon.. >///<

kekeke.. war over chickens??? kekeke.. you sure put lots of cracks here.. not that i'm complaining.. XDD

the appearance of eunhae and sichul couple is kinda... i don't know.. something is missing.. is it because it is too short?? nah~~ not important anymore...

overall, chapter 2 is funnneh!! kekeke.. i bet more intense chapters is coming...

off to chapter 3.. okay maybe not now.. later okay?? <3
kekeke..'man-boy'.. kekeke

i've read this right?? but i do notice few changes you made..but i still read "Yun hyung and drive-thrus’ " as "Yun hyung and drive-’ ".. erted mind... ==''

off to chapter 2..<3